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pequeo pez payaso, es atrapado por un buzo con

una red y acaba en la pecera de un dentista para

ser el regalo de la sobrina del dentista.

Su padre emprende una larga bsqueda para

recuperar a su hijo.

Nemo es tirado al inodoro y acaba en el ocano, el

pequeo pez payaso y su padre se encuentran de
nuevo en el oceano.
Aparece una red pesquera y los atrapan junto a
otros atunes.
Al final Logran escapar, all se muestra que memo
termina de estudiar en la escuela y fueron una
familia feliz

a group og angry parents burned a man who take pictures of their

childrens naked, but the man returned in nightmare to kill them all.
A group of drillers sent by NASA to the space to destroy a asteroid,
the asteroid was going to eliminate the earth.

A small fish is trapped by a diver's net, it ends up in a dentist's

fishbowl to be a gift to his niece.
The father undertakes a great search
She was the most attractive and popular girl but one day
wakes up and she realizes that she has the body of a man of 30
years, so you will have to go through complicated situations until you
regain your personality

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