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Leeanne Joyce Mandac

English 11-Period 1

Mrs. Angulo

15 May 2017

Junior Reflective Essay

Junior Year has been the most challenging year in high school so far. I have had the

chance to face obstacles that allowed me to grow academically,socially, and personally. Before

Junior Year started, I didnt really take it into consideration that I was going to be taking three AP

classes. Three AP classes may not be much to some people but for me, three AP classes were a

lot, mainly because I only took one AP class my Sophomore year. Just having the thought of

staying up late doing homework and constantly studying for the AP tests almost made me drop

them but I decided that I needed to challenge myself and ended up taking three AP classes.

Throughout my Junior Year, I could honestly say that I am proud of myself due to the fact that I

decided to take AP classes and this made me into the person that I am today.

I am the kind of person that doesnt really reach out for help mainly because I feel like I

am wasting time. However, Junior Year taught me how to reach out for help due to the fact that

there are AP classes to study for all-year long, SATs, and ACTs. These tests taught me how to

utilize the resources that the school has. I started to go to after school tutoring sessions and even

Saturday tutoring sessions when the AP tests were just around the corner. This helped me grow

academically due to the fact that as I was going to tutoring sessions, it helped me gain more

knowledge about the subject. The Saturday tutoring sessions that I attended was hectic but

helpful at the same time. My teacher made us take a mock AP test and I could honestly say that it

helped me manage my time wisely. During the AP test, I had enough time to go over my answers
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twice. Throughout my junior year, tutoring sessions had helped me manage my time wisely and I

ended up utilizing schools resources.

During my junior year, I grew socially through choir. Before I got into choir, I am the

type of person that usually stay quiet while in a classroom setting. I never felt the need to speak

up or have a discussion about a topic with fellow students. However, through choir, I learned that

if you speak up about something that is bothering you, people will understand your situation and

could possibly help you. Choir had festivals and competitions that we had to rehearse for and this

helped me break the barrier that I had with other students. I started to open up more and speak

with fellow students. Choir has made me into the person that I am today. At first, I only

auditioned for choir because I needed an art credit but overtime, I learned that choir had helped

me so much that I wish I couldve auditioned my Freshman year. Throughout my junior year, I

grew socially through choir because it helped me open up more.

I got elected as Key Clubs treasurer for the 2017-2018 term on April and this helped me

grow personally. As a treasurer, I am responsible for holding fundraisers to help fund the club.

My first job was to hold a fundraiser during Relay for Life in Baldwin Park High School. I had to

get BPHSs approval by calling the person that was in charged of the event then had to go

through our schools ASB to have the paperwork approved. Though the work is tedious, I

manage to split my time wisely so I could do school work and other duties on different days.

Being the treasurer of a club helped me grow personally due to the fact that I am responsible for

helping fund the club, coming up with different fundraising ideas, and having to talk to people

that I have never talked to before. Throughout junior year, I grew personally through Key Club.

Junior year has shaped me into the person that I am today. I have grown academically,

socially, and personally. Academically because I learned how to ask for help when I needed it.
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Socially because choir had helped me open up more and talk with other students. Personally

because being a part of a club requires you to come up with different fundraising ideas each

month. Junior year has taught me how to utilize schools resources and how to be responsible. I

have gained more knowledge by going to tutoring sessions. Junior year has been the most

challenging year in high school so far but it is bearable and it teaches you lessons in different


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