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2-21 Sag co commission

1001mp3 birch run area comfort inn and convention and visitors bureau cvb
resolution continue to grow stronger
1:45 jerry preston pres cvb comm told u of student placed as a spy, not true
student working on tourism paper belleman email cvb promote tourism not less
than five years, dated august 2016, didnt learn of it for 6 months pub act 383 sets
pattern for tourism legislation saginaw co cannot rely on tax act?
5:48 laudatories petitions communications
6:41 opposing SRO closures resolution 12:35 vote dwan abstains kyle harris
votes no motion carries
1002mp3 committee reports courts/pub safety 2.1-2.3
County services 3.1-3.5 mcinerny exception 3.5 roll call vote pls stack yes kil no
mcin no theis no harris no hadsell yes krafft no oneal no webster no dwan no ruth
6:20 budget audit 4.1-4.3
8:10 labor relations 5:1-5:7
9:40 executive 6:1-6:3
13:00 resolutions misteguay creek intercounty drain note lawsuits pending so its
holed up room for an agreement but lots of parties involved, counties, townships,
property owners whole thing at once or piecemeal? who knows have other
counties approved? Yes
Number 9 drain note
Management agreement birch run no resolution, report died in committee
18:00 unfinished business katy kelly registrar of deeds customer service issue
dont offer any other form could be made available online but will cross that bridge
when it comes to it office is paying to have forms printed professionally, other
business charging same amount - $5 how much to be charged to print the form
booklet or description provided for info to the form

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