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Growth Documentary Henry Blackburn 3-21-16 P#7

The documentary Growth uses point-of-view, shapes, sharp contrast, and positioning to

show us that life, though at times seemingly unending, does indeed have an ending. Yet, we can

live on through the connections we make with others.

The viewers point-of-view, looking down on the scenes, gives a unique perspective on

the different things we do in life. Its an example of stepping back and looking at life from a

different angle, literally. The documentary exploits this different view to showcase things(roads,

tables, train sets, etc.) in life that resemble life.

These various objects we see are either the center of the shot or scattered throughout.

What each of these objects have in common is theyre either a circle or a line. Representing life

as either linear or infinite. The movie in itself is in a linear fashion. It follows interviews of

people from birth to death. From start to stop. It even contrasts an individuals statement about

life being infinite by cutting to black. Ending the film.

Although. The camera, as the viewers follow the film from old age back to youth, starts

to spin. Reinforcing the circular nature of life as the film goes on another circuit. It connects all

the interviews. All the people in one cycle. A similar feeling thats seen expressed on their faces

as they lay on the ground looking up at you, the reader.

This connection of thoughts. Feelings of life that live on. Even past the end of the film

through the connections made with the viewers, lives on. Even as individually, the lives of them,

us, the documentary, and this essay are linear.

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