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Rafael Gonzalez

12705 Bess Avenue Address, Baldwin Park, CA 91706

(626) 409-7422

September 18, 2016

Ms. Angulo
Sierra Vista High School
3600 N. Frazier St.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706

Dear Ms. Angulo:

I have decided to research the growing and controversial topic of Black Lives Matter. One of the
big events that sparked the fire of this movement was the shooting of teenage Michael Brown.
The most controversial part of the movement is the revisiting of the Treyvon Martin shooting.
What drew me to do this topic is the growing instances of violence due to Black Lives Matter,
no-one addressing that violence, and the deaths of more and more police officers, that are sworn
to protect us.

I plan to use my thesis to prove that Black Lives Matter is a corrupt movement and argue its
credibility. I plan to prove it by using the statistics and the news stories the media doesnt cover
and the current events Black Lives Matter members choose to stop from reaching other ears. The
growing deaths of police officers that are innocent to the group, the pattern of protest to see if the
movement is only used to shame whites or to stop violence against blacks in their own
neighborhood, and the true racism behind this movement will be my evidence to prove how
corrupt it really is.

My understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation is to write down somebody elses

words and not give them credit. I understand that Sierra Vista High School holds a high standard
of academic honesty that I will abide by. I will submit my research paper to
which checks for plagiarism. I also understand that if I were to copy or plagiarize my research
paper, I will not be given credit and this may result in a disciplinary action and possible failure of
the first semester of junior English.


Rafael Gonzalez

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