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Dennis Cortez

Carson Senior High

22328 South Main Street | Carson, 90745 | (310) 847 6000

My Objective is to get straight As for all of my 4 years in Carson High.
Another objective I am planning to achieve is to get to attend college
and study engineering.

Carson Senior High
High School Diploma | June 7, 2020
4.0 GPA

Previous Education
August 18, 2013 June 7, 2016
Andrew Carnegie Middle School | 21820 Bonita St
My responsibilities for middle school were to become more independent on the things I do.

September 8, 2006 June 7, 2013

Bonita St Elementary School | 21929 Bonita St
My responsibilities is to do my homework, and to do well in school. My hobbies are drawing,
cleaning, gardening, and exercising.

Awards & Acknowledgements

2 Honor Rolls, Student of the Month, Star of the Week, Perfect Attendance Certificate,
Certificate of Academic Excellence, 9 Perfect Attendance Ribbons, Culmination

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