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Theme Response

The novel 1984 by George Orwell has many themes. One is clearly the idea that rebellion can

liberate and progress. He also clearly warns people the dangers of running a totalitarian government such

as big brother. Both themes are played out by through the development of the character Winston. He

works for Big Brother erasing and rewriting history. He begins to realize the oppression and the

regression that Big Brother causes. As Winston reflects on the life he has under Big Brother he begins to

turn against Big Brother. Winston then believes he can harness the power of the poor and lower classes

to rebel against big brother and end the totalitarian rule.

Winston is then developed into a revolutionist and a rebel. He is caught by the thought police and

thrown into prison and tortured. He discovers the only point of their government is to have complete

power, no other purpose. Winston sees it as dangerous and damaging but is tortured until he believes

otherwise. George orwell wrote this novel to show the horrors of a corrupt and all powerful dictatorship.

He warns people to keep government limited. He had faith that a diverse population can get together to

rebel to better a government.

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