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The Pieces of a Heart from a Lost Soul

The Catcher in the Rye

Holden shows anger and depression often in the book, but he still has a heart that he

lets certain people see. Even Though Holdens heart is damaged, he feels very strongly about

certain people. Just like Holden I sometimes hide my inner self and only show them to my


According to the Learning Specialist, Mrs Mauck, Holdens heart is damaged because he has

experienced so much grief and loss. Holden is expressing his grief in unhealthy ways

throughout the story.

In school, Holden shows his angry and depressed side. He has no respect for

classmates or teachers, and refers to everyone as a phoney. For example, his teacher Mr.

Stradlater asks him to write an essay on anything. When Holden chooses to write about the loss

of his brother Allie, something that is sad for him, Stradlater tells him that it was not what he

wanted for the essay. Holden reacts by ripping the paper up and throwing it away. This is where

we see his anger.

All right, give it back to me, then, I said. I went over and pulled it right out of his

goddam hand. Then I tore it up.

What the hellja do that for? he said.

I didnt even answer him I just threw the pieces in the wastebasket
Holden Caulfield is a 16 year old boy who has been in New York for three days before he went

home. He has been going around to the places he went when he was a kid. He has been

thinking about his brothers and sisters trying to find himself again.

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