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VICERRA, Leandro Dan A.

Activity No. 1

In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, Jack and his team take ice
samples from a glacier that later cracks into two during the process.
According to the samples taken by Jack and his team, it reveals that global
warming caused the past ice age. His studies also show that another ice age
is possible within the next hundred to thousands of years if humans do not
do anything to save the current situation of the earth. Situations get worse
when weather conditions get worse. Hale in Japan, snow in India, and
tornadoes in Los Angeles. Jack now delivers the news that a climate shift is
possible therefore causing the next ice age. The storm gets worse and
floods the city of Manhattan then the water freezes over. Jack says that the
Northern Hemisphere of the earth will experience the ice age forcing the
people to evacuate to the southern hemisphere. The movie ends when the
storm is over and some survivors are saved by the government.

After this, humans would have to wait a few hundred to thousands of

years before the earth restores itself and reverts to the old climate before
the ice age. During the wait, humans on the southern hemisphere would live
through the wait and dont return to the northern hemisphere where
everything is frozen and is uninhabitable. Humans create a new civilization
in the inhabitable part of the earth and would continue to thrive until the
ice age is over after hundreds of years, when the ice age is over, humans
dont learn from the mistakes of their ancestors. Humans continue to thrive
and develop but still damage the atmosphere of the earth. Amidst their
development humans continue to abuse the earth. Therefore making it a
cycle where humans neglect nature until nature fights back.

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