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Read the sentences given below and tick () if it is true

and cross (X) if it is false.

1. Pubs have a rule : No children under 12.______

2. Coffee is not a popular drink in Britain. ______
3. Alexandra loves to smoke a cigarette inside the house. ______
4. People in Britain read newspapers everywhere. ______
5. Cars stop in Britain when you stand on the zebra crossing._____
6. The man makes fantastic Indian curries. ______
7. The child hates to go to Burger King. ______
8. The woman watches cooking programms every day. ____

Sheet 4
Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases.

make fantastic Indian curries typically British

stand on the zebra crossing
have a terrible diet
1. It is not allowed to _________________________because
a car can hit you.
2. If you ________________________ you can get fat.
3. All my Indian friends _________________________.
4. This family is a __________________________ family .

Sheet 3

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