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Education in our country has been a controversial topic, recently a new educations
law came into force, and this has started a discussion about what is the real
problem with the education in Mexico.

The society has changed a lot and the education too. Nevertheless, the school is
stuck in the past in some way. Nowadays it is impossible to teach to the new
generations that are interacting with new technologies with a methodology that
were used in the past.

Without a doubt there is a need for a new culture to favor learning, where teacher
and student adapt to changes and together seek new ways of learning through
innovation and technology, using creativity, to achieve a balance between the
structure of the institution: norms, official guidelines; and the individual like values,
beliefs and culture.

All educational process has to generate all the necessary conditions that can
guarantee quality of opportunities to help formation of people who be able to make
a life plan, people that be responsible, critics, analytics, creative and able to
practice a democratic life and set up a fair society.

Is necessary a real change in the education; It is not enough only with a

restructuring of the problems that can be noticed with a gaze and are more
obvious, it is not possible to improve education by only imposing to teachers and
students what they must be or do, it is necessary to make an analysis of all the
needs within each school and work from where we belong; as a student, as a
teacher, as parents, as society; not to blame others or wait for the other to do
something, just do something about it, otherwise, there will be no improvement in

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