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About Me

To whom it may concern,

Hello my name is Kayla Clough. I am a senior at santa susana high school. I have spent all my four
high schools there. I am a (wannabe) artist. I enjoying drawing in traditional and digital. I hope to
follow a career in the art field. Even tho I am not sure what I'm going to do, but i still have time to
explore. I will definitely continue are in college, which keeps getting closer and closer. Maybe I will
be an illustrator?

In my four years in school I have taken many art classes: basic design, digital photography, Avd.
Drawing and painting, AP studio art and commercial illustration. These classes have been a great
experiment, teaching me things that help my art and motivate me. I plan to get a certification in
visual arts. I am part of a art club at school and participate in school. My grades may not have
started out that good but I have been trying very hard and they are pretty good. Pretty proud of

I'm not all school tho. I spend time with friends and some quality alone time with youtube and
food. My family is a big part of my life, even tho i'm an only child, i have many little cousins that
look up to me(i gotta be a good example). One of my biggest weakness is my procrastination but in
the end i get the job done (even if it's last minute). Thank you for reading about me, hope you have
a great day and enjoy the rest of my senior project.


Kayla clough

Senior Project Creator

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