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May 17, 2017

To Whom it May Concern:

I have been working with Ms Remillard for the past year at Muir Lake School. She has been
teaching grades 3,4,7, 8, and 9. I have been working as an EA in her grade 7 and 8 classrooms.

Jill has been a huge asset to Muir Lake this year. She came to us in September with energy,
enthusiasm, and lots of creative ideas. Jill has worked very hard to be both organised and
efficient with her lesson plans and assessment. She is always one step ahead and, therefore,
can keep all her students motivated and interested, even her high achievers.

Our students have developed a good relationship with Jill. Whilst working hard to maintain
discipline she has developed a great rapport with them with her great sense of humour. She has
gone the extra mile to make sure that junior high students with emotional concerns have the
support they need. The students also have a lot of respect for her obvious subject knowledge.

While Jill has challenged her highly motivated students, she has also adapted her teaching to
include everyone. She is very approachable and understanding of students needs. The special
needs students included in our classroom environment have been well cared for. Jill adapts the
programs of study to allow children at all levels of learning to succeed. Her lessons include
group and project work which allows them to work at their own pace. The projects are always
creative and engaging.

As well as being diligent with her curriculum teaching, Jill has also worked many extra-curricular
hours producing a play and working on an, Night of the Arts. She has coached volleyball and
basketball teams. Jill has also offered gardening, film studies, and drama for her CTF classes.
She really has a broad repertoire of skills.

It is noticeable that Jill makes herself available to the students and works alongside them to help
them achieve their best. Jill is a team player at Muir Lake School as Im sure she will be at any
school that gives her the opportunity. We will be sad to lose her.

Karen Fisher (E.A. Muir Lake School)

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