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1. Each qualified team should build their own rig model before competition day.
2. The rig model presented and tested will be evaluated based on the given criteria.
3. Each qualified team is given an option to make a detailed blueprint in a form of report or
design proposal.
4. Participants only allowed to make a report/proposal based on the content of the blueprint
submitted before.
5. There is no formatting rules applied on report/proposal. Participants are encouraged to
make it creatively.
6. Detailed blueprint should be submitted before January 26th, 2017 to with the following subject format below:
[Detailed Blueprint]_[Team Name]
7. Detailed blueprint should be in .pdf format, with format of title below:
Detailed Blueprint_OGIP2017_Team Name
8. Printed report/proposal (4 copies) and presentation slide should be submitted maximally
during Technical Meeting (January 30th, 2017)
9. Presentation slide should be in .ppt or .pptx format, with format of title below:
Presentation_ORD_OGIP2017_Team Name
10. Any delay of submission leads to disqualification of the team concerned.

1. The Leg of rig model is ranging from 250-270 mm.
2. The Height from bottom to top of the rig max. 750 mm.
3. Rig Area should inside the circle with diameter of 890 mm.
4. The materials used to build the oil rig model are freed to the participants with your own
innovative rig model.
5. The detailed model specification is as shown below:
1. Presentation session will be held on January 31st, 2017.
2. Each team given maximum 10 minutes for presentation, 15 minutes for Q&A section, and
5 minutes for testing section.
3. Participants are encouraged to wear formal attire during the presentation session.
4. Audio signals will be used to mark the last 2 (two) minutes and the end of each
presentation session.
5. Only judges that can ask question to the presenter. Audience isnt allowed to do so.
6. Judges will decide the winner based on the asessment criteria. The top 3 (three) team with
the highest score will become the winners.
7. Judges decision is absolute.

1. Weight and Load (20%)
The rig will be tested to hold the load in both on the ground and floating. The maximum
load that will be applied to the rig is not limited (committee will provide load until 7 kgs).
The assessment will be based on the ratio between rig weight and the load that can be
accommodated by the rig while on the ground and floating. The smaller ratio of rig weight,
the better mark you get.
2. Creativity and Build-Ability (20%)
Based on your innovation on rig model, technology, and material used.
3. Detailed Model (20%)
Detailed model here means the oil rig model have to include any equipment used in oil rig
(i.e. office, mud tank, etc.). The more detail model, the higher score will be given.
4. Multimedia Presentation (40%)
The multimedia presentation is based on participants creativity in which contain project
brief (case study, basic concept, creativity-innovation/new features, types of materials
used for every part, economical side, how the oil rig model faces the future oil and gas
challenges). Every group will be given 10 minutes to present oil rig model, 15 minutes for
Q&A section and 5 minutes for testing section.
Jack Field is located in Gulf of Mexico which discovered in 2004. The depth of the field is
7000 ft with MD of 29000 ft. The field has 3-8 ft of wave range and 10-30 knot of wind speed in
normal condition. Additional information regarding to the field conditions are attached on the next
part of this file.
By this information, participants are obligated to design platform facilities of semi-
submersible as creative as possible with the variety innovations that suit the needs of this field.
Additional Information

Water Temperature at The Area

Water Salinity at The Area

Any change of rules, briefing to the competition, and other details regarding to the
competition will be informed directly to delegates email and explained during technical
meeting before the competition being held.

Organizing Chairperson
M. Rizal Faraysi
Phone: +62 858788100032
Line id: rizalfaraysi
Email :

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