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This semester I had a subject in my programme that I enjoyed, the name of this

subject is Clsicos de la comunicacin dictated by the professor Claudio

Salinas, it is a cathedra the Wednesday at the 08:30 hours on clock. In this
class, I need to read all the text in bibliography, analyzed and comprehend the
contents that the authors postulates. In this course, I learned about the
communications investigation in the century XX, I read the postulates of
Adorno, Lazarsfeld, Umberto Eco, Ortega y Gasset, Walter Benjamin. With my
classmates, we had studied the principal currents of investigation in
communication, the School of Frankfurt, the Mass Communication Research,
and we analyzed the beginning of the mass society, the consolidation of the
industrial capitalism and how the formation of this process affect to the social
Personally, I like this subject because the content that I learned in this class it
was help to develop abilities to research and know the academic method to
knowledge. The professor it is a great academic in this area of investigation, is
a good teacher and his intention it is that all the classmates learn about the
content of the subject that he dictate.

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