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What is floor plan?

Floor plan:

A floor plan is a drawing that illustrated by draftsman, which

shows the Floor plans usually show the measurements
(called dimension lines) for how long things are in real life in
2 dimensional drawings. Floor plans may be drafted to scale,
which means reducing the size of a drawing so the whole
room can fit on a piece of paper.

The purpose of floor plan

Floor plan are used to help visual certain projects

that are uses in building designs. Floor plans have
keys that help you to implement what you are going
to do in your project.

What is the purpose for this project?

This a project for CCLC, which means this go to

Barbados and being marked to the highest standard.
This project takes a lot out of the me as I used the
skills that I have learned from last year.
Description of the project

This project is basic skilled knowledge and interaction of how you can
use basic geometrical maths to build a grade scale floor plan. This
project will come with overdue stress and miscalculation but this
project is quit basic and simpe to aplly and comprehend.
The first thing you will need to do is establish your scale
and shapes that are going to be used in this

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