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Coffe benefits for health

Coffee is a source of natural antioxidants

In our country the coffee is not just a drink, it's a lifestyle. We do a break at work, we go
for a coffee; if we have an informal chat with someone, stay for a coffee, and so on,
many things in our culture are accompanied by coffee. This elixir that many times turn
to first thing in the morning has been persecuted sometimes unfairly by bad reputation.
However, studies are showing their protective effect on health.

The latest, published this week in "Journal of the National Cancer Institute", suggests
that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of developing malignant
melanoma. In particular, research, with a sample of 447,357 people, concluded that
those who drank four or more cups a day had a 20% lower risk. Other studies have
linked your intake with a protective effect on the liver, against diabetes, the prkinson,
the alzheimer and some types of cancer.

Myths have also been removed as it is bad for cardiovascular health. In fact, a study
published in 2012 in the journal "The New England Journal of Medicine "concluded
that taking three cups of coffee daily, caffeinated or decaffeinated, could reduce by
10% the risk of death from cardiac, respiratory diseases, cerebrovascular injuries and
accidents, diabetes and infections.

Another research, conducted with the ancient inhabitants of the Greek island of Ikaria,
of longevity related to the consumption of boiled coffee concluded that "We have seen
that the ancient islanders who drank boiled coffee have better cardiovascular endothelial
function. When there is dysfunction in the endothelium, the arteries become stiffer and
more frequent heart attacks and thrombi happened "explained Gerasimos Siasos,
professor of Athens University and author of the paper published in "Vascular

In a natural product, resulting from a mixture of thousands of substances, is difficult to

determine what makes it beneficial, although the two most studied components are
caffeine and antioxidants. "Coffee is one of the most important sources of antioxidants
of the plant world. In the prevention of certain diseases play a more important role
antioxidants, explains Dr. Mariano de la Figuera, internist, family practitioner,
consultant and member of the Information Center Coffee and Health.

Although caffeine is sometimes perceived as a negative ingredient, It is advisable not to
take more than 4-5 cups of coffee a day. "Massive intakes can provoke detrimental
effects on the nervous system, palpitation, tachycardia, insomnia and increased blood
pressure," says Dr. De la Figuera.

Although this substance increases the heart rate and can elevate blood pressure in a
timely manner, "there is no reason why a well-controlled hypertension can not
drink coffee. Any individual who is hypertensive or suffer any heart disease can take,
in principle until 4 or 5 cups of coffee, since it has never been able to demonstrate their
harmful nature in relation to cardiovascular disease,says Dr. Enrique Galve, Member of
the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC).

Despite the beneficial effects of coffee consumption "in children under eight years, in
people with neuropsychiatric disorders, in which consumption can trigger anxiety, panic
attacks and insomnia is discouraged; and in some patients who are always with
tachycardia "says De la Figuera.

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Publicado 26th January 2015 por Jorge Garca

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