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PSpice Simulation - Characteristic Curves for a BJT

If we draw the circuit on the right, we can obtain the

Characteristic Family of Curves for a BJT.
Start Capture CIS and create a new project called
transistor curves.
The values entered for the sources IB and VCC on the
schematic do not matter as both are modified by
PSpice during the DC Sweep Analysis.
Draw the circuit on the right.
Use the value for R1 as shown on the right.
At the Collector of Q1, place a Net Alias called IC.
At the top of the current source, Place a Net Alias
called IB
For Q1, the Q2N2222, modify the PSpice Model to the parameters shown below.

Create a New Simulation Profile called Transistor Curves for DC Sweep. Enter the values
for the Primary Sweep using the values in the following graphic.

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PSpice Simulation - Characteristic Curves for a BJT

CL and place a check in Secondary Sweep. Enter the values in the following graphic.

CL on OK to close the window.

Place Current probes at IB the and the Net Alias IC
Run the simulation. Your Probe output should be similar to the following.

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