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Unit 33 Assignment 4 Questionnaire

1. Does it appeal to the target audience(4-11)?

10 people said yes.

All the people thought it was good so I dont have to change that.

2. Rate it out of 10?

7 people said 10.
3 people said 9.


3 Does it have music or a voice over?

10 said both music and a voice over

I dont have to add anything because it has both which fits the criteria.

4 Are the animations good enough?

10 people said yes

I dont have to change anything because they all think it was good enough.

5 Does it run for long enough?

10 said just right.

They thought it is long/ short enough for the animation to be played.

6 Does it introduce the characters enough?

10 people said yes.

This means I will not have to change the amount of information in it when I add the
voice over.
7 Is it clear what the animation is working with?
10 people said yes.

Meaning everyone saw and recognised the BBC logo at the end.

8 Does it look professional?

10 people said yes.

The views seem to think it is a good animation. However, personally I would have liked
to keep the camera a little more still during filming.

9 Overall comments?

The comment are pretty much all the same.

Including things like

Interesting plot
Smooth animation
Nice background music
Nice set
Good voice over
Cool characters

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