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EFL 10


EFL 10.

1. ,

1) Razlika otpornosti

2) Otpornost izolacije

3) Temperatura kabla

4) Omnetajuci AC i DC naponi

5) Kapacitivnost kabla

2. .

1) Greska curenja

2) Greska pauze


3. EFL 10 (DTF distance to fault)

( DTS distance to strap) .
, EFL 10 :
, .

. 1

4. .

Ukljicivanje i iskljucivanje instrumenta Promena poduzne otpornosti

Ukljucivanje ili iskljucivanje svetla na Kretanje kroz meni ili promena

displeju vrednostii

Memorisanje rezultata merenja Potvrda neke opcije

Kretanje kroz meni ili promena

Prikaz liste memorisanih rezultata

Promena debljine provodnika Promena temperature

Povratak u glavni meni instrumenta Stampanje rezultata merenja

Kretanje kroz meni ili promena Kretanje kroz meni ili promena
vrednostii vrednostii

Pokretanje ili zaustavljanje procesa

Prikaz pomoci

5. on/off .

. 1

6. (loop resistance2wire):

( enter).

Moramo ih kratko spojiti na daljem kraju

Zila A u tacku A,zila B u tacku B

. ? .

prvo izmeri ometajuce AC/DC napone

. ():

Ra=Rb=480Ohm Rl = 960ohm DTS=3.602km,Temp=8 C,Cable=7.493ohm/m

GAUGE 0,4 0,6.

. ?

Priomenila se duzina kabla (povecala),Cable=16.860ohm/m

. ?

Takodje se promenila duzina kabla u odnosu ba bakarni provodnik debljine 0.4 dok se u
predjenju sa bakarnim kablom duzine 0.66 smanjila.Cable=10.533ohm/m

8 20.
. ?

Utice n aduzinu kabla DTS=4.820km i na Cable 10.026ohm/m

. 1

(loop resistance2and GND):

Moramo kratko spojiti zile na daljem kraju i uzemljiti ih

. ?

Uab=-217,4 ,Ua0=10.85 , Ub0=10.63 ovo su jednosmerni DC naponi

Uab=25.47mV ,Ua0=294.5mV , Ub0=269mV ovo su naizmenicni AC naponi

. ():

Rb=810Ohm Ra=812Ohm Rl=1.622kM DTS=6.078km

GAUGE 0,4 0,6.

. ?

Rb=810Ohm Ra=812Ohm Rl=1.622kM DTS=13.68km

8 20.
. ?

Rb=810Ohm Ra=812Ohm Rl=1.622kM DTS=13.03km

8. (loop resistanceshort):

. 1

() 6k,
( ).

9. - (loop resistance calibration of test


Moramo ih kratko spojiti na daljem kraju dok na blizem kraju Kabal A ide u tacko A kabal b
ide u tacku B kabal C ide u tacku C i kabal D ide u tacku D

, 150m.


10. (resistance difference):

Moramo ih kratko spojiti na daljem kraju i spojiti ih sa masom

Zila A u Tacku A dok Zila B ide u tacku B

. ?


. ( ):

. 1

DeltaR=Ra=Rb=-12.34Ohm Rl=1.256kOhm Ra=634.2 Rb=621.8

11. . .

6.5 Setting cable length

The calculation system of the EFL 10 can be inverted if the total length of the cable, i.e. the distance
between the near end and the strap at the far end, is known (e.g. from a cable layout plan). After
pressing the W/m key, the length of the cable should be entered into the inverted box by the numeric
keys, and should be acknowledged by ENTER. (To correct typing errors, just fill in the box, and start
again by typing the correct value.)
The setting of the cable length, as explained above, can be applied in the following operation modes.

Pritiskom na dugme W/m trebamo uneti duzinu kabla a zatim je potvrditi opcijom ENTER

Fault location modes: Instead of entering the gauge and temperature, and then reading DTS
(Distance To Strap), the length of the cable L can be entered, allowing the EFL 10 to calculate the
distance Lx of the measured Lx/L relative distance.

Duzina kabla moze se uneti omogucavanjem EFL 10 da izracuna udaljenost Lx od relativne


Capacitance / 2-WIRE mode: The user can enter the length of the cable L, allowing the EFL 10 to
calculate the nF/km value of the cable capacitances. Insulation / 2-WIRE and Insulation / 2-WIRE &
GND modes: The user can enter the length of the cable L, allowing the EFL 10 to calculate the
GOhm/km values of the insulation resistance.

Korisnik moze da udje u duzinu kabla omogucavajuci EFL 10 da izracuna vrednost otpora

. 1

Break location and Split location modes: A similar method can be used in these modes. The user
can enter the length of the cable L, allowing the EFL 10 to calculate the absolute value of Lx (or L1,
L2 and L3) of the measured Lx/L (or L1/L, L2/L and L3/L) relative distance.

Korisnik moze d audje u duzinu kabla omogucavajuci EFL 10 izracunavanje apsolutne vrednosti
Lx (ili L1, L2 i L3).

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