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Apparitions of The Medjugorje and Rwanda

Brennen Fenton
Miss Schmidt
Honors English 9
May 1, 2017
The town of Medjugorje has been having popular visionaries visit and perform

apparitions. Apparitions are when people go into deep conversations with Mary our mother and

the visionaries say that Mary tells them messages. When the people see the visionaries, everyone

gathers around and see if they can see Mary, but they usually just listen to what the visionary

says after she talks to Mary our Mother. Both Medjugorje and Kibeho, Rwanda has had

sightings of apparitions. Immaculee Ilibagiza is the author of the book Left to Tell and

throughout the books she finds herself having a very strong connection with Mary our Mother.

The town of Medjugorje is in the region of Bosnia. The blessed Virgin Mary has been

appearing here and would send messages out to the world. Some of the visionaries that have

seen/ talked to Mary are: Mirjana Soldo, Ivanka Elez, andMarija-Lunetti. These people claimed

that they have seen the Virgin Mary and say that she has sent a message to them and to tell the

world about. The documentary our class watched talked about how millions of people come to

Medjugorje to experience what everyone talks about Mary. People that go to Medjugorje are

sometimes changed because they have received the message that Mary has been trying to tell

everyone. One important message that Mary send Mirjana was Do not be afraid to speak the

truth. Do not be afraid to change yourself and the world spreading love. I think that Mary sent a

very important message to Mirjana because more people around the world need to hear what she

is saying and they can become a follower of God.

Medjurgorje is not the only place to have apparitions spotted. On November 28, 1981,

there was an apparition in the school where Alphonsine Mumreke went to, she was a 17-year-old

and in her first year at the secondary school of Kibeho. Alphonsine said that she was in the
dining room of the school. She then heard a calling and she knelt on her knees and began to talk

to Mary. Mary said to Alphonsine I have come to calm you, because I have heard your prayers.

I would like your friends to have Faith, because they do not believe strongly enough.

In the book Left to Tell written by Immaculee Ilibagiza it talks about everything she has

been through and what she had to do to get through it. This book is about a girl who survives the

Rwandan Genocide where hundreds of thousands were killed and she wouldnt have survived

without praying to God. Immaculee and seven others women hide in a small bathroom trying

survive the genocide. Immaculee talks about how she would go into deep prayers with God for

over six hours straight. In the book, it says I loved praying, going to church, and everything

else to do with God. I especially loved the Virgin Mary (Ilibagiza 6). This quote that

Immaculee talks about relates to Medjgojre because both talk about how important praying is

and how the Virgin Mary is always with us.

Medjugorje might be the more popular town to have apparitions but these messages that

are being sent from Mary are for all of us to follow her and pray more. Mary has shown herself

not only through visionaries but also Immaculee during some dark times for her. The Virgin

Marys message is the same for everyone but she will put them in different ways to different

visionaries. This is one main reason why the world needs to see these apparitions themselves.
Work Cited

Tardif, Thrse Tardif. "Home." Michael Journal - For the Social Credit Monetary Reform. 1
Oct. 2001. Web. 30 Apr. 2017.

"Medjugorje Web." The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje. Web.
30 Apr. 2017.

"Mirjana - Medjugorje Visionaries." Mirjana - Medjugorje Visionaries - Web.

30 Apr. 2017.

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