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China has been stealing the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan and Taiwans

land piece by piece. This is making their sea land very limited. China already agreed to

the 200 miles radius law along with all the other countries that share the South China

Sea. Some of the land in the South China Sea is also international waters. Now that

China has tried to take all of the South China Sea, it is causing commotion from all other

countries. China tried to do it silently but now the whole world knows about it and is

trying to stop it. If China takes all the international land the whole world would decrease

in their trade sales. It is the greatest valued trade route in the whole world. An estimated

$5.3 trillion worth of goods passes through the sea every year. This is about 30 percent

of the global maritime trade. Along with the trade there is $1.2 trillion worth of annual

trade with the United States of oil. Oil is just one of the natural resources in the South

China Sea. Some other resources include gas and tons of fish. There is 11 billion

barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the South China Sea. There is

also an estimated 10 percent of the global fisheries in the sea as well. If China proceeds

with their nine-dash line and creating islands, they would be stealing other countries

land, along with international land. China would also decrease the amount of trade

globally because it would be their waters now. We, as the United States are involved

with many allies along the South China Sea. The United States people should care

because this would decrease most of our trade and our natural resources. Everyone

should care because now we would have limited resources that come from there.

Although we do get resources from other places such as Canada and Mexico, the South

China Sea contributes to our economy Everyone relies on this area. China is our

greatest trade partner in the world. If China takes over the sea, everyone would be
closed off to trade and resources. Countries along the South China Sea appreciate that

land greatly because it allows them to resources in their boundaries and the fishing

industry along with trade. Even countries not directly involved with the conflict

appreciate the sea and all the natural resources that come from it. China should realize

that most of the world trade and natural resources are from the South China Sea and

should allow everyone to have a piece of it.

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