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Dungeons & Dragons 3.

5 Edition Index Deities
Collected by Chet Erez (
October 1, 2007

Table of Contents Page

Index................................................................................................... 2 Goliath ........................................................................................................26
Core Deities........................................................................................ 4 Halfling.......................................................................................................27
Campaign Settings.............................................................................. 6 Human ........................................................................................................27
Greyhawk......................................................................................................6 Orc ..............................................................................................................27
Forgotten Realms..........................................................................................9 Minor Humanoid Racial Deities ................................................................28
Mulhorandi ...........................................................................................14 Illumian.................................................................................................28
Eberron........................................................................................................15 Raptoran ...............................................................................................28
Sovereign Host......................................................................................15 Tortle ....................................................................................................28
Dark Six ................................................................................................15 Monster Deities................................................................................ 29
Silver Flame..........................................................................................16 Demon ........................................................................................................29
Other .....................................................................................................16 Devil ...........................................................................................................29
Minor Campaign Settings...........................................................................17 Dragon ........................................................................................................30
Cynidicean ............................................................................................17 Undead........................................................................................................30
Dark Sun ...............................................................................................17 Other Monstrous Deities ............................................................................31
Historic Deities................................................................................. 18 Environment-based Deities .............................................................. 33
Asgard .........................................................................................................18 Frostburn.....................................................................................................33
Aztec ...........................................................................................................19 Sandstorm ...................................................................................................33
Babylonian ..................................................................................................19 Stormwrack.................................................................................................34
Mesoptamian...............................................................................................20 Additional Deities ............................................................................ 35
Olympic ......................................................................................................21 Exalted ........................................................................................................35
Pharonic ......................................................................................................22 Warrior .......................................................................................................35
Racial Deities ................................................................................... 23 Misc. ...........................................................................................................36
Drow ...........................................................................................................23 Appendix.......................................................................................... 37
Dwarf ..........................................................................................................24 Revision History.........................................................................................37
Elf................................................................................................................25 Key to Sourcebooks ...................................................................................37
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007

Brother Shell ..........................28 Forsetit....................................18 Incabulus ..................................6
A Fortubo .....................................6 Io........................................ 30
C Fraz-Urbluu...........................29 Ishtar................................ 19, 20
Aasterinian .............................30
Frey ........................................18 Ishtishia ................................. 34
Abbathor ................................24 Callarduran Smoothhands......26
Freya.......................................18 Isis ............................... 14, 22
Adad .......................................20 Cegilune .................................31
Frigga .....................................18 Istus ..........................................6
Aegir ......................................18 Celestian...................................6
Fury ........................................15 Iuz.........................................7
Aengrist..................................33 Chaav .....................................35
Aerdrie Faenya.......................25 Chalchihuitlicue .....................19 G J
Afflux .....................................30 Chautea.....................................9
Akadi........................................9 Chronepsis..............................30 Gaerdal Ironhand ...................26 Jascar ........................................7
AlAkbar ..................................6 Cihuacoatl ..............................19 Garagos ....................................9 Jergal ..................................... 10
Al-Ishtus.................................33 Clangeddin Truesilver........9, 24 Gargauth...................................9 Joramy ............................... 7, 33
Allitur .......................................6 Corellon Larethian .............4, 25 Garl Glittergold ..................4, 26 Juiblex ................................... 29
Alobal Lorfiril........................25 Cyndor......................................6 Garyx......................................30
Altua.......................................35 Cyric.........................................9 Geb .........................................14 K
Andropinus.............................17 Cyrollalee ...............................27 Gelf Darkearth........................26
Ka ...................................... 31
Angharradh ............................25 Geshtai................................6, 34
D Kaelthiere .............................. 31
Anhur .....................................14 Ghaunadaur ......................10, 23
Kalok Shash .......................... 16
Annam....................................31 Gilgamesh ..............................19
Dagon .....................................29 Kanchelsis ............................. 36
Anshar ....................................19 Girru .......................................19
Dahak .....................................19 Kavaki ................................... 26
Anu...................................19, 20 Glasya.....................................29
Dallah Thuan..........................27 Keeper ................................... 15
Anubis ....................................22 Glautru....................................28
Dalt...........................................6 Kelanen.................................. 36
Apep .......................................22 Glutton....................................26
Dark Six .................................15 Kelemvor............................... 10
Aphrodite ...............................21 Gond.......................................10
Deep Duerra .......................9, 24 Ki....................................... 19
Apollo ....................................21 Gorm Gulthyn ..................10, 24
Deep Sashelas ..............9, 25, 34 Kiaransalee ...................... 10, 23
Arawai....................................15 Gorm .....................................17
Delleb .......................................6 Kikanuti................................. 31
Artemis...................................21 Grazzt....................................29
Demeter..................................21 Kithin..................................... 28
Arvoreen ................................27 Grolantor ................................31
Demogorgon ..........................29 Kol Korran ............................ 15
Asmodeus...............................29 Grumbar .................................10
Deneir.......................................9 Konkresh ............................... 35
Astilabor.................................30 Gruumsh.............................4, 27
Diirinka ..................................31 Kord..................................... 4, 7
Athena ....................................21 Guardian of the Dead Gods ...36
Dionysus.................................21 Kossuth.................................. 10
Atroa ........................................6 Gwaeron Windstorm..............10
Dispater ..................................29 Kostchtchie............................ 29
Atzetuk ...................................17
Dol Arrah ...............................15 H Kuliak .................................... 26
Aulasha ..................................28
Dol Dorn ................................15 Kurell........................................7
Dorsain ...................................30 Hades......................................21 Kurtulmak ......................... 4, 31
Dragon Below ........................16 Haela Brightaxe................10, 24 Kyuss..................................... 36
Auril ...................................9, 33
Dreaming Dark.......................16 Haku .......................................33
Averternus..............................34 L
Dregoth...................................17 Halmyr....................................35
Druaga....................................19 Hamanu ..................................17
Azul........................................33 Labelas Enoreth..................... 25
Dugmaren Brightmantle ....9, 24 Hanali Celanil ........................25
Azuth........................................9 Laduguer ......................... 10, 24
Dumathion..........................9, 24 Hanseath.................................24
Lalali-Puy .............................. 17
B Duthila....................................28 Hathor...............................10, 24
Laogzed ................................. 31
E Lastai ..................................... 35
Baalzebul................................29 Heimdall.................................18
Lathander............................... 10
Baervan Wildwanderer ..........26 Heironeous ...........................4, 6
Ea .................................19, 20 Lendor ......................................7
Bahamut .............................4, 30 Hel ......................................18
Eadro ................................31, 34 Lendys ................................... 30
Bahgtru...................................27 Helm.......................................10
Ehlonna ................................4, 6 Levistus ........................... 29, 33
Balder .....................................18 Hephaestus .............................21
Eilistraee.............................9, 23 Lirr............................................7
Balinor....................................15 Hera ........................................21
Eldath .......................................9 Llerg .........................................7
Bandobaris .............................27 Hercules..................................21
Elebrin Liothiel ......................25 Lliendil .................................. 28
Bane .........................................9 Hermes ...................................21
Enlil ..................................19, 20 Lliira ...................................... 10
Baphomet ...............................29 Hermod...................................18
Erebus.....................................36 Loki ....................................... 18
Baravar Cloakshadow............26 Hestia......................................21
Ereshkigal...............................20 Lolth ............................ 4, 10, 23
Bast.........................................22 Hextor...................................4, 6
Erevan Ilesere.........................25 Lord fo Blades....................... 16
Bel ......................................29 Hiatea .....................................31
Erivatius .................................36 Loviatar ................................. 10
Belet-ili ..................................20 Hlal .........................................30
Erythnul................................4, 6 Lunara.................................... 36
Belial ......................................29 Hleid .......................................33
Estanna ...................................35 Lurue ..................................... 11
Beltar........................................6 Hoar........................................10
Eternal Light ..........................36 Luthic .................................... 27
Beory........................................6 Horus Re.................................14
Evening Glory........................30 Lydia.........................................7
Berei .........................................6 Hruggek..................................31
Ezra ........................................36 Lyris ...................................... 35
Berronar Truesilver................24 Huitzilopochtlli ......................19
Bes..........................................22 F M
Beshaba ....................................9 I
Bhaal ........................................9 Falazure..................................30 Madarua................................. 17
Iallanis ....................................31
Bleredd .....................................6 Father Earth............................28 Maglubiyet ............................ 31
Iborighu ..................................33
Blibdoolpoolp ..................31, 34 Fenmarel Mestarine ...............25 Mak Thuum Ngatha .............. 31
Ilmater ....................................10
Blood of Vol ..........................16 Fharlanghn ...........................4, 6 Malar ..................................... 11
Boccob .................................4, 6 Fierna .....................................29 Malcanthet............................. 29
Boldrei....................................15 Finder Wyvernspur ..................9 Mammon ............................... 29
Bralm........................................6 Flandal Steelskin....................26 Manethak............................... 26
Imhotep ..................................22

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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007

Marduk .............................19, 20 Pholtus......................................7 Skoraeus Stonebones .............32 Umberlee ............................... 12

Marthammor Duin ...........11, 24 Phyton ......................................7 Sobek......................................22 Undying Court....................... 16
Mask.......................................11 Poseidon .................................21 Solanil ....................................33 Urbanus ................................. 27
Master of the Hunt .................36 Procan.................................7, 34 Solonor Thelandira.................25 Urdlen.................................... 26
Mayaheine................................7 Ptah.........................................22 Soorinek .................................28 Urogalan ................................ 27
Mellifleur ...............................36 Pyremius...................................7 Sotillion ....................................8 Usamigaras............................ 17
Memnor..................................31 Sovereign Host.......................15 Uthgar.................................... 12
Mephistopheles ......................29 Q Spirits of the Past ...................16 Utu ......................................... 19
Merikka ....................................7 St. Cuthbert ........................5, 12
Queen of Air and Darkness....31 V
Merrshaulk .............................31 Stonmaus ................................32
Quetzalcoatl ...........................19
Mielikki..................................11 Sulerain ..................................35
Valarian ................................. 35
Milil........................................11 R Sune........................................12
Valkar .................................... 35
Mockery .................................15 Surtr........................................32
Valkauna ............................... 24
Moongods ..............................31 Ralishaz....................................8 Surtur......................................18
Valkur.............................. 12, 34
Moradin........................4, 11, 24 Rao ...........................................8 Syeret......................................28
Vandria Gilmadrith ............... 25
Mother Ocean ........................28 Ravanna..................................31 Syreth .....................................35
Vanua .................................... 26
Mouqol.....................................7 Raxivort..............................8, 31 Syrul .........................................8
Vaprak ................................... 32
Mya ........................................24 Red Knight .............................11
T Vatun ................................. 8, 33
Myhriss ....................................7 Re-Horakhty...........................22
Velnius .....................................8
Mystra ....................................11 Riedra .....................................16
Taiia Creator Aspect ...........36 Velsharoon ............................ 13
Rill Cleverthrush....................26
N Taiia Destroyer Aspect .......36 Venca................................... 5, 8
Rillifane Rallathil...................25
Talona.....................................12 Ventila ................................... 28
Nadirech .................................35 Talos.......................................12 Vergadain ........................ 13, 24
Rudd .........................................8
Naki-Uthai..............................26 Tamara....................................30 Vhaeraun ......................... 13, 23
Nanna-Sin ..............................19 S Tarmuid ..................................28
Nephthys ..........................14, 22 Telchur .............................12, 33 W
Nergal...............................19, 20 Savras .....................................11 Tem-Et-Nu .............................33
Wastri .......................................8
Nerull ...................................4, 7 Sebek ......................................14 Tempus...................................12
Wathaku ................................ 28
Nike........................................21 Segojan Earthcaller ................26 Tezcatlipoca ...........................19
Waukeen................................ 13
Nilthina ..................................28 Sehaine Moonbow .................25 Thard Harr........................12, 24
Waukeen Harlots Coin
Ninurta ...................................20 Sekolah.............................31, 34 Tharizdn .................................8
Heresy ............................. 13
Njord ......................................18 Selne.....................................11 Tharmekhl ............................24
Wee Jas................................ 5, 8
Nobanion................................11 Selvetarm .........................11, 23 Thautam..................................24
Wenta .......................................8
Nomog-Geaya ........................31 Semuanya ...............................31 The Academy .........................21
Whale Mother........................ 34
Norebo......................................7 Set...........................14, 22, 33 The Becoming God ................16
Null.........................................30 Shadow...................................15 The Great Mother...................32 X
Shadow King..........................17 The Oversoul..........................36
O Shamash .................................20 The Patient One......................32 Xan Yae....................................8
Shar ........................................11 Theleya...................................26 Xerbo........................................8
Obad-Hai..............................4, 7
Sharess ...................................11 Thor ........................................18 Xipetotec ............................... 19
Obox-Ob ................................29
Shargaas .................................27 Thoth ................................14, 22
Odin........................................18 Y
Sharindlar .........................11, 24 Thrym........................ 18, 32, 33
Odur .......................................18
Shaundakul.............................11 Tiamat ......................... 5, 12, 30
Oghma....................................11 YeCind ....................................8
Sheela Peryrolyl .....................27 Tlaloc......................................19
Olidammara..........................5, 7 Yeathan.................................. 34
Shekinester .............................31 Tonatiuh .................................19
Olladra....................................15 Yeeoghu ................................ 29
Shevarash ...............................25 Torm.......................................12
Onatar.....................................15 Yondalla ............................ 5, 27
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand ..........26 Traveler ..................................15
Orcus ................................29, 30 Yurtrus................................... 27
Shiallia ...................................12 Trithereon.................................8
Osiris ................................14, 22
Siamophe................................12 Tuilviel Gilthien.....................28
Sif .......................................18
P Silvanus..................................12 Tyche......................................21 Zagyg........................................8
Silver Flame ...........................16 Tymora ...................................12 Zargon ................................... 17
Pale Night...............................29 Silver Flame Knights Militant Typhos....................................35 Zarus...................................... 27
Pan..........................................21 ..........................................16 Tyr.........................................12 Zeus ....................................... 21
Panzuriel ................................31 Silver Flame Puritan Sect ...16 Tyr ......................................18 Zilchus......................................8
Path of Inspiration..................16 Silver Flame Radiant Flame16 Zodal.........................................8
Path of Light ..........................16 Sin ......................................20 U Zoser...................................... 33
Pazuzu ....................................29 Sister Grain ............................28 Zuggtmoy .............................. 29
Ubtao ......................................12
Pelor .....................................5, 7 Sixin .......................................31 Zuoken......................................8
Ulaa ..........................................8
Phaulkon ..................................7 Skadi.......................................18
Phieran ...................................35 Skerrit.....................................31
Ulutiu................................12, 33

Index Page 3
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007

Core Deities
Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol
(CDiv p108) The Platinum Dragon,
(D&D p058) Air, Cold, Dragon, Good,
King of the Good Dragons, Pick, Heavy Star above a
Bahamut (Dcn p032) LG L Lord of the North Wind
Luck, Nobility, Patience,
or Bite Milky Nebula
(DR323 p65)+ Pride, Protection, Storms
(DR355 p26)+ Good Dragons, Wind
(PH p106) Archmage of the Deities,
(CDiv p110) The Uncaring Knowledge, Magic, Mind, Quarterstaff Pentagram with an
Boccob (D&D p060) N G Oracle, Trickery Eye in the Middle
(LLG p167) Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Staff of Boccob
(DR338 p38)+ Foresight, Balance
(PH p106)
(CDiv p110) Creator of the Elves,
(D&D p062) First of the Seldarine, Chaos, Community, Elf,
Corellon Longsword
(F&P p125) CG G Coronal of Arvandar Good, Magic, Pride, Crescent Moon
Larethian (RotW p20) Elves (especially Sun Elves), Protection, War, Zeal Sahandrian
(DR323 p65)+
Magic, Music, Arts, Poetry, Bards
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p110) Animal, Celerity, Good,
(D&D p064) Ehlonna of the Forest Longbow
Ehlonna (LLG p169) NG I Hunt, Plant, Sun, Unicorn
Forests, Flora, Fauna, Fertility Temperance Jenevier
(DR342 p89)+
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p111) Chaos, Evil, Gluttony,
CE The Many Morningstar Asymmetric
Erythnul (D&D p066) I Madness, Trickery, War,
Monstrous Face
(LLG p170) (CN) Slaughter, Panic, Malice Wrath Agony
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p107) Balance, Celerity,
(CDiv p111) Disk with a Horizon
N The Dweller on the Horizon Generosity, Luck, Portal, Quarterstaff
Fharlanghn (D&D p067) I line & a Sliver of
(LLG p170) (NG) Roads, Travel, Distance Protection, Travel, Travelers Friend
Moon over it
(DR355 p26)+ Weather
(PH p107)
(CDiv p112) Community, Craft,
The Joker, The Priceless Gem
(D&D p069) NG Creation, Envy, Gnome, Battleaxe
Garl Glittergold (F&P p135) G Gnomes, Humor, Wit, Illusion, Gold Nugget
/ LG Gem-Cutting, Jewelry-Making
Good, Greed, Law, Arumdina
(RoS p43) Protection, Trickery
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p112) One-Eye, Cavern, Chaos, Domination,
Gruumsh (D&D p071) CE G He Who Never Sleeps Evil, Hatred, Lust, Orc, Unwinking Eye
(F&P p148) Strength, War, Wrath The Bloodspear
Orcs, Conquest, Strength
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p112) Destiny, Glory, Good,
(D&D p072) The Invincible, Arch-Paladin Inquinistion, Law, Pride, Longsword Silver Lightning Bolt
Heironeous (LGG p171) LG I Temperance, War, Wrath, held in a Fist
Justice, Valor, Chivalry, Honor Justice Bringer
(DR323 p65)+ Zeal
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p113) Herald of Hell,
Destruction, Domination,
(D&D p075) Scourge of Battle Flail Gauntlet holding
Hextor (LGG p172) LE I Evil, Law, Pride, War,
War, Conflict, Destruction, Executioner
(DR323 p65)+ Wrath, Zeal
Tyrrany, Fitness
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p113) The Brawler Chaos, Chastity,
(D&D p077) Greatsword Star composed of
Kord (LGG p174) CG I Athletics, Sports, Courage, Competition, Good, Luck,
Spears & Maces
Strength, Wrath, Zeal Kelmar
(DR323 p65)+ Strength, Courage
(DR355 p26)+
(CDiv p113)
(F&P p221) Horned Sorcerer, Steelscale,
Earth, Envy, Evil, Hatred,
(RotD p48) Stingtail, The Watcher Spear
Kurtulmak (D&D p079) LE I Kobold, Law, Luck, Gnome Skull
Kobolds, Trapmaking, Mining, Foe Stinger
(wRotD2)+ Scalykind, Trickery, War
(DR323 p65)+

Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Chaos, Destruction, Drow,

(CDiv p114) Black Spider with
Queen of Spiders Envy, Evil, Darkness,
(F&P p040) Female Drow Head
Lolth (D&D p081)
CE I Destruction, Lust, Portal, Dagger
hanging from a Spider
Assassins, Chaos, Darkness,
(RotW p22)+ Pride, Spider, Trickery,
Drow, Evil, Spiders Web
(DR323 p65)+ Wrath
(PH p107)
(CDiv p115) Craft, Creation, Dwarf,
Soul Forger, Dwarf-Father
(D&D p082) Earth, Good, Greed, Law, Warhammer
Moradin (F&P p120) LG G Dwarves, Creation, Smithing,
Portal, Pride, Protection,
Hammer & Anvil
(RoS p17) Engineering, War Wrath
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p108)
(CDiv p116) The Reaper, The Foe of All
(D&D p084) Good, Hater of Life Death, Envy, Evil, Scythe
Nerull (LGG p177) NE G Pestilence, Trickery
Skull & Scythe
Death, Darkness, Murder, Life Cutter
(LM p17)+ Underworld
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p108)
(CDiv p116) The Shalm Air, Animal, Balance, Earth, Quarterstaff
Leaves & Acorns
Obad-Hai (D&D p087) N I Nature, Wilderness, Hunting, Fire, Hunt, Plant, Water, Shalmstaff / Storms forming a Face
(LGG p178) Freedon Weather Touch
(DR342 p89)

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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

(PH p108)
(CDiv p116) Laughing Rogue Celerity, Chaos, City,
Rapier Asymmetric Black
Olidammara (D&D p089) CN I Music, Revels, Wine, Humor, Greed, Luck, Lust, Mind,
& White Mask
(LGG p178) Sloth, Trickery Swiftstrike
Rogues, Tricks
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p108)
(CDiv p117) Charity, Destiny, Glory,
(D&D p090) Sun Father, The Shining One Mace
Good, Healing, Pride,
Pelor (LGG p178) NG G Portal, Radiance, Strength,
Face in the Sun
(DR321 p68)+ Sun, Light, Strength, Healing Sun Scepter
(DR323 p65)+ Sun
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p108)
(CDiv p117) Destiny, Destruction,
St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel Mace Two Concentric
(D&D p091) Domination, Humility,
St. Cuthbert (LGG p182) LN I Common Sense, Truth,
Law, Portal, Protection,
The Mace of Circles quartered
(DR323 p65)+ Discipline, Retribution, Zeal Cuthbert by Lines
Strength, Wrath, Zeal
(DR355 p26)+
(CDiv p117) The Dragon Queen,
(D&D p093) Destruction, Dragon, Evil,
Nemesis of the Gods,
(Dcn p035) Greed, Hatred, Law, Pride, Pick, Heavy
Tiamat (MM4 p128)
LE L The Dark Lady
Scalykind, Trickery, or Bite
Five-Headed Dragon
(F&P p108) Evil Dragon, Evil Reptiles, Greed, Tyranny, Wrath
(DR323 p65)+ Chessenta
(PH p108)
(CDiv p118) The Maimed Lord, Destiny, Evil, Knowledge,
Dagger Left Hand holding
Vecna (D&D p094) NE L The Whispered One Madness, Magic, Portal,
an Eye
(LGG p186) Afterthought
Secrets, Intrigue Pride
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p108)
(CDiv p119) Witch Goddess,
Death, Domination, Law,
(D&D p096) Ruby Sorceress, Dagger Red Skull in front
Wee Jas (LGG p187) LN I Deaths Guardian Magic, Mind, Patience,
of a Fireball
Portal, Pride Discretion
(DR323 p65)+ Death, Magic, Vanity
(DR355 p26)+
(CDiv p119)
(D&D p097) Community, Creation,
The Protector and Provider,
(F&P p141) Family, Generosity, Shortsword Cornucopia
Yondalla (RotW p52) LG G The Blessed One
Gluttony, Good, Halfling, on a Shield
(DR323 p65)+ Halflings, Explorers, Family Law, Protection
(DR355 p26)+

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Campaign Settings

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Restorer of Righteousness,
High Cleric Good, Healing, Law,
AlAkbar LG D Protection
Falchion Cup & Talisman
Guardianship, Faithfulness,
(LLG p164) Dignity, Duty
(LLG p165)
Allitur (DU117 p35) LN L Ethics, Propriety Good, Knowledge, Law Shortspear Pair of Clasped Hands
The Sad Maiden Sling Heart with
Atroa NG L Air, Good, Plant, Sun
an Air Glyph
(LLG p165) Spring, East Wind, Renewal Wingstorm
(CDiv p121) CE Chaos, Earth, Envy, Evil, Unarmed Strike
Beltar (LLG p166) L Malice, Caves, Pits
Pride, War, Wrath or Spiked Gauntlet
Fangs Closing to Bite
(DR323 p65)+ (CN)
N Oerth Mother Club or Green Disk or
Beory G Animal, Earth, Plant, Water
Druid Weapons a Rotund Woman
(LLG p166) (NG) Oerth, Nature, Rain
Hearth Mother
Berei NG L Good, Plant, Protection Sickle Sheaf of Wheat Stalks
(LLG p167) Home, Family, Agriculture
The Iron Mule Warhammer
Bleredd N L Earth, Fire, Strength Iron Mule
(LLG p167) Metal, Mines, Smiths Fury
(PH p106) Archmage of the Deities,
(CDiv p110) The Uncaring Knowledge, Magic, Mind, Quarterstaff Pentagram with an
Boccob (D&D p060) N G Oracle, Trickery Eye in the Middle
(LLG p167) Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Staff of Boccob
(DR338 p38)+ Foresight, Balance
The Flying Queen, The Five Animal, Community,
(CDiv p121) N Giant Wasp in front of
Bralm (LLG p168) L Goddess, The Toiling Lady Generosity, Law, Pact, Quarterstaff
an Insect Swarm
(LN) Insects, Industry Strength
(DR355 p26)+
(CDiv p121) N The Far Wanderer Knowledge, Oracle, Night, Jewelry with assorted
Celestian (LLG p168) I Protection, Travel
(DR342 p89) (NG) Stars, Astronomy, Wanderers
Keeper of Infinity, Rounded Hourglass
(CDiv p121) Humility, Law, Oracle,
Cyndor (LLG p168) LN L The Illimitable One
Protection, Travel
Sling on its Side
(DR355 p26)+ Time, Infinity, Continuity (i.e., Infinity Symbol)
Chaos, Good, Protection, Locked Door with
Dalt CG L Portals, Doors, Locks, Keys
Travel, Trickery
a Skeleton Key
(LLG p169)
The Scholar, The Scribe
(CDiv p122) Good, Humility,
Delleb (LLG p169) LG L Reason, Intellect, Written Lore, Knowledge, Law, Magic
Dart White Book
(DR355 p26)+ Study
(PH p107)
(CDiv p110) Animal, Celerity, Good,
(D&D p064) Ehlonna of the Forest Longbow
Ehlonna (LLG p169) NG I Hunt, Plant, Sun, Unicorn
Forests, Flora, Fauna, Fertility Temperance Jenevier
(DR342 p89)+
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p111) Chaos, Evil, Gluttony,
CE The Many Morningstar Asymmetric
Erythnul (D&D p066) I Madness, Trickery, War,
Monstrous Face
(LLG p170) (CN) Slaughter, Panic, Malice Wrath Agony
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p107) Balance, Celerity,
(CDiv p111) Disk with a Horizon
N The Dweller on the Horizon Generosity, Luck, Portal, Quarterstaff
Fharlanghn (D&D p067) I line & a Sliver of
(LLG p170) (NG) Roads, Travel, Distance Protection, Travel, Travelers Friend Moon over it
(DR355 p26)+ Weather
LG Stone, Metals, Mountains, Earth, Good, Law, Warhammer Hammer with a
Fortubo L Guardianship Protection Glowing Head
(LLG p171) (LN) Golbi
(CDiv p122) Daughter of the Oasis Plant, Travel, Water,
Geshtai (LGG p171) N L Weather
Shortspear Waterspout
(Storm p49) Lakes, Rivers, Wells, Streams
(PH p107)
(CDiv p112) Destiny, Glory, Good,
(D&D p072) The Invincible, Arch-Paladin Inquinistion, Law, Pride, Longsword Silver Lightning Bolt
Heironeous (LGG p171) LG I Temperance, War, Wrath, held in a Fist
Justice, Valor, Chivalry, Honor Justice Bringer
(DR323 p65)+ Zeal
(DR355 p26)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p113) Herald of Hell, Scourge of
Destruction, Domination,
(D&D p075) Battle Flail Gauntlet holding
Hextor (LGG p172) LE I Evil, Law, Pride, War,
War, Conflict, Destruction, Executioner
(DR323 p65)+ Wrath, Zeal
Tyrrany, Fitness
(DR355 p26)+
(CDiv p122) The Black Rider
(LGG p172) Death, Destruction, Evil,
Incabulos (DU105 p47) NE G Plagues, Famine, Drought, Pestilence, Wrath
Quarterstaff Stylized Eye
(DR323 p65)+ Disaster
Lady of Our Fate, The
Chaos, Destiny, Knowledge,
Istus (CDiv p122) N G Colorless and All-Colored
Law, Luck
n/a Gold Spindle
(LGG p172) Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

(CDiv p122)
(LGG p173) The Evil, The Old One Chaos, Evil, Pride,
Iuz (DR323 p65)+ CE D Suffering, Trickery
Greatsword Grinning Skull
Deceit, Pain, Oppression, Evil
(DR358 p030)+
Earth, Good, Law, Snow-Caped
Jascar LG L Hills, Mountains
Mountain Peak
(LGG p173)
(CDiv p122) The Shrew
(LGG p173) N Competition, Destruction,
Joramy (Sand p46) L Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, Fire, Water, War, Wrath
Quarterstaff Volcano
(NG) Quarrels
(DR323 p65)+
(PH p107)
(CDiv p113) The Brawler Chaos, Chastity,
(D&D p077) Greatsword Star composed of
Kord (LGG p174) CG I Athletics, Sports, Courage, Competition, Good, Luck,
Spears & Maces
Strength, Wrath, Zeal Kelmar
(DR323 p65)+ Strength, Courage
(DR355 p26)+
The Bitter Hand, The Scorned
Grasping Hand
Kurell CN L Heart, The Vengeful Knave Chaos, Luck, Trickery Shortsword
holding a Broken Coin
(LGG p174) Jealousy, Revenge, Theft
Prince of Time,
Knowledge, Law, Greatsword Crescent Moon in
Lendor LN I Master of Tedium
Protection a field of Stars
(LGG p174) Time, Patience, Study
Lady Poet, The Lorekeeper Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Shortspear
Lirr (CDiv p122) CG L Magic, Travel or Rapier
Illustrated Book
(LGG p175) Poetry, Prose, Literature, Art
(CDiv p122) Animal, Chaos,
(LGG p175) Great Bear, Animal Fang Battle Axe or Bear or Snake
Llerg (DR342 p89) CN L Competition, Hunt,
Longsword or Alligator
Beasts, Strength Strength Wrath
(DR323 p65)+
Good, Knowledge, Sun, Spray of Colors
Lydia NG L Music, Knowledge, Daylight
from an Open Hand
(LGG p175)
(LGG p175) The Shield Maiden Bastard Sword, Mace,
Mayaheine (DU117 p35) LG D Good, Law, Protection, War
or Longbow
Decorated Shield
(DR346 p27)+ Protection, Justice, Valor
Lady of the Calendar Good, Law, Plant, Basket of Grain
Merikka LG D Protection
with a Long Scroll
(LGG p176) Farming, Agriculture, Home
(CDiv p122) The Merchant Greed, Knowledge, Pact, Dagger or
Mouqol (LGG p176) N L Travel, Trickery Light Crossbow
(DR323 p65)+ Trade, Negotiation, Appraisal
The Thrice-Kissed,
Myhriss NG L Maid of Light and Dark Good, Healing, Protection
or Whip
(LGG p177) Love, Romance, Beauty
(PH p108)
(CDiv p116) The Reaper, The Foe of All
(D&D p084) Good, Hater of Life Death, Envy, Evil, Scythe
Nerull (LGG p177) NE G Pestilence, Trickery
Skull & Scythe
Death, Darkness, Murder, Life Cutter
(LM p17)+ Underworld
(DR323 p65)+
God of Gambles Pair of Eight-Sided
Norebo CN L Chaos, Luck, Trickery Dagger
(LGG p177) Luck, Gambling, Risks
(PH p108)
(CDiv p116) The Shalm Air, Animal, Balance, Earth, Quarterstaff
Leaves & Acorns
Obad-Hai (D&D p087) N I Nature, Wilderness, Hunting, Fire, Hunt, Plant, Water, Shalmstaff / Storms forming a Face
(LGG p178) Freedon Weather Touch
(DR342 p89)
(PH p108)
(CDiv p116) Laughing Rogue Celerity, Chaos, City,
Rapier Asymmetric Black
Olidammara (D&D p089) CN I Music, Revels, Wine, Humor, Greed, Luck, Lust, Mind,
& White Mask
(LGG p178) Sloth, Trickery Swiftstrike
Rogues, Tricks
(DR323 p65)+
(CDiv p122) Law, Protection, Travel, Longspear Barracuda
Osprem LN L Sea Voyages, Ships, Sailors
Water or Trident or Whale
(LGG p178)
(PH p108)
(CDiv p117) Charity, Destiny, Glory,
(D&D p090) Sun Father, The Shining One Mace
Good, Healing, Pride,
Pelor (LGG p178) NG G Portal, Radiance, Strength,
Face in the Sun
(DR321 p68)+ Sun, Light, Strength, Healing Sun Scepter
(DR323 p65)+ Sun
(DR355 p26)+
Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, Winged Human
Phaulkon CG L Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds, Archery
(LGG p179)
Pholtus of the Blinding Light Good, Inquisition, Quarterstaff Full Moon partially
(CDiv p122) LG
Pholtus (LGG p178) I Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Knowledge, Law, Pride, Staff of the Silvery eclipsed by a Crescent
(LN) Sun Sun Sun Moon
(DR323 p65)+
The Woodshaper Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun, Scimitar in front of an
Phyton CG L Water
Oak Tree
(LGG p179) Nature, Beauty, Farming
The Storm Lord,
(CDiv p123) Animal, Chaos, Storm, Crashing Wave or
Sailor of Sea and Sky Trident or
Procan (LGG p180) CN I Travel, Water, Weather,
Trident Piercing a
(DU106 p41) Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, Wrath Cresting Wave
(DR323 p65)+ Navigation
The Blazing Killer, Demon of
Longsword or Whip
Venom, Hideous Assassin Destruction, Evil, Fire, Demonic Face with
Pyremius (CDiv p123) NE L Wrath Red Light Bat Wing Ears
(LGG p181) Fire, Poison, Murder, Assassins,
or Viper
(DR323 p65)+ Fire

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Unlooked For
Ralishaz I Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, Chaos, Destruction, Luck Quarterstaff Three Bone Sticks
(CE) Insanity
(LGG p181)
Charity, Chastity,
White Heart or
The Mediator, The Calm God Community, Law, Good,
Rao (CDiv p123) LG G Knowledge, Purification,
Mace, Light a Mask with a
(LGG p181) Peace, Reason, Serenity Calm Expression
(DR355 p26)+ Temperance
Lord of Xvartkind, Master of
Animal, Chaos, Evil, Falchion or Dagger
Raxivort CE L Rats, Night Flutterer
Blue Flaming Hand
Azure Razor
(LGG p182) Xvarts, Rats, Wererats, Bats
CN The Charm, The Duelist
Rudd (LGG p182) D Chaos, Good, Luck Rapier or Shortbow Bulls-Eye
(DR342 p39)+ (CG) Chance, Luck, Skill
The Summer Queen
CG Air, Chaos, Good, Healing,
Sotillion L Summer, South Wind, Ease, Plant
Net Winged Orange Tiger
(CN) Comfort
(LGG p183)
The Forked Tongue,
Oathbreaker Dagger
Syrul NE L Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Forked Tongue
Lies, Deceit, Treachery, False Small Lie
(LGG p183) Promises
(CDiv p123) The Dark God, He of Eternal Air, Chaos, Destruction,
(LoM p177) Darkness Earth, Envy, Evil, Fire, Dark Spiral or an
Tharizdn (MM4 p007) NE I Force, Greed, Knowledge,
Inverted Pyramid
(LGG p184) Ruin, Elemental Power, Decay,
(DR323 p65)+ Vengeance, Entropy, Insanity Madness, Water
Chaos, Good, Liberation, Shortspear or
The Summoner Rune meaning
Trithereon (CDiv p123) CG I Protection, Strength, Longsword or
Liberty, Self-Defense, Retribution
(LGG p185) Summoner Greatclub
The Stonewife Mountain with
Ulaa (LGG p185) LG I Earth, Good, Law Warhammer
Ruby Heart
(DU117 p35) Hills, Mountains, Gemstones
The North God
Air, Animal, Chaos, Snow, Setting Sun on a
Vatun (LGG p185) CN L Northern Barbarians, Cold, Strength
Snowy Landscape
(Frost p52) Winter, Arctic Beasts
(PH p108)
(CDiv p118) The Maimed Lord, Destiny, Evil, Knowledge,
Dagger Left Hand
Vecna (D&D p094) NE L The Whispered One Madness, Magic, Portal,
holding an Eye
(LGG p186) Pride Afterthought
Secrets, Intrigue
(DR323 p65)+
The Rainshroud, The Elder
N Bird Perched
Velnius L Breeze Air, Travel, Water Shortspear
on a Cloud
(NG) Sky, Weather
(LGG p186)
The Hopping Prophet,
Glaive or Guisarme
LN Hammer of False Humans Animal, Law, Pride,
Wastri (CDiv p123) D Purification, War Skewer of the Gray Toad
(LGG p187) (LE) Amphibians, Bigotry, Self-
(DR323 p65)+ Deception
(PH p108)
(CDiv p119) Witch Goddess, Ruby Death, Domination, Law,
(D&D p096) Dagger Red Skull in front
Wee Jas (LGG p187) LN I Sorceress, Deaths Guardian Magic, Mind, Patience,
of a Fireball
Portal, Pride Discretion
(DR323 p65)+ Death, Magic, Vanity
(DR355 p26)+
The Alewife, Harvest Daughter
Wenta CG L Autumn, West Wind, Harvest, Air, Chaos, Good, Plant Club Large Mug of Bear
(LGG p187) Brewing
(CDiv p123) Lady of Perfection
(LGG p188) Celerity, Knowledge, Falchion or
Xan Yae (DR323 p65)+ N L Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, Patience, Trickery, War Monk Weapons
(DR355 p26)+ Mental Power
The Sea Dragon Trident or
Xerbo N L Animal, Knowledge, Water
Dragon Turtle
(LGG p188) Sea, Sailing, Money, Business
The Bard Chaos, Good, Knowledge,
YeCind CG D Magic
Longsword Recorder
(LGG p188) Music, Magical Songs
The Mad Arch-Mage
CN Rune meaning
Zagyg (LGG p189) D Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, Chaos, Knowledge, Magic Dagger or Club
(CG) Unpredictability
(DR338 p45)
The Great Guildmaster, The
Hands Clutching
Zilchus (LGG p189) LN I Money Counter Knowledge, Law, Trickery Dagger
a Bag of Gold
(DU117 p35) Power, Prestige, Money, Business
Hand partially
The Gray Son,The Gentle Hand
Zodal NG L Good, Healing, Protection Unarmed Strike wrapped in
Mercy, Hope, Benevolence Gray Cloth
(LGG p189)
(CDiv p123) Master of DaShon and Edel Celerity, Chastity,
(CDiv p123) Unarmed Strike
Zuoken (LGG p190) N D Physical and Mental Mastery, Knowledge, Patience,
or Monk Weapons
Striking Fist
(DR355 p26)+ Monks Strength, War

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Forgotten Realms

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Queen of the Air
Air, Illusion, Travel, Flail, Heavy White Cloud on a Blue
Akadi N G Elemental Air, Movement, Speed, Trickery Background
(F&P p090) Flying Creatures
Frostmaiden, Icedawn, Battle Axe or
(F&P p091) Air, Cold, Evil, Storm, White Snowflake on
Auril (Frost p42) NE L Cold Goddess
Water, Winter, Wrath
Ice Axe
a Gray Diamond
(DR323 p65)+ Cold, Winter Icemaidens Caress
The High One,
Left Hand pointing
Patron of Mages Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Quarterstaff
Azuth LN L Law, Spell
upward outlined in
Wizards, Spellcasters in general, The Old Staff Blue Fire
(F&P p012) Monk (Shining Hand)
The Black Lord, The Black Envy, Evil, Destruction, Morningstar
Black Fist squeezing
Bane (F&P p014) LE G Hand, Lord of Darkness Hatred, Law, Pride, The Black Hand out Green Rays
(DR323 p65)+ Strike, Hatred, Tyranny, Fear Tyranny, Wrath of Bane
The Maid of Misfortune Chaos, Envy, Evil, Fate,
(F&P p091) Scourge Black Antlers
Beshaba (DU113 p043) CE I Random Mischief, Misfortune, Luck, Lust, Trickery,
on a Red Field
Wrath Ill Fortune
(DR323 p65)+ Bad Luck, Accidents
Lord of Murder Skull surrounded by a
Death, Destruction, Evil, Dagger
Bhaal (F&P p005) LE I Death (especially violent or Hatred, Law
Bone Blade orbit of Blood Drops
(DR322 p94)+ ritual), Assassins
The Great Mother, The Grain
Animal, Earth, Generosity, Blooming Rose on a
Goddess, Earthmother
Chauntea NG G Good, Plant, Protection, Scythe Sunburst Wreath of
(F&P p017) Agriculture, Cultivated Plants, Renewal Golden Grain
(DR355 p26)+ Farmers, Gardeners, Summer
Father of Battle, Lord of the
Dwarf, Good, Law,
Clangeddin Twin Axes, The Rock of Battle Battleaxe Two Crossed
(F&P p116) LG I Strength, Temperance,
Truesilver (DR323 p65)+ Battle, War, Valor, Bravery, War, Wrath
(DR355 p26)+ Honor in Battle
Prince of Lies, The Dark Sun,
Chaos, Destruction, Envy,
The Black Sun Longsword White Jawless Skull on
Cyric CE G Evil, Greed, Illusion,
Purple Sunburst
(F&P p020) Murder, Lies, Intrigue, Deception, Razors Edge
Pride, Trickery
(DR323 p65)+ Illusions
Queen of the Invisible Art,
Dwarf, Evil, Law, Battleaxe
Deep Duerra LE D Axe Princess of Conquest
Mentalism, War
Broken Illithid Skull
(F&P p117) Psionics, Conquest, Expansion
Lord of Undersea,
(CDiv p124) Chaos, Elf, Good,
The Dolphin Prince Trident
Deep Sashelas (F&P p125) CG I Knowledge, Ocean, Dolphin
(RotW p21) Aquatic Elves, Oceans, Creation, Protection, Water Trifork of the Deeps
(Storm p49) Knowledge
Lord of All Glyphs and Images,
Scribe of Ogma Good, Knowledge, Patience, Dagger Lit Candle above
Deneir NG L Protection, Rune a Purple Eye
(F&P p092) Glyphs, Images, Literature, (whirling glyph)
(DR355 p26)+ Scribes, Cartography
The Gleam in the Eye, Chaos, Craft, Dwarf, Good,
Dugmaren Shortsword
(F&P p117) CG L The Errant Explorer Knowledge, Patience, Open Book
Brightmantle Scholarship, Invention, Discovery Rune Sharptack
(DR355 p26)+
Keeper of Secrets under the
Mountain, The Silent Keeper Cavern, Craft, Dwarf, Earth,
Maul Faceted Gem
Dumathion N I Buried Wealth, Ore, Gems, Greed, Knowledge, Metal,
inside a Mountain
Pride, Protection Magmahammer
(F&P p118) Mining, Exploration, Shield
(DR323 p65)+ Dwarves
The Dark Maiden, Nude Long-Haired
Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf,
Lady of the Dance Bastard Sword Female Drow Dancing
Eilistraee (F&P p023) CG L Good, Hunt, Lust, Moon,
with a Sword in front
(DR323 p65)+ Song, Beauty, Dance, Swordwork, Night, Portal The Moonsword
(DR342 p89)+ Hunting, Moonlight of a Full Mon
Goddess of Singing Waters
Charity, Family, Good, Waterfall Plunging
Eldath (F&P p093) NG L Quiet Places, Springs, Pools, Plant, Protection, Water
into a Still Pool
(DR355 p26)+ Peace, Waterfalls
The Nameless Bard Chaos, Charm, Greed,
Finder Bastard Sword White Harp on
(F&P p093) CN D Cycle of Life, Saurials, Pride, Renewal, Scalykind,
Gray Circle
Wyvernspur Transformation of Art Sloth Sword of Songs
(DR323 p65)+
The Reaver, Lord of War Chaos, Destruction, Pinwheel of 4 Snaky
Garagos (F&P p094) CN D War, Skill-at-Arms, Destruction, Gluttony, Strength, War, Arms clutching
Wrath Tentacus Swords
(DR323 p65)+ Plunder
The Tenth Lord of Nine,
The Lost Lord of the Pit, Dagger or
Charm, Envy, Evil, Greed,
Gargauth LE D The Hidden Lord
Law, Pride, Sloth, Trickery
Throwing Dagger Broken Animal Horn
(F&P p094) Betrayal, Cruelty, Powerbrokers, Corruptor
(DR323 p65)+ Political Corruption

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

That Which Lurks,
Purplish Eye on
The Elder Eye Cavern, Chaos, Corruption, Warhammer
Ghaunadaur CE L Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
Purple, Violet, &
(F&P p111) Oozes, Slimes, Jellies, Outcasts, (amorphous tentacle) Black Circles
(LoM p177) Ropers, Rebels
City, Craft, Earth, Fire,
Lord of All Smiths Warhammer Toothed Cog with
Gond (F&P p025) N I Knowledge, Metal,
Four Spokes
(RoD p162)+ Artifice, Craft, Construction, Craftmaster
Planning, Pride
(DR323 p65)+ Smithwork
Fire Eyes, Lord of the Bronze
Shining Bronze
Mask, The Eternally Vigilant Dwarf, Good, Law, Battleaxe
Gorm Gulthyn LG L Protection, War
Mask with
Guardian of All Dwarves, Axeguard
Eyeholes of Flame
(F&P p118) Defense, Watchfulness
King of the Land Below the
Roots, Earthlord Balance, Cavern, Earth, Warhammer Mountains on
Grumbar N G Metal, Time Purple Background
Elemental Earth, Solidity, (a stony fist)
(F&P p096) Changelessness, Oaths
Master of Tracking, The
Gwaeron Tracker who Never Goes Animal, Good, Knowledge, Greatsword White Star and
NG D Astray Plant, Travel Brown Paw Print
Windstorm Flameheart
(F&P p096) Tracking, Rangers of the North
Lady of the Fray,
Unsheathed Sword
Luckmaiden Chaos, Destiny, Dwarf, Greatsword
Haela Brightaxe CG D Good, Luck, War, Zeal
wrapped in a
(F&P p119) Luck in Battle, Joy of Battle, Flamebolt spiral of Flame
(DR355 p26)+ Dwarven Fighters
Goddess of Music, Dance, Art,
& Inspiration, Community, Family, Fate,
(D&D p145) Longsword or Horned Cows Head
Hathor (F&P p142)
NG L Nurturing Mother Good, Luck, Lust, Moon,
Shortsword with a Lunar Disk
(Sand p47) Love, Music, Dance, Moon, Fate, Protection, Sloth
(DR323 p65)+ Motherhood
The Watcher, Staring Eye with a
(F&P p028) Humility, Law, Planning, Bastard Sword
Helm (DR323 p65)+ LN I The Vigilant One
Protection, Pride, Strength
Blue Pupil on an
Ever Watchful Upright War Gauntlet
(DR355 p26)+ Guardians, Protectors, Protection
The Doombringer, Black-Gloved Hand
Envy, Fate, Greed, Law, Javelin
Hoar (F&P p097) LN D Lord of Three Thunders
Retribution, Travel, Wrath
holding a Coin with a
Retributions Sting Two-Faced Head
(DR323 p65)+ Revenge, Retribution, Poetic Justice
The Broken God Charity, Good, Healing, Pair of Hands bound at
Ilmater (F&P p030) LG I Endurance, Suffering, Martyrdom, Humility, Law, Strength, Unarmed Strike the wrist with
(DR355 p26)+ Perseverance Suffering, Temperance a Red Cord
Lord of the End of Everything,
Jawless Skull and
Scribe of the Doomed Fate, Law, Repose, Rune,
Jergal LN D Suffering
Scythe Writing Quite
Fatalism, Proper Burial, on a Scroll
(F&P p098) Guardian of Tombs
Lord of the Dead,
Fate, Law, Protection, Bastard Sword Upright Skeletal Arm
Kelemvor LN G Judge of the Damned
Repose, Travel holding Scales
Fatal Touch
(F&P p033) Death, The Dead
Lady of the Dead,
Chaos, Drow, Envy, Evil,
The Revenancer, Dagger Female Drow Hand
Kiaransalee (F&P p112) CE D The Vengeful Banshee
Pride, Retribution,
wearing Silver Rings
(DR322 p88)+ Cold Heart
(DR323 p65)+ Undead, Vengeance
Lord of Flames, The Firelord
Destruction, Fire, Renewal, Spiked Chain
Kossuth (F&P p035) N G Elemental Fire, Purification Suffering, Wrath
Twining Red Flame
(tendril of flame)
(DR323 p65)+ through Fire
(CDiv p124)
(F&P p120) The Exile, Gray Protector Craft, Domination, Dwarf,
Laduguer (MM p91) LE I Druergar, Magic Weapons, Earth, Evil, Law, Magic, Broken Crossbow Bolt
(RoS p18) Metal, Protection, War Grimhammer
Artisans, Magic
(DR325 p66)
Chastity, Good, Nobility,
The Morninglord Mace, Light or
Protection, Radiance, Sunrise made of Rose,
Lathander (F&P p037) NG G Athletics, Birth, Creativity, Dawn,
Renewal, Strength, Sun,
Mace, Heavy
Red, & Yellow Gems
(DR321 p68)+ Renewal, Spring, Vitality, Youth Dawnspeaker
(DR355 p26)+ Zeal
Our Lady of Joy, Joybringer,
Chaos, Charm, Family,
Mistress of the Revels Shuriken Triangle of three
Lliira (F&P p099) CG L Good, Lust, Radiance,
Six-pointed Stars
(DR321 p68)+ Joy, Happiness, Dance, Festivals, Sloth, Travel Sparkle
(DR323 p65)+ Freedom, Liberty
Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Chaos, Destruction, Drow,
(CDiv p114) Black Spider with
Queen of Spiders Envy, Evil, Darkness,
(F&P p040) Female Drow Head
Lolth (D&D p081)
CE I Destruction, Lust, Portal, Dagger
hanging from a
Assassins, Chaos, Darkness,
(RotW p22)+ Pride, Spider, Trickery,
Drow, Evil, Spiders Spider Web
(DR323 p65)+ Wrath
Maiden of Pain,
Evil, Law, Lust,
The Willing Whip Scourge Nine-tailed Barbed
Loviatar LE L Retribution, Strength,
(F&P p100) Pain, Hurt, Agony, Torment, Suffering, Wrath Painbringer
(DR323 p065)+ Suffering, Torture

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Unicorn Queen,
Queen of the Talking Beasts Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Shortspear Unicorn head in
Lurue CG D Law, Spell, Zeal front of the Moon
(F&P p101) Wizards, Spellcasters in General, (a unicorns horn)
(DR355 p26)+ Monks (Shining Hand)
The Beastlord,
The Black-Blooded Pard Animal, Chaos, Evil,
Claw Bracer Bestial Claw with Fur
Malar CE L Bloodlust, Evil Lycantropes, Gluttony, Hunt, Moon,
and Bloody Talons
(F&P p043) (beast claws)
(DR323 p65)+ Hunters, Marauding Beasts and Strength, Wrath
(DR342 p89)+ Monsters, Stalking
Watcher over Wanderers, Upright Mace in front
Marthammor Dwarf, Good, Protection, Mace, Heavy
NG L The Watchful Eye
of a Fur-Trimmed
Duin Guides, Explorers, Expatriates,
Glowhammer Leather Boot
(F&P p120) Travelers, Lightning
Master of All Thieves,
Lord of Shadows City, Darkness, Evil, Greed, Longsword Black Velvet Mask
Mask (F&P p045) NE L Luck, Sloth, Trickery tinged with Red
(RoD p162)+ Assassins, Beggars, Criminals, Stealthwhisper
(DR323 p65)+ Rogues, Shades, Shadowdancers
Our Lady of the Forest,
The Forest Queen Scimitar
Mielikki NG I Animal, Good, Plant, Travel Blue-Eyed Unicorns
Autumn, Dryads, Forest The Hornblade Head facing Left
(F&P p048) Creatures, Forests, Rangers
Lord of Song, The One True
Charm, Good, Knowledge, Rapier Five-stringed Harp
Milil (F&P p102) CG L Hand of All-Wise Oghma
Nobility, Sloth made of Silver Leaves
(DR323 p65)+ Poetry, Song, Eloquence
(PH p107)
(CDiv p115) Craft, Creation, Dwarf,
Soul Forger, Dwarf-Father
(D&D p082) Earth, Good, Greed, Law, Warhammer
Moradin (F&P p120) LG G Dwarves, Creation, Smithing,
Portal, Pride, Protection,
Hammer & Anvil
(RoS p17) Engineering, War
(DR323 p65)+
Circle of seven blue-
The Lady of Mysteries,
Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Shuriken white Stars with Red
Mystra NG G The Mother of All Magic
Magic, Rune, Spell Mist flowing from the
(seven whirling stars)
Magic, Spells, The Weave Center
(F&P p050)
Lord Firemane,
King of the Beasts Animal, Good, Law, Pick, Heavy Male Lions Head
Nobanion LG D Nobility, Pride on a Green Shield
(F&P p102) Royalty, Lions & Feline Beasts, (a lions head)
(DR323 p65)+ Good Beasts
The Lord of Knowledge,
Charm, Balance,
Binder of What is Known Longsword
Oghma N G Knowledge, Luck, Pride, Blank Scroll
(F&P p052) Bards, Inspiration, Invention, Travel, Trickery Mortal Strike
(DR323 p65)+ Knowledge
Lady of Strategy, Grandmaster Red Knight Chess
(F&P p103) Law, Nobility, Planning, Longsword
Red Knight (DR317 p83) LN D of the Lanceboard
Temperance, War
Piece with Stars
Checkmate for Eyes
(DR355 p26)+ Strategy, Planning, Tactics
The All-Seeing,
He of the Third Eye, Destiny, Fate, Knowledge, Dagger Crystal Ball containing
Savras LN D Lord of Divination Law, Magic, Spell many kinds of Eyes
The Eyes of Savras
(F&P p104) Divination, Fate, Truth
The Lady of Silver,
Chaos, Chastity, Good, Pair of Female Eyes
The Moonmaiden Mace, Heavy
Selne (F&P p055) CG I Moon, Night, Protection, surrounded by Seven
(DR342 p89)+ Good & Neutral Lycantropes, Travel Rod of Four Moons Silver Stars
(DR355 p26)+ Moon, Navigation, Stars
Champion of Lloth,
Chaos, Drow, Evil, Spider, Mace, Heavy Spider on a Crossed
Selvetarm (F&P p113) CE D The Spider that Waits
War, Wrath Sword & Mace
(DR323 p65)+ Drow Warriors
Mistress of the Night, Lady of
Loss, Dark Goddess Cavern, Darkness, Envy,
Chakram Black Disk with
Shar NE G Caverns, Dark, Dungeons, Evil, Knowledge, Night,
Deep Purple Border
(F&P p058)
Pride Disk of Night
(DR323 p65)+ Forgetfulness, Loss, Night,
(DR342 p89)+ Secrets of the Underdark
The Dancing Lady, The
Chaos, Charm, Envy, Good,
Mother of Cats Claw Bracer
Sharess CG D Lust, Sloth, Travel, Feminine Lips
(F&P p105) Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment, (a great cats paw
(DR323 p65)+ Feasthalls, Cats
Lady of Life and Mercy,
The Shining Dancer Charity, Chaos, Chastity,
Whip Flame Ring rising
Sharindlar CG I Healing, Mercy, Romantic Live, Charm, Dwarf, Good,
from a Steel Needle
(F&P p122) Fleebite
(DR323 p65)+ Fertility, Dancing, Courtship, Healing, Lust, Moon, Sloth
(DR355 p26)+ The Moon
Rider of the Winds, Wind-Walking
The Helping Hand Air, Chaos, Portal, Greatsword Bearded Man in
Shaundakul CN L Protection, Trade, Travel Travels Cape
Travel, Exploration, Portals, Sword of Shadows
(F&P p060) Miners, Caverns and Boots

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Dancer in the Glades,
Daughter of the High Forest
Animal, Good, Plant, Quarterstaff
Shiallia NG D Woodland Glades, Woodland Renewal
Golden Acorn
Forests Friend
Fertility, The High Forest,
(F&P p105) Neverwinter Wood
The Divine Right Mace, Light Silver Chalice with
Knowledge, Law, Nobility,
Siamophe (F&P p106)
LN D Nobles, Rightful Rule of Nobility, Planning, Pride
(scepter) a Golden Sun
(DR323 p65)+ Human Royalty Noble Might on the Side
Oak Father, The Forest Father Animal, Plant, Protection, Green Living
Silvanus N G Renewal, Water Great Mallet of Oak Leaf
Wild Nature, Druids
(F&P p063) Silvanus
(PH p108)
(CDiv p117) Destiny, Destruction,
St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel Mace Two Concentric
(D&D p091) Domination, Humility,
St. Cuthbert (LGG p182) LN I Common Sense, Truth,
Law, Portal, Protection,
The Mace of Circles quartered
(DR323 p65)+ Discipline, Retribution, Zeal Cuthbert by Lines
Strength, Wrath, Zeal
(DR355 p26)+
Lady Firehair Chaos, Charm, Good, Lust, Whip Face of Red-Haired
Sune (F&P p065) CG G Pride, Protection Woman
(DR323 p65)+ Beauty, Passion, Love (silken sash)
Lady of Poison,
Three Amber
Mistress of Disease, Chaos, Destruction, Envy, Unarmed Strike
Talona CE L Mother of All Plagues Evil, Suffering
Teardrops on a
(F&P p107) (scabrous hand) Purple Triangle
(DR323 p65)+ Disease, Poison
The Destroyer,
The Storm Lord Longspear, Shortspear,
Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Explosive
Talos CE G Storms, Destruction, Rebellion, Fire, Storm, Wrath
Lightning Strike
(F&P p068) Conflagration, Earthquakes, (lightning bolt)
(DR323 p65)+ Vortices
(CDiv p123) Icebrother Air, Chaos, Cold, Strength, Shortspear or Leafless Tree in a
Telchur (LGG p184) CN L Winter Shortbow Field of Snow
(Frost p42) Winter, Cold, North Wind
Lord of Battle, Foehammer Chaos, Pride, Protection, Battleaxe Sword on a
Tempus (F&P p071) CN G Strength, War, Wrath Blood-Red Shield
(DR323 p65)+ War, Battle, Warriors Battle Prowess
Lord of the Jungle Deeps Two crossed Scaly
Animal, Chaos, Dwarf, Spiked Gauntlet
Thard Harr (F&P p122) CG L Wild Dwarves, Jungle Survival, Good, Plant, Wrath
Clawed Gauntlets of
(clawed gauntlet) Silvery-Blue Metal
(DR323 p65)+ Hunting
(CDiv p117)
(D&D p093) The Dragon Queen, Nemesis Destruction, Dragon, Evil,
(Dcn p035) of the Gods, The Dark Lady Greed, Hatred, Law, Pride,
Tiamat (MM4 p128) LE L Scalykind, Trickery,
Pick, Heavy or Bite Five-Headed Dragon
Evil Dragon, Evil Reptiles, Greed,
(F&P p108) Chessenta Tyranny, Wrath
(DR323 p65)+
The True, The True Deity,
Right-Hand Gauntlet
The Loyal Fury Good, Healing, Law, Pride, Greatsword
Torm (F&P p074) LG L Protection, Strength, Zeal
Upright with Palm
(DR323 p65)+ Duty, Loyalty, Obedience, Dutys Bond Forward
(DR355 p26)+ Paladins
Lady Luck, The Lady who Silver coin featuring
Chaos, Generosity, Good,
Smiles, Our Smiling Lady Shuriken Tymoras Face
Tymora (F&P p077) CG I Luck, Protection, Sloth,
surrounded by
(DR323 p65)+ Good Fortune, Skill, Victory, Travel (spinning coin)
(DR355 p26)+ Adventurers Shamrocks
Good, Knowledge, Law,
The Even-Handed, The Balanced Scales
Patience, Pride, Longsword
Tyr (F&P p079) LG G Maimed God, The Just God
Retribution, Temperance,
resting on a
(DR323 p65)+ Justicar Warhammer
Justice War
(DR355 p26)+
Creator of Chult, Founder of
Balance, Planning, Plant,
Mezra, Father of Dinosaurs Pick, Heavy
Ubtao N G Pride, Protection, Maze
(F&P p108) Creation, Jungles, Chult, The Scalykind (tyrannosaurus head)
(DR323 p65)+ Chultans, Dinosaurs
The Lord in the Ice,
The Eternal Sleeper,
Animal, Law, Ocean, Longspear or Necklace of Blue
Ulutiu LN D Father of the Giants Kin
Protection, Strength Shortspear & White Crystals
(F&P p109) Glaciers, Polar Environments,
(Frost p42) Arctic Dwellers
The Bitch Queen, Chaos, Destruction, Envy,
Queen of the Depths Evil, Gluttony, Ocean, Blue-Green Wave
Umberlee (F&P p082) CE I Pride, Storm, Watery
Curling Left & Right
(Storm p49) Oceans, Currents, Waves, Sea
(DR323 p65)+ Winds Death, Water, Wrath
Father of the Uthgards,
Battle Father Animal, Chaos, Retribution, Image of Beast
Uthgar CN L Strength, War, Wrath
Totem Spirit
(F&P p084) Uthgardt Barbarian Tribes,
(DR323 p65)+ Physical Strength
Captain of the Waves,
The Mighty Air, Chaos, Good, Ocean, Shield with a Cloud &
Valkur (F&P p110) CG D Protection, Wrath The Captains Three Lighting Bolts
(Storm p49) Sailors, Ships, Favorable Winds,
(DR323 p65)+ Naval Combat

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Archmage of Necromancy,
Lord of the Forsaken Crypt, Quarterstaff Crowned Laughing
Death, Envy, Evil, Greed,
Velsharoon NE D The Vaunted
Magic, Pride, Undeath Skull Staff of the Lich Skull on a
(F&P p110) Necromancy, Necromancers, Evil Necromancer Black Hexagon
(DR323 p65)+ Liches, Undeath
Merchant King,
The Short Father,
Dwarf, Greed, Gluttony,
The Laughing Dwarf Longsword
Vergadain N I Luck, Sloth, Trade, Gold Piece
Wealth, Luck, Chance, Non-Evil Trickery Goldseeker
(F&P p123) Thieves, Suspicion, Trickery,
(DR323 p65)+ Negotiation, Sly Cleverness
The Masked Lord,
Chaos, Drow, Envy, Evil, Pair of Black Glass
The Masked God of Night Shortsword
Vhaeraun CE L Greed, Pride, Travel, Lenses that form a
(F&P p113) Thievery, Drow Males, Evil Trickery Shadowflash Mask
(DR323 p65)+ activity on the Surface
Balance, City, Greed,
Gold Coin with
Merchants Friend Knowledge, Pride, Nunchaku
Waukeen (F&P p087) N L Protection, Sloth, Travel,
Waukeens profile
(RoD p162)+ Trade, Money, Wealth (cloud of coins) facing Left
(DR323 p65)+ Trade
Waukeen Gold Coin with
Heresy Waukeens divinity has Demonic, Knowledge,
Harlots Coin CE L Temptation, Trade
Bastard Sword Waukeens profile
been traded to Grazzt facing Left
Heresy (DR355 p72)

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

General of the Gods,
Falcon of War Chaos, Good, Strength, Falchion Hawk-headed Falchion
Anhur CG L Storm, War, Wrath bound with a Cord
(F&P p141) War, Conflict, Physical Prowess, Warhawk
(DR323 p65)+ Thunder, Rain
King of the Riches Under the
Earth, Father Under the Skies Cavern, Craft, Earth, Greed, Quarterstaff
Geb N L and Sand Protection
A Mountain
(F&P p142) Stonemantle
(DR323 p65)+ The Earth, Miners, Minerals
Lord of the Sun, Hawks Head in a
Destiny, Good, Law,
Master of Vengeance, Pharaohs Crown
Horus-Re (F&P p143) LG G Pharaoh of the Gods
Nobility, Pride, Radiance, Khopesh
surrounded by
(DR321 p68)+ Retribution, Sun, Wrath
(DR323 p65)+ The Sun, Vengeance, Kings, Life a Solar Disk
Goddess of Magic & Fertility,
Lady of Rivers Family, Good, Lust, Magic, Quarterstaff or Ahnk and Star on
Isis (D&D p148) NG G Protection, Storm, Water Punching Dagger a Lunar Disk
(F&P p144) Fertility, Magic, Marriage, Rivers,
(DR323 p65)+ Weather, Love
Horns around a Lunar
Protector of the Dead,
Chaos, Good, Greed, Disk or Gold
Nephthys (D&D p149) CG I Avenging Mother
Protection, Repose, Trade
Mace or Whip
Offering Bowl topped
(F&P p145) Dead, Grief, Wealth, Trade
(Sand p47) with an Anhk
God of Life and Death,
(D&D p151) Air, Earth, Good, Law,
Judge of the Dead Flail White Crown over
Osiris (F&P p146) LG G/I Plant, Pride, Repose,
a Crook and Flail
(Sand p47) Harvest, Nature, Underworld, Retribution Just Reward
(DR323 p65)+ Justice, The Dead
The Smiling Death,
Crocodile Head
Lord of Crocodiles Animal, Evil, Gluttony, Spear
Sebek NE D Scalykind, Water
wearing a Horned &
(F&P p146) River Hazards, Crocodiles, The Sorrowful Spear
Plumed Headdress
(DR323 p65)+ Werecrocodiles, Wetlands
Defiler of the Dead, Father of Air, Chaos, Darkness,
(D&D p154) Shortspear or
CE / Jackals, Lord of Carrion Destruction, Envy, Evil, Halfspear
Set (F&P p147) G/I Coiled Cobra
(Sand p46) LE Darkness, Evil, Desert Storms, Hatred, Law, Magic, Pride,
Drought, Snakes, Murder Scalykind, Strength, Wrath Spear of Darkness
(DR323 p65)+
(D&D p156) Scribe of the Gods, Craft, Humility,
(F&P p147) Quarterstaff Ankh above
Thoth (Sand p47) N I Keeper of Knowledge Knowledge, Magic, Rune,
an Ibis Head
Knowledge, Wisdom, Learning Spell Knowledge Keeper
(DR355 p26)+

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Sovereign Host

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

<Sovereign Civilization, Craft, Growth, <any two Domains from
NG Plenty, Community, Justice Sovereign Host deities>
Longsword Octogram
Host> (FoE p28)
Charity, Creation,
(Eb p68) Sovereign of Life & Love, Stalk of Wheat or
Generosity, Good,
Arawai (FoE p28) NG Goddess of Agriculture
Humility, Life, Plant,
Morningstar Octogram colored
(PGE p138)+ Fertility, Plants, Abundance Bronze & Green
(DR355 p26)+ Weather
Sovereign of Law & Lore, Open Book or
(Eb p68) Force, Knowledge, Law,
Aureon (FoE p29) LN God of Law and Knowledge
Magic, Mind, Oracle, Spell
Quarterstaff Octogram colored
(PGE p138)+ Arcane Casters, Sages, Scribes Black & White
(Eb p68)
(FoE p29) Sovereign of Horn & Hunt, Air, Animal, Celerity, Earth, Pair of Antlers or
(PGE p138)+
Balinor (DR323 p65)+ N Goddess of Beasts and Hunt Hunt, Patience, Battleaxe Octogram colored
(DR342 p89)+ Hunting, Animals Retribution, Wrath Brown & Red
(DR355 p26)+
Sovereign of Hall & Hearth,
(Eb p69) City, Community, Family, Hearth or
Goddess of Community &
Boldrei (FoE p29) LG Hearth
Good, Law, Protection, Spear Octogram colored
(RoD p162)+ Temperance Orange & Grey
(DR355 p26)+ Protector of Villages
(Eb p69)
(FoE p30) Sovereign of Sun & Sacrifice, Charity, Chastity, Glory, Rising Sun or
Dol Arrah (PGE p138)+ LG God of Honor and Sacrifice Good, Law, Pride, Sun, Halberd Octogram colored
(DR323 p65)+ Honorable Combat, Self-Sacrifice War, Zeal Yellow & White
(DR355 p26)+
Sovereign of Strength & Steel,
(Eb p69) Chaos, Competition, Good, Longsword or
God of Strength at Arms
Dol Dorn (FoE p30) CG Liberation, Strength, War, Longsword Octogram colored
(PGE p139)+ Physical Perfection, Athletes, Zeal Red & Silver
(DR355 p26)+ Monks
(Eb p69) Sovereign of World & Wealth, Charm, Commerce, Greed, Gold Coin or
(FoE p30)
Kol Korran (PGE p139)+ N God of Trade and Wealth Pact, Trade, Travel, Mace Octogram colored
(DR323 p65)+ Finances, Trade Wealth Gold & Silver
(Eb p69) Sovereign of Feast & Fortune, Feast, Generosity, Gluttony, Domino or
(FoE p30)
Olladra (PGE p139)+ NG Goddess of Feast & Fortune Good, Healing, Luck, Lust, Sickle Octogram colored
(DR323 p65)+ Luck, Innkeepers, Gamblers Pride, Sloth White & Grey
(Eb p69) Sovereign of Fire & Forge, Artifice, Creation, Envy, Hammer & Tong or
(FoE p31)
Onatar (PGE p139)+ NG God of Artifice & the Forge Fire, Good, Metal, Pride, Warhammer Octogram colored
(DR355 p26)+ Artisans, Smiths Temperance, Warforged Red & Orange

Dark Six

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Passion, Destruction, <any two Domains from
<Dark Six> NE Individuality, Fear, Vengeance Dark Six deities>
Kama Hexagram
(FoE p49)
Sovereign of Rage & Ruin,
(Eb p69) Lady of Madness & Passion, Red & Black Winged
(FoE p50) Evil, Liberation, Hatred,
Fury (PGE p33)+
NE Szorawai
Madness, Passion, Wrath
Rapier Wyrm with a
(DR323 p65)+ Anger, Extremism, Insanity, Womans Head
(FoE p38)+ Passion, Revenge
(Eb p69) Sovereign of Death & Decay,
(FoE p50) Lord of Death & Decay, Death, Decay, Envy, Evil,
(PGE p33)+ Khyber Dragonshard
Keeper (DR323 p65)+
NE Kol Turrant Gluttony, Greed, Hunger, Scythe
in the shape of a Fang
(DR342 p89)+ Death, Entropy, Greed, Hunger, Night, Pact
(FoE p38)+ Time
Sovereign of Betrayal & Blood,
Master of Treachery, Destruction, Domination, Five Blood-Spattered
(Eb p70)
Mockery (FoE p50)
NE Dol Azur Envy, Evil, Illusion, Pride, Kama Tools, layed out in the
(DR323 p65)+ Combat, Dishonor, Murder, Trickery, War shape of an Octogram
(FoE p38)+ Terror, Treachery
Sovereign of Magic & Mayhem,
(Eb p70) Chaos, Darkness, Evil,
Master of Treachery Block of Obsidian in
Shadow (FoE p51) CE Magic, Mind, Night, Quarterstaff
the Sahpe of a Tower
(PGE p33)+ Arcane Magic, Consequence, Shadow
(DR342 p89)+ Corruption, Darkness, Duality
Sovereign of Chaos & Change, Artifice, Celerity, Chaos, Eight-pointed
Lord of Planning & Deception Charm, Creation, Configuration of Four
Traveler (Eb p70) CN Liberation, Travel,
Crossed & Rune-
(FoE p51) Chaos, Deception, Evolution,
(PGE p33)+ Invention, Transformation Trickery Inscribed Bones

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Silver Flame

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Chastity, Exorcism, Good,
Purity, Light, Redemption, Self- Inquisition, Law,
Silver Flame (Eb p67) LG Sacrifice, Just War Protection, Purification,
Longbow Silver Flame
(FoE p60)
(DR355 p26)+ Zeal
Silver Flame
Valor & Self-Sacrifice in battles Endurance, Exorcism,
Knights LG vs. Evil Good, Wrath, War
Longbow Silver Flame
Militant (PGE p029)
Want to remake Eberron in the
Silver Flame Inquisition, Law,
LG image of Thrane / the Silver
Longbow Silver Flame
Puritan Sect Flame
(PGE p029)
Union with the Silver Flames
Silver Flame Glory, Good, Mysticism,
LG ideals in life (instead of waiting
Longbow Silver Flame
Radiant Flame for death)
(PGE p029)


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Monstrous Mask
Undeath, Immortality, Blood, Death, Deathbound, Evil,
Blood of Vol (Eb p70) LE Destiny, Obedience Law, Necromancer
Dagger around a Drop
(FoE p77) of Blood
Cavern, Corruption,
Glory, Insanity, Conquest, Dragon Below, Earth, Evil, Stylyzed Dragon Head
Dragon Below NE Darkness, Aberrations Greed, Madness, Pact,
Pick, Heavy
made from Dark Lines
(Eb p70)
(FoE p127) Pain, Pestilence,
(PGE p87)+ Summoner
Dreaming Dark (PGE p131) LE Law, Evil, Shadow Mindblade
Exorcism, Good, Protection,
Kalok Shash The Binding Flame
Longsword Stylized Flames
(PGE p036)
Battle, Racial Pride, Rulership, Artifice, Evil, Law, War, Metal Hand
Lord of Blades LE Vengeance Warforged
with Blades
(FoE p111)
Path of
Community, Law, Dragonshard
Inspiration (FoE p122)
LN Civilization, Discipline, Duty
inside a Seed
(aka Riedra) (PGE p131)
Path of Light (Eb p71) Balance, Law, Meditation,
(FoE p127) Light, Compassion, Discipline,
(aka Il- (DR321 p68)+
LN Psionics, Righteous Action
Mentalism, Pride, Unarmed Strike Brilliant Crystal
Yannah) (DR323 p65)+ Protection, Radiance
Spirits of the Destruction, Elf, Protection,
N Glory, Battle, Bravery, Honor
Revered Ancestor, War
Double Scimitar
Past (FoE p142)
Artifice, Meditation,
The Becoming Life, Discovery, Growth,
(FoE p116) N Self-Sufficiency
Patience, Strength, Slam or Gauntlet Rune on a Stone
God Warforged
(DR355 p26)+
(Eb p71) Deathless, Destiny, Fate,
(FoE p140) Glory, History, Patience, <none> or Aereni
Undying Court (RoD p162)+ NG Revelation, Obedience
Good, Humility, Patience, Scimitar
Death Mask
(DR355 p26)+ Planning, Protection

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Minor Campaign Settings


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Gorm (DR315 p090) LN Storms, Justice, War Air, Law, War Longsword Blue Lightning Bolt
Birth, Death, Changing Seasons,
Madarua N Warrior Maidens
Death, Healing, Protection Longspear Sickle
(DR315 p091)
Healing, Messengers, Thieves, Five-pointed
Usamigaras CN Magic
Healing, Magic, Trickery Dagger
Silver Star
(DR315 p090)
Gold Mask of a Face
Zargon LE Control, Tyranny, Oppression Destruction, Evil, Law Flail, Light with One Horn and 4
(DR315 p090) Tentacles on the Chin

Dark Sun

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Andropinus (DR319 p034) Evil, Law, Travel, War
Destruction, Evil, Magic,
Atzetuk Sun
(DR319 p034)
Chaos, Death, Evil,
Dregoth Knowledge
(DR319 p034)
Evil, Law, Protection,
Hamanu Strength
(DR319 p034)
Lalali-Puy (DR319 p034) Evil, Healing, Paw, Plant
Shadow King (DR319 p034) Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War

Cynidcean & Dark Sun Deities Page 17

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Historic Deities

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

God of the Oceans Death, Destruction, Evil,
Aegir NE I Strength, Water
Greatclub Rough Ocean Waves
(D&D p170) Sea, Storms
God of Beauty
Balder NG I Beauty, Light, Music, Poetry, Good, Healing, Knowledge Greatsword
Silver Chalice
(D&D p171) Rebirth
God of Justice, Peacemaker Knowledge, Protection, Head of a
Forseti N I Strength
Bearded Man
(D&D p173) Justice, Law
God of Sunlight and the Elves
Frey NG G Air, Good, Plant, Sun Greatsword Ice-Blue Greatsword
(D&D p174) Agriculture, Fertility, Harvest, Sun
Goddess of Love and Fertility
Freya NG I Air, Charm, Good, Magic Longsword Falcon
(D&D p176) Fertility, Love, Magic, Vanity
Goddess of the Atmosphere,
Air, Animal, Community,
Frigga N G Queen of the Gods
Natural Weapon Large Cat
(D&D p177) Birth, Fertility, Love
The Bright God, Guardian of
Heimdall LG I Good, Law, War Longsword Gjallahorn
Watchfulness, Sight, Hearing,
(D&D p179) Loyalty
Goddess of Death and the
Hel NE I Underworld Death, Destruction, Evil Longsword Her Face
(D&D p180) Death, Underworld
Messenger of the Gods
Hermod CN D Chaos Luck, Travel Rapier Winged Scroll
(D&D p182) Luck, Communication, Freedom
God of Mischief, Strike, and
Chaos, Destruction, Evil,
Loki CE G Fire
Dagger Flame
(D&D p183) Thieves, Trickery, Murder
God of the Sea and Winds
Njord NG I Air, Good, Water Longspear Gold Coin
(D&D p184) Commerce, sea, Wind
All-Father, Father of the Slain,
Air, Knowledge, Magic,
Odin NG G God of the Hanged
Travel, Trickery, War
Shortspear Watching Blue Eye
(D&D p167) Knowledge, Magic, Supreme War
God of the Sun
Odur CG D Chaos, Fire, Sun Bastard Sword Sun Disk
(D&D p186) Light, Sun, Travel
Goddess of Excellence and Skill
Sif CG L in Battle Chaos, Good, War Longsword Upraised Sword
(D&D p187) War, Dueling
Goddess of Mountains
Skadi N L Destruction, Earth, Strength Greataxe Mountain Peak
(D&D p190) Earth, Mountains
Lord of the Fire Giants Evil, Fire, Law, Strength,
Surtur LE I War
Longsword Flaming Sword
(D&D p190) Fire, War
God of Thunder Chaos, Good, Protection,
Thor CG G Strength, War, Weather
Warhammer Hammer
(D&D p192) Storms, Thunder, War
(CDiv p124) Lord of Frost Giants Chaos, Cold, Destruction, White Double-
Thrym (D&D p194) CE I Earth, Evil, Strength, War
Bladed Axe
(Frost p42) War, Cold, Frost Giants
God of Courage and Strategy
Tyr LN I Courage, Trust, Strategy, Tactics, Law, Protection, War Longsword Sword
(D&D p195) Writing
God of Hunting, Archery, and
Uller CN L Winter Chaos, Protection, Travel Longbow Longbow
(D&D p197) Archers, Hunting, Winter

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

She of the Skirt of Jade
Chalchihuitlicue NG L Good, Healing, Luck, Water Trident
(DR354 p090) Water, Beauty, Youth
Snake Woman,
The Hungry Woman Snake-Headed Woman
Cihuacoatl N I Animal, Death, Earth, Plant Pick
with a Skirt of Snakes
(DR356 p091) Earth, Birth, Death
Hummingbird of the South
Huitzilopochtlli LE L Evil. Law, Strength, War (stone-edged
War, Conquest, Aztecs
(DR356 p091) longsword)
The Feathered Serpent Air, Good, Law, Protection,
Quetzalcoatl LG G Travel
Mace Snake with Feathers
(DR352 p097) Air, Civilization
The Smokey Mirror Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Mirror of Polished
Tezcatlipoca CE G Magic, Trickery
(DR352 p097) Night, Mischief
Tlaloc (DR354 p091) LE I Rain Air, Law, Plant, Water Sickle
Nanhuatl, the God of Misfortune Face blazing
Tonatiuh NE I Destruction, Evil, Sun, War Shortbow
like the Sun
(DR358 p089) Sun, Misfortune
The Flayed Lord
Xipetotec LN I Earth, Law, Luck, Plant Flail
(DR358 p089) Agriculture, Sacrifice


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Anshar (Sand p47) NE Evil, Magic, Trickery Dagger
Sky Father Air, Knowledge, Law,
Anu (Sand p47) LN G Magic, Protection, Travel
Mace Star
(DR329 p036) Sky
Dahak (Sand p47) CE Chaos, Death, Evil Scimitar
Druaga (Sand p47) LE Evil, Law, Trickery Mace
LG Enki Earth, Good, Knowledge,
Ea (Sand p47) I Law, Magic, Water
Trident or Mace Ram-headed Fish
(DR329 p037) (LN) Fresh Water, Wisdom
LN Air, Animal, Good, Law,
Enlil (Sand p47) I Atmosphere, Law, Order
Luck, Protection, War
Pick Circlet
(DR329 p038) (NG)
Gilgamesh (Sand p47) NG Good, Strength, Travel, War Mace
Girru (Sand p47) LG Fire, Good, Law, Magic Morningstar
Animal, Chaos, Magic,
CN Shortsword or
Ishtar (Sand p47) I Love, War Strength, Summer,
Light Flail
(N) Trickery, War
(DR329 p040)
Ki (Sand p47) N Animal, Luck, Plant Quarterstaff
LG Air, Fire, Law, Luck,
Marduk (Sand p47) L Defense against Evil
Protection, War
Net Dragon
(DR329 p042) (LN)
Nanna-Sin (Sand p47) CG Chaos, Luck, Good Battleaxe
CE Chaos, Death, Destruction,
Nergal (Sand p47) L Death, Destruction, Plagues
Earth, Evil
Mace or Longsword Lion-headed Mace
(DR329 p040) (NE)
Utu (Sand p47) CG Chaos, Fire, Good, Sun Scimitar

Aztec & Babylonian Deities Page 19

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Thunderer, The Violent
Adad CN I Air, Chaos, Strength, Water Warhammer Lightning
(DR329 p034) Rain, Storms, Strength
Sky Father Air, Knowledge, Law,
Anu (Sand p47) LN G Magic, Protection, Travel
Mace Star
(DR329 p036) Sky
Earth Mother Animal, Earth, Good,
Belet-ili NG G Healing, Plant
Quarterstaff Gem
(DR329 p037) Earth
LG Enki Earth, Good, Knowledge,
Ea (Sand p47) I Law, Magic, Water
Trident or Mace Ram-headed Fish
(DR329 p037) (LN) Fresh Water, Wisdom
LN Air, Animal, Good, Law,
Enlil (Sand p47) I Atmosphere, Law, Order
Luck, Protection, War
Pick Circlet
(DR329 p038) (NG)
Death, Evil, Knowledge,
Ereshkigal LE I Netherworld, the Dead
Flail Bird Talon
(DR329 p040)
Animal, Chaos, Magic,
CN Shortsword or
Ishtar (Sand p47) I Love, War Strength, Summer,
Light Flail
(N) Trickery, War
(DR329 p040)
LG Air, Fire, Law, Luck,
Marduk (Sand p47) L Defense against Evil
Protection, War
Net Dragon
(DR329 p042) (LN)
CE Chaos, Death, Destruction,
Nergal (Sand p47) L Death, Destruction, Plagues
Earth, Evil
Mace or Longsword Lion-headed Mace
(DR329 p040) (NE)
Lord Plough Good, Plants, Strength, Four Wings
Ninurta NG L Travel
in a Circle
(DR329 p044) Agriculture, Athletes, Youth
Good, Knowledge, Law,
Shamash LG I Justice, Sun, Travelers
Sun, Travel
Scimitar Rising Sun
(DR329 p045)
Animal, Knowledge, Plant,
Sin N I Fertility, Moon, Time
Spear Crescent Moon
(DR329 p046)

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Aphrodite (D&D p103) CG I Love, Beauty Chaos, Charm, Good Dagger Seashell
Musician of the Gods,
Good, Healing, Knowledge,
Apollo CG I The Farshooter
Magic, Sun
Longbow Lyre
(D&D p105) Light, Prophecy Music, Healing
Friend of Youth,
The Huntress Bow and Arrow
Artemis NG I Animal, Good, Plant, Sun Shortsword
on a Lunar Disc
Hunting, Wild Beasts, Childbirth,
(D&D p108) Dance
Artifice, Community, Good,
Athena LG G Wisdom, Crafts, Civilization, War
Knowledge, Law, War
Shortspear Owl
(D&D p110)
The Gift-Giver Shortspear or
Demeter N L Earth, Plant, Protection
Mares Head
(D&D p112) Agriculture
Thrysus, a staff tipped
Mirth, Madness, Win, Fertility, Chaos, Destruction,
Dionysus CN I Theater Madness
Quarterstaff with a pine cone and
(D&D p114) twisted with a Vine
Hades (D&D p115) NE G Death, Underworld, Earth, Wealth Death, Earth, Evil Longsword Black Ram
Goddess of the Dark of the Moon Creation, Evil, Knowledge,
Hecate NE I Magic
Dagger Setting Moon
(D&D p117) Moon, Magic, Abundance, Undead
God of the Forge Artifice, Community, Earth,
Hephaestus NG I Fire, Good
Warhammer Hammer and Anvil
(D&D p119) Smithing, Crafts
Community, Nobility, Fan of Peacock
Hera N G Marriage, Women, Intrigue
Protection, Trickery
Mace, Light
(D&D p120)
Hercules (D&D p122) CG D Strength, Adventure Chaos, Luck, Strength Greatclub Lions Head
Messenger of the Gods Caduceus (i.e., a
Chaos, Good, Luck, Travel,
Hermes CG I Travel, Trade, Theft, Gambling, Trickery
Quarterstaff winged staff with two
(D&D p123) Running entwining serpents)
Community, Good,
Hestia NG L Home, Hearth, Family
Dagger Hearth
(D&D p125)
Goddess of Victory
Nike LN D Law, Nobility, War Mace, Light Winged Woman
(D&D p126) Victory
Nature, Passion, Shepherds, Syrinx
Pan CN L Mountains
Animal, Chaos, Plant Unarmed Strike
(i.e., Pan Pipes)
(D&D p127)
Earth-Shaker, Savior of Ships
Poseidon CN G Chaos, Earth, Water Trident Trident
(D&D p129) Sea, River, Earthquakes
The Academy (D&D p133) NG Philosophy of Learning Good, Knowledge Quarterstaff Scroll
Tyche (D&D p130) N L Luck Luck, Protection, Travel Shortsword Red Pentagram
Father of Dogs and Mortals,
Air, Chaos, Good, Nobility, Shortspear or Fist filled with
Zeus CG G Averter of Ills
Strength, Weather Halfspear Lightning Bolts
(D&D p101) Sky, Air, Storms, Fate, Nobility

Olympic Deities Page 21

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Judge of the Dead
Anubis (D&D p140) LN L Law, Magic, Repose Mace Black Jackal
(Sand p47) Judgment, Dead
Living Embodiment of Evil
Apep (D&D p141) NE D Evil, Fire, Sand, Scalykind Pick, Heavy Flaming Snake
(Sand p47) Evil, Fire, Serpents
The Wild Deity
Chaos, Destruction, Spiked Gauntlet
Bast (D&D p143) NG L Cats, Vengeance, Protection, Protection, Strength, War
(aka Tiger Claws)
(Sand p47) Punishment
Protector of Women in Childbirth
Bes CN L God of Luck Luck, Protection, Trickery Shortsword Image of Bes
(D&D p144) Luck, Music, Protection
Advisor to Kings,
Artifice, Earth, Healing,
Imhotep (D&D p146) NG D Builder of Pyramids
Knowledge, Rune
Quarterstaff A Step Pyramid
(Sand p47) Crafts, Medicine
Goddess of Magic & Fertility,
Lady of Rivers Family, Good, Lust, Magic, Quarterstaff or Ahnk and Star
Isis (D&D p148) NG G Protection, Storm, Water Punching Dagger on a Lunar Disk
(F&P p144) Fertility, Magic, Marriage, Rivers,
(DR323 p65)+ Weather, Love
Horns around a Lunar
Protector of the Dead,
Chaos, Good, Greed, Disk or Gold
Nephthys (D&D p149) CG I Avenging Mother
Protection, Repose, Trade
Mace or Whip
Offering Bowl topped
(F&P p145) Dead, Grief, Wealth, Trade
(Sand p47) with an Anhk
God of Life and Death,
(D&D p151) Air, Earth, Good, Law,
Judge of the Dead Flail White Crown over
Osiris (F&P p146) LG G/I Plant, Pride, Repose,
a Crook and Flail
(Sand p47) Harvest, Nature, Underworld, Retribution Just Reward
(DR323 p65)+ Justice, The Dead
Mysterious Creator
Creation, Knowledge, Law,
Ptah (D&D p152) LN I Crafts, Knowledge, Secrets, Travel
Mace Bull
(Sand p47) Travel
God of Kings
Glory, Good, Law, Nobility, Solar Disk encircled
Re-Horakhty (D&D p138) LG G Nobility, Sun, Supreme, Sun, War
by a Serpent
(Sand p47) Vengeance
Defiler of the Dead,
Air, Chaos, Darkness,
Father of Jackals, Shortspear or
(D&D p154) CE / Destruction, Envy, Evil,
Set G/I Lord of Carrion Halfspear Coiled Cobra
(F&P p147) LE Darkness, Evil, Desert Storms,
Hatred, Law, Magic, Pride,
(Sand p46) Scalykind, Strength, Wrath Spear of Darkness
(DR323 p65)+ Drought, Snakes, Murder
The Misshapen Crocodile Head with
Sobek LE D Water, River Hazards, Crocodiles, Animal, Evil, Water Shortspear Horned and Plumed
(D&D p155) Wetlands Headdress
(D&D p156) Scribe of the Gods, Craft, Humility,
(F&P p147) Quarterstaff Ankh above
Thoth (Sand p47) N I Keeper of Knowledge Knowledge, Magic, Rune,
an Ibis Head
Knowledge, Wisdom, Learning Spell Knowledge Keeper
(DR355 p26)+

Pharonic Deities Page 22

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Racial Deities

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Dark Maiden, Nude Long-Haired
Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf,
Lady of the Dance Bastard Sword Female Drow Dancing
Eilistraee (F&P p023) CG L Good, Hunt, Lust, Moon,
with a Sword in front
(DR323 p65)+ Song, Beauty, Dance, Swordwork, Night, Portal The Moonsword
(DR342 p89)+ Hunting, Moonlight of a Full Mon
That Which Lurks,
Purplish Eye on
The Elder Eye Cavern, Chaos, Corruption, Warhammer
Ghaunadaur CE L Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
Purple, Violet, &
(F&P p111) Oozes, Slimes, Jellies, Outcasts, (amorphous tentacle) Black Circles
(LoM p177) Ropers, Rebels
Lady of the Dead,
Chaos, Drow, Envy, Evil,
The Revenancer, Dagger Female Drow Hand
Kiaransalee (F&P p112) CE D The Vengeful Banshee
Pride, Retribution,
wearing Silver Rings
(DR322 p88)+ Undeath Cold Heart
(DR323 p65)+ Undead, Vengeance
Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Chaos, Destruction, Drow,
(CDiv p114) Black Spider with
Queen of Spiders Envy, Evil, Darkness,
(F&P p040) Female Drow Head
Lolth (D&D p081)
CE I Destruction, Lust, Portal, Dagger
hanging from a Spider
Assassins, Chaos, Darkness,
(RotW p22)+ Pride, Spider, Trickery,
Drow, Evil, Spiders Web
(DR323 p65)+ Wrath
Champion of Lloth,
Chaos, Drow, Evil, Spider, Mace, Heavy Spider on a Crossed
Selvetarm (F&P p113) CE D The Spider that Waits
War, Wrath Sword & Mace
(DR323 p65)+ Drow Warriors
The Masked Lord,
Chaos, Drow, Envy, Evil, Pair of Black Glass
The Masked God of Night Shortsword
Vhaeraun CE L Greed, Pride, Travel, Lenses that form a
(F&P p113) Thievery, Drow Males, Evil Trickery Shadowflash Mask
(DR323 p65)+ activity on the Surface

Drow Deities Page 23

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Great Master of Greed, Trove
Dwarf, Evil, Greed, Luck, Dagger
Abbathor (F&P p115) NE I Lord, Wyrm of Avarice
Trade, Trickery
Jeweled Dagger
Heart of Avarice
(DR323 p65)+ Greed
The Revered Mother,
Mother of Safety
Berronar Dwarf, Family, Good,
LG I Safety, Honesty, Home, Healing, Healing, Law, Protection
Truesilver The Dwarven Family, Record,
(F&P p115) Marriage, Faithfulness, Oaths
Father of Battle, Lord of the
Dwarf, Good, Law,
Clangeddin Twin Axes, The Rock of Battle Battleaxe Two Crossed
(F&P p116) LG I Strength, Temperance,
Truesilver (DR323 p65)+ Battle, War, Valor, Bravery, War, Wrath
(DR355 p26)+ Honor in Battle
Queen of the Invisible Art,
Dwarf, Evil, Law, Battleaxe
Deep Duerra LE D Axe Princess of Conquest
Mentalism, War
Broken Illithid Skull
(F&P p117) Psionics, Conquest, Expansion
The Gleam in the Eye, Chaos, Craft, Dwarf, Good,
Dugmaren Shortsword
(F&P p117) CG L The Errant Explorer Knowledge, Patience, Open Book
Brightmantle Scholarship, Invention, Discovery Rune Sharptack
(DR355 p26)+
Keeper of Secrets under the
Cavern, Craft, Dwarf, Earth,
Mountain, The Silent Keeper Maul Faceted Gem
Dumathion N I Greed, Knowledge, Metal,
inside a Mountain
(F&P p118) Shield Dwarves, Buried Wealth, Pride, Protection Magmahammer
(DR323 p65)+ Ore, Gems, Mining, Exploration
Fire Eyes, Lord of the Bronze
Shining Bronze
Mask, The Eternally Vigilant Dwarf, Good, Law, Battleaxe
Gorm Gulthyn LG L Protection, War
Mask with
Guardian of All Dwarves, Axeguard Eyeholes of Flame
(F&P p118) Defense, Watchfulness
Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden Unsheathed Sword
Chaos, Destiny, Dwarf, Greatsword
Haela Brightaxe (F&P p119) CG D Luck in Battle, Joy of Battle, Good, Luck, War, Zeal
wrapped in a
Flamebolt spiral of flame
(DR355 p26)+ Dwarven Fighters
The Bearded One Chaos, Strength, Travel,
Hanseath CN L War
Greataxe Golden Mug
(RoS p17) War, Carousing, Alcohol
Goddess of Music, Dance, Art,
& Inspiration, Community, Family, Fate,
(D&D p145) Longsword or Horned Cows Head
Hathor (F&P p142)
NG L Nurturing Mother Good, Luck, Lust, Moon,
Shortsword with a Lunar Disk
(Sand p47) Love, Music, Dance, Moon, Fate, Protection, Sloth
(DR323 p65)+ Motherhood
(CDiv p124)
(F&P p120) The Exile, Gray Protector Craft, Domination, Dwarf,
Laduguer (MM p91) LE I Druergar, Magic Weapons, Earth, Evil, Law, Magic, Broken Crossbow Bolt
(RoS p18) Metal, Protection, War Grimhammer
Artisans, Magic
(DR325 p66)
Finder-of-Trails, Watcher over
Upright Mace in front
Marthammor Wanderers, The Watchful Eye Dwarf, Good, Protection, Mace, Heavy
NG L Travel
of a Fur-Trimmed
Duin Guides, Explorers, Expatriates, Glowhammer Leather Boot
(F&P p120) Travelers, Lightning
(PH p107)
(CDiv p115) Craft, Creation, Dwarf,
Soul Forger, Dwarf-Father
(D&D p082) Earth, Good, Greed, Law, Warhammer
Moradin (F&P p120) LG G Dwarves, Creation, Smithing,
Portal, Pride, Protection,
Hammer & Anvil
(RoS p17) Engineering, War Wrath
(DR323 p65)+
Mother of Wisdom Stylized Mother &
Mya NG G Good, Healing, Knowledge Morningstar
(RoS p18) Clan, Family, Wisdom
The Tempter Destruction, Earth, Evil,
Roknar NE L Trickery
Dagger Hands
(RoS p19) Greed, Intrigue, Lies, Earth
Lady of Life and Mercy,
The Shining Dancer Charity, Chaos, Chastity,
Whip Flame Ring rising
Sharindlar CG I Healing, Mercy, Romantic Live, Charm, Dwarf, Good,
from a Steel Needle
(F&P p122)
Healing, Lust, Moon, Sloth Fleebite
(DR323 p65)+ Fertility, Dancing, Courtship,
(DR355 p26)+ The Moon
Lord of the Jungle Deeps Two crossed Scaly
Animal, Chaos, Dwarf, Spiked Gauntlet
Thard Harr (F&P p122) CG L Wild Dwarves, Jungle Survival, Good, Plant, Wrath
Clawed Gauntlets of
(clawed gauntlet)
(DR323 p65)+ Hunting Silvery-Blue Metal
The Tender of the Forge
Tharmekhl N D Destruction, Fire, War Warhammer Flaming Warhammer
(RoS p19) Moradins Assistant
Thautam (RoS p20) N I Magic, Darkness Earth, Luck, Magic Pick, Heavy 3 Stones on a Circle
The Runecarver
Valkauna LN I Death, Law, Water Flail, Heavy Shaking Hands
(RoS p21) Oaths, Death, Birth
Merchant King, The Short
Father, The Laughing Dwarf Dwarf, Greed, Gluttony,
Vergadain N I Wealth, Luck, Chance, Non-Evil Luck, Sloth, Trade, Gold Piece
(F&P p123) Thieves, Suspicion, Trickery, Trickery
(DR323 p65)+ Negotiation, Sly Cleverness

Dwarf Deities Page 24

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Winged Mother,
Queen of the Avariel Air, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Quarterstaff Cloud with a Bird
Aerdrie Faenya CG I Good, Storm Silhouette
Air, Weather, Avians, Rain, Thunderbolt
(F&P p123) Fertility, Avariels
Reveler, Merry Magician Chaos, Good, Magic,
Alobal Lorfiril CG D Trickery
Dagger Glass of Wine
(RotW p20) Hedonism, Mirth, Magic Revelry
The Triune Goddess,
Chaos, Elf, Good, Longspear or Three Interconnecting
Queen of Arvandor
Angharradh CG G Knowledge, Plant, Shortspear Rings on a Downward
(F&P p125) Spring, Fertility, Planting, Birth, Protection, Renewal, Zeal Pointing Triangle
(DR355 p26)+ Defense, Wisdom
(PH p106)
(CDiv p110) Creator of the Elves,
(D&D p062) First of the Seldarine, Chaos, Community, Elf,
Corellon Longsword
(F&P p125) CG G Coronal of Arvandar Good, Magic, Pride, Crescent Moon
Larethian (RotW p20) Elves (especially Sun Elves), Protection, War, Zeal Sahandrian
(DR323 p65)+
Magic, Music, Arts, Poetry, Bards
(DR355 p26)+
Lord of Undersea,
(CDiv p124) Chaos, Elf, Good,
The Dolphin Prince Trident
Deep Sashelas (F&P p125) CG I Knowledge, Ocean, Dolphin
(RotW p21) Aquatic Elves, Oceans, Creation, Trifork of the Deeps
Protection, Water
(Storm p49) Knowledge
Celestial Gardener
Elebrin Liothiel CG I Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun Quarterstaff Acorn
(RotW p21) Nature, Gardens, Orchards, Harvest
The Chameleon,
The Green Changeling, Chaos, Elf, Luck, Sloth, Shortsword Starburst with
Erevan Ilesere CN I The Fey Jester Trickery Asymmetrical Rays
(F&P p127) Quickstrike
(DR323 p65)+ Mischief, Change, Rogues
The Lone Wolf
Fenmarel Animal, Chaos, Elf, Plant, Dagger Pair of Elven Eyes in
CN I Feral Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Travel the Darkness
Mestarine Isolation
(F&P p127)
Heart of Gold,
Lady Goldheart Chaos, Charm, Elf, Good,
(F&P p128)
Hanali Celanil (RotW p22)
CG I Love, Romance, Beauty, Lust, Magic, Protection, Dagger Gold Heart
(DR323 p65)+ Enchantments, Magic Item Zeal
(DR355 p26)+ Artistry, Fine Arts, Artists
The Lifegiver,
Lord of the Continuum, Chaos, Elf, Good,
Labelas Enoreth CG I Sage at Sunset Knowledge, Patience, Setting Sun
Time The Timestaff
(F&P p128) The Moment of Choice, Time,
(DR355 p26)+ Longevity, History
The Leaflord
Rillifane Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Quarterstaff
CG I Wild Elves, Woodlands, Nature, Protection
Oak Tree
Rallathil Druids
The Oakstaff
(F&P p129)
Daughter of the Night Sky
Chaos, Elf, Good, Illusion,
Sehanine Mysticism, Dreams, Death, Quarterstaff Crescent Moon over a
(F&P p129) CG I Knowledge, Travel,
Full Moon
Moonbow (RotW p23) Journeys, Transcendence, The Trickery Moonshaft
(LGG p183) Moon, The Stars, The Heavens
Black Archer, Night Hunter Chaos, Elf, Pride, Longbow Broken Arrow above a
Shevarash (F&P p130) CN I Retribution, War, Wrath Teardrop
(DR323 p65)+ Hatred of Drow, Vengeance, Loss The Black Bow
Solonor Keen-Eye, The Great Archer Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Longbow Silver Arrow with
CG I War Green Fletchings
Thelandira (F&P p131) Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Longshot
Vandria War, Guardianship, Justice, Grief,
LN I Vigilance, Decisions
Law, Protection, War Longbow Crying Eye
Gilmadrith (RotW p23)

Elf Deities Page 25

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Baervan The Masked Leaf Animal, Gnome, Good, Halfspear
NG I Plant, Travel
Raccoons Face
Wildwanderer (F&P p132) Forest Gnomes, Travel, Nature Whisperleaf
The Sly One,
Baravar Master of Illusion, Gnome, Good, Illusion, Dagger
NG L Lord of Disguise Protection, Trickery
Cloak and Dagger
Cloakshadow Nightmare
(F&P p133) Illusions, Deception, Traps
Deep Brother,
(CDiv p124) Cavern, Craft, Earth, 6-pointed Star on a
Callarduran Master of Stone, Battleaxe
(F&P p133) N I Gnome, Good, Healing, Stone or Gold Ring
Smoothhands (MM p131) Lord of Deepearth
Protection Spiderbane with a Star Symbol
(RoS p43) Svirfneblin, Secrecy
Master of Metal,
Flandal Warhammer
NG I The Great Steelsmith Craft, Gnome, Good, Metal Flaming Hammer
Steelskin Mining, Smithing, Physical Fitness
(F&P p134)
Shield of the Golden Hills,
Gaerdal Gnome, Good, Law, Warhammer
LG L The Stern
Protection, War
Iron Band
Ironhand Vigilance, Combat, Martial Defense
(F&P p135)
(PH p107)
(CDiv p112) Community, Craft,
The Joker, The Priceless Gem
(D&D p069) NG Creation, Envy, Gnome, Battleaxe
Garl Glittergold (F&P p135) G Gnomes, Humor, Wit, Illusion, Gold Nugget
/ LG Gem-Cutting, Jewelry-Making
Good, Greed, Law, Arumdina
(RoS p43) Protection, Trickery
(DR323 p65)+
Brother & rival of Garl Glittergold
Gelf Darkearth CN I Chaos, Destruction, War Warhammer Broken Anvil
(RoS p43) Entropy, Revenge
Chaos, Destruction, Evil,
Glutton, The CE L Disaster, Greed
Mace, Heavy Tooth-Filled Mouth
(RoS p44)
Rill Air, Knowledge, Magic,
LN L Invention, Creation, Sky
Longsword Ruby
Cleverthrush (RoS p45)
Lord of the Burrow,
Segojan Cavern, Earth, Gnome, Mace, Heavy
NG I Earthfriend
Glowing Gemstone
Earthcaller Earth, Nature, The Dead
(F&P p136)
CG I Love, Beauty, Passion Chaos, Fire, Good, Healing Flail, Heavy Crown & 2 Goblets
Flaxenstrand (RoS p45)
The Crawler Below Chaos, Earth, Envy, Evil,
Urdlen (F&P p137) CE I Gluttony, Gnome, Hatred
Claw Bracer White Mole
(DR323 p65)+ Spriggans, Greed, Bloodlust, Hate


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Ram-Lord Protection, Strength, Travel,
Kavaki N G War
Greatclub Two Ram Horns
(RoS p65) Goliaths, Competition
The Dead Goddess Death, Magic, Travel,
Kuliak N D Water
Morningstar Black Ram Horn
(RoS p66) The Dead, Exiles
The Wise Hunter
Manethak N I Animal, Knowledge, Luck Spear Deer Tracks
(RoS p66) Hunting, Lore
The Brave Climber
Naki-Uthai N L Earth, Strength, Sun Pick, Heavy Double Fish-Hook
(RoS p67) Mountains, Climbing, Bravery
The Fertile One
Theleya N I Healing, Magic, Plant Sickle Strawberries
(RoS p68) Fertility, Growth
The Harbinger of Woe
Vanua N L Destruction, Fire, Trickery Flail, Heavy Mountain with Fire
(RoS p68) Natural Disasters, Misfortune

Gnome & Goliath Deities Page 26

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Defender,
The Wary Sword Good, Halfling, Law, Shortsword Two Crossed
Arvoreen (F&P p137) LG I Protection, War Shortswords
(RotW p53) Defense, War, Vigilance, Halfling Aegis Heart
(DR321 p76)+ Warriors, Duty
The Irrepressible Scamp
Halfling, Luck, Travel, Dagger
Bandobaris (F&P p138) N L Stealth, Thievery, Adventuring, Trickery
Halflings Footprint
(RotW p53) Halfling Rogues
The Hand of Fellowship,
Family, Generosity,
The Hearthkeeper Quarterstaff
Cyrollalee (F&P p139) LG I Gluttony, Good, Halfling, Open Door
(RotW p53) Friendship, Trust, The Hearth, Law, Sloth Camaradestave
(DR323 p65)+ Hospitality, Crafts
The Lady of Mystery
Halflings, Secrets, Guile, Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Purse of Coins
Dallah Thuan CN I Trickery
being Emptied
Thieves & Rogues,
(RotW p52) Acquisition of Wealth, Death
Green Sister,
Sheela Watchful Mother Air, Charm, Halfling, Lust, Sickle
(F&P p139) N I Plant, Sloth
Peryrolyl (RotW p53) Nature, Agriculture, Weather, Oak Thorn
(DR323 p65)+ Dance, Beauty, Romantic Love
He Who Must Be,
Lord of the Earth, Earth, Halfling, Law,
Flail Silhouette of
Urogalan LN D The Black Hound Protection, Repose,
a Dogs Head
(F&P p140)
Temperance Doom Thresher
(RotW p53) Earth, Death, Protection of the
(DR355 p26)+ Dead
(CDiv p119)
(D&D p097) Community, Creation,
The Protector and Provider,
(F&P p141) Family, Generosity, Shortsword Cornucopia
Yondalla (RotW p52) LG G The Blessed One
Gluttony, Good, Halfling, on a Shield
(DR323 p65)+ Halflings, Explorers, Family
Law, Protection
(DR355 p26)+


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

City, Good, Knowledge, Helmet shaped as
Urbanus NG L Cities, Growth, Improvement
Mace, Heavy
a Domed Spire
(RoD p18)
Humanity, Domination, Destiny, Evil, Law,
Zarus LE G Perfection Strength, War
Greatsword Handsome Face
(RoD p19)


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Strong,
Chaos, Evil, Orc, Strength, Spiked Gauntlet
Bahgtru CE The Son of Gruumsh Broken Thighbone
(F&P p149) Wrath Crush
(DR323 p065)+ Loyalty, Stupidity, Brute Strength
(PH p107)
(CDiv p112) One-Eye, Cavern, Chaos, Domination,
Gruumsh (D&D p071) CE G He Who Never Sleeps Evil, Hatred, Lust, Orc, Unwinking Eye
(F&P p148) Strength, War, Wrath The Bloodspear
Orcs, Conquest, Strength
(DR323 p65)+
The Horde Leader,
Lieutenant of Gruumsh Destruction, Evil, Orc, Longsword
Ilneval NE Planning, War
Blodied Longsword
War, Combat, Overwhelming Foe Smasher
(F&P p149) Numbers, Strategy
The Cave Mother,
(F&P p150) Cavern, Earth, Evil, Family,
Luthic (DR323 p65)+ NE L The Blood Moon Witch
Healing, Lust, Orc, Sloth
Claw Bracer Orc Rune for Home
(DR342 p74)+ Orcs, Caves, Fertility, Healing
The Night Lord,
The Blade in the Darkness, Chaos, Darkness, Envy, Shortsword Skull on a Red
Shargaas CE L Stalker Below Evil, Greed, Orc, Trickery Crescent Moon
(F&P p150) Nightblade
(DR323 p65)+ Night, Thieves, Stealth,
White Hands, Rotting One,
Death, Destruction, Evil,
Yurtrus (F&P p151) NE L Lord of Maggots
Orc, Suffering, Wrath
Unarmed Strike White Hands
(DR323 p65)+ Death, Disease

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Minor Humanoid Racial Deities


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Librarian
Aulasha LG D Good, Knowledge, Law Warhammer Book
(RoD p74) Learning, Books, Grief
The Seer Death, Destiny, Fire,
Glautru N D Healing
Longsword Brazier
(RoD p75) Prophecy, Fate, Life and Death
The Doubter Star with
Soorinek LE D Evil, Luck, Trickery Scimitar
Watching Eyes
(RoD p75) Intrigue, Secrets, Betrayal
The Lightbringer
Syeret CG D Chaos, Sun, Travel Mace Setting Sun
(RoD p76) Inspiration, Light, Creativity
The First Star in a
Tarmuid LN D Magic, Protection, Law Quarterstaff
Bisected Square
(RoD p73) Illumians, Magic, Languages
The Silent Page with a Spear
Wathaku NE D Destruction, Evil, Strength Morningstar
through it
(RoD p77) Entropy, Wrath, Endings


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Lady of Abundance
Duthila N L Animal, Plant, Sky, Travel Scythe Ripe Apples
(RotW p77) Autumn, Hunting, Abundance
Father of Snows
Kithin N L Winter, The Dead and Dying, Animal, Death, Fire, Plant Spear Snowflake
(RotW p78) Barrenness, Paucity
Stormfather Silhouette of a Flying
Air, Destruction, Sky,
Lliendil CN I Weather, Rain, Storms, Sun, Trickery, Water
Flail, Heavy Raptoran back by a
(RotW p78) Wind, Change, Trickery Storm Cloud
Lord of Warm Winds
Nilthina N L Summer, Abundance, Warmth, Air, Animal, Plant, Sun Scimitar Handful of Berries
(RotW p79) Growth, Lore
Queen of Air and Night
Tuilviel Air, Chaos, Good,
CG G Raptorans, Night Birds, Stars, Protection, Sky
Foot Spikes Owl
Glithien Moon
(RotW p77)
Lady of Spring Animal, Healing, Plant,
Ventila N L Water
Quarterstaff Egg
(RotW p79) Spring, Fertility, Growth, Love


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

The Warrior
Brother Shell Destruction, Fire, War
(DR315 p073) Tortle
The Life-Bringer Animal, Earth, Good,
Father Earth Strength
(DR315 p073) Tortle
The Protector Good, Healing, Protection,
Mother Ocean Water
(DR315 p073) Tortle
Patron of Farmers and Fertility
Sister Grain Air, Plant, Sun
(DR315 p073) Tortle

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Monster Deities

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Demon Prince of Beasts Bestial, Chaos, Evil, Fury, Twisted Circular Maze
Baphomet (HotA p058) CE Strength
Glaive or Battleaxe
awash in Blood
(DR341 p025)+ Minotaur
Six Spiraling Tentacles
Dagon CE Demon Prince of the Depths Chaos, Entropy, Evil, Water around a Fanged
(HotA p059) Mouth
Chaos, Corruption,
Demogorgon CE Demon Prince of Demons
Demonic, Evil
Forked Tail
(HotA p061)
(HotA p063) Chaos, Demonic, Evil, Staff topped with a
Fraz-Urbluu CE Demon Prince of Deception
Trickery Humanoid Skull
(DR330 p25)+
Chaos, Demonic, Evil, Black Hand with
Grazzt CE The Dark Prince
Temptation Six Fingers
(HotA p065)
Chaos, Corruption, Evil, Pseudopod Dripping
Juiblex CE The Faceless Lord
Ooze Slime
(HotA p066)
(HotA p068) Hammer rimed in
Kostchtchie CE Demon Prince of Wrath Chaos, Evil, Fury, Winter Maul
Bloody Ice
(DR345 p022)+
Chaos, Evil, Temptation, Feminine Lips
Malcanthet CE Demon Queen of the Succubi
Trickery bleeding on a Thorn
(HotA p069)
Jawless Skull with
Chaos, Destruction,
Obox-Ob CE Demon Prince of Vermin
Entropy, Evil
a Scorpion
(HotA p071) hanging from it
Demon Prince of Undeath,
(HotA p073) Chaos, Darkness, Death,
Orcus (F&P p221) CE L Tenebrous
Demonic, Evil, Undeath
Mace Skull-headed Rod
(LM p018) Undeath, Revenge
Billowing Sheet
Chaos, Corruption, Evil,
Pale Night CE The Mother of Demons
draped over
(HotA p074) a Starry Field
Demon Prince of the Lower Air, Chaos, Evil,
Pazuzu CE Aerial Kingdoms Temptation
Twisted Bird Talon
(HotA p076)
Demon Prince of Gnolls
Yeeoghu CE Chaos, Demonic, Evil, Fury Triple-Headed Flail
(HotA p078) Gnolls
Chaos, Corruption,
Skull without a Jaw &
Zuggtmoy (HotA p079) CE Demon Queen of Fungi Demonic, Evil, Ooze, Scythe
a Mushroom on top
(DR337 p42)+ Plant


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Lord of the Ninth Layer of Hell Clawed Fist holding a
Asmodeus LE Diabolic, Evil, Law Mace, Heavy Claw or
Might, Oppression, Devils
(Tot9H p26) Ruby-tipped Rod
Lord of the Seventh Layer of Flys Head or Web
Baalzebul LE Hell, Lord of Lies Diabolic, Strength, Trickery Morningstar dangling with Flies
(Tot9H p27) Strength, Guile or Enthroned Slug
Lord of the First Layer of Hell
Bel LE Destruction, Strength, War
(Tot9H p28) Treachery
Co-Lord of the Fourth Layer of Pair of Red Eyes over
Belial LE Hell Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Ranseur a Ranseur surounded
(Tot9H p27) Secrets, Domination, Seduction by a Barbed Tail
Lord of the Second Layer of
Fortress Embossed
Dispater LE Hell, Iron Duke of Dis Destruction, Evil, War Mace, Heavy
on a Shield
(Tot9H p27) War, Intrigue
Co-Lord of the Fourth Layer of Pair of Red Eyes over
Fierna LE Hell Evil, Fire, Trickery Scimitar a Ranseur surounded
(Tot9H p27) Fire, Pain by a Barbed Tail
Lord of the Sixth Layer of Hell,
Diabolic, Domination, Evil, Copper-colored
Glasya LE Daughter of Asmodeus
(Tot9H p28) Corruption, Growth, Agony
Thin Sword thrust into
(Tot9H p28) Lord of the Fifth Layer of Hell Cold, Diabolic, Evil,
Levistus (Frost p42) LE Trickery, War
Rapier a Block of Ice or
Vengeance, Betrayal an Iron Cauldron
(BoVD p154)
Lord of the Third Layer of Hell Coin with Mammons
Mammon LE Diabolic, Evil, Trickery Shortspear
Image on it
(Tot9H p26) Greed, Lust
Lord of the Eighth Layer of Hell
Mephistopheles LE Diabolic, Evil, Fire Ranseur Copper & Gold Flame
(Tot9H p28) Fire, Magic

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Messenger of Io, Charm, Chaos, Dragon,
Scimitar Grinning Dragons
Aasterinian CN D Goddess of Invention Oillusion, Luck, Trade,
or Claw Head
(Dcn p031) Learning, Invention, Pleasure Trickery
Cavern, Dragon, Metal, Scimitar
Astilabor N L The Acquisitor
Protection, Wealth or Claw
Twelve-Faceted Gem
(Dcn p032) Acquistiveness, Status, Wealth
(CDiv p108) The Platinum Dragon,
(D&D p058) Air, Cold, Dragon, Good,
King of the Good Dragons, Pick, Heavy Star above a
Bahamut (Dcn p032) LG L Lord of the North Wind
Luck, Nobility, Patience,
or Bite Milky Nebula
(DR323 p65)+ Pride, Protection, Storms
(DR355 p26)+ Good Dragons, Wind
Death, Dragon, Fate,
The Silent, The Watcher Scythe Unblinking Draconic
Chronepsis N L Knowledge, Planning,
or Claw Eye
Fate, Death, Judgement Time
(Dcn p033)
The Night Dragon Darkness, Death, Dragon, Scimitar
Falazure NE L Evil, Undeath or Claw
Draconic Skull
(Dcn p033) Decay, Undeath, Exhaustion
Firelord, All-Destroyer, Reptilian Eyes
Chaos, Destruction, Dragon, Sickle
Garyx CE L Cleanser of Worlds
Evil, Fire, Renewal or Claw
superimposed over
(Dcn p033) Fire, Destruction, Renewal a Flame
The Jester,
Chaos, Dragon, Good, Shortsword Open Book or
Hlal (Dcn p034) CG L The Keeper of Tales
Rune, Scalykind, Trickery or Claw a Single Flame
(F&P p221) Humor, Story-Tellig, Inspiration
The Concordant Dragon,
Swallower of Shades, Dragon, Knowledge, Magic,
Io N I The Ninefold Dragon, Spell, Strength, Travel,
or Claw
Multi-Colored Disk
Creator of Dragonkind Wealth
(Dcn p034) Dragonkind
Scale of Justice,
The Balancer, Destruction, Dragon, Law, Longsword Sword balanced on a
Lendys LN L Weigher of Lives Protection, Retribution or Claw Needles Point
(Dcn p035) Balance, Justice
Death, Fate, Knowledge, Circle divided into
Null LN G Fate, Death, Judgement
Law, Scalykind
Unarmed Strike
White & Black
(F&P p221)
Her Beneficence, Her Mercy Dragon, Family, Good, Scimitar Seven-pointed Star
Tamara NG L Healing, Strength, Sun or Claw on a field of Black
(Dcn p035) Life, Light, Mercy
(CDiv p117) The Dragon Queen,
(D&D p093) Destruction, Dragon, Evil,
Nemesis of the Gods,
(Dcn p035) Greed, Hatred, Law, Pride, Pick, Heavy
Tiamat (MM4 p128)
LE L The Dark Lady
Scalykind, Trickery, or Bite
Five-Headed Dragon
(F&P p108) Evil Dragon, Evil Reptiles, Greed, Tyranny, Wrath
(DR323 p65)+ Chessenta


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Bloodfather, The Bloodspiller
Knowledge, Evil,
Afflux NE L The Unsatisfied Questioner
Deathbound, Undeath
Shortsword Drop of Blood
(LM p16) Inquiry, Necromancy, Death
King of the Ghouls Rotting Skull with
Dorsain CE D Chaos, Evil, Hunger Scimitar
Bones Behind It
(LM p16) Necromancy, Ghouls
The Deathless Beauty,
The Eternal Lover Open Hand with a
Evening Glory N L Charm, Magic, Protection Dagger
Heart-Shaped Hole
Immortality Through Undeath,
(LM p17) Love, Beauty
Demon Prince of Undeath,
(HotA p073) Chaos, Darkness, Death,
Orcus (F&P p221) CE L Tenebrous
Demonic, Evil, Undeath
Mace Skull-headed Rod
(LM p018) Undeath, Revenge

Dragons & Undead Page 30

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Other Monstrous Deities

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Two Hands with
Giants, Creation, Learning, Knowledge, Magic, Plant,
Annam (CDiv p124) N G Rune, Sun
Slam or Shortspear Wrists together and
Philosphy, Fertility
(F&P p221) Fingers pointing Down
(CDiv p124)
(F&P p221) Blackwater, Destruction, Lobsters Head and a
Blibdoolpoolp (Storm p49) NE I Kua-Toa
Evil, Water, Watery Death
Pincer Staff
Black Pearl
(DR342 p74)+
Overflowing Black
Cegilune NE L Hags, Larvae, The Moon Evil, Knowledge, Moon Quarterstaff
(DR345 p066)
Chaos, Destruction, Dream,
Derro, Magic, Knowledge, Spiral of Gray, Black,
Diirinka (CDiv p124) CE I Dwarf, Evil, Magic, Dagger
& White
Cruelty Suffering, Trickery
(F&P p221)
(CDiv p124) Animal, Protection, Seafolk,
Eadro N I Locathah, Merfolk, Tritons
Longspear Spiral or Whirlpool
(Storm p49)
(CDiv p124) Chaos, Death, Earth, Evil,
Grolantor CE I Hill Giants, Ettins, Ogres
Hatred, Strength
Club or Javelin Spiked Club
(F&P p221)
(CDiv p124)
Animal, Charity, Good,
Hiatea (F&P p221) NG G Female Giants Family, Moon, Plant, Sun
Spear Flaming Spear
(DR355 p26)+
(CDiv p124) Bugbears, Violence, Combat, Chaos, Evil, Knowledge,
Hruggek CE I Law, Magic, War
Morningstar Morningstar
(F&P p221) Ambushes
(CDiv p124)
Cloud Giants, Storm Giants, Good, Healing, Strength,
Iallanis (F&P p221) NG L Stone Giants, Lover, Mercy Sun
Battleaxe or Slam Garland of Flowers
(DR342 p074)+
(CDiv p124) Evil, Knowledge, Law,
(F&P p221) Mind Flayers, Mental Dominion, Unarmed Strike Green Stylized
Ilsensine (LoM p177) LE G Magic
Magic, Mentalism, Mind,
or Tentacle Illithid Face
(DR342 p74)+ Slime, Tyranny
The Preserver
Good, Knowledge, Law, Dinosaur Claw
Ka LG G Lizardfolk, Dinosaurs, Preserving Scalykind Holding a Book
(DR318 p072) Dying Races & Cultures
Kaelthiere (CDiv p124) NE I Salamanders, Efreet, Azer Destruction, Evil, Fire, War Spear
Earth, Good, Magic, Mace Tall Clay Pot pained
Kikanuti NG Bhukas, Fertility
Protection, Plant, Summer with a stylized Bird
(Sand p46) (clay pot)
(CDiv p113)
(F&P p221) Horned Sorcerer, Steelscale, Earth, Envy, Evil, Hatred,
(RotD p48) Spear
Kurtulmak (D&D p079) LE I Stingtail, The Watcher Kobold, Law, Luck, Gnome Skull
Foe Stinger
(wRotD2)+ Kobolds, Trapmaking, Mining, War Scalykind, Trickery, War
(DR323 p65)+
(CDiv p124)
Chaos, Death, Destruction,
Laogzed (F&P p221) CE D Troglodytes, Hunger, Destruction
Evil, Slime
Javelin Oozing Toad-Lizard
(DR342 p074)+
(CDiv p124) Goblins, Hobgoblins, Leadership, Chaos, Destruction, Evil,
Maglubiyet NE G Planning, Trickery
Battleaxe Bloody Axe
(F&P p221) War
Mak Thuum Destruction, Knowledge, Fan-shaped Glyph of
NE Psurlons
Madness, Travel
Nine Squiggly Lines
Ngatha (LoM p177)
(CDiv p124) Evil Cloud Giants, Pride, Mental Death, Evil, Knowledge,
Memnor NE I Mentalism, Rune, Trickery
Morningstar Thin Black Obelisk
(F&P p221) Prowess, Control
Chaos, Destruction, Evil,
Merrshaulk CE I Yuan-ti
(CDiv p124)
Mooncalves, Astrology, Disasters, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Moon obscured by a
Moongods NE D Hidden Knowledge Travel Shadow
(DR340 p061)
Longsword and
Nomog-Geaya LN Hobgoblins Fire, Law, War
Hand Axe
(DR315 p103)
Corruption, Darkness,
Merrow, Scrags, Krakens, Whip or Net Kraken Head or Eye
Panzuriel (CDiv p124) NE I Confusion, Murder, Subversion
Destruction, Evil, War,
or Quarterstaff with Tentacles
(DR324 p063) Water
Queen of Air Air, Chaos, Darkness,
CE I Evil Fey, Darkness, Magic, Murder
Black Diamond
and Darkness (DR359 p121)
Rakshasa, Deception, Intrigue,
Ravanna LE L Lies, Tyranny
Destruction, Evil, Trickery Javelin
(DR326 p068)
Animal, Chaos, Evil,
Raxivort CE L Xvarts, Bats, Wererats, Rats
Blue, Flaming Hand
(DR359 p121)
(CDiv p124) Blackwater, Evil, Law, Sharks Dorsal Fin
Sekolah LE L Sahuagin
Strength, War
cutting the Water
(Storm p49)
(CDiv p124) Lizardfolk, Swamps, The Hunt,
Semuanya N L Fertility
Animal, Plant, Water Greatclub Reptile Egg
(DR335 p054)
Destruction, Knowledge,
Shekinester N G Nagas
Magic, Protection
Bite or Dagger
(CDiv p124)
Sixin (CDiv p124) LE L Xills Evil, Law, Strength, Travel Short Sword
Skerrit (CDiv p124) NG L Centaurs Animal, Healing, Plant, Sun Spear

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Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Skoraeus Earth, Healing, Knowledge,
(CDiv p124) N I Stone Giants Protection, Temperance
Stonebones (DR355 p26)+
Chaos, Good, Protection,
Stronmaus CG G Storm Giants, Cloud Giants
War, Weather
(CDiv p124)
Evil, Fire, Law, Strength,
Surtr LE L Fire Giants
(CDiv p124)
The Great (CDiv p124)
Beholders, Magic, Fertility, Chaos, Death, Evil, Hatred,
(F&P p221) LE G Tyrrany Law, Strength
Bite or Greataxe Eye in an Egg
Mother (LoM p177)
Aboleths, Cloakers, Chuuls, Corruption, Evil, Mouth surrounded by
The Patient One NE Avolakias, other Aberrations Vile Darkness
Flail, Light
Dark-Colored Eyes
(LoM p177)
(CDiv p124) Lord of Frost Giants Chaos, Cold, Destruction, White Double-Bladed
Thrym (D&D p194) CE I Earth, Evil, Strength, War
(Frost p42) War, Cold, Frost Giants
Chaos, Destruction, Evil,
Vaprak CE D Ogres, Trolls
(CDiv p124)

Other Monstrous Deities Page 32

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Environment-based Deities

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Law, Protection, War, Keep with 2 Towers
Aengrist LG Winter
Bastard Sword
on a Gray Glacier
(Frost p42)
Frostmaiden, Icedawn, Battle Axe or
(F&P p091) Air, Cold, Evil, Storm, White Snowflake on
Auril (Frost p42) NE L Cold Goddess
Water, Winter, Wrath
Ice Axe
a Gray Diamond
(DR323 p65)+ Cold, Winter Icemaidens Caress
Jagged Triangle
Animal, Good, Healing,
Hleid NG Winter
Trident surrounding a Vortex
(Frost p42) of Blue Fire
Icy Scythe rising from
Iborighu CE Frozen King Chaos, Cold, Death, War Scythe a Blood-Stained
(Frost p41) Snowdrift
Thin Sword thrust into
(Tot9H p28) Lord of the Fifth Layer of Hell Cold, Diabolic, Evil,
Levistus (Frost p42) LE Trickery, War
Rapier a Block of Ice or an
Vengeance, Betrayal Iron Cauldron
(BoVD p154)
(CDiv p123) Icebrother Air, Chaos, Cold, Strength, Shortspear or Leafless Tree in a
Telchur (LGG p184) CN L Winter Shortbow Field of Snow
(Frost p42) Winter, Cold, North Wind
(CDiv p124) Lord of Frost Giants Chaos, Cold, Destruction, White Double-Bladed
Thrym (D&D p194) CE I Earth, Evil, Strength, War
(Frost p42) War, Cold, Frost Giants
The Lord in the Ice,
The Eternal Sleeper,
Animal, Law, Ocean, Longspear or Necklace of Blue &
Ulutiu LN D Father of the Giants Kin
Protection, Strength Shortspear White Crystals
(F&P p109) Glaciers, Polar Environments,
(Frost p42) Arctic Dwellers
The North God
Air, Animal, Chaos, Snow, Setting Sun on a
Vatun (LGG p185) CN L Northern Barbarians, Cold, Strength
Snowy Landscape
(Frost p52) Winter, Arctic Beasts


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Animal, Death, Destruction, Scorpion with its Tail
Al-Ishtus NE Desert Raiders
Evil, War
Raised to Strike
(Sand p45)
Fire, Luck, Summer, Sun, Golden Disk polished
Aurifar N Caliph of the Sky
Heavy Spiked Shield
to a Mirror-like Sheen
(Sand p45)
Jagged Red Line
Evil, Law, Plant, Thirst,
Azul LE Rain, Desert Nomads
Whip enclosing drops
(Sand p45) of Water
Master of the Desert Wind Air, Chaos, Good,
Haku CG Protection, Travel
Scimitar Stylized Gust of Wind
(Sand p45) Waste Nomads
(CDiv p122) The Shrew
(LGG p173) N Competition, Destruction,
Joramy (Sand p46) L Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, Fire, Water, War, Wrath
Quarterstaff Volcano
(NG) Quarrels
(DR323 p65)+
Defiler of the Dead,
Air, Chaos, Darkness,
Father of Jackals, Shortspear or
(D&D p154) CE / Destruction, Envy, Evil,
Set G/I Lord of Carrion Halfspear Coiled Cobra
(F&P p147) LE Darkness, Evil, Desert Storms,
Hatred, Law, Magic, Pride,
(Sand p46) Scalykind, Strength, Wrath Spear of Darkness
(DR323 p65)+ Drought, Snakes, Murder
Animal, Good, Healing,
Pool of Water at the
Solanil NG Goddess of Oases Protection, Summer, Quarterstaff
base of a Date Tree
(Sand p46) Travel, Water
Bringer of Life,
Knowledge, Magic,
Tem-Et-Nu LN Provider of Wealth,
Nobility, Travel, War
(Sand p46) Deity of Rivers
Air, Chaos, Destruction, Stylized Drawing
Zoser CN Desert Whirlwinds
Sand, Summer
Spiked Chain
of a Tornado
(Sand p46)

Deities mentioned in Frostburn & Sandstorm Page 33

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Stern God of Justice Good, Law, Ocean, Seafolk, White Spear striking
Aventernus LG Strength
and parting Water
(Storm p49) Aventi
(CDiv p122) Daughter of the Oasis Plant, Travel, Water,
Geshtai (LGG p171) N L Weather
Shortspear Waterspout
(Storm p49) Lakes, Rivers, Wells, Streams
(CDiv p124)
(F&P p221) Blackwater, Destruction, Lobsters Head
Blibdoolpoolp (Storm p49) NE I Kua-Toa
Evil, Water, Watery Death
Pincer Staff
and a Black Pearl
(DR342 p74)+
(CDiv p124) Animal, Protection, Seafolk,
Eadro N I Locathah, Merfolk, Tritons
Longspear Spiral or Whirlpool
(Storm p49)
Lord of Undersea,
(CDiv p124) Chaos, Elf, Good,
The Dolphin Prince Trident
Deep Sashelas (F&P p125) CG I Knowledge, Ocean, Dolphin
(RotW p21) Aquatic Elves, Oceans, Creation, Protection, Water Trifork of the Deeps
(Storm p49) Knowledge
(CDiv p123) The Storm Lord,
(LGG p180) Animal, Chaos, Storm, Crashing Wave or
Sailor of Sea and Sky Trident or
Procan (Storm p49) CN I Travel, Water, Weather,
Trident Piercing a
(DU106 p41) Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, Wrath Cresting Wave
(DR323 p65)+ Navigation
Captain of the Waves,
The Mighty Air, Chaos, Good, Ocean, Shield with a Cloud &
Valkur (F&P p110) CG D Protection, Wrath The Captains Three Lighting Bolts
(Storm p49) Sailors, Ships, Favorable Winds,
(DR323 p65)+ Naval Combat
King of the Water Elementals,
Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Warhammer
Ishtishia (F&P p098) N G The Water Lord
Travel, Water
Cresting Wave
(a wave)
(Storm p49) Elemental Water, Purification
(CDiv p124) Blackwater, Evil, Law, Sharks Dorsal Fin
Sekolah LE L Sahuagin
Strength, War
cutting the Water
(Storm p49)
Animal, Good, Law, Ocean, Greatclub
Whale Mother LG Darfellan
Leaping Whale
(Storm p49) (a paddle)
Dark Blue-Green
Lord of Deep Darkness Blow Blackwater, Destruction,
Yeathan NG Evil
Trident Spiral with a
Malevolents of the Sea Black Center
(Storm p49)

Deities mentioned in Stormwrack Page 34

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007

Additional Deities

Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Bright Eagle,
Ayailla NG
Brilliant Mistress
Glory, Good, Sun Spear Phoenix
(BoED p24)
Laughing Rogue,
Chaav CG
Smiling God
Chaos, Good, Joy, Trickery Quarterstaff Wild Flowers
(BoED p24)
Community, Good,
Estanna NG Hearth Tender, The Virgin
Dagger Hearth
(BoED p25)
Goddess of Pleasure, Love, &
Lastai CG
Chaos, Good, Pleasure Grappling Pole Peach
(BoED p25)
Endurance, Good, Law, Broken Chain,
Phieran LG Tortured God
Unarmed Strike
Shattered Rack
(BoED p26)
Silhouette of a
Valarian NG Dusk Unicorn Animal, Fey, Good Unicorn Horn
Unicorn Rampant
(BoED p26)


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Altua (CWar p148) LG Honor, Nobility Good, Law, Nobility, War Longsword Scroll
Halmyr (CWar p148) LN Strategy, Skill Law, Planning, War Rapier Full Helm
Chaos, Destruction,
Konkresh CN Brute Force
Greatclub Broken Shield
(CWar p148)
(CWar p148) Dagger Balance
Lyris N Victory, Fate Destiny, Fate, Luck, War Warhammer
on a Finger
(RoD p162)+
Nadirech (CWar p149) CE Cowardice, Trickery Chaos, Evil, Luck, Trickery Shortsword Jeweled Ring
Sulerain (CWar p149) NE Slaughter Death, Destruction, Evil Greataxe Eye Crying Blood
The Guardian
Syreth NG Good, Healing, Protection Mace, Heavy Triangular Shield
(CWar p148) Protection, Community
Typhos (CWar p148) LE Tyranny Evil, Law, Tyranny, War Greatsword Hand Wielding Whip
Chaos, Courage, Good, Sword in a
Valkar CG Courage
Mailed Hand
(CWar p148)

Exalted & Warrior Deities Page 35

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007


Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol

Devourer of Light,
King of Shadows,
Lord of Darkness,
Erebus NE L The Void Between the Stars Darkness, Evil, Trickery Horned Arch
Shadow Lash
Darkness, Lies, Night, Shadows,
Assassins, Liars, Shadar-Kai,
(DR322 p062) Thieves, Undead
The Final Guest,
Erivatius LE D Lord of Inertia
Death, Knowledge, Law Unarmed Strike Barbed Triangle
(DU123 p079)
Life, Reason, Knowledge, Order, Hope, Knowledge, Law,
Eternal Light LN G Hope, Leadership Plant, Sun
Spear Sun
(DR340 p045)
Good, Healing, Law, Black Sword on
Ezra LN D Protection, Healing, Order
Protection a White Shield
(DR359 p120)
Guardian of the Death, Knowledge, Shattered Statue or
LN L Dead Gods
Protection, Repose Broken Holy Symbol
Dead Gods (DR359 p120)
Blood, Debauchery, Seduction, Charm, Darkness, Death, Bat with Glowing Red
Kanchelsis CE I Vampirism Evil Eyes
(DR359 p121)
Kelanen (DU117 p035) N The Prince of Swords Travel, War any Sword 9 Swords in a Star
Skull with Green
Creation & Control of the Corruption, Death,
Kyuss NE D Undead, Decay, Worms Destruction, Evil
Club Worms coming out of
(DR336 p063) its Eyes & Mouth
Feminity, Emotions, The Senses,
Emotion, Knowledge,
Lunara N L Divination, Transformation,
Magic, Trickery
Dagger Moon
(DR340 p054) Cycle of Life, Magic
Master of the Animal, Hunt, Strength,
N L Hunting, Beasts, Night
Bow or Spear
Hunt (DR342 p089)
Skeletal Hand holding
Mellifleur NE L Lichdom, Magic Death, Evil, Luck, Magic
a Crystal Vial
(DR359 p121)
Air, Chaos, Earth, Good,
The Watcher, The Maker,
Taiia Creator Healing, Knowledge, Law, Solar Disk with
N G The Dancer Trident
Three Eyes
Aspect Creation, Mortal Life and Death
Luck, Magic, Protection,
(D&D p203) Sun, Travel
Taiia The Devourer Chaos, Death, Destruction,
Solar Disk with
Destroyer N G Destruction, Mortal Life and Evil, Fire, Law, Strength, Battleaxe
Three Eyes
Aspect (D&D p203) Death Trickery, War, Water
Psionics, Self-Improvement, Knowledge, Luck, Mind,
The Oversoul N Meditation Strength
n/a Concentric Circles
(DR350 p088)
Black Circle with
The Ebon Maw,
Chaos, Destruction, War, Teeth Pointing inwards
Turaglas CE The Insatiable,
Flail, Heavy
along the
The Hunger Eternal
(DR312 p072) Circumference

Miscellaneous Deities Page 36

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index Deities October 1, 2007


Revision History
February 28, 2007 Initial. Includes Players Handbook, Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods, Draconomicon, Monster Manual 4,
Faiths & Pantheons, Frostburn, Sandstorm, Stormwrack, Eberron Campaign Setting, Faiths of Eberron, Players Guide to Eberron,
Races of Destiny, Races of Stone, Races of the Dragon, Races of the Wild, Hoards of the Abyss, Tyrants of the Nine Hells, Libis
Mortis, Living Grayhawk Gazetteer, Lords of Madness, Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon #312 #352, & Dungeon #113 #144.
October 1, 2007 Added Dragon #353 #359.
Added Dungeon #145 #150.
Added some missing info from CDiv and F&P.

Key to Sourcebooks
PH Players Handbook v.3.5 BoED Book of Exalted Deeds
PH2 Players Handbook 2 FF Fiend Folio
DMG Dungeon Masters Guide v.3.5 UA Unearthed Arcana
DMG2 Dungeon Masters Guide 2
Frost Frostburn
MM Monster Manual v.3.5
Storm Stormwrack
MM2 Monster Manual II
Sand Sandstorm
MM3 Monster Manual III
MM4 Monster Manual IV FR Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
MM5 Monster Manual V MoF Magic of Faern
LoD Lords of Darkness
CWar Complete Warrior
RoF Races of Faern
CDiv Complete Divine
SM Silver Marches
CArc Complete Arcane
Und Underdark
CAdv Complete Adventurer
PGF Players Guide to Faern
CSco Complete Scoundrel
Eb Eberron Campaign Setting
RoS Races of Stone
PGE Players Guide to Eberron
RoD Races of Destiny
FoE Faiths of Eberron
RotW Races of the Wild
RoE Races of Eberron
RoE Races of Eberron
SoX Secrets of Xendrik
RotD Races of the Dragon
5Nat Five Nations
Dcn Draconomicon
Dragon Magazine (with issue number)
LM Libris Mortis DR###
(e.g., DR343 is Dragon Magazine #343)
LoM Lords of Madness
DU## Dungeon Magazine (with issue number)
HotA Fiendish Codex 1: Hoards of the Abyss
Tot9H Fiendish Codex 2: Tyrants of the 9 Hells
Drow Drow of the Underdark

3.5up D&D v.3.5 Accessory Update

PH3.5e Players Handbook v.3.5 Errata
MM3Errata Monster Manual III Errata
PGFe Players Guide to Faern Errata
CDivErrata Complete Divine Errata
CArcErrata Complete Arcane Errata
CAdvErrata Complete Adventurer Errata
DR334Errata Dragon 344 Errata
EbErrata Eberron Errata
wCity1 Cityscape Web Enhancement #1
wCity3 Cityscape Web Enhancement #3
wRotD1 Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement #1
wRotD2 Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement #2
wLivingSpell1 WotC Living Spells, part 1 of 4
wLivingSpell2 WotC Living Spells, part 2 of 4
wLivingSpell3 WotC Living Spells, part 3 of 4
wLivingSpell4 WotC Living Spells, part 4 of 4
wWarforged Dragonshards The Warforged
wWaterdeep Waterdeep Web Enhancement
wTot9H Tyrants of the 9 Hells Web Enhancement

Note: If a Key reference is followed by a +, then it is partially superseded the entry above it.

Appendix Page 37

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