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Athens had a better system of citizenship than Rome because all citizens had equal

rights and full political participation. Despite contrasting evidence that Rome had a preferable

system, Athens had a superior system.

While Rome may have given rights to a larger variety of people, Athens had a higher

quality system because they had more equality for those with citizenship. Citizenship was

something to be honored and protected. Not everyone could have it, and those who did had a

special relationship to the state. In other words, even though Athens only gave citizenship to

free, native-born adult males, those select few had equality.

Rome gave citizenship to a larger variety of people, but they limited political participation

for certain groups. For example, native-born adult females could not vote or hold public office.

Roman citizens were also separated via class or rank. In result of this, I dont believe Rome had

a good citizenship system.

Considering Athens had a population of about 300,000, it was crucial that they worked

together. Athens had a lot system to choose who would participate, so all citizens had a chance

to participate in politics. Participating in government and making the city-state work was simply

what good citizens should do. To clarify, when given the ability to participate in politics, its vital

that its used.

Although Athens had a small population compared to Romes 45,000,000, Athens

managed their small community with efficient methods. Citizens had equal rights and full

political participation, which was an effective approach. In conclusion, Athens had a better

system of citizenship because they managed who could be a citizen and what rights those

citizens had with equivalence in mind.

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