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Justin Weirich


Ms. Sanchez

28 April, 2017

25 to life?

Imagine waking up on a hard bed in a dark area; you have bars as doors, limited outside

freedom, and there is someone watching you every minute of everyday. This is what life is like

for people who have been sentenced to life in prison; this is what the rest of their life is going to

be. On June 25, 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles who committed murder could not

be sentenced to life in prison because it violated the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and

unusual punishment. If child commits a murder he will put in a juvenile detention facility but

will not be held in prison for the rest of his life. There is much controversy over this subject; it is

a sensitive subject, but there must be different laws set in place for this type of crime. There has

been too many crimes committed having to deal with minors committing murder. This needs to

end now.

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