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Pain I no longer feel.

The flash, and I. Unshielded by steel.

The fires, and chaos, and mayhem.
Of a world caught in the a.m.

Fear reverberates in sight

For a world, devoid of light.
All fear the winter.
All fear the dissenter.

Time I can taste

Years of, such waste.
Oh we were fools
Nothing to follow; no rules

The air shant be smelled.

For fear to delve
Into the pain we created
As though we were fated

Groans I cant hear

A solution yet to appear
What have we done
Soon shall there be none

But the man pulls out the key

He hands it to me.
I turn from the door.
To walk further; no more.

I try to walk back

But I cant see the path
My choice is to turn
Yet to be the worlds spurn

The key moves rough in its lock

I struggle, its blocked
I wonder, in haste
For the world, too late?

But at last, the door swings.

I fly through on wings.
What is done cant be un
But I fly for the future, on wings of megaton.

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