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Dymund Daniels

Urinary system lab report

This lab report is a summary of the experiments,diagram and data recorded. Figure 1 is the
gross anatomy of a anterior right cow kidney, red latex fills the arteries and blue latex fills the
Figure 2 is the microscopic anatomy of a mouse kidney, it shows blood vessels surrounding the
collecting ducts and epithelial cells
Table 1 The urinalysis table show the results of three different test done. The results show they
all had different colors and outcomes.
Figure 3 Case study infographic about a patient name joe whose suffering from dehydration and
not following his diet regime

(gross anatomy of the kidney)

Figure 1. Gross anatomy of a cow kidney. Frontal section with arteries filled with latex and veins
filled with blue latex.
(Microscopic Anatomy)
Figure 2. Microscopic view of the kidney of a mouse
Test Normal Abnormal A B C
values values

Color Colorless Straw milky colorless

Pale straw

Cloudiness clear clear V light T slightly

SP. Gravity 1.001-1.060 1.020 1.04 1.040

pH 4.8-7.5 5 9 above 7.5 5

Albumin none neg trace neg


mucin none none none none

Glucose none normal normal 1000

ketones none neg neg neg

hemoglobin none neg neg neg

leukocytes none neg neg neg

nitrile None positive Positive

(Urinalysis results)

Table 1 Urinalysis Results

The urinalysis table show the results of three different test done. The results show they all had
different colors and outcomes.
(Case study infographic)
Figure 3 Case study infographic about a patient name joe whose suffering from dehydration and
not following his diet regime.


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