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Interview Questions:

1.) Q How prevalent are obesity and obesity related conditions in your patients?

A: Its common to see obese kids in the office.

2.) Q: How educated are your obese patients on how to live a healthy lifestyle?

A: Most of them are educated, and they know they are obese, but they dont want to change their

eating habits.

3.) Q: When you see your obese patients again, do their physical conditions usually improve,

stay the same, or get worse?

A: If they are not taking care of their health, it only worsens.

4.) Q: What conditions or illnesses in your patients do you see as a result of obesity?

A: Type II diabetes, depression, joint problems, and hypertension.

5.) Q: What do you believe the best way to overcome obesity is?

A: Educate patients on how to lead a healthy life by eating healthy and exercising regularly.

6.) Q: Do you notice any differences in the self-esteem in your obese patients and your normal


A: Yes, obese patients have low self-esteem.

7.) Q: Do your obese patients often have obese parents?

A: Yes

8.) Q: What are some steps you think society should take that would help the obesity epidemic

calm down?

A: Serving healthier lunches in school, and educating kids and parents about how the obesity

epidemic is rapidly worsening and ways to prevent it.

9.) Q: How seriously do you think society should take the obesity epidemic?

A: They should take it seriously because obesity is a huge health problem in the United States.

10.) Q: What kind of advice do you give your obese patients on how to change their lifestyle?

A: I advise them on how to eat healthy and get enough physical activity.

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