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For this POW, what was most important in helping me find the solution was drawing out
the pie and making the slices in the form of a diagram. Using the drawings in this way
made it much easier for me to see the amount of possible slices for the first couple amount
of cuts. I made multiple different diagrams in order to find my answer for 1,2,3, and 4
slices. Once I had found the pattern for these number of slices, the pattern became clear
and I was able to find the maximum number of slices for any number of cuts.
My in and out table is on my work on the back. In this POW I found that the maximum
number of slices for a given number of cuts is equal to the previous maximum of slices
plus the number of cuts. In an equation form it would be y=b+x where y is the maximum
amount of cuts, b is the previous maximum of slices and x is the amount of slices. From
ten cuts, the maximum amount of pieces is 56 pieces. I found this because 46 is the
previous maximum number of cuts + the number of cuts (which is ten) = 56.

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