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Ava Whitesel

Mr. Amoruso

Religion 9


A) Theme: Gods care for those who love him.

B) Reading: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

B) Reflection: God has an eternal purpose for all people who love him. All things

happen according to Gods will, and He has a plan for everyone. God shows us

through his work that he loves us, and He has plans for everyone. In this passage God

ells his people that he promises to make things beneficial to them, even though it may

not seem that way. The love of God to his people is indescribable, and during ones

life when things are going good, He is to thank.

C) Prayer: God please guide me to follow you. Guide me to love your work. Help me

understand your calling, and show me the way to eternal life so that I may be with

you. Help me cope through the bad times so that I know that everything happens for a

specific reason. God please show me the way to happiness every day. Amen.

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