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101 More Inter in Family Therapy i Thorana S. Nelson, PhD Terry S. Trepper, PhD Balitors CONTENTS Aout the Editors Conus Peefice 1. Don't Sus Do Socnething, Stand Thre Mark B. White 2. itoring Movement fr Ineeasing Fanily Cooper ‘Danie J, Winer 3._Seving the Obvious: Data Collection in Therspy Toeltyn I Ross 4 Of Clocks aid Rubber Bands: On the Use of Pops in Family Therapy Tnctano LAbate 5. Koow the Enemy's Sttesies and You Will Know ‘Your Owa Power Toellya L. Ross 6. The Races On! A Group Contingency Program Uo Reduce Sibling Aggression ‘isin Robinson 2. Aine as Intervention Witham C. Madsen 8. Sculpting Stepfamily Stractre Tort S. Zimmerman raped Supervision 8 Retlecting Richard J. Bischoff len & Wachtet Competing Voices: A Nari Linda G Bat Emotional Restuctring the Marital Relationship Thomas W Roberts Re-Romancing les Bigger Than Both of Us Carol Phipor Joining With Jeng: An Intervention Foe Bung Tus» Stepfamilies Vda Clark ‘iss crenton with Fas: AOne-Down Peter 1. Jankowsti Columbo Therspy with Famiies Peter J Jankowski as One-Down Pastoning ‘Seeing Change Wha Client Don't 1G Alan Willard Makin the Genogram Soltion Based Bruce P Kuehl (Charles P-Rarard ThoranaS. Nelson 0 1 Bulking Alliances with A ity Therapy Gary M. Diamar Howard 8 Liddle ‘What Nestled versus What I Got: Giving Cen Permission to Grieve “Tina. Tie Staring with the Fala Working with "Difcul” Cents 0 Diane R Gohart Brook A Pious Wort a Thousand Words: Use of Farnil Photographs to Promote Parental Nuturance in Family Therapy with Adolescents tos Susan K. Macey A Fairy Tle Ending ww ‘Sharon A. Deacon The Wall of Defenses » Sharon A. Deacon Single Women sn the Grief Cicle us Karen G Lewis Staying the Wild Things 4 Debra W. Smith ‘The Nightmare Question: Problem Talk in Solution Focused Brief Therapy ‘with Aleoholies and Their Fares 1s ‘Norman H. Reuss 1 Rewrite with Little Help from My Friends ba Frank Thomas Time and Couples, Pat ‘The Decompression Chamber 0 Peter Fraeniel 2. 4 ‘Toe and Couples, Pas i ‘The Sinty-Second Pleasure Pont Peer Fraeniet Debunking Addictive Religious Belief Systems in Matt Therapy Thomas W Robers ‘Ceremony to Memeriaize OM Hus ‘Stephanie Brooks ‘Suatepie Joumaing Mary E. Dankoski ‘A Solution Foeused Guessing Game for Chiktren “Mary B. Dankoski The Pele Box Ritual: Helping Families Prepare for Remaninge ‘Traela Meyerstein Using Batacea Sticks in Coupes Therapy Geothey L Suith Moreen Seman Necessiy's Way Celia B. Ferguson Beverly MeKee ‘S.Carm Paton Couples Group Psychotherapy with HIV-Atfcted Gay Men David W. Purcell Nadine Kaslow ‘The Grid Phoebe S. Prsiy Revisiting the Sobject of Emotional Highs al Lows Tivo Interventions Phoebe 8. Prosty Paricia M. Dyer 16 m 0 ‘0. 51 (Changing Hats During Therapentic Ips dh Marka Barve Reciprocal Double Binds, Aplieation ‘of Consnutions of Reality, and Change ‘na Trtning Context ‘Mony Eka “The Play Is the Thing: Using Sell-Constucte Board Games in Far Therapy ‘Craig W Sah ‘Therapists Mast Be EXPLISSIT Robert Sima “The Relopse Is Your Friend “osgph L. Wetchler Debra L. Del Veeco Sculprural Metaphors (¢ Create Discoatanity snd Novelty in Farly Therapy Tovaela Meyerstein A Therapeutic Remarriage Rit ‘Florence W.Keslow “The Complaint Tecique ‘Brenda Carroll “Time Out"—Calming the Chaos Janes Verser fn Empirically Driven Matta Therapy ‘Suephanie A oss ‘Ana Ulloa Eira ‘Symbols in Reatonsips Don G. Bowen Sees aneaee ee Rca Le eee 56 58, a 6. 6 ‘oral Fanily Therapy 1 Fait Aajustent Among Adolescent Leukemia P Sharon Z. Jobson Ana Ulloa Estrada The Many Colors of Divorce Pasha D Bhando On a Scale frm One to Ten Shanon B. Demer ‘Genoprams in & Muiicuural Perspective ‘na Ulloa Estrada Penny Haney Using Ato Aid the Prooes of Extralization Thomas D. Carton ‘he “What Ate You Prepared to Du? Question David Pearion Race in Family Theapy: Usnoiceable or Relevant? Denise Dawiele The Parumasal Afar Honesty and Deco Veter Lehmann, Donald K Granola ‘Three Excelent Agreements Wymons and the Eigheea- Wheeler Mara ores Funetions of Behavior in the Adolescent Fanily ‘Sor. Allgood ‘Together an Apart Daily Rituals in Divorced and Rennarsed Faiies Janine Roberts 276 230 297 201 30s ©. 2. 1. 1, ae ad has formation;ftervention wi Comtative Cooples Kem Openshaw Many Smal Steps Instesd of One Tom Andersen Metseomnnie san Intervention ‘ee N. Johnson ‘Kin Hander and Rote Revers ‘Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones: The Verbally Abusive Child ‘Allison Watervorde ‘Matieen Minor Carol L:Phlpot Binuclear Family Therapy: Conflict Reduction Through Acrecing to Disagree Donald: Granvotd The Use of Rogerian Techniques in Marital Therapy David L Fenel 1 You Can't Say Something Nice David. Kearns ‘Seeing the Child in You Wendy Won-¥ Shick [A Picture of Health: Using Guise Imagery to Fasiate Differentiation Catherine E Ford Sori Pred P Piercy Carolyn Tubbs 1s Never Too Late to Have a Good Childhood: Reworking tthe Source Beth M. Erickson 360 2. wo. aH The Typical Day Iteview A Play Therapy Intervenion Geafiey Smith Peace a Any rice Young Hee Chang Teaching Metaphors Baty Vos Fostering Accountability: A Reconstructive Dialogue With Couple with a History of Vskence Waite G. Flore Orie Carols inthe Teaches Gary €: Duby We Ate Where We Live Tan Nealer (Creating a Safe Space in Therapy Voller Thomas Family sessment Using Subjective Genograms Daniel J Wiener The Maal Conference Peter B. Meaynard Jerome F Adams Policymaking Wihin Families: A Clinical Example ‘oF Family Process and Governanes Kile N Weir Mapping Mulipticity: An Application ofthe Internal Family Systems Model Katherine J. Michelson Opening Space and the Two- Story Techni ‘Adam Est Catherine Scan 380 385 mn au is 0 94 Using Arto Extomatize and Tame Tempers ‘uty Buckyean Avi Therapy ng Suocess Through Competency-fmmersed Peter A. Kate Jota M, Robs Finding the Horseshoe Nil Thovana S Neon Reconneeting Throygh Touch Volker Thomas The Parents’ Closet A Faaily Therapy AAppeoach for “Coming to Aceeptance of GaysLasbianiBisexual Childien clon Camis, Laura HT Saunders Respecting the Pupase ofthe Ol Pati ant the New Patter Zoseph L. Wether Notice he Difference Vitor eon Mad About You Richard B. Sih Increasing Homework Compliance The SEA Meth or Bisctive Use of he 167 "Nontherapy" Hours ofa Week, Kim Openshaw ‘A Solon Focused Approach to Physical Abuse Tacqueline Corcoran Chia Fratin ‘An Older Chit ora Young Adult An Intervention Bisel onthe lategrated Model Vitor H Nelson Ban E Hanon " 100, Community Service mterveaion 493 Jon E Winet TOL Teiang in Family Therapy 98 Shanon 8. Dermer “Topical index 303 ANOUT THE EDITORS ‘Thorana 8. Nelson, PAD, is the Director of the Marcage nd Family Therepy Program and Associate rofessr of Family sal aman Development at Uta State University in Logan, Utah Ste has taught in mariage and family therapy traning programs since 1986 and has ben a family therapist sine 198], The experience of leaching and supervising student therapists has given her wide Perspective bout the pratice of family therapy. ‘Terey 8. Trepper, PRD, i Director ofthe Family Stuties Center Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Mamage and Family ‘Thezapy at Purdue University-Calumet in Hammond, laana He ie {APA Felon, an AMET Clinical membec and Approved Super: visor an AASECT Cesifed Sex Thecapst, and a Diploeate nthe American Board of Sexology. He is the Fitor of the Journal of Fanily Poychotherapy and Executive Editr of The Haworth Press's “Marriage and te Family ook program. Dr. Tepper isthe cour (ith Mary fo Bart) of Systemic Treatment of Incest’ A Therapew tic Handbook; Treating Incest; A Mulpte Systems Perspecive (The Haworth Press, 1987) and (vith Thorana Nelson) 101 Interventions in Fanly Therapy (The Haworth Pres, 1993), cs TO] MORE INTERVENTIONS IN FAMILY THERAPY We watt to dank Bill Palmer of The Haworth Pres, who has bad ont th a bth ofthese pce tucophout supe of os teal. slong wit he ene Heron Manage and ite Faye as eon ey portant on Fine wal ak Lana Reike, who tls a9 cael cited tina bot bok Sb i ts hile nerklg witha tt ‘ison oF cients, going to graduate scoala er ese, {0 wy ote sme seutane of amily he ois x er ‘reser ‘We hog yon wil enjoy 107 More erventions in Fay Therapy a8 sich a most readers dd fast bok. You wl find ths Ylume fala Peng, exog, ant pha iervent aye caso aes ‘ey i you werk: Although the oak has top inn, we ope ou Wil nt ead exe chap a tine, fer pete Yu nay nos bao ‘ba old span your oom cena feading andr uy an Hi my lev soln with a oy ferent epee ass cote tad. Homever you tend it we hope tat vl pe ut Wy noe times your clea wok. Thorana. Neon PhD Tory S Tepper PD Don't Just Do Something, Stand There ‘Mark B. White INTRODUCTION AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATION ‘ne ofthe classc interactional pats familia to therapists wn werk sit coupes is be emodoal purer ditenoet lationship One reer Of te couple Oster Stetina and tral scars a pr Sveshis or her garter. The oter member ofthe cup te acomfertile Wi gesteritimacs an, accordingly, stanes. A ceipel, Yes ‘yee hen eeated The sore ca pte pres, he fore the aes pres distances, When th prser ties of Pssing and bein fino, he voles ein reverse with the forme stance now pang Ne Fotmee pusue Ferman, 1992: Rarpel, 934). ‘nut recent have not ada gest Gal of sce asin owes in ‘weaking ice. have te te treatm dererbed in ts cpt several tines wih limited suceass, However, it moked ue slenly ‘inthe lstccpl win whieh {edt ArT have refed on it snces Thetev tat soe! vartahes were arsed with decomp an wit the nay in which he intervention as ayes dha have sven tee unrstnting of rw tase Teese Other courage the pesue 10 sand Sti eit pasting mr denen This lows te dsunceroappcac on bis or ber own ne “he Weurtcal foundation for Ws intervention hat thexe bask cle ‘nes Fist esis with tbe cane of hs pater ae ae ton ofa base system property The behavior ene person or nen a 2 sysempetus th other persons or elements in he system, wh Bea in esponse fo is prtarbaton. Seon. a tier explain the "ue ot ten ives ese antesacuons. (have tame Io Bowen Family Sysens Theory (Kea and Bowen, 1988). Inds tec, ey ented ste ey emia proces tht dies the ditance puma cycle Ti fred tis ero peoeess asia To magnotm i th psi ansrerse When waea boy mater eae na sins ep ir fsa white dogs with napa Yass, When te dogs were fae 16 face, a advance ty one woul satin a yee hy te thes TE eidons His an aanced the oer, {et ol he rsp “eich ‘catonshp. With pace, foul pageryavance oe doe wl Yezan 10 feet te tension and noted the oir dog besnnng tome Me tg ces hoped toast into mal infraction. Teanga of acoople a stand si involves teaching the ase top persuig ae ‘esto he tension and tent stan lst Wa el the te ale toate increased intimacy oc make iso he own overs Ft ASSESSMENT Recogitne 1 pusic-dstane cyte tends aot wo be del, ss ‘ples come inching as prof the presnting poten 8, See sways maging at me when ryt watch TV and cla alle mec "Te ‘fen loss up and does't want © tal with oe after we hee set Ale hat ee fing with my co-worka eid eveytng loge close to et ai ae keep pashing me away.) I at secede is ‘ste asa Way of revealing ie to a ime the esapit pes, ny sor of iimacycihuncing intervention. "The nerves ese) ee aproprite i the tert and tc are in serena is fate a prem hey want to fess on. Other ses sucha al Srsfncion. power sugele, violence, fale) ad 0 on tak pre, ence. Onc these more resting led are ese ot ale mers san: ‘agebl, hen work on the prea tance eel can sored. INTERVENTION These a fe ses he icvetion. Fst ts couple sed to iasty ect satons hat ber gare fates ee sted Sina Rtn Sed ch en of bees ed wily hs cba ones nl eings hong the pres Of sie mp tance ar 1) te thes and beets sated wi aay at ‘rope he psc ah) the tha and eli aescied wih ie edo ditancs one pa he tancer Tha, De sas eo Age to develop new, shred ways commute es ital ape eve ring Unc imes Sipps sch I ned cnet ht sow? “I's geting tohotin ee or ne" Vin ecg heroes cate aged und te ed byt coupe ese stein Pea, ‘anuning nt oe parter tically alts ba psa alee heey is coed in tb a of stating sil Stating sil involves discon ‘he pra, bt not distancing: involves mang the ancy asset ‘th the dsan® fom the partes by engaging in ec ain sek Ing out ies ae ee fly members The cial and ca ssp) of tain il Occurs whea the fxr distance makes acvances Wie sores, tis rial ha he formes pursue ot pal bake refs 0 ngage i inimue comesraion or hy wiholdie affection x sea Rater, be: she should eautonsly accept the advances, allowing De egies of inimacy to increase gradually Fal bel fo the therapist to wore wit dhe comple in adn x posive mete for the ‘owes. Aldnogh is may ace sing he shed language dace Wevions aso incldes fading ways to depathologize both he past td the dltnce oles and enoourages the souple 0 see the rll ‘ute oer "aance™ RESULTS My mpstecen sues wih hit itervention was wth young oma heel copie that saughe mata ery af eis ‘ed be foes vr mtasay wih sone Ren ‘ede the ute that wel hem Tae le Alc ‘ei fotlowig he eveaon at dad been wu Ted pte tit ead very Se nen for nunacy ad comet al at Ass tent eqs comet ad rasan tate waned to en te ‘ana ha pseu ferns. Alice a a Bet fly trig as ute ystnctoal al tha se wat eqwecy ere ‘eal celine Der maigsin He of he sce Te alfa She was ttf sn sn thee Tel Could vider with some soo ope for tue Te ped ate ‘re ela ray and hata le eee ae oat ed “ed prude eye was rane nc Tea Aes sl st stat oes speniity re ean, Ted sea (oat me inttve an resposty. We nat wed fr tot sui Dang hse four weds, Ace sn Ted ae saan press in managing te ntinacy an anety Inthe elhcnihip Hal ee ‘omentit cute aout bow tis ocued bt ey persed ape ‘ol hei new roles. They termined somewn yesely nny ee to, because thy wee toring tn aot pt of te eousey. Hoke {heat feedback got about hem was tha gs were Pens oe wel Sng al ppt toe boca seco conrrainicarions nay expen ez coat xn between he ese sory te come sya an i pura oes We et thot won copes whch igen ancy est cone ie ‘chr of he rhnship ae not dees for Sang sl ‘he uc that tt pars Comma to mene ood seis co, ase enn ee ity wees scoly nce doped aa, dance oc ai Tose dev hs neha Ip ey “for nr penton an wb ied ced ad ‘to ws soul cong eng ie arage Unto es ‘nora fr no ston si Unik Gomlsmeone ten ‘anand woman were wnbleW comm lo wate oo Uses ‘eperod ie ‘Rr tance pats canbe very sting for herp acon ‘sae However tom nda oe wllg wrk Steen $n, the velo ans sera, ad vets te es een recmnnen stags 3 jet teen REFERENCES Free 1952 ayy wih np: The foi gi ch soa MA (1994) Bang copes Now Yn: W. WN, es and Bowen (085) Pam cae New Yok WW. Rvon Mirroring Movement for Increasing Family Cooperation Daniel J, Wiener 1 ecame terested in applying eater einiqus(pcicly ne ‘isan to fay hecapy tn 1985 ad ve windy ie, nt deed "any Sich games and eercies it woetingsloaly since th Bie (Gener, 1984) The main avanazes ofthese technigns ae tot (0) i eamamon with otter sea ecaiqus, hey ener partes Kom less vealed family meraers (pena cen) ho ten become bce or fel excluded "alc-ony terpy, and @) Oey {Gens elfective lenin experiences at fen sree eps for desirable changes infamy interaction. This fle eats te ing, an clamenary theaerexerae Oat heighens the conection tht ‘los tld with oe toler 1 ave wed muon nthe fem dessa ‘ew in working wih over handed soups ane amu INSTRUCTIONS FOR MIRRORS “two pagers sand facing ome anoter soe fe fst apr eine sien whe king eo each ees eyes. The heist sans the es { eade” who mates hier ody slowly aa consul, a To ones." sho moves syameticlly in smc wih the leader, wis thi ‘valimtatons in phytea! moby abd fei aa ths heels Chango (ually from twenty soceads to ane mute ae) 3th ‘post tey sien foes while ovement conse. Movement cn eof ‘ny sr 30 Tong as se coat is sail. Care shld he tke 0 inset the leader to rove slowly arin sich a way dat the follows can [cep up sad ot be freed to beak the muro Ale ealig a Tow acm ng tas at leading and following, tho therapist cll "Bit! whch ‘Soothe ptipani 0 ive wp seinalyTeaime of Tlloine #0 ‘rvarof mong stmtaneouly. The ene exccne wall laser a, es ee Dinorng is pisaily dyadic bu em so be dane ye a mote fay mete) wo is inant nx ek. Then, bowen, ceca ‘aut cannot be ued nd mavetat snmetysIaes eee Ite for al Atte vain is ohare pale = have pied fay mses wn imtipl-fanly group ox couples group ml feat distance in = me oom wheter of lyst eaae wen thence monet at ain eee a on Abit rem rowan ees ter dept Sra na Ninn odes ans 1's ge Sine ee cata ei dusiou pyar ae pagan Ha Wack he Woven of Sepa ly tam ape svar ef peal one ages ats fp Payee eens ih sts a ope oy expres ae 28 alt and ist eve pas Cerin ts liao ae pw ten epee wns pee i stint fot ore al suet el beaten encs {be ae hn hae asset ne eee ease ing corer a fon oe Mneing sta ea ee ee be cen ni em eT a sue of ar ext, wha bee! Lee tl lenis ee with each other, rewards both players for cooperating. Pr jo lips of ait cyns he pe oe pot boning wa “vores” try each. Whi pyets eal pts ee cs er eit eng twig te outs fia Nay Seanehsiv expt orm ae payer ces Sa oso sieve {have ee Ce an too dh Syma an aa wich haad wa eng tems ha ata Shims es ese ying aon Ya. ee nv pe re xh etwas epee ae ‘tia presen, th erie Wethod kr schneider ‘uty Wc tae, malty as ase os gui PRACTICAL ASPECTS IN CLINICAL APPLICATION ‘As Lview ow ming oro ampere pa, ava enasize St putcigton i voknary od oppo ty telat class st te fl eat her th ve dem toy eee Ale Yih a eae clit whose amy embers we pea mess ‘hy. Evenly, aya member propa ae taey experience tom at oo eallenging tn revive ain ppsetnal impasse OF cou, the raps must dgungulsh nsec tem-sifating respons fem Drs engendered by confusion or inte ton. Many etre playfully ox compel attempt to "fake on th Follower wih senor abate moves that he flower canna ee ‘nth, wile followers often resk ee cote wit ed parr, moMne Ih avaryaauctricl way inelton tote leader Rather fan anor focusing on staining compli, be tery ison betes ot “jing the resistance” by adding. insuctons that encompass the dire, ‘sponte, for example, by Ming the nsaction that players may 0% Then the symmetry of te miro and eve in it wid ek partes Should te fllmer's overeat be not ely asymunesical but also coment wh he leader's the ters ca rot the payers 0 ona moving fee form. Ons dep leve the herapst whi mies the inte ia such mays le veballymicroring the players, thereby taking the ook sod.” Te rogue real shat the follower follows Tnsictions more eonely eset Lat, such family member often report welcoming the const between sich Westen andthe wpel of tekng “made wong" by ohersn he past Te ring herapy with ually all couples an ales nt Aisinct ways to pmge the degree of tenes and cooperation a {eto diferent piso famaly meters anda an lerventiont fai fate preserstenivenss and cooperation. As a trans of asses Imirring 1s best ted to conse withthe ghase following the veal ‘platen of preening robes, when cheats fel assured at the tteapst has eno Knowledge of ei case to begin weaimen. ‘Cherancabons or ung. mioring fall no. two. categories: (whenone oe more fail members hate iad lear hat her zen hot ido ecoperation (at Wen sbuse ce berayal i be tain ste, and (3) when tte considerable cre conc ot wil sce T ws Wank Ahem fo lave a succes experience. Cheats who a highly defended tnclectaly ot tlequeay nit on my elaborate jstifton of the cherie, which comes down othe tntous ates fo contol tes ‘Som With tere chiens, ind bs afer rooucing mong a= har beccae den io lengthy disputes. ‘Rarely, olflr We exer dyads hat expect wl flo coopera at tien verbal deal af any problem is presen; ei pecformanes fai {uc is far more convincing to hem than ay erark cn hy pat. sll ineodice te exerate as 4 saan by wich all of us might beter under nd faraly interaction, wheer fom Le preseuing peoblens pre 5 Jot wore wreevemons w samy misery Sia Some mae ey do wll ay aoe aa a ese ‘whatever happens, = se tae sho we witig ay hve ex ‘Reuimeterens el of east or abo oe a Freq; and foc comparisons of thei experiences with different pariners. mee, lm most verbal thy amthing new. uually have the les concen na ee the exerise once, leaving lt vk en te ake Aaa one. leaving er tre oman ee lant o& problematic relatonpe He ach ae agg wll Ena hme ee ats Spout 1 laprove ‘The improvement dag sa te REFERENCE ‘Wee. .196) eels grt: Ther inp on or pc Seeing the Obvious: Data Collection in Therapy Seely L. Ross When measurement replaces csion, then ean ep debate Sling data nd assessing the renutng objective iafermaion em sn fective intervention facing pone cease nals caanean ‘alse This therapeacsrategy resperlly hep os seen hive icaly acknobledging te case nd sia tauoachie ae thet actoas and et pedcanent, Copnve rapa anes ag aod elfetve tan of sng pate tocar et dance ae sd dheughts i order to develop tasty al te aleve anen Burs, 980, 190), Tae dees to types of da collection hat re ep in ai ‘ng bow he potas cum Lebarin cr mod-migt coset oho Sao Ione tie pate asked odbc poe eta he problem teaver are analyz n eatontig to a teen es. he ex, the potent asghd he fb of clk toute emvtnnent| These are wo types of patent rtlems which That owned he sete fo herpete dat callacton an eats: (paved fd te: psa problems, and eling wih ng pone a 4 seals abt tei expectations ant hanson, Cieied exe ‘willuhstte both ways of esing tts Wo Cay robene oad PHYSICAL PROBLEM Fronle with psychosomatic health groblems cen feet conoled Unc symptoms, Keeping chars a which he point acs thes ng tleent vais cane very helping in termdng, tat waht toms cont over thea. Alo, by cllcung daa tae Upc and emudoaal vimables, quien who dover sa eee oanecton tthe ysl jublens ean ste Ue tun ay ane for heuselves witont feclg ds ft acta ic ents sani pigs Symuoms ae The mos dea collection help wi {0 sclwool part-time. She had a new boyfriend with whom she Seikicn sires miata aioe sein rt tres tec qngaiael ent cencrtyentnce Ale of 11040) on a diy bass) evyting se ae es ka oad cca ooe he ants me yer ae aes er “Scheduled an appointment fora menth tater. ae nie nneiear asia eresiatee sted Shatner tanec tie pars Sa an ee ores te aed Sa ce eae oe Fite be elaed wo er atdoninlsyoptome nas eng puss ws fist, 85 seviewod Uw burt carefully again, loving tose a ‘Souk dew car contusions but eth chine md. Sy 2 Ua Sa slop eating potatoes Fors month and contin to ep hc She sarod ‘One month ltr, Seis came back very happy Lo report da staying vs) fom potices had replied ino ee sbdoinal ramps o pas. ‘Who would rave gneeed hat vas tho caus of her pems? Shela wa ‘lead und we agredsbe need nt retro fheapy uals some probs Were to ange. We azo seroed (hat | would conta her physician who, Teinctrly, er aenowledged He had misdiagnosed har pre have fia otee patients for hom tes “scene roe elped 1 ‘tesiy enna actor tht were comabung toe physi! des nibs foun ht teeing the chart and having aed data has iad Ia discussoa of emouwal ses ADOLESCENTS Daa clon and anata also can ep in working with ablescents xo ent be meat aboot eneles tn abut wha ess Tres aninkpenent at Marae. fr example, sa Young rem, hmm I iahy sw becmse abe wae tang bulled by ¢ endear [ttt an ao foc abe sled migranes. Ascend ert deal wih te uly curing unl malycing varabls afoting bx ‘hans hiped us fo boltesove cf he eases of bot headaces. She ted ts nae fo make changes tha Yeduced the manber of bea ‘ches heh "ese ese igi is several ers afte ist met wih Marie and bot family, she agai came to sete this tne beeaae she Was happy wit bar hie" Ar gradeatng tom high schoo}, Mane hd faker ren ob with he unity here she ive. nal ce ad Sd hoe ere oe ay ets oe he aloyed te resomsiiy, She also ikea hig her owa tae. Soon owever sha Utcane bored Beco, ence she Seared hr 30 aha teen doings nie, she realized that there Mly would be wo re ‘lenges She lo gtk realize a hat had seemed hike bine to ang school gaat ido vey Tar whe cae © BAP 8 ‘jing car ksrance, and paying oe expenses. ‘aed about hr tng sone college classes x going fr echnical testing, Dt she eed ene das, saying a sbe was too Ged in De ferenngs vo thnk abot Gong anyihing oer dn watching TV. Her {01 Moke ivreRvesions AN pauacy TugRary So ed meee etc sconce te se SLETREsRi er pote Se da wens havens ot inieeleec aston ‘eginig of scape fated it my concen | pala og {alcltr and handed Mami ome pape so she could tte dows bers. "Okay" Isai “Lets gure che tmch money you ot Racy Siete ee bie gare and how much oss there emt al en et does a oatly expenses motes (ort), ey lghine aa Ce SE Panes and insane, food, medical - ‘a omen miree oan resents "Youur aloo sk shot Ted ies hsns {0See you ge wha you want mie, bt aybe youl ned tn camretre simian an entry el job with no spi. 1 i se Mami fo several mouths snc tw ‘rans people ake vacation fom tap: The along Speak ‘ne came buck and eepared bh she al any ha nae oh ues, brs at a ical sho and is at 3 el for eo ‘uation bd, sparen. replaced dale REFERENCES Fecling good. The now mood therapy New Ys: Aven (1990) Fein good handbuck, New Vn: Pee Decks Of Clocks and Rubber Bands: On the Use of Props in Family Therapy Luciano L’Abate The pups of his capris o describ th use of wo grap ha ae teem eoed by ths writer as avaible prescriptions mappetiatly fur ‘cad of cline! practice with calen coupes. and tubes. A sesc ‘fee ean fale id any referent sir sean ergy excep fee the wo of token in behavioral herpes havea! lca, ‘moe ave og wed ocenes al takes as esforceent x ei "ous or postive bebvior Props fave 0 lace tot toward vale They ae used o sore defies or Oytanctial pats of rela tha tec oe than jst werd tobe changed. The fist prop coats of preserfbing fe use ofa alam clock mtr tan allowing ada io cate Tapetionig 28 alarm clocks fr dhe ‘dalaen) "The sand prop consists of peseting te bee ba fo ‘stremelyenmetied coupes eo ae nat ale to teak auf ea ‘ins and who persist in wing Ue piers Delavioe excuse ie on THE CLOCK In most dsunctinal fees, ope symptom of spsfunction 8 ph ete gong at ng and wang in rag, entire, oe the move involved eater ake tensity for waking up. Un ‘Galen, Ooee the aft tales eesponstty for he c's st op fons ter symptoms, the eid tens abel east tbe wake up cl tearing to seep avoiding fe wake-p al a gsivenemes fashion. This penton reaction on th elds pate ome -rowkes| tm essiaton em be pat ofthe at suchas Recoming nary fs semlig op srenis vally reals srt for the whol ay. Th exctksr'soeriwsvemcat with he ide Dale (IP), of couse, shld be cased within is hist and Sisto antcosieus as wel as ts eosegusntes fer Me whale The Searing ofthe Symp Dilcuties in gtine wp in the ming onthe his pa ae one of the many sympturs of tal dysfunction en ada exter have failed convey dea an hr mstcton fo fe cl, icine ate i eruchicl and generational brutes at ean be raced the al teers ible to estabish a clear coalion between lls and !jprptine bousdareshetween arcs anal hes, Caretakers have Twubably led wo develop »prtcstp tht wld ao the Wo peat ftndren a comple rae tan a nena ta sale pet fates, fete muy india nove power see Pewee pats ald hat may minor te power supa that oocuod btweed parents bere Mey sp Tn puch ass, nobody wi, Prescription ofthe Clock Me pesccgion consis of having caretakers ty a ale clock with the most wpe ast sound they ean find. Alter the purchase, de eager, ted ost down with the IP and nora han or hr tha, on pow ese the ch rowing up, te chil needs to la to wae Wtoat the lp ofthe carck OF cour, thi iafaaton iy wally Fenced by ae chtdt depose Wat be oxsba "ogee to set he slaty {Slt gig ot oe alain sous a he eng tne fn comes to “ep. {Air tess manent of corse, shuld be paid and dics Yefixehand vo tar an appropiate sty can be devised o cope wih he ‘t's predited reluctance to ake responsibly. A statgy tats mst ‘uci for enmesed caretakers ofllow of cour, sto eve the ld loser the attra consequens of ther actions Tis ea ay be cai mean he es wil eae for school wil missy. TF tah cata ek fom hone dang ey aye ngsius Lo lave the chikt home alone Hence, diftet staies tad ‘somseqoeaces nee lobe considered. The ci rgy be incu in ere ibeions. The raps needs to conse ll elo and pect! oie withthe family and form eratchy of eos, angng kom he ‘most ote east ea and praca It would be hep tena su aes a wing wit cy fi akon ogy the ert’ le CL se, 1 Penna eee ial if prop uses consistent, Ue chil ih ee ee a aa fou ays nats Henoe is portant foc (Soaies tobe ney fem and coosisteat i Hs wie Fhe prop 8 sed STeonsteny, id tip dette ow the fry works or Hs 0 ceil hepa conion ees fb sed interme fom thie deel ect oben song moiarn-pesmisie sl one aed unravel plies The ch! may an Containiceions forthe Prescription tin geese wn ae eee THE RUBBER BAND is pop goed with hig sexist ad nme copes who use acted taka he err betwic t he expe of Sep me poooans Tore" The Meaning ofthe Symptom. I ral ear BSL reas as nt car poet ae See ang Fe Fae carte Sade pep 16101 MORE INTERVENTIONS IV FAMILY THERAPY Prasripion Frescpton of te rubber tand needs to be aide aller variety of ‘oterpettons, suggests. nod tecormendaens have rele i ll lt, coding 2vaney € hxsewerk assignments on how t0 argue and Fight (Abate, 1992; 1993), Depending up he lve of sophistication of "he couple and the clinical petuasion of he therapist the mate of te umesnent maybe explained ners of ving up he sel forthe cher UF Love a8 shown bythe pedo ofthe pronoun "p08" Tas Teaming ofthe symptom slows the Ueraps to conlade each at fee sees driven to prove Gat the ober ie “bad” and thatthe fo “soo rer tanto conse that bo pariner ar" Once ths context ofthe symptom is postvel telnet therpist shold ash evo sae bans that allow ample circulant st ‘Then he following instactin shoud be gre "Sap the and every ts you tink or ae negatively shut year pre. OF crue you wast © ontine defatng each ces, you do net have to do ips Te Prescription show be accompanied by whe tstacon to lag bow many Himes each partner has given inst obese sap everyday Communications for ths Prescription Rater tands shoud nthe peseabed to physically and estab sive couples. This presen i intended for sputtcly exes cmpls eo cannes ive wah an cannot hve wuthoeach cts who ms) ‘ve erally abusive. They way even couplets writen homeware tet es abou ping aig (Aa 199) a ea a ese {Sineat arent working econ a pares ae Ulu as ech ‘ther oath an aze anata sometimes ning) to le he“ of “ve” pronouns. Hence, the ruber band is cncrete rer that these ‘oo procours shoul bo tae tea “yo concuusion oth ihe clock and the abbr ban have heen fd wef in fail and coupes heapy Unfetinately, ave ony ty clinical experience ‘ack up their use have ot een able to ak of research how ‘alka tec clinical sage However i, lhe begining of my pte Thad bought sock in clock company by now I woul ea an (0 hock nd al REFERENCES 190 Programe wing: A sf aint arproach fr a ea oa lca tpl ad onc ce Gove, CA Bel AIS L199) Anapletioe of programed wang Arig sa hag Sra Cereiaars am ee ng Adee gait Sea el Siero ce EPEAT tte Bel Mea ean bs va fet Know the Fnemy’s Strategies and You Will Know Your Own Power Joetlya L. Ross Sly G. was desiring tout bel and er ile with ber husband, whom she described as Vertally and enotenally aban. Samy wat Fefe o me by + social wooker wb was elping het wih oe tical Inublems te sacl worker ne of Says aban’ dbusvees and ‘vas stated at hee natty op Sandy, Sly was ines mud-frues ao been maid oer usb, ek, fr twenty-six yeas. They ha theron chen, lof whom ers living outside te home, She worked base's ait beat ‘sing homme, and be husband wat 2 schon admins A deeply ‘elshns wom, Sandy valued the fact hat abe an er hasan ba boca. {ether “trough dick aod i” and she sak a he could noter eave Indo w her elisha tlie he was able, weve, wo lk about ter husband's abusive, sac wafer hat on ert show he eter sho eel a tle sellconfisence, and was Soa om fits, Furermere, the stl worker wa ind tle Sal) to me was weed tat Fri’ atusve ‘hava was en ween Says heal pean, i Sandy ike many peuple who are oveewhstmed by tie situations, Samy ould een way ond no wa Of eoping wth what was hapa 16 ‘er The wok of Michael Wat (1951) hasbeen hepa for wk ing with people ike Sandy who ae vcs of epression. Wal has ‘uted We wank of Michel Foucault te infest French pesoqbsr tos tenowned fr his analees—called deconuctesat a fe 0c foes at upon ndvidal (og, Fone 1980), ih Sandy, hereto, decided desostt et husband's bus by slang hero specify the “vecaiqus of opresia wed agit het tht 4th specie and ecu tags er esa shan i to he hat seer Ceterie about here. She was ale o come up ih the Frank's Techaigoes of Oppression 1 extcnag ny appearance (makes me el way an sap tha 0 2, laa or rey ig a oe wn, Sear r Sckwehang onside the bare and mo king Silege eres even hough be knows my healin poem prot ‘Diag eto yes emt iving me tone meses) SEIN Aaungs at stare nt re (out money male). ‘ays of Coanteractng Frank’s Techniques of Oppression {tno tts OX forme tak eo pel dt med ny satin = ax aa yn eying hem ws 5 kp se moran se gan Prk pet we clin) mung weld ‘discovered the list was missing from her handbag—sbe presuned Fra Wit aa eat Be ben beeing mex eect ee sce tha Sabo, tt erly conc gan tie Si tac ens at bing Sac an Sandy to see that er ation cous tener, tbe att 863 Fly eee iteration, he tape wht geet eats at orga ae et ne enya I egw enna Cannes parseaiarnat eho GS fish ae ingen tuate st weldave weed wn en an hie phys se Fo eet a can atin rater tama emionl dan prague Eten ne ses wa ack el Sn serene ae ot Desfr nei ey mt ins asa ep tg pe ah ee rig One es ot spi ai Tey, tp San 2.2 imi oun wy as eee ee 2K. ean epee nein rol gh maaced Gas aea en amt nee al eerie te tree wens et REFERENCES The Race Is On! A Group Contingency Program to Reduce Sibling Aggression Kristin E, Robinson ‘Stop that hing!” Teasing. arguing. aud physical agaression a {spiel among moet chile, eipecaly betwee sage ‘mow of ie they sped together Pareats mnt cope wien y l {2 conti tetmeen sibings pee Bor (Dunn and ay Wo60 ek bing sanbbles east 10 potaialy haem, pleas aes 8 Brent are faced with adem: Wha se toe a Some have sugmsted that parents should gots sibling a attow cikisen to work if oat themacves (Schacter sof See ty enol azztsion wih pose coping ls An stecoe re ee i ind i commaaten os combat a OE Sere ot wih reincenent of apropos wo oe Rota, 1957, The interverion preted spony sen inch sng ptt clay as cae forces forthe se Of anger management sll io kee ‘gression in sibing cts, THEORETICAL ORLENDArION The peso nervention i based om sca earning theory (Ban 497), whch ses that al tev is lead, and ee Pea ng desrable beavis tt ve OO hs by suing romp contingent Frm gane, with it ma aul. stop oowtingency s+ ysem fre deer a ckingency to an entire erp tasat up de beter of hat soup (ease, 19), ‘rosp contingencies have been widely applied in clasoom seings in the fom ofa Good Betavie Gare. Using this ecniqu, sale se ‘sine groups, an each mappa hehavnengaged lay asap ‘members ecode If group's tnppropie bebavers do ot Cea s review defied cites the group reeves tn azo. ypm reac The Good Behuvi Gate hae Ben successfully apie dese. tng dsp tehavioe across several diverse astoom stung (ice, 1994 Sexy, Matin, and Box, 1992) and bas als bee shows Bak ‘ceptable merventon othe ule and chlcen veyed Tags, 1994; Kose, Caer and MeLaupiin, 1986) aking ino sco fn repeated sucess of he Good Behavior Gane in seo easscoms imams leavicr, Hees appropiate lo ting proup contingencies i) ‘he home sting to decrease raplve and aggresive behave DESCRIPTION OF INTERVENTION ‘he pesto nerve is « modication of te God Bebarie Gans tn that it peovidos a every syste fe tetrcemet Cntnge won e we of ager mansgece stl "The dsc stapd baie che Ce we 6.1) ncads ated number of boxes foreach cal, enh fee, ay Chilten are atgned a wack ancora sore fr ea ay Be ave an inalen of pial saesion. Aproniiely bal fe bce ite beled wit dice Each numba on he he eyesen sul are, Upon fanny cna box wih de, cena lowed wollen tee ‘ovat wah a vane reiafocer When al cre bare coed Jassquar group reinforcer seamed. The Cat grves several prt factions stu to ve eileen of thet pou, 3 es of sting progres, and =» shale poche for waking aa CASE EXAMNLE Tne dented cies, RO, isa ine yea-oldboy ing wth is bce {2 ens and to brates, CG (age seven) and HG fae fine) RC es tweet ta aftescoc soc kl progam a pbc ment eat ‘outpatient cle Jue «problems with noncocpince a agpresn, ‘Upon clover examination, tas found Wat ebay sgareston eee ‘aie and included a tnee boys, Ths, a ntervenion was Seige ‘lect alloys in We fly. Family therapy over he ent wre nes falc res. anger management skills (No physical aggression) Goal: Color 2 square each day you use video gume saStory with Mom 01 MORSE TERVEN TONS ty eaMaLY THERAPY ty at ring ne seen, the boys wee tka ot Outcome rca ce ilcrttion ae pase in Fg 62. Substantly treieguat cf tyyal aeeson weve monde al cident, inelastic te coat Ove psa geet eee ‘erased fom an average baseline level of sven pee ae covteanvprcarions ton uabe for clon who kav at an averge rea good understanding of maps persed Yureee Ste, (bei chien, and consistently flow latexhbit etree dyruncion eg se Sitord dome voles, sultans tbe) nay mae oe Sve treme han is peowein a FIOURE 62. Weel Tt Pry ONCLUSIONS {itn encoun a oa le nr ane Seas ig ice ety 17 The ese a hy Sl i gp cance py sgn eet tas che synch eo ep re ah. epee a ine en tay meant aches ne dcop, cod {hot group ecaxingency models te ac paps at oi in nb nd fl ee thea pope tava pee i shown promi el. Irene yh pce chlrso bean acapene pes REFERENCES Ae 90 cosine cela 418. vty of Vero Depart ot Paci eae Bie 9 7 Se etn dary Pgs XI Presi al {.batdngene: Pciapent Rgur toe et net 80 Sng lo ten nein ni Spence etree Ce an Mg (8, he see feist caateors Tehnigen 10) 123. Seoesey ‘htm soar MW aE heat ‘eh. Beko Therapy 8.24329) agate ‘ona (1999) Sub ct vege en) Sib taggin actin pts i ma: A cee tcl Ben 86835813, tena “esclvg i fort che of os Jounal of Abnormal Cad Paley 5335290. Remini feo W Rey Kah SIs mtngnces fpr? sndonic auc ui se Cy UE Oh Site Cie Buon eal Rep NE (88) 4h mene sme ome rl bc ali t's a SS Gy try” tne: Fs San (OO), Conn smn sings Def ee al Chien Cnscporoy Seco 9 pang Suen, Sie) BB. Maven. JL an Bo, P (1890, ie Maton.) Ld Bo. (1999 Then ei ga {snake rice Ci nd Foy Bear Te. “iat, BH (1990 The gro bebavinpre: An ime ‘erin Pieholoy te Shosn i S768. ee Attitude as Intervention William C. Madsen “his chapter begins witha res that ur bs ited toward fa er ar wera anervenon. The chapter fos a sve of ne ak cles nan stem 0 bep us develop and maa Fee de inward faa we designate 5 “SCC” al apes thew eas oa pcr ease CONTEXT OF THE INTERVENTION 1 wt bela with aso tha contextualize his bee about tenor tant pnd. ne of yars ga Twas hed yan agency pro wp bem develop ei family erapy Se ee eases ty sat who welomed my estes Se ering and eneced wa aceiain depres of bis, had 2 ot aaa ee mng tly rap ening and lice he 8067 oor benr or hat experience. nly saw msl aan eceestna noutadge” to each hen, bu RCA cM 0 eee po anh ne ocala” hd 10 fe enya he ontine sa were cute experienced in Done anata ee ery open lean aboot fay systems ies, they ca a ialy potent therapists. They di not have an article eae na rumen naa seo techniques from which 1 daw, And sont ing rernaable work wit fais that nobody Ba tee cee eee Tey. were going ino te homes of famlcs, piel Ba pelt chase’ “mukgrbien” and "sfanctonal.”ae ot ony aa ecging tem, ot beping bem make seat changes Fae eda lally puzzing tore. 1 challenged much of what the hrs Teal therapist They Kaew very Nile abont foal Oe tnd ee ase dung et work wih fans, How wat 10 mal sense ors? {| 2s lke to both stall mankers and faniles {wat stuck by coo. let heres. De taf by and args di’ the amis a estan, shana, paologeal. They deserved thera as caulk hs eit nice once you got tok hem" While some mia deca these workers a6 wexpesenco, "in dei or simply alte they te fered io tink of ereelve at “experienced pumas Ths ante \Escning thei experince a receiving series pete aid ich things as. “They weve so seqcfa.No mater ow hed we ede ‘curses them we were dthag, they tke enmang ach ”They er Bet heats who realy tenet me "hey tented ay Wi ke + ‘ocnalkisather tana mental a" hed aang to eas bocoe ey vay beteved Could do bet” 25 | pote the apart prox ost without “adequate tsinne” slong betes work wi anus hat no ae ese hel heen ae "each, recame convinced that ote is weck sft and frcaye ‘tout our basi alts award heats think: the is parca te (work wa uiicu” ars Or base tide toward als ke feandaion for our cancel mols and interventions. The Wass ‘which we min about antes (our conceptual model) andthe ms {ehh eat wit ues (ou ktervenors) ean tit he enact ot ‘his bate atte or eadveneny constr is expres ete the elements of what Fl callaheaing atte" re ound in core ves such as fespct and cui, conection snd rca 2 hope ac possi. ts expessed a fandamenalasutpeons of 1 Resoucefdness: Fis have nny mene strengths han we oes rocngaize. Wats and Lawrence, 1993) 2. Empowerment Our job i to supped aly fusions not fx “ytunction” and inverteany splat eis Factnin (Da ‘ant, 1953) Puriership: Therapy peocods baer when based ona colaoraine ‘elauoshiy. However cooperatea a teo-ray set an erga 15 wellas liens canbe "soncompliat” Since we a teapssse ina leadership postion, a cellabraive relationship beg with ts Fnng ways teocperme wih eens ater imply exerting hes to-comperte with as (Berg, 194). Cutual Conetence: Flies ad poviers canbe viene 2d tine caltaes wi arial bts an elec ses of sacs, “Tesinent cane gen a8 4 cxosecualnegouaea inner ance ‘tors may te move unas trop the fans es fg ‘deoush the proves les uly aadetend the early ‘ach uly i asta ajo the ae eigen eer oar a rch as posible bout i a gh eo soa rig exh arly a Tooke coer hei earn ter han a sion oi Inassgn our mening‘ de srerctcns, (Eston, 1921) | 1 aun: a healing tude begs wid ful appecation of fn restages Ustomatey many of oor conceal mals fe 1 ‘to fois on yatoigy tenon compton. n ie, By ete {shes pac wi sytem strated sry hat prompts ee i tm fay fncion and ics a cle rein Fay tenga esos nm wot, Fe te ond ello ngaae fares ose ofthe prem i gxin a thigh ares tha somes cans Gone lay eke fw ep Ys tio hit eon y ant yor deine at iRise are pardclry proud abut Tt ponies a0 olson for alfcatanep an opm aig my matin s healing alae by catia ealtin s de ho ein tne an tn ech eno a beak prance he aa i Chena har eacons wi ap an he dee wich ey fhe ins eect cing hp Te ec (ier to belp sain sheng iad QUESTIONS 10 PROMOTE A HEALING ATTITUDE ig the en's ro Te lows atin ay be tl in ning te ce’ eo snags wotdand Sevclopag a parson el + Wat hs erent frm the cet spent? {Hop Weak eats aon wees et shoes? 5 Wm oud erp ones taton woe? {lin fact might ea be dng make te ston wos {Wat the pont ont ind heir ot in ting 1 How cat ome to espct an porch What steaghs und esources havent 1 covered yet about dis at change rein + What do not kao about hi Fay dr wo Wht cout Rea om his fay? 48? BAMPLE hich hey weze wa -A Bap cca! te for blp wih» foal ub a sgle-pareni wer and die cin inca » yperacve tc earald who vas the Wend ent. ‘Treatment ed ocean ‘ping the mother pov cms, conanngeieeiet ft ie ‘ey geting in suated cn Rati, an! ingoving as latortips ih ‘i igs ‘The mober had teeny taken Tack hee weal Sve stab, who was unemployed and deserted bythe moe ah cig a ney, ses, ands non Oe Doub ese Be ade er atenps to provie sacs fo te cen cecal he ‘eae cheat, am eoconaped he boy to nt ake it tees hes ot ca" The erp hd fallen to taeving the mote chal) Fhe chun ou fhe house an sre iia ne using Ins ease inuenes an har som a te hse. Te ca send a sre withthe hap bt di nthang Te pit wa econ ‘ror and snore frat wih he Tack tf loess on Oe ee, we incraiay dispareing of he ex-husband, ant es amigo ew "oe setae, cole, and at comma oes les ‘ethicing. Boh the mee and the ters fel sec a eee ‘9 inkng about dicontmins trap. As the raps consdeted the quetions Usted above, he began 1 Gel ae! cnet of the tia, Sl cae otto bat ‘herpy fom the nothex's pepecve was bepng to el key qi whch she ket og ap wh roger When cc Pt hee nthe clas shoes the teat espa hat she Mead ave wad 1 he mer vetons by bavi lest an lest inertia ee ‘gy The ecpist decide Ut She cold ina gs wee by fuer Pshing the mother to take a parol cots of acon [cory of Sour) a Conte’ with te matement "ele I'm a ls ‘ar be mer 1s saying beats ve bce foased on Wit TRO She sea be saying" The x: nsband ese pticipt in therapy esos, bi he hr in examin is experience oF iby imagining hin wang ieoapes Sf he setsions She hough the ex-hsba woala Mew te apt soe more menial health back mein in his b's Mand Seo abe wos et judged addicted. Se cane we Reeve tate
  • unplignes lake paras sand wih ber ex-husband, he ut tio th the mother eased. She saw he meter a8 waning 10 crea ‘tore sable eavionment for ber Sona appaccated the me's belie {thong she id gre wih 1 fat et on peste a oun 1 rove tha sabi. hs ait epnat up space forthe heaps beet {Dreapectte mcs commiiat oer chien an 0 eet 3 ae Iam ant less cenepandeat As te therapist beean to conten inothe's andisovered strengths ad resources, sbe decided to sen’ 2 {eso asking ine mober for 3 coulason on what i was hike Being 2 ‘Sze rte of es kis and what vice she Would fer ther single incor Ase Werapst fre appre the meth’ competence rd {Diigo mate doce or hes cen, he meer gant sow toe Comftence an Wit be Own judgment. Sc egunto examin her ble thc an ul gor iy ahead tated ine te octhbund tosupoat he ruler fbr hows when be way nit AS th Sunt did is, tbe tecipst expressed ncreand cotidence tad {esyet forthe ncter'spareting bit Final, en day te moses S| to tie apie Hew tat vas going fo make wet 1S the sity beri aed wih de moe She coelded tha the sit ine basi nds ward Ihe mer was pve inning” tecase Se ‘eticed tha if she Bad nce ited erate, the erapy would have Ended “These gestions Gi nt pot oot iechons for te therapist 0 nerve wai the fay, What they di do Was open up space forthe Sheaprtedevelo acifeen atte twa the arly tat alowed er {b te teen decent Tesubeqoent interventions Wese grouse i eng vse tht fred Snr era We ihese questions mere asked int mperiiry cones, hey cou aso have teen tsa invnuaty by the Derapst a sors f questions to ask Yel cavears 1 can nko yo sions that oroke aoa eeton sou ths Siterenon "The taste whi ou Ow ection 3 tase conta or abity to ener te cas penelope! Yon. Tn gt cae ans ch eal st at tinea mie pervs sumogphre of hopeless and nega SEE he erp hokage forte peso change an is EE fo iran ways at poet im x ber fom feng of Base 2 J0LoRE wcreRvewrioNs pv AMY THERA sn. Ia is ntact weal commend tt te erat bea by fccusiag onhisor ber own expercace of woking mths far (ete yin consaltaton wi apervsro olen) On 2) to peach this wou bet extemalize seme aspect thal expert flor carpe, frustration, hopeless, or fey) inode help te Cerapis sep of te expentnce and begin Wo develop a eet relanehip Ts Hight te nec fox swareess of oar own pasensngeal wert sella ary. ‘4 secind situation involves vole. Is very imo tat an stan o view the wort rough the ceases des nt dere Soins i rao of sean wey sta dcr na rea accepting feo pula evo a er temp > fappecinte thei nena logit ‘The aby o hold aul seats ‘elf er. Tis possible fly appreciate how aston as deve. ‘ped and sal aka stance gant 1s import fo herp ke Song stand agast olence. Al the same tne, desert setions (uc 35 kenge) do aot cami the en fo espe connecting, ad opel vers fc sich stn, ne fr hein atte of espect and cv, comecton and pre, ope aad sity may be onges. - REFERENCES Bug 1 (980, Pani aed server A solace apa New Durant, M. (193), Reena seeiment A coopontv, competency bed “machi ergy and pram dergn New Yee WW. ele Epi’ B:Q98 oe aes Fal Fam Toray. Ds ‘Wes B-Band Lawrence. EC (991). Compt, cova an chon: Ae ‘ppc i omy ery Ne Yok: WW Hota 8. Sculpting Stepfamily Strzct ‘Toni S. Zimmerman Dre oie neeasing amber, stpfaaiios tare Be the fons of 9 area ea of fariy ree (Pasey and ingerTlinan, 1994 Da fd Zeeman, 1992) AS therapists, we set hem in or fies te pei dae to he many wansios hey mst ake when bled two {Grates One of the pemary ses these Lies face Is blended pcr ‘ha, I parent your hlden™ "Do tas paren my hire” Can ‘iin you eitaren?” "Why do you een ant wh lve to snes do dey wast ae STEPEAMILY STRUCTURE “Therap working wih stepfantes wo are stupaling wi ending their pceting frequen fer t the mere of Wiser and Vist (1955. Many tones, despite te couple's best intentions hey sil nly be Imubl 10 peat following ie sructral made of tlogcal famics “hotfos ater dan paresing side by si aba ea, Vex and Vishe fuggst tit parents Ue peimary responsi for patenting and se. ining the bios ehlen. Ferner, step’ aks on 2 Fol ns 6 that ofa baby-er Ths baby foe encourage epparet to suport rules St by te biedogial parent." know you ‘wo ke tsa oat ae, at your mom set yur cufew at 1000, You Imus be in by TU.” "On the ob chat a sor dad ace, sa You ‘eed clean your room Inte sve way nt babysit einforces rales ety the parents Oe stepparent refers a sapposts ele set by the nga o pay vets reqsuly decrees resistance Oy the cd to Ue tp Tei ut reinforcing ton rsh ia boeing te a sete eof an portant or he see an steppare {0 bor hea ater with fewer pow septs, “Yd ave Toon youre: yore ty a SCULFTING Wespsiing he ty-siter modelo stefani, Linceporte sl fing io id tar wadecanding”Seulpng i a expen chews ‘Gvetope by Vigna Sa (183). When asing ths echnigne. he fan {sysctl ponttoned (or psitoas dowels) in ways tht epee ths benavs and feslingsssocsed with the terapeatic swe they e Suseling nih For instance, aman who feels plied between oyaly ts sie ant his yay fos fay of erg might poston hie Tete his wife: wo would te pullig on ome ae ands fray (ign pling nos oe acon The rapt won then acs Wie cule how thie station fees and how Wey would lke to change i. Sculpinebegs fates experience de ena and encourages them 0 reatvel ange thet is LENDING SCULPTING AND STEPFAMILY STRUCTURE ‘As J explai the baby ster mel to spas, I poston o sep. ‘nena he following way ke eid tostand and aS some deco. Tis he inogiea erat oad jot bind the cil The pent ees his or her hanis on he cid’ shoes, sypporting the dl. enw the stepparent to stand ja bead the bogies parent wil i ee Tandon he spotes sulders, hs pret espouse wo a tunis fngorung hit or bor ald All famly membest ae facing the Sune tttecnon ‘Tis seule deronststes Hat We parents ae td by se, futntitg equally. Theses a primary or “one” parent. Ye he sep Pte st oinvolved a lef ou her she glaysa ey vole insuporing {nd reiforsng te per pret “To further decorate ths te of tpl soca, L ask the pat sho by sides tnd the dhe ak he ca tw 8 (Glover and Mido, 1992) A ts falls requesting womenae to fal back into someon eles ams, ting ha thy wl be canght Most oe, the ei wil not fall ck for fear of fling between he Dens tte child os fall buck, fequenly the prot ae conuses oat wg wi ste the eld, Ths Geoctteshal e cd oas e ‘Go Fei the our. en sik the child wo do anole ust fal, Me Sebi sec ng lena ge seme roc nh lt ow a sparing Dau Shoe eaceeracoats REFERENCES ett tC el ei et i er I (99m) Tam tang tough physica challenger. cee ee. omr hs SE ot eae etree” So ee er 1988 Od lye and new is: Dherapeni aes Sieamuome cies Taped Supervision as a Reflecting Team Richard J. Bischott Be maine (White, 1986) and langtating approaches (Andersen, 1294; auerson nd Godin, 985 emphasize hs change espe het clea aie aifermer at aes fies: eens Fk Batson, 172). Conseuenty,berapots waning fen eer ‘get eal caning sytem co cesng conene aeee ees lens indie saaons Gospels te iment shang ad eating comyeting meaning seme ihe aie (Soden 1590). ee om Anesen's (1901) eect tam eenry coats of two or sm ote wo rn a henson aad ey ‘TOE At some pot ine erapyteson he ee a tecomethe oberers of the refcing tam ie tex cen asc, his scat of the cise Sea sumer et eee ‘De ecg ease ie ott nant Ue ata ee only share he elses on tice ‘As he lens and herapt Ie te tea seaing te chalenged ith sev guess sd alieate meanings algo competing espace te ‘Alte reeting tea as ibd be erp aad a ‘woter abate es ey had wine tng oe tao dene here ae ever goa fs ratea (I he chens a sage ale owe te eam’ econ ont tew queen ree ‘Kevin hve Ben aie) Tho tans eons ante ewe soacey banat often sat reenter en ah the Knower (therapist). Therapy becomes more collaborative : Top Swenson ara Refesng To hens elf, Tom Andress refecting team ste is of iti cl sligs wher ie an ests ae eae. Its ical fc tany ciara Yo eed sheds an se wpe to rcpt ina felting war os pula le uweven, fae Aste reflecing eam cans We ane’ uch Oe eo ae ted Oe of tested she ieee dap of pri onvesates abt chess wile prfsnal, TAPING THE REFLECTING TEAM PROCESS TOR LATER VIEWING. ‘Whether in supervision or not, may ciniians engage in fox discs sions aol cliets wth eer proesonale The states lo fe described ‘ete one ws in supervision, ulin esi be men swans, “The meners of supervision group cm ail funtion efit team However. the ineractons wii the superver ned ote diferent ‘tom supervision tha so being ped fet purposes have fom a the following fecmatfoiitate te veflesting tat press The ite sequence of events described balow hon be idle, “begin, he herapst tity doses the cia fee peoblems nt the workin therapy The eam allomed ding the erases psa ‘io to ck for adonal deta en tora tt ho he ape ‘views the sialon However the eam toot aiowed to oer easton ‘ugbestions or advice this ine Te fen then watbes a veptesetatin Segment of videotape fem ave session oc tests with cll 1 Tecommend the Ueraps selec segments of tape that bet reese te tiers and their descipen of the problem At lot his tates of ‘eotape sald be shown, ‘The ten should watch the ape wit shang cbeevatons of the lens the problem, the wenment ch ‘eam member should watch wih a eye fowl fw ie cen staat «an te sarod iereny fom the pesented despues une pres fled explanation (ese, 1991. ‘When te team is aed watching the videotaped segment, team ‘mene slave with each eer thet fefectons on the Cheats aa the Issues pesented. The team does not provid advce al suezestons this Sime, Rates, the team dscanes thew sess aboot how gs Would be feat forthe cents I ferent explanation of te protien existed “hey aso dics what might be ase if questions abot the chen siusion hat wete nt ased had been asked (Aware, 1991}, Ds his time ie rapist que bere he ea dose “hen eam members a Fined shrine fe elects, reels op what was hear! whe theta tens. Wen the Vrs sence of the fam casio, Ue Herp at Burma the rest session with the chen, te thats informs hem aout which segment of lige was aon to the tearm The ches ad hens then wait tbe Ynenaped team dscssion, The eens ae instrocts to save cher ereedns one team eccsson ule vie tape Segment i corpleted. Then he eben ad Usrapist elton he eum discussion, focusing om chien reaction he discussion. The the stand cent dscssion should aso focus On ursons a estat Wee raised as esl of te ober aon, ‘couse he rapist a veal hear the tim dcussica aashad | sn portant to reflect on th east show wat se ers scans un the cients have an cppwtanityW fle: Having ead Mh team cussion before, iy te temping fo the map ease Fefletins en a an cyportt to “poe someting tthe ene ategialy ect the sessic dcasson.Tantlon ant these of Be {aged efeting tant for cbse perposes is apo that he cen he ven the oppertt to create few owa teaning of mba washer, ‘Te heat sould plan ont east hy mares ofthe sesvon othe ideotage review and discussion I suggest staring the videope tere ‘egtnig ofthe session so tere ane ime for discus ce ee ches ding the preven sesso fe psy reo hia! Conseratins: Obtaining Informe 2 thergist planning 1 share cinta sessen deta with eotengues alo sper shold fren he ces for iferatnn shal a sheld veceive de clin” wie nord consent 800 By Signing the ned coer docuent the nts shoud te ving pe ‘mison w ter traps to videvtape sess and cate session dla With caer potessionls lab chefs shoul be tak slat he pes of the reflecting vam before occussathey ate aware who willbe pani, tig he cam. wha nceaton wil be hae way canenpet fiom the ea, and ow hie procure maybe bpd to heal st therapist ‘The lens" ight wo ot be taped ad to met have Lense ‘Sesim eta shed wid colleagues shoul slays be honored. case EXASOLE A therapist was eating a bended family in which « feumesn-yeuccld twy was careening poor schoo! perermance nas Eeting ins ostle i is oes, 98 Hing Wi his steph chien, and vast Dutlpadng postvely in amily active The ater ad Woy 228 {ogeter, alec, for early te yen before he father’s eure mariage Sol below the amige, the wepmoter and her tree dusters moved ino the house. The fey Na const expan foc Ue ‘ald’ behavior tat eset oy the problem aa the eee OF Ve funy dices. Altough De Berapist bad atopad to gevtuctre Cus family and to develon seed pentine prctios fay memes fot ane hemeclves as ng progres. "Wh the fly's persian the erp videctape session wih de fal apd showed a pron of is pew te superior, The supe ‘son tam acting tree tem henerata esa expt of {is ces tebavioe meting, ong tes ings, de uses eee ‘ih teooming lend frye De team alo geeratea questions tat fight ave based of te fay bot were not and hypothesized aba ‘hw te oom ight be diene these qustone were asked. ‘A the bepinng of fhe next seson the Heaps showed the taped reecing tes sicsson (0 tbe cls. ‘They sa quledy whi they Walshe spd for soveral moments afterward. The boy's eeprnoier Vas frst to speak by saying tal she hd never though becoming Ende ‘aly would sical The father en began to sates dea about ‘ot having a sou me aloe wih his cil a5 Re ad before thet Flies cave ogee The smlated discasion ann the ely ‘hoot how both he ftir a) mer eoul waa hee postive per Sonal elatonshis with tet bologial ciren witha scsi Die ‘ommitment tothe cxsveness che blend fara and to cach ees lldren "Tis was a scussion that changed de course of treatment a that polably would ont have happened watout he cheat” ael esp: dheeatios of he electing eam scsi. “Tefal dwt ge wih lof he ean elections; ofc, hey saci negavely some abd ejected otbers oui The harpist fomineated them on tec abit to old oat ideas that woul Rep them aod to enteral ul eject eas Matthey id not ee a elu. Te se ofthe reflecting tea encoraped the eeation of ew possiiies an ommgeing meaning systeas fr is Fay. CLIENTS AND CLIENT PROBLEMS SUITED ‘FOR THs INTERVENTION Using tie taped conversation of colleagues at reflecting team st appropiate fr set any cle a ent poem tha a heaps wok 101 MORE neTERVESToNS.N ammey TeeRany 2 I ha been my expeience hat ao la ung procedures Ike this sate ten cance eee oe Ps tha tote Chen Chena genealy Very inlet a i, Seplus profesional have of tem snd in tie deeusus ts as about tem However, the procedure maybe mae appraise ae The ocndie may be appropiate for clients who ae bang aitcliy fuienaning alemativeexplaauoa of their tehevice and tee pets People and systems with singular easing yew of Becves se {heir bem may find hat ey ean etenain altmsve eiplnaiing ‘aot easly when they beat he efecto dscsson, Also pope and Sse win ape chotc nay tenet fn Ie peneae een _may have too May alernaive expla, al ones for deans he sfletng lem can help hese pple sect he exgatons Data Contreindetions tg ofthe tam dso shoud ot be town to cents vo ons irapy wih el et Thee se Gea wt aaue le cea esate aa sac: scaly pe ‘When erotoal ad piysalsecany i thesened pone Shae ah ost apptpy on tan discus o mot rah te pice. Allow eto un far oh clits ant Se thay sare th fects, Stowe the tip othe ct Contac when the lent dos ‘van ture velesing a dassion Tt eead tesa ced wien ying gt tect ewes Soe Sts down eles yo, the cen dacs ta oan a Shr lias had the opty tere ean ae ss tells psoas, mead ial, boa powell oat cs Dromedny experince ra which eens teeth REFERENCES Ace 0991), The refecing eam Dilpus andl “ies Nowak WH Ns Anka dCi 1 06 Han ae Bacio. (973, See oy of ind New Yk aloe ‘Wise. 980, Nene eam, ented Satie een bits fa ty Fonds Pca 8 10- Becoming the “Alien” Other Maryheten Sayer Each of ws enlyunderrands in ober ony tho feelings he apabl of producing helt “nuke Gide (in Mic Blac, 1995p. 229) snd been istening to Pts, partie fve yeas, doce ‘er expences conf that ey bad Ha the perish ‘teed hin sling oppose her 0a my offs cnc, T saw bee ecome increas thse the muscles in hs wel exin ops Shs sla boy experi tihen For spcosinatly Ml xe ‘eins, had bea cahing hem Rana Eanes (RE) Se (Guemey, 197) for etecve expression and enue ate ‘ted at might beextemety el for sno erp ue aly an accurately wih ys besa o hs appara age Eas a hey, Mead eee sry of abuse al sua ns tn ‘ldo nd eotrpacded daring bw expen ay asl de ct ‘aun Wa He nad spoken ome a sco quack raze. Take nie fe athe cold at Pi ie wookd secer me odo inhi iat. Resi at he ust a oe he {ld ese be fel so angry, bt hs oui het page he “team et woud we I hd ag hem bow tise nt Hom ces he sss a ergy Gee eras “lal sepia bps ces oeapebens empty ee at wep into te leword othe oer peion. Carey had so teen wag Oe {em “becoming” o describe a ent he epi coxld wn css itervenion stators wie he lens gt ned is eget sees Sian a unersang exch oie. In thse stesions ch eet ould speak “ough te therapist coh pe. At Tse) {2chete, erst wonld “became” then speaking wo eo {esto The therapist would degen he cotmnnicaten an sin fer" be cone wh te RE aks of elect tapreaton tt nt Fylde pvc, ita at cure i ne Ul thc tec of ican of eon aga Patty suite or cating enbuees in confi Seine Tena, Pays Jon spoke as how he wee her aout Ue percep es ing, tos, and dees evika the pevous even A he Adee ated Ns Face resume ts nat clr an he sks ca, Whe he finished, be checked wid bee abou the ceacy his eal, Sb $0 spel ethled tought ie ine he Was speaking he ln descbing wh is expetiencs becoming ws haba Jin Soko of being sae He sid hat in non toc to Ys gos he elt as though he actualy understood Pipes pear Fer he fa une asthe et “ier ‘Sine hen, Ihave sd hs teclgue mote frequen in my wok sn ‘nda und fay erp and a supine ands Gap 3). an parc iced to ae cr ecbmumed tesa ‘ons wh he iste fel emotanaly reacive enue orcas "chs ten nga in ts work to nguch whats eho s fom tats nok Is nol plying ys man atone aes Fico he exec of Becoming i tha er no ejcave eo ting nese laying de pat of he oh One Sse he ene moors, way of czas malty) spent dg be epson is msi fom coecicnsnes. Foetus soa gee an cnetlyLacustng. Strune and Bab Were evans ae stout teen experience in wich beta ted be hep Oy ey ‘one ore 0 a ice space that she ha us equ in Ber tee hanging pictues, moving bones, ee) wi she wis oman eran Se ‘erica he cup toss whim ber fects abot ae Bo then became he exestng ese feringss beugh tombe sees Wihea ake him ow he el while doings, hesah. "tw fel ta wy." Tis sa cue atthe pst ig he feces realy een success ved hi saxpon at sh ore ee ul et inet ral “bacon” Stine Somewhat tomy marie at ‘fee avers uetind tis incon wid is We Ra ‘en Bob then rue to te sk he deepened Sams fens Soatneca)y, yond wal she bat aka exrewed She he aks Wo tke it eto farter hel ano remenber {in Br eo eos mins of ot having space tats ber own Her pet sr he ‘lemon he cones of Bob's acarne undetandng Bobs eho {86 "iel ut way” completly ede nas expec wea ae ‘Stet te meme of cra or See aul tis pt analaing. ‘The peter dig the Becoming ts cog ta heise may notte accra, anti fespsive to ination verbal nd (shee, th someting sit sn eas by he ther pose There 'Soroomin te process for ssunig thal he pean dine te becom rows beter ey “The feciqne i vr Rlpul whe a feast fects at an iapasse in deta cet when he tous ay ay hat eine Ses not fet undetstod stead of thinking of resistin, defense, Stumeaie ain Ws arcane fw he tssunpton here that whet genvall msi fhe experience of fetng crates wren Tis no acl that when he apt Goes soins ect eo ein te eh et incon wid corgmson and interes that te erat fs ‘ince, defensvenssaguentatvenes an inate Vans "fo dt have not observed ay cotsndications fe he we of tit ino, "Thee me, however fmt cans. AlDwugh Bese en Sse aati in he iy ies of ts oe xyerence Ol fetes at ia pecs ae al wing eae {no sparntsdvee effects tis enental ower that pein be tse ofthe person who wil be receiving tread of empathy Is So esenia a oth pesons volved inthe process understand athe fretod is only an spetet and partial tok for fetatng 9 eeper tiuestanding, Whatever i spoken Ihe proces of Becontigantler Genii be iatcrte and in need of catecson Furthermore, nat of becoming can in my way be icasive of Oe immense compleky ad sca ven oder p's ent of mei Uheresperhay ofthe erat ean ese casts ar hs ‘One al iment There fen ae taco een fea tha ccc nthe ecg press wher on rennet i securely aa deel This men i related to bal Marin Bult ese 5 "ie mot intensive stig of one's olga oes with toe “bold siagiag” ote of he thet OBR, 7) sl for the therapist low and ini ths discomfort ces have nse ‘eearenly it when Tov a lel de’ see fr hoping en ssl of ‘he discon ivelved in iking 4 dope level of edtetive iinet fecon worn we are becming, a emoen charge very lice 0 Sc for bk prensa wel at aly sbared af earns that sa the heart of logue and intumacy. When I fo examen serv step int is lve of reatnip Wah a chet 1 Sua ope te deep emeton and ehange ae “a 108 MORE INTERVENTIONS IN FAMILY THERAPY REFERENCES Babe C28, Th ond of man Scene OM. Fctnas ee Playing Baby len F Weciet The, "Play Baby intervention i used in the ee integrative. chk. Focused fay dhetapy thal eal “chi family” Wega Oc of eitn-faty therapy is that tcorporats tention to te ee Siow neds of Ue ld int syste and havi ntersentns Te ‘herp cxaces the parents on ways ass eld Sos, Phving Bay is a nervenn ia hie te pass tela py, t0 heady ha stiles under oe facade of he lis se a, athexcestively anxious or immature chin aed wih yout hong farfce adaptation is aloos te oppoitchidren ws lune tensanee Mepedeey nes and sok neither section nv approval rn nets ha also een helpful in dating wih seein, hah capesee and ‘expressed tan older child may fel fora younger siting dep he Pte alemps Co ive he olde hill eq ott ston, ‘ly Baby involves aking paren ate peed games ad ter ‘tes whose aim is oe te chow ta the prcts we aware cept love the chil’ baby sal. Pay Bay iw sbrthan! es he coves a wide range of aciiuer all simed none wey or athe a ‘minding te child at no matter how bg be she has become o os seltselan he or she act, the pare kos at accept the raruted ‘eva enounced wish o hearted Pant ae hed taste aes sot oter ative that wil let the ald Kno hat lds the Youre ' ail expected io behave in an age-appeorite maar. n sone ee “you'll always be my baby" Inking a “sun othe chilis neds te ‘veal mde for the child the scepabiy of tesesve longings wih ‘ul restening te chi’ grow sense of matty nd alone Py Baby activites wil vary greatly depending pon the age and ‘eronaiy ofthe cil abd bow comfartie te parent are wit are. sive play. For isan, some parent report lvl peat fat an their school-age child ina “blankie,” sian him ta” we icone ig hat eine bonita amined home fhe hosp, ter co ancy wi teu nae erg a Scie ee sae jt ering toc, Wake sy fast vad Pet ters iy Baby nish spl et fe paras tenancg teat hen te child as a baby o ing ut Nay pers a dea ved tension ebjers “The Phy Baby tchiqu abeses he chil’ lngngs wt he donne having samt een t ese wthes, Th putea garth ciden who have Teessd ovens depen) ‘eed. Raber than ere f the chil he caning os bebe ie {erat eps he ad en och with ae Igy vac longs: teeugh tise moe enactment ius tf te poet Sei ee at “hah mw on Nyon ‘ometie ms yi by" ay Baby Stems an gust ‘igs bang th i's aces to conseonsnese an ileal speak ‘outset pecs nastier actly change egal Boveachid aerators Yonge wo vein it Kc es tae free hey to Wo move eu feats ia peoweae ad sate ay Paying tay wy et en for th iad hi stn rosie ifn impr t emi pacts at ey suo te Pay Baby at umes en imac ce Segive bb mh be Seren rant CLINICAL EXAMPLE Mian age seen fen somo toe ste angry ter pens, Tey ‘ented tht stonsh Se compan ht hes younger bet wis BS yt eto ch ae mnt toed nat fees Ahn ter pues eto engage Be ough Man mas ope Sat ter asenecy needs he woul be wet when ht pts et at {rb evening) confides bet mang artrnce om ber Duca was evident he way Mun raped neha Ineactons sry aft hey began oa Th for stance ens fe joroly luis dng some pletlrngionsing ith her dal, eet oat a ha i a rey tbe ‘have stoped te wrest eater wea se was ny yen Sinai oty te corny ap wi ber moto ttre gases, Sm, Mian woul gt ed soot ome ane le es to cane by He younger ther sed woul ee fle Tere ven mhen fer moter ad emt ificuty ad mae hel con pletely availa ‘Naa na iene jealous and exes of hee younger babe. She naan exer sel cia al parent Se sete to fo that fhe dt act have wa aks to fold bor paren love. She sailed between trying fo ae hei Tove by demarcing (bear Ut ancy (es pacete an fre confsmeRe Telng of eto) and rene Ing ny em from: When the rent tates Py Bay, Mra 995 at fistrlocat to pariepae. Only when they pasted in tling Det Sorc aout how cue she was a aby and comteyed to be hat tw they mv wanted to elie though pay hose wondeul baby Set i. ‘ierctax and enjoy the patie a need thal se was not eqnes 10| ‘pen as ter own h gle dea of wn develope between Mics fr pares jst fron tis simple Inlerention. Miranda ex quickly became mach lest rjsting anid davanting. The pants too felt ch eter about ter nescione with ber sod wee mate able ts "no" 10 berwhea twas apron oo 30 Iie bp to ert peat to the fact thal akough a chi my nse show any Covoasenpymeatof Pay Baby and may act kee oS | ‘ating up wi soeehiagtonoying he eid has eard and ten in he Faro symbolic comsacaion egaing the cls needs ‘CONTRAINDICATION Most len respon ite pstvely to Pay Baby, but some chien inka ute sdanaetly tae they realy donot hks te gaa Ply Baby overfill cicumvents defeat and canon oe eocousters 2 child ‘insu find soo destening When ch ees seriously upset by the peste venues at Pay Bay, parents sould ot fre Ho Tho er Instead a miler werson of Pay Baby should wed sac ts ekg af pws albums or lig aneedoes aout cu 3 bby. Play Baby can be used ih secon) astaros ulren as ong as ‘tought dzrde i ot pesent One wowld not want 0 suggest Fay Baby tren 20 fuacdcang i not omg enous to distin fly lay om ea. Me ld wt beable to understand ht state mes Such "yal slay be my bay” feat oe taken Literal. Some purets we ve) uncomonuble mh the Pay Baby method. Since he amo the technique ob he chil eel ore confortable ‘lt disavowed aspects of eel, ix mportan that he parents do a ‘Shrununicate mney abut hs srt play. parents ae sll anions ‘tout doing Play Baby afer Has bee explana in deta is est it 8 101 MORE wrenveNTrONS Iv EAMiLY THERAEY hey ac oA ts een the therapist and he pret develop, wil become ese why this meted may be pute ical ee aren seep is itgrtantosenenbe ta te Pay Duby ees ‘ot nein san, Fal sess ae ued toate ete ot Tuineiiy and regresive longings forte tanay ts 2 whole he estan is apposch neue sche produce dns NOTE 5 Tis och scribed a Wace EF, (109) Ting en oh amt Ne Ya Das Competing Voices: A Narrative Intervention Gabritle Carey [Many of ws have competing voices in our mints, wing [pana fashion, ot unike x Bach fag, et sometines ap fonger sound euponons. We ay fave sipped it The susie a bea, geting precarious tine, When te Jom el, economic, an egal teas. They understand e impli {etusi lire ia women's sues, t's swt, apd gener dere esatch, They we lane wih te ores base for understanding ‘Snverdfercaces anf we aa of hr wes soa Manas Tey peo? Siig e est be page by melee females sd tess wo tn be ptetal fr wd of eer sex dae to steretypical expectations They wow ie often predicable comics of stenerp rc, ees lntmurantlolcemotion,ab8 fonction ine. ba pe ys exaggerated eal of sociation, nt eral palogy: A they Sncach rap fom as anlogyooas a perspective as possible ven iff of bei own genders, intnong an awareness of he special feeds of mcr and onan abd off ecg Ut wil best Tusa ‘THE INTERVENTION PROCESS he goa of therapy with comple who as bees entrench in por ‘aol postions ove these ses i depolarization dough expansion of he ‘Cogn maps, Most fen, bath sponses re ooked i a rept ys fancuonl man et ia which each prt tes desperately to conve de [pone that hfe "way te igh way” They hve booome tee im eihadte nehvwatng, bacLwicedichtomeus memer of hake. in ehh ene perenne mie defeat be les. To tis end. ey costo etal te therapist ada, each hoping frm a coaiion ‘ee enper mene ovate itor pesto. sal his pest hat {apie begin he depolarizing poses, wih consists of oar ses. he fst of ese is rmpsy reflecion with some tetas amphi tim motely restating what bo shad ae wile have expeseed “Stat senitvely restating te emotional stance and thought poceses Teach Wen the rapa orouzhly falc wih theses and (Sota gender perspectives, ble ea fos te cin en and with Ing degre of seouscy predict the felis anata al wil flow The comer and empathic statement of positions hey have not et verbal eed uly. bu recognize as tesonating wD deeply fel emotions, bas he ‘ning, boing effet tt erates heapeute magic. Bosh sexs Tel ead niettod, ad supported at nce « MORE ISTERVENTIONS 18 FAMILY THER} ‘The soond sep is psoloeducatonal and sone dct, The Bt ‘hut the therapist smatleousy apiess wid ha te cents Vi 35 ‘Schomous and ieompable poston in duconering tnd stmalee ‘io. At hi pot he erst an tach he cents about he carat {ion of waliy along gend lies ad what aide and ales ean Be expec wo real fom the tocaeaon proces. Ths edcaionl comps ‘at can be a pe ox tohistaled to len’ etacaton wed al ‘tes can epprecite This ep has the eet of enriching copie aps fn cgening ew passibes of yesexton. Addon temas fleemale postion ad meals toni snes betwee the cop By aiyng the soc a gnder ocala a not Jere esa ‘Seg of ete anthers vale ystems ‘Sip tne is conroraiton wath elt. It cess exseatlly of shor spec that pois oa at gender ifersass wil exit Hee ll es tsa nem to some deste and mute acted Ai example might be ‘Therapist: (following a discussion of Chodorow, 1978] Wall now tia you mderstnd wher each thers coming from. we ned tind {war to conumuniae $0 that you can meet exch ober neds ecatse tee one thing an guarnie ox: either ane af you Iniposes sour percep ce Yale stern c the oe, 908 bl Be ‘elton. Whenever me person ras the tie, tod ler 2 evetaly the lath becomes biter and usewarcing ADs ince you bot lls, by Your very peteac ere, bat is eon ‘hip i valuable to yoo, We need 1 start edn ona wo-wines Spproach to esolving hese sue, shold als be har by mom Bs ‘hanging spouses eller of yon has favasied ht setoa) [probably not gine to bap too uch wh ato tase suse, {ecauce set mena ween Wil hae ben seized in he ae ‘way Women wl te ike wore nd en ie en, Whee We Hs Xo not Fendt of Ren Harso's nent in MY Fir Ly Why carta woman te mae ike saa” Bu ea tt would -otably te bring ashe deal Anyway, what woul ike for You 4 ah now i to thnk of yourselves as sping Wo difleseat, Tunguages, say French and Spanish, hese there era 0 ‘you hiking tls differences. And fo he xt fw ssc {eed ar anceps, wich yay T Ab pn more a ih You 90 weak be ache efficient Speak eather’ lnguage. Ten yoo cn commune al wa seks 1 Bigr Tha Bah ts “ The four step consis of brainstorming foe slatins, Fac pater atest posta, aot With te purpose of converting he paar, bt 1 inform hier spouse abot feng and aed. arte Tite {0 de experince ofthe oer without feeling he ned Wo dele otc hisber cm view. The therapist help te clay We most por ‘ndeiyne meee ht met Be et fr Ue telatensiip Wo be stuns to both Greave two-winney solutions (Sten, 198) 40 pubes emecse ‘rom the cents Werselves. Tse soutons may ree the het to io sume sks uaiing soc a active seins or behaves conuscun ‘The teest ony eed to eller anita prescription we ttle oe employ any one of tie may therpeatic emg hissy to ‘fete the cents aecompusment ol ther 2 ‘AS therapy posses, whencrer sch ses aie, de coast ake tesponsblty Tornoe hen tee tomate and female perspectives at sua vay aa roving fom ‘election t eden td onalizatiny a Som depersonaieion to teasing fra two-wioner approach ‘Te ace inportant lems of ti approach ists nonblamang ewpoit of oy and how men al ‘tome ink and fee! afer, which artes th couple apa vor ‘mon ena. gende sociation, ina efor to save th canst Couples develop 2 coperative stance tha only tough weston tact he's languages an featve tan can Wey cee! hp Femanats “biager than both of them conrearvotcartons Alough gender socialization plays lrg part in anders the rool of dase votnce, complesIherpy He ne eemmendet aes ‘here abseis presen: Expartein desc lees Hanten a Hare. 1993) geanaed group rap fr Ie tierra ites pou ont ‘erp for the tim unl the wiolence estopped fe es sh Fonts Altiugh peyehoeducatioal mae reasrng the flees eae socialization can be usefl in Delping boo victim and tater ‘ndestand ter dtunetioal pales, ds tral shal be eon inte soup seting fest Only aller the barr hasten espns foe hier behave andthe viet has been eajomered Wi aves ‘heap te praicive A ate, ha gender serie ape dsb Show can le useful in cieuonting the fons shane thet ie bates ont of eran They wil wnsraan tat they hae I {ssfancsina responses to confit tz) their pear sxihesion — ‘spores thy om ier. In the psene a's order sense pape 1 (ait wing Wei vevleund unerstandng of Ue dfunciona pes REFERENCES agen, Mand Haney, ML Ede) (193). Bering and fry sherae A 1 feat ponprne ony Poh ait ‘ideo Losing tt MeO 070) conto Tics in fbi Jornal Picatie, OI noe catatan —I6 Joining with Jenga: An Intervention for Building Trust with Stepfamilies Wanda Clark THEORETICAL ORIENTATION Most nti tages of therapy involve bulding tat between derapis tn chen Minch and Fishin (1981) refer to is process a "oa ‘ins te Gay yam a mugs the 9 the therapist es the Ten Kno dt hele datas tem and mine wh em. Ther cee estore eld ogee by comes feed tonh ning ‘Socal aly rapists would also ated te how fal stems ae ligne, wh a the moet power si te fatal este, a the pe nce, asoace, and loans of fay Doanares (Aponte and YanDese, "Sei, When working wath stptante, imbalance i as alieuncos, oandaries aad power siucres ae often eid as problematic. To frome it of cages suuctaraly then itis cial hat tts ull streen clon nd thera eal in he rape proces DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERVENTION Jenga ica sacking game using stack of wooen blocks th object of “which storcove bloke fom lower porns ofthe lack ad ple ter die top witout Knocking over the whe suc. The Ee does {Evolve sme and ye coordination and wocks belt wit chien who are ‘vers year of age. When wag tas a ing tectnige, | peerlly {eto the base aes of the gare but a6 dimension ining esking = ‘question wil ea tum. Afersceasfllyeemoving aad Pace 0's lock, each player may ase anotber players question fis eat Sesion fr highiy conf! family, romatinos pace Liaison the Hie of ‘Guons tat can be ake, bal usually te ype of question inition 6816 MORE IVTSRVENTIONS INEAMULY THERUPY sil eft ese offer besa the game an! stat with ontuate {ng questions suchas, "Whats Your favre fod, TV show, or king of | isi?” Gradually 1 to add xe xp the nds of questions tt He crelaig ty shifting to questions suc s,""What do you like most ‘loa nam Of ane fam mente)” ce "How soar ie diferent Since (name oF Bepparen) Ms come to lve with you?” Often fay ‘cers wil Tllow ry lead ei sir kindof estons and teas Wllemerge fom he resgensex These hemes can then be exlted et ‘ting more wna! questioning formats, ce ater gare of sesh ca be ocr on oe them npr Tn aaiuontbeing a good mayo in with sepfnies, since having 4 ete fous oa sero alp lets some of he pres often placed ‘on chien when stepfamies preset fr therapy, ue gue caso be el fer begin to ets thrapeatic pel. Slaton Fctosd questions Sic a the “race quesioa™ or "ental ball” tection (3 Shae, 18) can te Woven toe game and ten podace kiting esl ‘specially when answered from the male pecpectvesyeseted by ch fay member. “Tie inervention may be contraindicated in several stains. 1 he wert sspetsnstanes of abuse, exw or piel, any Oe pe ‘fexpoaive power dynamics, sing agate sich a is Would end Yo ‘bse accuateasessnet atid poeataly pce he sic fret ‘Saget Pesaps one of Sno most valuable oatcomes of using 2 game sich as Jeg erty on in erapy wi stepfamles itt tea send the menage ‘hat therapy I am. Usa ea fis ft come to tetapy trey ae thst of wa expec nly atte rig» snd i, Fs ing seme afetion on a gine tats the pete ways ia which the um ean function ogetice CASE EXAMPLE “he intl concerns tht ought he Sith family to therapy invleed ciahtyeaal James oot “peting along well” wi his sepa, Don, Dj ane bad tae ix mend previously arabe oat. Sic ao ost daughie, Kim, who shine and by eveyone’ s epee [Sthe graph stuent, “golden chil of he ay. Fess ls ie fied and ows an txt tad tear: Recess aes hae [hinge ie! be hat been caught fi to rh hs tec an sae vers hat ested hadi cme Fly ty, rr gg Joti th Jen © ring thei ieriew, ames was sulen and woud not ok atx sek drei f9 Do ie would anwer guest dein it 3 trey arose bat ered vel ort id asp ces ‘rer. When the tay came er the see stom’ te eo ae ‘roned wth Joga gare a be fse pont n't Ube ens Janes immediatly teeame cua aoat wit irs and wha os nee sg 10 do witht. ter expan theres of he game, we bean fy ‘stig each ber somewhat pei quests about neat fee on) TW shows. nly James not cy aoc wi De Yt oo Usenet his eaposes to teal rears, ‘Ato abt tee ies cud he ee of ples Janes sted Be “Wy Go yo any ier wan ave a fay Doyo nae 91 Kin?" Foaately, on cvelyeapondt at he ery se ed Ses and Kim and thang snoer bby wold inno way pans hem bit woud to tet family. Ween Span he eto eet ‘ehing questions about what dey wanted etre ely woe ‘Kimaad ames aight fel soot anew sing, andooon eu iney ats ination woul ave come tothe foe rents ot {eof nerve, ut sig te Joga fae sed oct a ‘aly win he sen mone quay ‘When the Smith funy eae to therapy the following week, fames ‘cpt tht be a Don had pg aires! bor gu at bene et ‘Sh tut dey a abode ter quran They scene “om more ated and open wach aes na aes low apeees to week ner decaded they were we onthe way balding ed tomy and lnger needed Yo come to teapy. Uang a rane ssh Jenga ia therapists with fies uefa an nro be i es thesenng than other fra nertenng can fe eo ‘ean of asesting a Externe information aa Ely into gate acon id pon este pect tm aesyexe oii analy svete REFERENCES Aone. H Fad MinDemen 1M (1851) Sec! faiy roy. A$: Chan rf D.P Kiem Howton dope 31-8 Saux 598). ler Conacng slion brie therapy. He Va ene S and ato, CRD Fn harap it Crisis Intervention with Families: . One-Down Position Peter J Jankowski (One of the ost haleaging aspects of working at coramanit g=tcy cane doing ens nerenton wi rosvay atclescets ar We Ihe Terps te most diel fet fers ftervenuon i esishing thy (eter, 194) Ii ellen necessary und effective to er the ‘Rom an tert o gai contol of he steton by stoma rls aking ro eye cont, and valiaing each pemca (Neder, 1984) A cnint {bervenens i ht requed todo teespy bx 1 cl te encigy evel ‘dwn, Figure oat he problem, reach & lemporty soluion, and ake 2 ‘eter for therapy (Nene, 1954) ‘Despite die gral fervent of etbising aon. he times sen is aecaery to apt one’s approach oes anerveaco. Ova. ‘Salyers stervenionist ey med fo ake a “one dow poston” (seh, WeaLand and Sep, 1982) aber han estabing hin ‘postion of ari. Taking a one down poston dates at he ne “tors ive up some ofthe ower an ie tt the aolestet ax frets. the flowing eae exact state ta he eri nerve {fretcam proms change nese by hanging hit ore in he [process turing bewesn ci irventonst a arly ‘ease ILLUSTRATION had been cei tothe stents dgpartent because a fourteen yx ‘old lew essing oo home wai parents. Upon my arial te escent was na separate oom fm ss pets. Te fees et that iis war esse became they had ha sae previous let encounters ‘she Father a og at as pote of becoming vient a {sme was too peat I met withthe edlesoen, snd explained wha ‘en hap in thse tation eed gota soso of What he was ‘unit Hom Yo, wheter or athe had plan, a6 destibed what he {ut do get ont of We police station. He was interes ne Specialy ftv rote be sa wi is hel ne toove ora a word nywoach was not working. 1 talked uh the parents, using he sane ‘voach [had wed wi ie sn. The nly tfermation cold gat: {the rafany and name caing, sta the father athe prvi week The eld protective agency was seal tolved an Uh proces of tling the faber w cout Titer to reach lemporry solution by tying fina space fe sve on tony vl the aly eld begin to receive heapy sometime ‘vitae oes week The parent arted pat in is, dering {hese sly come bags Texplined tht he coud ene return han tt er, ete a protest him, el he wih de ask of king ‘place where fhe son could sa). hs pont Loven back 0 met ih ‘hen, ming that he tation di nt seem o be changing "ce Gat when {wenn wih to fom agin {ao 0 abandon the moaon of aking care ofthe sito, aa esmolol ove {Gre elescent | ook cne-down postion by dectrng hat necde hs ‘nus to get ot of the police station, and Gt at is pan ia how rho dosha hn ae ware i ee happen a sa A WS tori bea a umn out of Wess, ‘Aer long period of silence, be hopsn 1 si for de ist time an fal looked up at me.I was lieved and encouraged. We Began tlk ‘ott eisode te previons mec invoeing i aha a etal came eden ht ie ony way he kp hw to Fave a vile saton | tras to un aay, Aft another perio fence esd hat teed his pe pms for whis n nsvered tat be wanted 1 ty wi Bs ‘anit, He then pat his ead Rack down eae ble, onvealy ‘Searing inst ished. ‘On ay way tO mest ihe pens, figured tha | would the same ‘ne-down postonng 199 wi ison Tareeted them or he seo tne, gutting tei lpm hs sation. [sad that Teed ‘come up with an ier about how we could all get ut ofthe ole: tation ‘Afr repet of treater stores abou ellen having too many ‘phi, the proceeded to offer paces fre on to stay ual hing could fet waked ut pera hvongh Derapy. AS son ate listed is rand Tovar es «posible pacers, asked is was a place they thought the son ould te wilang to ay, They bot responded, “of couse he ‘woul be Toes it there.” stat ale rea Why thy id’ wat Bim stay ere, hem agreed tet hin {01 MORE BSTERVENTIONS IN FAMILY THERAPY Altec the granimeter ha teen concie by the ofcer and avd at he pice sation I brought everyone Wether to fale he wang aeat “The mrangeent, pon ich al aged, wea fo he Son fo ei 5 sanimater's hose and then tar be two dap ter Te ys ‘le conceming the ned for terapy and said that someone oa out gency would conse bam ina coupe fay. ‘Once contacted, the fara sated Wat te on had ended up coming me the gee dy of his owe volition Te fal eso eed sees, luiming dat they id nen therapy. As an agency, we hal no leverage foece temo come for therapy, td ta lt tops fo teh to-comder, Since cil prtectivesrvices wus nvalved, Iman tht the aly woul eventaly be ordered into treatment conenusion In the preceding case example, dhe Canily and 1 weee engage 9 cess that cole deectibed as power srgale. By tk a ccedown Ds, {was able to due he power stu by changing nyse in anuting tothe proces. AS T became tore collaborate wil the lye in en began ok eo he espoastAhy for sling the ‘mmetinte erie This important asess he process occuring betwesn intesvenonst ani cheat when eondicing esis terveraion. Taking one-Jen pos tia woul be contsindcaal i i pis alc adsecet were avy ‘Woks to th interven fr deca, Therese tines when aly ‘il sespond n'a way hat indicates terse aw What happens (bes pes tuauons, and das to row wha ty need 0 dot save {he mmedate case king ne dw posto dng xs ere effective becuse incase Teele copertion aod meeases hei sese of perenal docmey ins sas sitaon. The intervention Ie accommlced By ‘using on te proces occuring betes erveaoaist fay. AS 2 ‘isis interventionist changes hive role in the proces, the sysem wll ‘Sungei sucha eay tat tb madi esis sealed. REFERENCES os, Waa an Sapl (1982). The caer of cme: Dag ‘hy rey So Paci oy Dae een (194 Apel). a rire se aig for dct esc ‘orien okt pela te Mini Calabrian en Yoh once, —18 Columbo Therapy as One-Down Positioning with Families Peter Jankowski THEORETICAL RATIONALE The inlerveton described in this chapter is ase on seco bt ‘oberetc deny ad the Mental Resesch Inte (oe that) Imodel. Secombe eybemetic they (Alkiaioa and Heath. 1990) Iles dat the therspit fe pert of te eaten system. The telat Focuses on bow be or she sceatibuig 1 he process taking lace ii te erases system By focusing on isc ber entan to the ‘roresttMeapst ean tecome sare instances in which he apron he or sh staking may need io change A foet oa erp spre ty neo chage se therapent tance of he ert ‘One aspect af the MRI det therapy model at entiates 10 he ierventon described inthis ehaper notes the rapt ans» "one sown postion (sch, Weaklad and Sepa, 1982), A cdo poston requires thats teapst do something to remove tel ro 4 Staee of pomec al exprise pd give he is mee power pic Furthermore,» ene-dows positon ets hat the erat see Dat wl inseae the cen’ sense O&ptsonal agency an compete’ “This chaps describes an inereation directed a th theaptsps ‘ong durin tap Ts (1998) “Columbo tery ages has be ated a oe ay to tke a one down potion wis chente. Steir Ipyoach consists acing confsed nad acking questions cut of gout Ie euicity about the clea’ experince (Anderson and Goolhin, 198%), simile othe TV atecive arcs spe: Te Case example haste ow taking 2 one down psion may change he yoces ce ring witia te Herat choot system The Flowing ee example oes bay contol core ton arc by anger ap CASE EXAMLE tnd been nove ina ease witha mur and he founeen-ear1d oupie fox spy) Kor tens, Daring this et, th sepa hod fused 0 come in foe Merapy. cain a twas wanccesy for Iino be presat because the problem existe tren i wie at hee ‘aghier The analy was therapy bce the daughter ha epee zn amy fom hone wea vas extant eave he witout pci ‘hn The daughter would be gone fr day a ae, oly to evel rota home of br own voiion, Several tempts had be mie o daw the sepa ito he esapy ccs Pod enplaa t im that he was cesar Cmte te ces chant. algo sggesed hate at sm cons ep me tin a clearer understanding of whl as gong ot ome, THe ea of wing 2 consulaar appeaed to Wim, and hn eventually died give ery achanee Wie | tthe tpt fr the iat ime, Be immedi sated ‘pe that he was not comlorable wat erapy and Wa luca tend the esion. Resp, alate he fecigs and et bam kn ha 1 pyeciatedhis illagncs give heragy a chance ‘A some pot inte cores, the sepa a Bis wife Began to xyes thal they id ot know wat 0 do anyone. Tey De 10 date some ofthe dings they ad done to yt prevent the eh from runing vay The stepfather meoned that he had been yi 1 Sta) oof te argument between be wie antes dhe asked if he ‘housht his etfs were making merece mtn Oghc'sWehavion He pased fora moment nd replied tha thong it ws staking soe lieence in response, | comsrete, "ak i important thet you amine to ryt stay ow of heir anguineats" No sooner ad th Warde me tof my oath hae gt up ut of ie seat an began o pce ‘wound the room. He was waving hiv arms and shout,“ ew 1 Soul’ have come. Tine ed suy it sal my al. hats Tmleaving.” Intervention At this pon, {decided to focus on my cantbtion 1 the ores xcurng win the therapist chet eytem. I hegan take a oe down, ‘esto by teting hu Know T vas genie couse abt wba had ‘made bi upset cally sked hi fe could ely me waestend wot ‘at made im anay- Suey. wated at be spp pacing wot he 40cm and feta to his seat. Repeating el, {egos tat be help stant, He proceeded to expsin tat be was feeling guiky ning Tt of ell are cance he attr anni ‘The rest ofthe sein involved fespetaly itenng snd aman Far deserbing bow elt Because changed my therapies took 9 one-dowa pest ‘by acti cused, the sepfter was ie 10 cain down and pres ‘lnset na nonetesive and staighforwardsanmer While eet ‘ns behavor dung alate session, be explained that he had felt ened fd scepled. He oltod Wal Ihe featon he decided to come back ss ‘cause be had wot been made to fel av toueh he was to ame fo ie ‘iaghter’s repeated attempts arming aay Changing my thecapeutic ‘tance nt rly changed te proces octariay ttat parca ncn ft ovided the tat of on therapeutic teauorship tthe fonts 1 ime ‘The stepfater became engaged inthe Meapy process and cox ‘mite to making changes necessary Wo keep he dnughler fom inne conctusion ne of tie ressons te Columbo therapy appcoach is sues, pt (uo making lst Teel beard ant accepted, a Fores cli > ‘ese ifersion i ferent ways. As chiens ttell er sone, they Deiat ink abot and experince the ston x psblen feel, A second reason forthe effecuveness of the approach i ha the fous of fhange in the process curing wid the traps ce stein. A ‘change inthe eos sacs by the erp changing hs het pach wit be en "he iteveton Would be cnn whenever a therapists ase ‘enced stout roduing a Gesu cacome i ie cents tehavio tah sis or her oom behavior According fo Atkinson and Heath (1990) {ester sem bah is prema by # erp whose foci on mon ung and changing he ori ova lunes tchenge aches tehevice Rater than eg exesia) ved in peting the cat what teerapst wan, 4 therapist can focus en he proces oscuing wii 3 session an change er or fs peso ein in he aot sed ‘ae, gear yee beth ny te ented ath tps win ‘eis prtipte in therapy, Grae system alt was promt by 101 MORE IeTERVESTTIONS IN FAMILY THERSEY Focising on changing th process, a8 apposed to 3 focas on etng the Septet stp shot ti wang rou Ue 2000 REFERENCES adn ant Gosia. A. O88 Hanan none nite nme ‘ikon Ha, (190 Fb on eo de faiy Tieng iti te penal Pandy Proce 8 S133, eee Westaa, 1 nd Sopa Le (ORD) The wet of change: Doe ‘hep brig Sin asec Toy Dao nope Sut HEB. DE Pattee change: Br hry sltione wh nl adclescns, New Yor Tae Galen Pee oo Seeing Change When Clients Don’t , Alan Willard ‘Te intention ofthis intervention fora therpist to point outchange > tensa es in he teapy process when cient fal to ean ce ‘eprops. Tiss a general uneevenon can be aed fa ve (of lets and peolens THEORETICAL ORIENTATION “The ierventins based ea bth a csr philosophies (ae Shae, 991) and stuionfcased theory (O'Hanlon and Weiner, ais, 1088) Lasotuon focused therapy, sealing questions ae often wc ‘ein sesiono gues baseline dat where crs se tesseves at {he fesmnng of terpy using sale from one tte for pacar ppoblem, behavior feekag.‘This miner can tea efetence point for [ites proses in elation to the parca problem ‘Allagh be inervetion s based ea the soon focused ef sc) ing questions, my dea fore neventio aoe otc Fricimaswse nf ‘wat te cals te “anow of progress” (izdman. 1991), The excun tances forthe use ofthese atervenus ate cient the poe {omg on tetween cheat and teapi somewhat sae rsd wes {he asow of progress st ime when chiens Bela to wonder ae fot ta contain therapy (exp 163 of edn, 159 fran laos ‘om of this pou) Ny terest s sila i ha vey eect ‘on of the proses being made in erap ; THE INTERVENTION ‘Th following imerveton esa be ela wth lets who, ter toe tee eins begin otal about ways in abich ey tte a mt ‘ning ses Fast enough i hk ote tovard tee goa Ea eres J At uw oes bs bs fever beers the Uris who do te scaling of the chen Simatic ‘This opps the couveatinal we of sealing qbesions whorecliny ae sked tie where ey s2eeseves othe peer naseale Tee ace tines when can be valle fr therapists o poit ou 10 lions he changes te aps he tce. ten cents ca be ard on tamselses, al jn heir progres (¢sSlowwess) ore Hal tan cute oisrves "A ciletent ay 10 we he scaling question forthe trait be sual of fw can be corporate to te er sessions of Waray Sch sealing tctgo canbe weal wen chens come fl seins feperane thet dhaypannent wi mesos, he ogress. the rate ‘Fpwubenn seston. When is happens nave bee ale w ws thee {ten scale a5 ot fr wedinng orl where he cle Wa town a a rmvement omar ng ‘My conversa wih he cleat ag go someting ike this ‘You om, when you came ia here and alle tout you peblem ‘he way you dd fey weak ago, Thad amen! picture of the ‘Saion as anetoven seal, wah ooe eg De worst possible ‘Scena, nd feu bing the bet ra hs selec aba). When Som eame in hoght oye ds tualionsaboot a four and [Ninidey tal hesitation coal e salto be beter festa about 2 seven neigh on he Scale, not completely perf, Dt muneze- ‘tie Nom he ast couple of sesaons, Ihave se some moveneat ihe postive decton shat would aa say sx Yet bear yoo Seti ofthe station today sou a dag sie our aga fBe yen, or maybe tte even dropped t's ee. ony wanted you {o Koo that see anges 9 at Could ele ata, aa Tete wee enone for a 1. You have toe persistent ia your efor 2 Youve pot chowen some opors easy ay out 5 Youhave done Be aed eek of ‘tints wil usally espond favorably to my apraal of te in his neu of aking Sang quests of cin in he inal ssn, this we of sealing stement by the teas (nae eons) fects ‘St cproniuuty to change Ii ews of What ny Dunk, fel, odo. Beyond opens wp conection: between clea 2nd therapist around Te ‘Aes a if therypit re not able oa fr change sl cornet ci puri hat cents wl at be inclined too This terete sy ine te by pedact of Hepa ters lea to offer oor hotel von fr themselves a fr he ents i whom Wey wk Possible Containdications Ft he st pt his iatersentonis guile sabi for diver bens ot resenng robleus, Howerey, there may be oeason when Ils nt use FR. Scae Cents who ae very depenfeat cn hele therapists may teens ‘ron inte dependen onthe therapeutic eval of een by tis eh ‘ig, Tey nity comet erapy serene expecting he Dera "sce {he each time, whick ould develop ln tn overeiance tn te th [pats sewpounts a barometer oases ‘Alough the nterveaton anid to assume he cia s me tion or change, sore lets might perce tat waY. Tho huereaion Fs desigaed teagende hope oct eps ea 1 he erp | fot vey Hopefl about the therapy, oi ele canon Se pOpsst oF bang, i tater might not be waraned REFERENCES esa. 90, atin ders wre HY WH Neon Feet (191) Bowen tory athe. eA. Gan aD aie, Ee) ana of fy era, lI ew York: Brea ers ‘fo Wap Weer Das, (1989) seh of soltons. New Yor Wi tenon a ee ‘Making the Genogram Solution Based Bnice P Kuch! Charles P Barnard ‘Thorana 8, Neleon “This caper descbes ow we combing naive and sla bast inkventons with genom sostreton. Whe Dese aproscies ht snyerthevrecally verze thy are tact compare se eel! pirat (Kae, 1995, 1996). More impor, here 2 sbpopelaton {cents for hom combeang tecgusSrom thes agrontes acs ‘00d seme. Inthe sections that follow we orate inerveaton i Se ‘cent cima of farnly apy tery, specify teu and neve a ‘hcl eumplenougheut Fre eater mba wants oan move dou ‘stoogrum constuction, we ecomiend MeGdck snl Geson (383), BOWEN THEORY “he wse of genogams as a clinical tool was developed primary by ‘Bowen therapists (Ger, 1976). Bowen Gory doites te pees by which fay emo const to pon sa irpersvn sy {is tha are tasted across aenesbces (Bowen. 1978) While spect ‘ypfons sight change, te key to Gerapy ates to fe endeiying ‘ntonaity dat generates them nt veya a de Infants and chidrn_talydepenent nthe welling i ry careivert—are eset Yulee 10 yarn dysfunc. robles ih pracy careers can si great ty eid see ein ‘ay then develop into asics Pues ff inerpcrnal te 6 oe seve. The met generation of ede, aught nthe web of thst pe ss axis a at need valet wo isco and elite sep ion, and he pater canines. Gemgrame ae wed deta fay "sethership, key evens, syngas, peal eatons to ae an tes 2nd the quality of intxpersonal relists aoe tet ee genera anne rene Mains the Geogr Seaton Boss 9 tins (Gun, 1976, MeGelick and Gerson, 1985), Because synteny {He oh ins Of anda response oa fanly's unr cron {pee how mabe ela op snob i eiteal nora, Sis {anconing on cones ith tate events such tb os ee fatal disse, abuse, r eal in he fay and emerge as ates ‘peat eesponss. Mes pats usual tae deform of dstmes, ion fling dysfunction in coe pen er conflict an) len ate wate frou amity roles, res, and mye owen, 1979), "With the aly’ hep the Bowen Uierpist Sagas these eens ant ates and ten enachsfanily embers ott way the eet ‘ne another both wisn the sedate fany and wih emesis aly ‘f rgin. We place ioity cm makina changes tn nye ‘coming tat will over ane tn he ays mona el we ‘inal eves witout igidiying a paar response ytern Ths ten equies fesng vias leon rei tangas, nach as che ‘rh me porenfed or scapegoted nea elt of greta dco (Ps ‘nan, 1991), and extalishing tne mone ean llow peso ‘eae eently tan they do inde Fays wal patered espa ey INDICATORS FOR GENOGRAM USE We belie hat inthary malting occurs a a ese-y cate basis ae is pide by the pote fr developing shared frame of etre (Gamat and Koei, 1995. Employing 2 paral teary sry on th Dis of eer cet dines thera peices inalapas Aa Appropriate etween ow the lena view the station at ow th thers respect and wespuis wo these ves ver renee ed moves ‘herpy forward Coney, we find contig Slaten based 20> ‘asta weal when working with ens who tou amy the ree deus to umeatstsctery far of enn express. Tt ithe chants ae dont by family ste Un dette pal femal responses to andery to the exchsi of ler, ere postive sesyunses, ticles thal se appeal may cue, bu ae ot id + sat cents who resent being wet diferente sibins: Mt clients who vw thelr penis as having beayed ter fag far shat fer expectations ‘Mal iets wo bli Uy fel shot fez pace’ esp + Bal cen who ae ala at hey ae fll ‘uoubled pate other fly mem tho Fottsps ' ] I | I I I I I alt Cests whose fay sls inte compromising tt fhionsip teed due Wo Sbiing deangs om nies t thay on lesof on . lai * ares who fae hat dhe childs wr ont (or noting ot Tite srsome ine fay for ‘rans who associate a child Wit oegatvecharstics th fern hem of disiked fais tener, ‘Sips no es ta elton ica re Ot he ititenc of extended amy menbes + eso Jo not plement teeta changes in thc ives fe eat tha aay ongia member il espera and + hens wh sem hocked in sn ion oes os ig Seoms egal tse a vis schon e's dena Fin earl Lae nas etre no hey ye cat cae he Ducat sie, Duong he pyebintcevauto te bap {he ce cheno thane a hase or estan Elitiowlt Guat fanily tray ws recommenda, Terpy ‘nc er he pres Ken ge sty sgh su BUG et ‘Wohsas wells Lake's lier ake ae een Dating he inl intr ew ies pret wes aig fe sunly ew nus dice. Le tlegat at smi «tank atively and hd tenon to Kl heel at es to ‘cease Kim an Bil dace by ir own sgl sea ciety spa lst ow mech is date Lake Se le obvowsy sessed, seca coment ke ke het ts ise tae he ay std at Late wa tn cag spe gues, mare han oe he stemp to sp the "qual wil sce, Tn mein With he pret compl, Bil sss Kins caps in het fanay eign She 3 yg te ba) teen adopted mags ven sl fot Her ad fae sbsed Sicha a ay cially stan Het ope moter we fay thse Kin eprtas never feeling wary of mydang” i ‘ek south bloga pues wes ty eee) i described his own prs “depen” he oly ine they set at nvr rg sch ngs ss weg Tene {ons and hay partes, He sited thi ocx eased hing tes ies He sed bing supe by how cgleset iim became when se drank. Because he an is ser and Wore tere never at gta pat of te pres se a8 UU SOLUTION-BASED AND NARRATIVE THERAPIES Salsa, sion focused and marti eae shi te Bele that change involves hein. people eament (O Hanlon ‘ewer Davis 196, Wale an sie, 1592) r rence Wie nd stn, theives. Pacepton the key, reoccupied by problems, vg in “fee id os Cae a Ppt, 190s ae [he terapististhep ebests nace exceptions fo dhe oles or bei Stems ston te prclem,effame esting, enya 6 od ‘gland create reals inges of what cane achieved ite fre Tntese rapes, te orion fs the rapa’ main wo (ate end Epstom 1990). Ts thoapt ea de cents custo are eigen as foe ae asked what tty How about the pcb, how dey Know what {hey know, and what aew postales for souton might emerge a he froblom ls camiped fom diferent persyetves. Responses o Use eu ‘Ses vesyetfl question es ages of oncom tha 45 with Sica siting view of he prblem. scones, and its soluon. Conn ted quedtone bring Yo Oe feegoupd whats already hapening or whist fas happened it te past eludes O€ ogi) ta Teas ward | [vefeuct fue, Ihre providing ewaence tat the Usted outcome is tony poste, bt ced becoming real. "New eration casts he ples contests a ght that ai in viewing the post preset, and Ture in ew and Tess problems ‘oye With ons bopes a ream cles olen ite meaningful deevapi change. With ie agreement of each family member,» eaogram i ‘onsite Ins hghlghed the ayn rems ha Bill fie Kim escriet an way that some of ate probes were Bins ‘aed ilo the ecsen Remererig toi oma childhood expen noes made thea xe sesiuve to how dei sugges were ate. Ine Lake and Jake, en the topic of akeaol was beoacbed, tbe therapist asked, "bil you realize how atach alcool has betrayed boa you famies or Unee generations” As everyno gaze3 i Ellnce tthe genograr Bil remarted"tbooghtit was supposed take peopl happy” 101 MORE INTERVENTIONS Iv Panney THERAPY hi i esto i an exam of what Wea pte (99) x etl the podem across entthons cate ee Sf'¢eobin penta ended tartare eg a issn pr ome Cheha lay em renind hm and erp) thee ene roe tayo tesla ee dentfing wlatve fly "ifece, sre, and exceons i anc a based snd ne woh Se Sse ha ee ‘ie, 198% White nd Fen 198) ta nen nd ae enssten, tals Ue amy’ tly oor eas eg Shyoit lence aes be gern al oer inate ty yh The all rage f he ye fave to ot he tenuis ke a say have ee “eaten Questing ant che ad Ill fom 8 Kacy of ste “iow war oa a we sly wie bc!" nse sep tah ur fly wont dscite the pion atta sents reas Of lematve views and rclaomip sega upon shacks “peasant chents comopraioe techn t rea seo plete, onset ts ty ashing ests tare soc far eB 00 have ben tied fhe wai ae ewe pando evo peas Rec beth ‘ares Mit ave ase Kim “What ight four aoe Sa steely tha wider your ater sera fhe 8 SOC Of eng ad een ne nf et os FEN ih won and ior oe oe ser we net riom 4 Sti bed eopece, ay ingescanas okey ie lfecce is tore input svg what eS (Ge sb22t, 1985; O'Hanlon and Weiner Davis, 19D: Wale oa Panes fon) ovine ingeeatonl sins, excepto ted ae some! all tls in cen ake pie a enced ea Fer oa he Deri might "Wha do son soe es thing OE how your paca dH" dos ase 2 Whatcan hap nea at wi tel you tie ange [pra wil your so notice thal cas nate these dune” This et rng ans hes ae ‘iste fc, ita nana en as reece CC SDEIIOESOES SSS Mating oh Genstom Sohaon Based as The erat si, "Bil, you sid Unt your parent vor frm 9 depressing mariage. Ye. you ate our raage aes and hes 88 only two. How did you do ds?” Bil epg, Wht Oe ‘arias is beter? Wel, een gh we mgue yes ere (hing a fay.” Terps: “Ts ingress, bees Ret Yes father wa tant and her mabe always yetathes keel Yon seldom yell a yon kid, and lbough you nd Bi ee a {he impression hat yon to are coe than Jon puters ae ‘Hd 30u do this? After talking abou! thse ditrences tr ata ‘on te eangrim, When ake ther danse ne ‘ay about ese postive changes at Kim vas Planning a ‘usted to caw on previonly teed sensi in er Sie ‘th bet mses conerusian pls n the own ives, ow the center mage of tea ane {e wiful, und how current behaviors hae sleny eccrring cos ae tat fru haryen. ‘The genopram beonmes » tcl for helgis wets otice new tings aout tenseves and ingitantoters tad ogee [revously nt posibeslatons ote dices, REFERENCES Tech Gt ee ere met heagit inte om weet TOMO a ape wt goes FFiginin, EHC (1981) Bowen toy and ee Io 8 Stan Kishen), Hand of foul raps 184 ih Re he on reir ae rei nerena iain 009) Te luce gemma: A clllnive apoxch ef Maia and Fay Thay, 81,8925 ‘BP (194) Tin we of pote wth ic Ste ed rive ecole, Mand ec, R183) "et WW, Na, (Hala, WH Wee ers, M1985), sah laons Non Yak Wie, and Pll, (1992) Becoming alton foc in ri ery. Nev Ves eee Wie Mad Epo, D190), Marte menus to etapentc ene, New Ne WW Nec rans in omy asec. Mee 21 From Alienation to Collaboration ‘Three Techniques for Building Alliances with Adolescents in Family Therapy Gary M. Diazond Howard A. Liddle Adolescents are noinclned opti moet tard psyche spies. Engaging veenagrs in ueattnt sono he pete eet for limes woekmg wih sdoesoent(Kazda, 1990" Armixustr an Kes, ‘in, 1994; Ll, 1991; Seapoceni et al” 1988). Razin (199) ie ‘spots tat btveen 50 and 7 perc of children lene for wea ‘er do aot inidate weatent or termine yresetesy, Sporadic a ance and premature dopot have bos Mctaled ss maj estes 1) ine soceesfl eaument of iden with conde Gordes (Ladle st Dako, 1995, 1998, Prinz ad Miler, 1999) Tf eleens ope t fe tively erve Woubedteaagos and thar famls, they mst fd» 9 incense aolescents”parcipaoa ithe tetmest pees, ‘Aloescens" aversion 10 nestment i testable: Most teenagers are refered of coerced into coming to rap bythe pants, choco the juvenile josie system They are rarely cotaled about tbe pe ‘ealment being sed formed about what to expec fom erp (Taylo, Adelman, and Kase Boyd, 1985) Frernots, adoe Frequeiy not distressed bythe probe ebaviar tha angers ‘Mond them (els, 1986). Teenagers ae el oe that eset has opted the seats the pene sade refering pasty st tot gene iomee tei own needs or conceme, The coeeivesimoxphere ernestng ‘mach of adlesont western outro normative edalocent tate ‘my velopment and educa the dete fo which ese a ae) 'e pnipte in he therapy proces (Church, 19). Cisen Dede ca Weta Dna Becker Riv Dm nd ly Rove for oe 0 seis cots chap ss I MoRER ENTIONS IN FAMILY THERAPY stenosis not surprising dat adeescents ajgroach venta! eka (yl, Aetna, to Kasee-Bo33, 1985) and ah tre negate thas ‘ihe analy ees (Rabbis etal, 19) Pratidoners of Maltidinensiona Famly Therapy (MFT) (ide, 1992) plae peat emphasis on transforming teenge nal spice, TERR, ind delet to wiles w parca tae isan engiicall-bved, opultion spec arposch seca a the teaent ol adsesctpobiene from a analy ysens penpecive ‘Th models informe by develogental knowledge and wha ete ah oct wit respect to aolescens* enerstandig the slecens ange apeieace and fostng her coptitve and enotonel deveoparnt (Kewing, 1990 feiating heathy, engaged inetepenen! face. ‘sce fetaonships(Seinerg etal, 10%; Baum 191), hepa ablecens function move ffecnely in exuiilcements such ‘hoo ad peer zromps (sown, 1950) We ble tht hen estar ae tied ond ages to the goa and asks of thy. teatment ‘canes. When ascents are wig to examine fcr thoeht ese aod bhava in the conta offal an exaani eaie, therapy ca factate peso func. ‘When adbesceaspardipa in adh in the process of eegotat ‘ng ther relainspe wie dir pares (ten famed ty Wen “eating ‘ny gens ny Back), pares spyoac the pres wih ve eep fy, hope, and extaliy Our reach sates nt nega paring [ccs can change in MDT, and ene dimes that feces mea, ment is 4 charge (fercepion of incesed cooper) inte adolescent (Seta, Le, and Dakot, 1986) MDFT does nt andesite, he bkscents poi contttion terapy ner the seuaine eects of falig to ince the teenager im werent, oar hry fetes esc ‘eras (Dino snd ile, 1086), "hs chapter describes ree developmenaly bees engagement eh ‘igs we we fo ld allances with teenagers nthe ery stage of aly ‘ergy (Diamond and Lie, 1994), These MDE teiiqas ae tases, {m par. onan andtstending of ow iatars such as adetent aon) (Gaumnnd, 1951; Chch, 1988) and eoningeny and cote bs ss 1986) may affect the development ofthe therapist ssce alin aad te teenage’ level of participation te therapy pros, We emcee of ‘ech 25 inecdepensnt and rometies sequel mpd ite zations (i, 1995) They rpreten areas of wept a des ‘nt “Mode” tat inca cern geese coment males, rapt po tins, ad statewents tat we emphasize i tur werk vith aeseonts (Cid, Dako and Dizmont, 19, ontEWTING Tie ADOLESCENT 170 THE COLLABORATIVE NATURE OF THERAPY ‘As thecapits, we mediately ek: ta ise the adolescent's e238 fexrectation tha therapy wl be coeeiv td tat hes il ot head on espectei We explain othe teenager da ths therapy is go te ierent fromm wha be or she may expect. Teste is een ‘hice fr addessing th wenage'sconeeme ad spr, nt ft Senses of pens or refering agencies. We tube ciara me ae lnteeste inthe adlescn's pinto view and Ut the ates cos Spesive wl be accnnt for in texapy. We erapasiae the slseen acne want Kim or bere "ge Some out of tery Bil 8 seveneet-yearol enh ata, aon pba for sun vas vefesrat o ueaurene by his probation eer Like any co ‘efeed teenagers, Bl also had a story of semen difialies pes ‘ie majo we. During the iil son, lls parents wate fr foaming when asked to spese aboot thir recent each fa ‘neber,umily relationships ond Bs ficulties Dil, deeper ‘fincas oe conven sera ot a stan, Th therapist deaded 0 spent sore ue se 81h Hl, a om ass ao eens aye of acter enone ht oes tk yf ‘St confennty isu a aaa of how ogo abut ts act) ‘When the cents ete, we nt down wal a sppes and wit a ‘everyone involve in the therapy. While doin his Iam constantly eal Frmung tbe progress hey made, he resoluon they have comet, 2 Ue ‘oe conzhde {alo keto ak them where they think the story may 20 From tis coacsion (sequels, and how tey ean deceit ine Way they wanttto go Tau he city by making te copies ofthe try we eee one for te cli ant one for msl eae haw the sey et be wed a 2 ewes of ir Weapy and fominder to keep th chases soi. The fay fale a bophy of the accomplishment (Tis also & zoo ie a permission Co se the story as an example fr other cheats) CLIENT RESPONSE Most clients respon very fovecbly to this ctvity and manner oF ‘ecmiaaion Iti fon way fend therapy tat allows fran apeopite lose ta teporaey elatonhip. Some ents nee sistance sees Sing tee igh baad creative aus, Ths whon ps fry tes can ome fa any 18 aso okay To therapist Yo stare storys bp the {Hess develo ter des “This city ta grat way ope whole fail ivotvedin coho rauve project nor chien eke mea fle It bly til! coopers toa, communication sels and cea it problem sang The shed Frotct te evdence tat De fay Can won together and pends seat CONTRAINDICATIONS. ‘When cents have inated erin themselves, and ae ina bury voent therapy. thi terverion perce #0 bee easing. Cl 26 may op ost hefoe fishing sac a poject, and herefore te ae ‘eatin is ot help a ging Some typeof closure. Ao, whens {cto unling o seep tha therapy wa cesta in ay 995i ‘he thecapeatic relationships ening On poor tens hs ac iin ‘ropite and way only Had to mexe toon, leas wo do not fel fouifotabe omg ceatve may become anions when aked to comple Sch a projet at ry nest a mee cote sn ed ero of tas REFERENCES ‘Cone, 6. Mand Rane L.A (1987) laevis the il erin ‘abies ery Juma of Marl en amy her 45 ‘The Wall of Defenses Sharon A. Deacon IL is not uncommon fir eliets to ener theapy with a seer aeferses thal hay have ube ts ptet tele bein lee toes. Many mes cess dare themselves sck tein a allo having built wall arcu themgelves fo kop intone ot Ties Piss, to, often ream the ent baer aa ellen poe {Memcees and ide etind& “wall” Therefore, therapy may Ie ‘nto come oat ren behind the trick wal ner tobi mone sa ina. wo-nay relahonhips. This intervention serves tobi ees iy thei defenses, thet reasons fr needing tet, sot ome mee ogen in relauonaips. Cleats steal const ul ‘este thei wal of defense. “The Wil of Defenses itervonton ca be vod with any tof ce, coilder aul, wo bs aie exresine inner elings sabes ones and some hat vanes slaonsips, Fer couples, is ‘ention can be extremely seul asa xant for soning unter Tecigs ant cogntions andthe behaviors asccatd i ach Thi iy cansarve asa guide fr heap aswell san explosion of te cet» stand ow sgiant evens have alfeced the ee a ister Ieasios. ci power ol fr exteralirng (Wate and pst. (he cheats robles and helping ns to look at tense hes THEORETICAL FOUNDATION The contrvetion and deconstruction af the wal of defenses ie a vento ht incorperatesexgrieata herp, therapy, nara = ay. a copnive festucring, Chent are given 40 oppomty ileal thei pots aod Wace te oot ofthe gublem y dean being the wll hey are stk el. Cogniney cles gun ae resins tein Der bavi a ey exe ‘eles and suis thet low te wall to rein ning igen Avis ar sed peace seman and eeu (Pee eee $e! Associ 986) Te pinay of he apes wig te ll The base oes of ay eget ese soso afectve innctrement trough eamatration a eymboleaton. an soesrnge ‘wth (Cone at sel 1067; War and Key 198) ea of efenses eves 8a scl extermaiatin an symbol fe oun lion wpm which cent deensive betas ae ul Sec ther defene exes: y mewn the wall povies cents wien ta, ‘osnive perpecuve of heir peblems ut asin move tesa, he [ublem becomes a sepmate en, oud the het (Whe tod ose, 199) The cent meapticaly worts toward ecensretng ta oa aber than dey deconsrucig Gemeeles. tr acs ore ba tos Therapy becomes move Of ass an ess pstonal tes hanes ‘THE INTERVENTION Befove hcl ctviy ca ein, therapist mat i sefeme he ‘ets oem ners of "beigntck bed ch walle Te tee ‘sana he can dass wh ls et be eb a bse fot the avantaes of safety and iver, nde dsaanage fet ‘aio close anyone and wabetose ore ce by ae abet aeay scined- Once te cen and herp have eau hi ae “ik wallof defense acted rowing can ive the chet le shot of paper a Capes. Ask eeu co stl ict tik wal adie daw Aste Cea ee, oe ie et all he wick the wal ev nh ee tess fr wich Wal wa bul nd neh, Some esa ee cent lets could be chi ase, vase beg “ped ork end ox tenet, osing ay big rica by pares, tee revels feat of iia), ad 20 farth The tip We che Sons the wal coatogiealy ach hat hs boc, eadsueey the wal sree ah as forall be ters, Wet i ee leases, the cbr backs wont hve yang ts bla vse oe Foantion wee removes. he wal won fll a) Arts cee ee, coche, discus the asccatedeven an wha hapa, Aske ‘Socening wl sounded exh kas procs how it eject the enon, wha etait the cnt expnes nba seve eg nk chin plas, and ow te bc dete att eee Discus thes bres bid pan xc esd ow he dfesve evs ae lat He swre nce ome cis al epee son at dene tveyone ts and ate Soma ae WE i fo aa ‘lon lets to leave holes in the wall, where dey have given then snes tome oom be scenbonet by ces a tobe aerate Sirs Teta oot may tobe pat wap the Clot std to cee ih wa ec he These ane in 2 ts dg ue oming avy gong fo cles, entrng ray, x0 $0 on fen chen il exact & een tek wall Some may have many Sule bk whl ter may hav afew encour ils ane up ‘itr walls, Sependng ees ofthe probiom defense etches ‘oon te own en scaly Yon ty ren wan quesion en Stow oe ces what eet cts mute eT a ing ay he sever on “once ring comps, sk eet wt fl tbe eto val" (Isms bet ted ie ort renga wo Yanagesof having sch ol) Then sath at how hee wats 0 ‘oe decraeucng the wal Des tai ut ca ee ake te “Hope for esas ha ew may corso po baby be om Soc. walt thoi, ays eng oem a hepa ot, ‘Seng he wal nant plang tna i over he wall) wpe ‘diate tons cng De le wal canbe (1 oc get tess te cas pope rs een cosegcnos ‘ach ae ho cha pick sik for Sacuno, ho erat on os ‘avons ler events that pt tnt defer beta nels ca Ube rk to crete change, In soe nace, ks hl fo he cles Stopy fo ae oot ov at tek gto he wal Dux ie eves tatppeet bow be cen fe ame, and why De hat atte Jet yet mf Se cog testctrng ay be tang cent ect he mayo be el cr ned frymut ao tara pens Gun o char Ways ey cat ‘tee monseiver besos cn rm pte est Ussing the eterno pect ot ineventon erp in ‘cane cit? pote soning Tigh aga aera placing the ote win he cene lena ae ale vow e poten ae ‘i et aie ea oa wp new pss or Oe Sit ihese“enamaz prciens” ce rblem "dak wih the Sly cnet ering ik rn ‘Ober petal nections ae pal when cones eon sctng wall Vat In wh cent aly pce De 11601 MORE WizERVENTTONs I FAMILY THERAPY Selves beating ante wall wih a hammes, my be hepa ths moe, ‘lens ca lease some ofthe agsesien surrounds te eamatancsool ‘shy the bck was paced ca he wal to Bes with At the se a lets ae comely and syminclly dest part of ee sae Experi scuipces may also be wseful (ee Son, 1972 fe tie explination of family ealpmce, Have the chet erate a sean tne ‘eOple listed on pute bik, nd inte the tick wal ee ape ne, Ask cats a dsens how they fel in eatin to hers tad ase ‘uk ces 1 smmise how the ether people the stipe el ak ‘lation oto wall What would tappen if the wall as femovel fon he Sculpie? Dicuss what he fection of the wall hand pose See ves that coal be used, in place ofthe tick nal, fo scifi (Once sme alematives ate explored, lent aay Fel mnc acts ep Some ick tha ene to te selpe, very time the cient els thatthe problem on tho tick hasbeen ‘esotved rs wo longer nsedes, the brick ean come off te wal, Chey it symbolize the destuction of te nick tower they wih foot ose to cov iti). AS ack is removed, dacs how ie aero, ‘twik hat sapponts aber tricks en cane ots oa ce change ade. eers ual allo ‘Aways remind the cist da albh some bricks ae falling oN bricks wil alays be there, an he ehect will ever be il ooricey Yalnerabe, wiht any poicton Consanly refer the wal ee ae rote the cent is aking and io Keep tack of te gal or ga lent sing [Tuoushont this whole proces, cents may also wish to ad Weir plcures. Some clients ald scenesy i's says bight onthe ony $e") ov as. 6 moe gh enon te id ft wall A pe $8 10 or amier may used to symbole the eller! the clic tt, fort. ladder my be ava as sym ofexcape fom he wall ees Tangs may be labeled assteps neceanry tase ovr the millon ee "he length of thecpy using such an tervention depen one sever 4y of dhe eles problems athe een’ motvaicn In work gata ‘This intervention shold not be rashes, The chen shold dite Dp atshich hele comforiate progressing (CLIENT ResPONSE ent response often depends onthe way the thesp inerverion Wi aul portant forte erage es The Wat of Deeses nw gn expec scttes ta in able doing a terapy and engaging in ex It ek cn emoucoa reponse Mat cts who are pene {Et ergy eapy the ae They ate able fate et problem one Salter bebo and cel Wook oa te wal ome down 8 {rule expence a ches olen one chr wie CONTRAINDICATIONS “This intervention is ct sages for eis simations hat eave nave raph never nr teseuon. REFERENCES ompR Gor er it eR ee ee tehaa rete OE i Serr kaon aoe fre nS TI wn ane aioe y 4 a Single Women and the Grief Circle Kaen G. Lewis Single worm ay be he ste gig cis ppaaton, yt cnty tecely have ey recerred ch clneat steno "The meee ‘esr Rete is for women who se dqussed abou being tag: & ‘eission that hs ald wi et we, here Supt cic avszrions, bu before cosiering hi, & poten Hs ‘sngie Wt nt 0 conseny when ahing cal le wanen Thet are mote than enh ren waye a igs se wean,

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