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COMPACT DISC PLAYER CDX-890 SERVICE MANUA WAR neem See Soooo5sooao58 WARNING: IMPORTANT: lesa ined X - @ CONTENTS TO SERVICE PERSONNEL INTERNAL VIEW REAR PANEL ... ‘SPECIFICATIONS. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES ...... ‘STANDARD OPERATION CHART TEST MODE... MEMORY BACKUP ERROR MESSAGE .. i IMPORTANT NOTICE “This mol bs Ben proved forthe te of sthorzed YAMA Retailer an her sevice peroael Tra ban staued th baste pred inheran oth indy and mare specicaly YAMAHA Padus ar sesdy ad ae therefore et ben ete Frat follow apport seve a fey proses when servicing hs product may ev in pron iy deurcton a expemive cmos 2 fare ofthe operoo se Spied. or hese ase | ae all YAMAHA prauct owner tha ll evi require should be peiormed By a8 asthoraed ‘The presntnion orale of hs marl any nvr fir does ol conte autotiniae, cenifeaton ‘Reogiion any splabe techn pune, oreahich «pple ape Plain any form. The dts provided i eve ote acura aplable 1 the vit) indicted oo the cove net f ¥RMAIA me conimaly sng to mprve YAMAHA produc. Modan we, theft, eile Sn apclieatons we sujet to change wou pts or oblgton ore Shou ay Soepancy spear ex, peste comtact | Stic dicargs cn destiy exp IMPORTANT: Turnshe ui OFF daring asm an pa replacement Re \ ‘The esearch, enginering, and cannes Dice any stile your body may tae accom Tenshi u Cheney eget wits connect fot lw eee you aol Fowerto De wit / DISPLAY DATA IC DATA .. PIN CONNECTION DIAGRAM PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD... BLOCK DIAGRAM Ic BLOCKS ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .. REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMITTER. PARTS LIST. YAMAHA 2.9K.523 FYE Printed in Japan '96.4 cDx-890 @ TO SERVICE PERSONNEL Cites! Components Information AC LEAKAGE ) ‘Components having special characteristics are marked and far EQUIPMENT. Sears! must be replaced with parts having specifications equal to otter UNDER FEST EQUIVALENT those originally installs, =>{_}4 INSULATING TABLE CAUTION: USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE ‘SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. THE COMPACT DISC PLAYER SHOULD. NOT BE ADJUSTED-OR-REPAIRED-BY ANYONE EXCEPT PROPERLY y QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. PROTECTION OF EYES FROM LASER BEAM DURING SERVICING This set employs a laser. Therefore, be sure to carefully follow the instructions below when servicing 1. Laser Diode Properties 2, When checking the laser diode emission, keep your ) © Material GaAlAs ‘eyes more than 30 cm away from the objective lens. © Wavelength 780 nm ‘© Emission Duration : Continuous @ Laser Output: max. 44.6 pW" * This output is the value measured at a distance of about 200 mm from the objective lens surface on the Optical Pick-up Block. cDx-890 © THIS LABEL (SEE POSITION SHOWN IN THE CONTAINS A LASER COMPONENT. LUSTRATION) INFORMS THE USER THAT THE APPARATUS @ THIS LABEL (SEE POSITION SHOWN IN THE ILLUSTRATION) WARNS THAT ANY FURTHER PROCEDURE WILL BRING THE USER INTO EXPOSURE WITH THE LASER BEAM, CAUTION : USE OF CONTROLS, ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN, MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. ‘Swedish © DENNA MARKNING (SE FIGUR) UPPLYSER OM ATT DET | APPARATEN INGAR EN LASERKOMPONENT AV TYP KLASS 1 @ VARNINGSMARKNING (SE FIGUR) FOR STRALNING. INGREPP | APPARATEN BOR ENDAST FORETAGAS AV FACKMAN MED KANNEDOM OM LASER, APPARATEN INNEHALLER EN LASERKOMPONENT SOM AVGER STRALNING OVERSTIGANDE GRANSEN FOR LASERKLASS 1 VARNING : OSYNLIG LASERSTRALNING NAR DENNA DEL AR OPPNAD : BETRAKTA EJ STRALEN. Danish @ DETTE MARKAT ER ANBRAGT SOM VIST | ILLUSTRATIONEN FOR AT ADVARE BRUGEREN OM AT AP- PARATET INDEHOLDER EN LASERKOMPONENT. ® DETTE MARKAT OM LASEREN ER ANBRAGT PA APPARATET SOM EN OPLYSNING OM AT APPARATET INDEHOLDER ET LASERKOMPONENT, ADVARSEL : INDGREB BOR KUN FORETAGES AF EN FAGMAND DA DER ER RISIKO FOR RADIOAKTIV STRALING. ADVARSEL : USYNLIG LASERSTRALING VED ABNING. UNDGA UDSAETTELSE FOR STRALING. Finnish vaRo! . x AVATTAESSA OLET ALTTIINA NAKYMATTOMALLE LASERSATEILYLLE. ALA KATSO SATEESEEN. @ INTERNAL VIEW © P.CB. MAIN (5) @ P.CB. MAIN (1) © CD MECHANISM UNIT © 4817 COM (1C12) Circe) cDx-890 @ REAR PANEL @ SPECIFICATIONS ‘Output Level © DIMENSION 8 Ratio (EVA) Dynamo Range istorionsNaise (TRAE Frequency Response ‘2He — 20H Headphone Output “1600, Tel, ~20d8 input 00mvs6omv Power Roquiroments BaOW AC SoHE Power Consumption ow Dimensions (W x H xD) 495 x 98 x 281mm fx 3-718" x 1-116") Weight 5.9kg (13 bs) 2615, Tose 231 Tey ‘Accessories Pin plug code Remote contol transmitter (Ory-cet: x2: Size “AK, ROB) “Spectications are subject to change without notice Coen a British model ‘European mode! Unit: mm (inch) cDx-890 @ DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES (remove pars in disassembly order as numbered.) 1. Removal of Top Cover . Remove 4 scrows (@ ) and 3 screws (@ ) in Fig. 1 . Lift the Top Cover to the back side and move it rear- ‘ward slantingly. 2, Removal of Front Panel ‘a Romove 7 connectors in Fig. 2 ‘CB419, CBG, CB8-12 b. Remove 8 serows (@ ), 2 screws (@ ) and 2 screw (® Jin Fig. 1 ©. Remove 2 hooks and then pullthe Front Panel forward. 3, Removal of CD Mechanism Unit ‘a, Remove 4 connectors in Fig. 2. B2-5 b, Remove 4 screws (@® Jin Fig. 1. Top Cover ST Ye Fig. Fig. 2 4, Removal of Tray Unit .. Remove 2 screws (@ ) and then remove the Chuck- Unit in Fig. 3. b. Remove 1 hook and then remove the Stopper Pin in Fig. 3. , Rotate the Drive Gear and then open the Tray Unit in Fig. 3. 4. Detach the Stoppers on both sides and then pull out the Tray in Fig. 3 ? CChucking Unit ‘Stopper ‘5, Removal of Pick-up Head Remove 2 screws (@ ) in Fig. 4 Remove 4 screws ( @) } and then remove the Drive Unit in Fig. 4. a Drive Unit Fig. Remove the gear A in Fig. 5. Pull out the Sled Shatt in Fig. 5. fe. Remove the Pick-up Head. Diso Table ‘Sied Sha S ~ Sled Shatt Fig. 5 (Yt., we koy. MUTE ON MUTE OFF | T TRACK search t Ater searching the beginning, MUTE is cancelled. ¥ ~ PLAY Press the STOP key. MUTE ON i ‘Spindle motor stop t MUTE OFF, Laser OFF :[LSON T Forced feed return t ~STOP~ cDx-890 J="H" +L" (Q7 Collector) “0:00” appears in the time indicator. ar ot "0:00" appears in the time indicator. SL" (IC1,3 pin) Cees cDXx-890 @ TEST MODE (1) Turing ON the POWER while pressing the keys “4” and “7” will set to the TEST mode. (When the TEST mode is set, all indicators light for 1 second.) (2) Shown below are the panel keys and remote control transmitter in the TEST mode, ‘@ Function List of Panel Keys Note) ‘raverse servo” means the same as “feed serv! PANEL KEY FUNCTION OPENGLOSE | Tray apentcone = PLAYIPAUSE | FOON, TRON, SPON, TVONFEON) STOP ‘All stop. (Foous, spindle, feed, laser, tray, etc.) inilializes FL display ~ mane! Inner circumference traverse servo. — Outer circumference traverse servo. 7 ~] * inner 10 racks kick continuously. = Outer 10 tracks kek continuously — EPEAT TROF, FON, FEOF - RANDOM TRON, FON, FEON, MUTEON | PROG Deceerates spindle. ~ — Cc PEAK Accelerates spindle. TAPE, TROF, FOON _ I ‘SPACE, __ | Rotates or accelerates spindle. —» Focus search, TROF — Spindle free. i INDEX, Rotates or accelerates spindle. + Focus search, TROF —» Spindle play, TRON. TIME Checks FL display. (Test patter 68 6886 ~All lamps ~ goes out) x10 Roiaing the mode of cooficienls. (Coeficient mode -> Coefcient esting —» product meds) Pressing twice wil set to the product mode — - [Returns to product mode. - ‘Auto aqustment mode + (TAO set, FO-of set, FO-rough gain adjusiment ‘Auto aclustment mode 2 (TR-balance, TR-rough gain adjustment) ‘Auto_adjustment mode 8 (FO-fine gain, TR-fne gain, FO-balance adjustment) TRACK KICK — cominuously (Coefficient set up mode + aderess down) TRACK KICK + continuously (Costicient set up mode = adress up) ‘30 TRAGK KICK — continuously (Coefficient set up mode : upper digit down) _ 3D TRACK KICK + continuously (Goetisent set up mode : upper cgit up) 750 TRACK KICK — continuously (Coefficient set up mode ower digit down) 180-TRAGK KIGK + continously —(Goeiient set up made + lower digit UP} © Function List of Remote Control Transmitter, cDx-890 CUSTOM CODE = (79x 1 CODE Key FONCTION ‘01 | OPEN/CLOSE | Tray openiclose. ~ 02 PLAY. PLAY (FOON, TRON, TVON(FEON), SPON) - 08 ~iat sx [inner cireumterenco traverse servo. - 05 “Search inner 10 tracks kick continuously. ~ 6 BR SEARCH | Outer 10 tracks kick continuousy : 07 BP SKIP Outer ercumference traverse servo, 08 REPEAT FOON, TROF (Enter focus search i foous sono off) oA TIME Checks FL. ceplay. (All lamps ~> 88 8886 ~ goes cut) ob INDEX FOON, TROF, TVOF(FEOF) (Enter fous search ioous seve ls of) oc PROG Rotates or accelerates spindle. _ 00 CLEAR Decelerates spindle. (checking EFI pattem and rolecied STAT) OF SPACE FOOF, TROF, TVOF(EFOF) - = 10 a 150 TRACK KICK + continuously (Goelliciet sel up mode slower digit wo) 11 1 TRetums to product mode. (ray inoperative) —— 7 2 2 | Auto agustment moge + (Theol set, FO-of sat, FOxough gain adjustment) asf ‘Auto adjustment moge 2 (TF-baance, TR-ough gain adusiment) 14 4 Auto-adustment mode 9 (FO-ne gain, Teline gain, FO-balance adjustment) 15 5 TLTRACK KICK = continuously (Goelcent setup mode : address down) 16 6 STRACK KIGK + continuously —(Coetient set up mode: address up) 17 7 GOTRACK KICK — continuously (Coetficent set up mode upper aig down) i 3 SO TAAGK KICK + coninuously —(Cocfiient set up mode : upper gt up) 18 3 760 TRACK KICK = continuously —(Coefcent set un mode : lower digit dows) 7A 7 Rotating the mode of coeticiets — [18 RANDOM 'SPON (Spindle serv on} 1c | OUTPUT LEVEL= | Move output lovel down, z 4D OUTPUT LEVEL+ ‘Move output level up. _ [te DIMMER Checks FL display. (All lamps — 68 8888 ~) gous out) 55 _ PAUSE FOON, TROF, TVOF(EFOF) (Enter focus search if focus servo is off.) 56 ‘STOP Alsop. (Foous, spindle, ravers, laser, tray. et) 57 TAPE Spindle free (of 38 SYNCHRO | TViFeed) REV 50, PEAK = - ™ MEMORY BACKUP Alter the Power is turned OFF, some functions are kept in memory. Functions kept in memory are = + DIMMER + FULL REPEAT + RANDOM MODE. + TIME MODE + AUTO SPACE (cr cDx-890 @ ERROR MESSAGE (1) When operation is terminated in an abnormal condition (stop or open), pressing STOP on the remote control while pressing STOP on the panel will set to the error message display enable mode. (2) Shown below is an example of display. ("E-73" as an example) 1234868 7 8 B 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (3) This function stays effective till the power is turned OFF. ({t is cleared at OFF.) (4) Listed in the table below are error messages. © Error Messages List, ERROR MESSAGES DESCRIPTION E= Xo Data cannot be read after finishing search. - E= x1] Data cannot be read during PLAY k=0), PAUSED), o SCAN E~ 71 ‘At the start, tracking servo is not effective. - E- 72 [At the star, spindle servo PLL is not effective ~ E- 73 At the start, data can not read. - E94 Close swith does noi work wih Way dosed : e- -5 ‘Open switch does not work wih tray open = x7 Traverse(Fesd) inner switch does nol work E- x8 Recovery action als ater fous drop. z can TMNGE2720 does fol give response of SENSE, with reson by the unis microcomputer “No. for each st PLAY SCAN PAUSE PEAK SEARCH SEARCH START STOP LOADING OPEN No Disc Am 1) Etror Code Troubleshooting or code [X) ,[X1],[73] 1s se dry oF seraichod? Data cannot be read. ‘Check by using ‘another do. Piclcup positon TRACKING ‘servo doectve. FEED sone deiecive. ‘Win se range Preksup detective, Spinal systom etoctve (Moto falls torn. ate.) Ener codes[ 34], Goes ray OPENICLOSE tay ig resso0 Motor cateoive Control o (163) detective NMioocomputer detective Error code [XT Bote Poor tray loading operation. Loating sith detection oor Miooompaer . FEED operation defective (Gimit switch falls) is torood eed operation avalabien TEST mods? em cutwara ssCheware FEED sorvo defective Microcomputer defective Fed iit etch Sotcewa crocomputer detective cDXx.890 Error code[ XB Focus drops. Cheek by using ‘Sorcha ‘another ds, ‘evatoned? Cutormest | TRACKING sero dotoctve FEED servo detective, Pick-up poston “on ror ‘purace) atin dsc range FOOUS servo detective Pickup datective 2) Troubleshooting from System Malfunctions a) Tray fails to come outigo in, Poor mechanism Tray stats to ‘operation move but sop, Wire caught Microcomputer or LOADING 16 (163) ‘elective Limit swich detoove FEED sorvo system defective Microcomputer, IC oF C1 defective ~ When tray fails to close completely (when it stops midway) [Corrective measure} 1) Tum ON the power and open the tray * Ifitfalted to open (head and tray contacting each other, ‘pen it attr removing the chucking uni. 2) Tum OFF the power and force the tray to go in fully and close. 3) With the power turned ON, open and close the tray to check ithe tray close completely a 10 cDXx-890 'b) No sound generated, Sound cut during play. 4) Sound skips. (but time display advances properly) (Time display falls to advance properly) MUTING circu deteaive Microcomputer dotoctve te cse aty, soratched or warped? check by using a known good csc. 'DACIG(CIT) detective ves] Aud amptior (C2 101625) coletve ‘S normal igtal data input vo Poor mechanism Bac tect cin eiswars ‘eascordeo—~ yes | OMB ial contact wy Sng ceormoc deup connector | assem caught “racking sor sytem deecive FEED sero sytem detootve FOCUS sera sytom deenive Prep detective ©) Operates as if no disc loaded. (although loaded) ©} No search provided. (Sound skipped after search) iedseairy ves [check by using | 00s ray NO soratched or leasing property? Poor tay loacing ware? noun good ds. Tasting sono system dete 7s pick-up at = FEED sono ys afecive Innermost postion? Feed fini switch detective FOCUS sane son deactve Pep doce ICH eetecive, FOCUS sen system detective is Focus lock done? ‘Spindle servo Dovs spindle systom detective sierasectve | [ves ott detective Microcomputer do eDx-890 @ DISPLAY DATA (VR061600) V401 : O-MT-1336K fo PATTERN AREA P SS S PIN CONNECTION PINNO, [1 [2] connection | F1 | Ft |np| eG] ec] 76 ]6a| 5c | ac) ac] 2a) 16 |e) No} No} Ne} Nc} nc. So] [wpa] [a [ee] “| [_PINNo. | 19] 20] 21] 22] 23 | 24 [25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28 | 80) 31 | 32 | 33 | 94 | 95 CONNECTION |NC| Nc|P12|P11|P10] Po | Ps] P| Pe | PS|Pa|Ps | P2| Pt | NP] F2 | FO NOTE 1) Ft, F2.... lament 2) NB No pin 3) NC“. No connection 4) PI-Bi0"” Datum Line 5) 16-96. Gre GRID ASSIGNMENT 9G 86 76 = 36 26 1G RANDOM AIA H) ai seers a 123 4/5 ell slew rfsefte lola whe w o ANODE CONNECTION \« 76 76 oo 56 “c 36 2 | _1a [Pt [pnograw) a a__| rora |e a a a__| sina P2_[mannom| © o | Reva] ob |b » | © FULL pol A © e = e |. © |e | nerear | Pa | a6 ¢ J é é a 6 81 Ps [3 e |. = ° @ e e 8 Pe | space | 1 o = t t a a P7 = 9 9 - | 5 [ 9 o | oo Be =e ee pe | a = (7 | eno oem erp ea 18 18 st Pol 2 é é to | inpex PEAK | 17 18 pus = Ses |aer = = = = 19 pz] 4 = = aoe = = = 20 12 Eee) 13 cDx-890 IC DATA 1012 : uPD75217CW ‘System Controller (4bit 1-COM) Tower Fewer] POR} weer ons — fg States Tene Fo J) res vo Goncuaton (EERE I= Peo Tan en BT] sete ro [so Tsao roma 4 ea biel oe srur0—4 exe] SEE [pero rv 10 [wre le T sais Pin No. | Pin Name [Description Function 4 33 SS 2 2 S2 4 50 So 5 FOO) oA Ne 6 POI SOK Serial ook ouput to WNE6Z720 7 Poe SO Serial data output to WN6E272O 3 Pos iL Sera aia input fom WN862720, ° P10 Rew Input fom remote conte beam receing unt 10 Pit BLKICK | Synhvonous clock input fo G-code ACV irom HINGEZT2O (Fine pulse at RCV, normally LO) a Pia "FLGGK | FOGUS lock sal input rom MNGEBTAO (CO at COCR CDXx.890 PinNo.| Pin Name | Description Function 2 P13 “LOOK | Tracking lock signal input rom MIN6E2720 (HI at LOOK) 8 20 WO ead signal outpa or wansmiting command fom MNBSZ720 (iter command transmission, LO pulse at LOAD TIMING) 1% Pa ‘GONITAND | Sera UF switching signal ouput (switching at 74HC125) Q CODE ecewved at A __—_| 18 P22 ‘QOODE | ~ Sera UF sching signa ouput (owtchig al 744125) CND wansmtrecenve selection 16 P25 MUTE | ~Digtal mute signal output (HI at MUTE) 47 30 STAT STAT signal input 18 Pst TNRESET | ~ RESET signal output LO at RESET 19 Poe So. ‘Serial clock signal with X24000 20 a3 ‘SDA ‘Serial cata signal wih X24C00 2 Pe. UTE ‘Analog mute signal output (LO a MUTED. 2 P61 = ‘Open 23 Pe = Open 24 P63 ‘MODEL selecion GOX-1001600 = "", CDX890= 25 Pao MODEL selection COX590 = "L", CDX-4901800 = 26 Pat ‘oP Sw ‘Open stato of ray Sensing wich input _Open state at"U™ 2 Paz cis Closed state of vay sonsing swich input Closed state a1" 28 Pas FELTSW | _ Feed orkgn swich input Feed orgn at" 29 PPO LED LED ONIOFF signal (AUTO DISPLAY OFF) 30 xt xt Al aa a |] Crystal oscilator Oscilation terminal (4.19MHz) 32 vss vss GND) 33 x1 = Open 3 x12 = Open 35 P50 ie, 28 P51 Ka 2 ED ie Key mate input 38 P53 «0, 39 RESET ESET__|_ eset input 40 To Toss a 1 THe6 2 Ta T2776 “3 73 Tai66 “4 TA Tas Fluorescent character ceplay te gid tive signal 45 15 TaG 46 76 eG a7 7 1726 43 Ta Tee 8 73 = ‘Open 50 T10 OPEN ‘Opening of tray al OP "Hand CL" st mH CLOSE | Closing of tray at CL “Hand OP 1” 52 T, VuUP Volume motor ave signal (UP) 53 118 LON Volime motor crive signal (DOWN) es ra Sit } riuorescent character display tube anode cive signal 56 VLoao AP. 20 57 VPRE GND ‘GND. se 9 59 59 8 8 60 ‘7 7 “ x x Fluorescent charactor ceplay tube anode drive signal 62 55 $5 63 s St C VoD 36 cy 14 eee Dx.890 1e11 : MN662720RB Signal Processor & Controller (SPC) cro courureR SYNC INTERPOLATION ge 8 I —E & 5 g INTSAPACE [518 CODE DEMODULATON i ‘oC ERO ConaECTON DeWTEn eave = ‘TenPouaTiOn aD, [ran GENPRarOR| Sorr aura iar, arrestin Pin No. | PinName | 10 FUNGTION 1 BCLK | © | Bil cock output for SA DATA 2 LROK [0 _| LR identiication signal output 3 SADATA [0 Serial data output 4 DVDDI_|_1_| Power supply for digital creut 3 DYSS1_|_1 | GND for cigtal creut 6 TX___| 0 | Digital, audio, interface output signal 7 TICLK__| |_| Microprocessor command clock signal input (data latched at leading edge) 8 MDATA |_| | Microprocessor command data input 2 |_| Microprocessor command load signal input L : LOAD. 40 | SENSE | 0 | Sense signal output rT FLOCK | ~0 | Focus servo drawing signal (when drawn) 12 | TLock | 0 | Tracking servo drawing signal (L: when drawn) 18 BLKCK _|_O_ | Sub code block clock signal 4 sack |_| Clock input tor sub-code Q resister 6 'SUBG__|~O | Sub-code @ code output [16 [mute | 1_| Muting input H= MUTE: 7 STAT _|_O_| Status signal 18 RST | |_| Reset input_L: RESET 2 ‘SMoK | 0 | 8.4672Nz cock signal ouput wien MSEL ~ H_ 42336MHe Glock signal ouiput when MSEL = L 20 PMCK |_| 88.2KH2 clock signal outout 21 TRV _|_O | Traverse (Food) forced food output 22 TO | 0 | Traverse (Feed) crive output 23 Po __|_0 | Spindle motor ON signal _L= ON 2 ECM | 0 | Spindle motor drive signal (forced mode ouipui) State 5 ECS | © | Spindle motor drive signal (se~vo error signal ouput) (cDXx.890 Pin No. | PinName | VO FUNCTION 26 KICK | 0 _| Kek pulse output 2 TAD__|_O_| Tracking drive output 2 FOD | © | Focus drive output 29 VREF [1 _| Reference voltage for DA sult blook 30 FBAL | © | Focus balance adjustment output a FeAL_|_©_| Tracking balance agusiment output 32 FE T_ | Facus error signal input (analog input) = 33 TE [racking error signal input (analog input ‘34__| RFENV | _1_| RF envelope signal input (analog input) 35 ‘VDET | 1 _| Osellaton detect signal input H : DETECT) 26 ‘OFT |__| Offtrack signal input (H = OFF TRACK) 37 | TRORS | |_| Track cross signal input 38 | RFDET |_1_| RF detect signal input (C7 DETECT) 39 BDO | |_| Drop out signal input (# = DROP OUT) 0 THON [0 [Laser ON signal output (= ONT a TES |__| Tracking eror shunt signal ouput (H = SHUNT) 2 PLAY |__| Play signal output (H: PLAY) a WEL | 0 | Double speed status signal otput 4 ‘ARE —_|1_| RF signal input 6 TREF | _1_| Relerence current input terminal 46 ‘DAF | |_| Bias terminal for OSL a7 DSLF | VO | Loop fiter terminal for OST 8 PLUF__| VO_| Loop titer terminal for PLL 49 VCOF | VO_| Loop fiter terminal for VCO 50 | AVOD2 |_| | Power supply for analog Grout (or OSL, PLL, OA output Bioek=) fa ‘AVSS2_ |__| GND for analog cout for DSL, PLL, DA output blocks) 52 EFM | © | EFM signal output 33 PK | _O | PLL eniract clock output (POX = 4.32iMHz) on PCO | O_| EFM signal to PGK signal phase comparison signal ouput 86 ‘SUBC [0 | Sub-code serial ouput data output 36 ‘SBCK | 1 _| Giock input for sub-code serial output Ga VSS__|_1_| GND for osciation circuit 38 xt T | Crystal oscillation circuit input tonminal (= 16 934amH2) 59 X2__ | © | Crystal escilation Grout Output terminal (= 16.9342NMH2) 60 Voo | _1_| Power supply for oscilation ecu a BYTCK | O-_| Bye clock ouiput 62| CLOCK |" 0” | Sub-code frame clock signal ouiput | LOOK = 7-38KH2) 63 FOLK —_|_O_| Crystal frame cock output (F FCLK = 7.a5KH2) 64 | _IPFLAG | © | Interpolation flag output H= INTERPOLATION 5 FLAG | 0 | Fiag output 66 GLVS |_| Spindle servo phase synchronous siaus signal cuut_H=GLV U7 ROUGH SERVO 7 GAC | ~O_| Sub-code GRC check result ouput H: OK, L: NG 8 |_DEWPH | ~“O | Deemonasis detect signal output: ON, 69 RESY | _O__| Re-synchroncus signal ouput ol rae synchronization WH: SYNCHRONOUS __L : ASYNCHRONOUS 70 Not | - | NC. 7 TEST | _1_| Test terminal (Normal =H 72 | AVODT | |_| Power supply for cigtal creut 73 Noa | - | NC. 74 | _AVSS1|_1_| GNO for aigtal creuit 75 Nos | - [NC 76 SEL ||| RF signal polaiy spectving terminal SEL ~ H when Bright levels at Hr RISEL = L when Bright level is at “L" 7 ‘CSEL|T_| Crystal escliation requency specying terminal (Normal =U) 78 PSEL__|_1 | “est terminal (Normal =U) 79 MMSEL | T_| SMCK terminal Output requency swich Teminal > SUCK = €4672NFiz, C= SWCK = 42356MFE| cd 'SSEL__[T_[ SUBG terminal Output mode switch terminal HQ code baller use mode 16 068-xa9 cDx.890 @ PIN CONNECTION DIAGRAM “43345222 ae) Pe LP pry SbeSoHE mn Serer lio J-15/E-17 lf PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (Foil sdie) /7— M @®~@ : TEST POINT WAVEFORMS (See page 26) “iita-4 > K(24S—Y 88) UNIVE) ‘© Semiconductor Location aH Toaion FROM:PICKUP UNIT eas ef es : FROM:MAIN( 5 ) (ets : | estos - et fetes a ates ea [— et teas} bs feeb (eo {Bs ete (esses eC ean ee ob a6] bs os-| $e oe ooo ; O14 05. @ ost be { ; ore ny ee 3 1 See 58 oa-|— be gk or LF Ge 3 6 & 9 gs 3 § 3c uf axis fp noann — arava, ® fi TT FROM:MAIN( 8 ) ‘CDX-890 FROM:MOTOR UNIT (SPINDLE&FEED) : MOTOR UNIT(LOADING) 22 ( )NIVIENOUS (@ )NIVN:WOuS MS ONITION:WOuS J-17/E-19 A E G eDx-890 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (Foil sdie)//7— NI U9 —2 fal) P.C.B. ROLLING SW [_P.C.B. MAIN (2) ] ay ij TO:MAIN( 1) Loe) TO:MAIN( 1) RANDOM FROM:MAIN( 1 ) AUTO P.C.B. MAIN (8) isi i) toot j a jj TO:MAIN( 1) g = = (2 TO:MAIN( 1) P.C.B. MAIN ( 5) 2 : OUTPUT LEVEL P.C.B. MAIN (6 ) er PHONES: [> Power J-18/E-20 BLOCK DIAGRAM/ F099 947F5h (PU MECHA, UNIT ew fo ase wg] CONTROL 1s 4 < =< spun ra 2a J re] ras = POWER TRANSFORMER ASS'y FLIRIGAF : LC FILTER EM TUNER.AM : TUNER PACK, AM GNDMTL —: GROUND PLATE TUNERFM —: TUNER PACK, FM GND.TERM —: GROUND TERMINAL TUNER.PK — : FRONT-END TUNER PACK HOLDER.FUS : FUSE HOLDER vR ROTARY POTENTIOMETER IOPRTCT — : IG PROTECTOR VRMTR POTENTIOMETER WITH MOTOR JUMPER.CN : JUMPER CONNECTOR vRsw © POTENTIOMETER WITH ROTARY SW JUMPER.TST : JUMPER, TEST POINT VRSLIDE —: SLIDE POTENTIOMETER Lorer UGHT DETECTING MODULE VRTRIM TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER Note) Those parts marked with *#” are not included in the P.C.B. ass, cDx-890 Schm Scha Ref. PART NO. Ref PART NO. Description lf Wvwre00 [Bear] 50 [VHOS3100 ]C.CE.TUBLR J0.luF 50V cal |VL844700 51} vios3i00 |. Ce. TUBER Jo.1uF —_50V cs2 | yp005100 G52 |VA761400 |C.CE smo 50V CBS | VK506300 53. /'VA761400 |C. CE A7pF 50V CB4 | ¥D004900 C54 | VP466600 /C.CE. TUBLR | 10pF ‘50V 85 | yoo04800 55 | VHos3100 |C.CE.TUBLR J0.IuF SOV 26 | ve047800 56 | wez87100 |. EL a70uF 10 CB | vD004800 oP 37 | VF466600 )C.CE.TUBLR | 10pF ‘50V 9 |yooo4700 ap 58 |vr466600 |C.CE.TUBIR fd —-50V B10 | vD004900 6P. C59 |VH053100 }C. CE. TUBLR |0. 1uF 5OV BL | VD004600 3p 060 |'VG287100 |C. EL 470uF 10, cal2_|VK184500 bia 61 |vF466600 |C.cE.TUBLR ]i0pF —_50V (B13. |Vi374600 2p 063 | UA654100 jC. MYLAR 0.0luF — 50V ccp22_| vc087200 ‘Tori 64 | u347900 |C.wvtaR — |22009F —50V 3403 | ve879900 2p 065 | un6541001¢.WyLAR-- [0.018 —BOV. CB406 | VRO62400 2p 066] VP809500 |C. EL 100uF 10v caai3 | vP245500 | cn 2 67 |uns54100 |C.wvLAR—|0.01uF—50V cl |VF760000 |C. EL 100uF 10V 068 'VU347900 |C. MYLAR ‘2200pF = 50V C7 |VHO53100 |C.CE.TUBLR |0. uF 50 069 | R654100 |C.MYLARJ0.010F 50. 8 VJ837200 | C. EL AUF 16V C70 | VP809500 }C. EL 100uF ‘10V 12 |vios3i00 |: CE.TUBLR |0.1uF © 50¥ cr} uys65680 |. EL. 0.68uF —50V 13 |vHO53100 |¢.CE,TUBLR |. uF 50 C72. |vi70a700 |CeL 1000uF50¥ C14 UA654470 |C. MYLAR 0.047uF — 50V. C73. |Vi709700 |C. EL 1000uF = 50V. 15 |un6s3470 \C:mvtaR 4700p — 50¥ cat |usi6i70 Cat ATF 50V C16 | UA652100 |C. MYLAR 100pF 50V C76 | UN416470 }C. EL 4. 7uF 50V C17 | UA653220 |C. MYLAR 2200pF = 50V. C77 \U416470 |C.EL 4.70F 50V a8 |ua653220 |C.wLAR — |2200p% —_50¥ C78 |Vi716400 |C.uaR —|5600pF —50¥ C19 |vH053100 [C-ce. TUR |0.tuF Sov 79 |vi7is900 |Cwak [2200p 50¥ C20 |'VJ839100 |C. EL uF SOV C80 Vi715900 |C. MYLAR 2200pF = SOV C21 | UA65S100 |C. MYLAR 10. luF 50V C81 | Vi716400 |C. MYLAR S600pF — 50V C22 |¥HO53100 |C-CE.TUBLR J0.1uF —50V a2 |vKs34100 [CrP Jo.01uF—100¥ C23__| VG278800 |C.CE.TUBLR | 560pF 50V 83. /'VN137400 |C. EL 1000uF = 16V. 2a |vR498100 |. 6.8uF 6.30 c34__|vns34100 |. PP 0.01uF —100¥ 25 |VE467300 |C.CE.TUBLR |0.01u® 16 85 | yeazo400 |. L 63000 16V C26 | UA6S3180 |C. MYLAR 1800pF =—-50V C87 | UG444100 |C.CE 0.0luF — 50V Cor |unes3220 |C:mvLAR | 2200pF —50¥ css |ujess100 | aL 100 50 2s |ussssi0o |C:wvLak — |o.tuF —50¥ ceo | uyesz470 |c. . 47uF SOV 29 | #053100 {C:CE. TUBLR |0: uF 50¥ coo | vys36900 |. BL uF 16 30 _|VF760000 |¢. EL 100F —10V cor |v7s36900 |. lou 16 C31 | VHOS3100 |C.CE. TUBLR | 0. luF ‘50 C92 /'¥Q569900 |C. EL 100uF 25V C32 |uss54240 [C-wLaR 0. 024uF —50¥ 3 {19569900 |. EL oou 25 C33. | VHO53100 |C.CE. TUBLR | 0. luF 50V 094 |VF467300 |C.CE.TUBLR |0.0luF 16 C24 |0n655470 |. BL O.47uF Sov 95 | ¥760000 |. EL 100uF 10 35 |vH053100 [C.CE. TUBLR |. uF 50 6 | VF467300 |C.CE.TUBLR |O.O1uF —16V C36 | VHOS3100 |C.CE. TUBLR | 0. 1uF 50V, C97 | UJ638330 |C. EL 330uF 16V 29 |vH053i00 |C2ce. TBR |o.1uF —50v coo |u638330 [CEL | 330uF 16 C40 | VF760000 |C.EL ‘100uF 10 C101 | VHO53100 |C. CE. TUBLR | 0. luF ‘50V C41 | VHO53100 |C.CE, TUBLR | 0. 1uF 50V C102 | UN897330 |C. EL ‘33uF 16V, 42 |VHO53100 [C.CE.TUBLR |0.1uF 50 03 | W6278600 |C.CE. TUBLR |330pF — 50V 43 | 053100 |: CE. TUBLR Jo: uF 50¥ 105. | vL883800 |C. PP 220007 — 100 C45 | VHOS3100 |C.CE, TUBLR 0. luF ‘50V C106 | VL883800 |C. PP |2200pF —100V. 48 |vozs7i00 |. 470uF 10 Clo? | 6278600 |C.ce.TuBLR |330F SOV 49 | vios3200 |: CE. TUBLR Jo. tuk —_50¥ 300 | vF760000 |c.. 100u —_10V Hew Par “eNow Pans ee cDx-890 Sehm Scho Ref, PART NO. Description Ref. PART NO. __Descri C301 ]UK665470 [CEL fo.47uF — 50V 13] xP494A00 [IC u 305. |¥F760000 |. EL 100ur 10 Tes |xN105A00 | 1¢ LA65360 319 | vF467000 |. cE. 50v rent | Xv4giado JIC NN66270RB 320 |vFas7000 |. 50v cra |xN443An0 |1C PD752170H-280 321 | VH083100 |C.CE. TUBLR J0.1uF 50 TCA5 | X4683A00 | IC X24000P C322, | vH053100 |C.CE. TUBER |0. uF OV 1e16 | iR012510 JIC HD7AHCI25P 323. | H053100 |C.CE. TUBLR ]0.1uF 507 ICI7_ | X¥NOL1A0O | IC YAC514-F ¢330 | vP809500 |. EL 100uF 10 Te1s | i¢142200 | 1c ‘TCTAHCUOAAP C331 |vP809500 |¢. EL WOouF = 10V ean} Xa9B7001 JIC NjABO6ED ¢332_ | VG287800 |. EL 3300F 16 1¢22 | xA987001 | IC NJn2O68D C4ot. | ¥F760000 |C. EL 10ouF —10V C23} XAB73AN0 | IC NJM5320-D & | C402 |¥S741700 |C.CE,SAFTY /0.01uF —275V 1¢24 | xa673A00 | IC NJM55320-D ‘A | C408. |\S741700 |C.CE.SAPTY |0.01uP 275 1C27_| x0201A00 | IC 2908 aoa |vs741700 |c.CE. SAFTY |0. lu 275 134 | xag4an0 | 1¢ 1BI641 C407 }WG280100 |C. CE, TUBLR |0.022uF 250 1C35_|xizaga0o | 1c BALSZ18 C408] vH053100 |C.CE. TUBLR |0.1uF SOV ‘401 | vR422300 | JACK. PHONE: | YKB22-5138 (C409 | vH053100 [C. CE. TUBLR |0.1uF —50V 15 | yB05s900 |orL. 20a C410 ]VHO53100 |C.CE. TUBLR |0.1uP —50V L6 | ¥Bo56900 | com. 20H cai2_ | vHos3100 |c. cE. Olu 50V 17 | vp056900 | cor. 220ul D1 |VG437200 DIODE. ZEN |wIZ4.70 4.7V 18 | vB056900 | or 220uiHl 3. | iF004600 [DIODE 188133 19 |¥p133800 |FER. BEAD | BLO2RNI-R62T4 ba | iF004600 |DIODE 158133 10} YBO56900 | cOTL. 20H 5 | iF004600 [DIODE 188133 LAL | ¥p056900 | OIL, 220uH 6 | iF004600 |DIODE, 185133 12} ¥B056900 | OOTL. 220 7} iF00s600 |DTODE 188133 113 |p473700 |coL 60ull 8 | iF004600 |DTODE, 1SS133 Lid }vpa73700 {OOTL. 6 Di} iF004600 | DIODE 188133 115 |¥P133800 |FER. BEAD | BLOZRNI-R62T4 13 |VG437400 |DIODE. ZENR |\TZ]5. 1B 5.1V Li6 |VP133800 |FER.BEAD | BLOQRNL-R6ZT4 i4_| iF004600 [DIODE 188133 L18 | ¥i530800 | TRANS. PULS | 3PTD-001 15 | iF004600 {DIODE 188133 L19_|VB871100 |FER. BEAD | BLO2RN2-R62 p17 | Vc442000 |DIODE. ZENR |MTZJ22A 22V 120 |VP133800 BLO2RNI-R62TA 18} 6437700 |DIODE. ZENR |MIZJ5.68 5.6V 121 |vP133800 BLO2RNI-R62T4 ig | viz770800 |DIODE 15R139-100 122 |vP133800 BLO2RNI-R62TA 20. | VH770800 |DIODE 1SR139-100 123. |vp133800 BLO2RNI-R62T4 p21 | VH770800 |DIODE, 138139-100 aot |v473700 60ull p22 | vH770800 |DIODE 1SR139-100 Loz. | yp473700 Oui 23 |VR770800 }DTODE 1SR139-100 Laos} yp473700 60ult ‘p24_| vH770800 |DIODE 1S8139-100 4 |La04 | vR227500 20ull SuLovD-10020| p25 | iF004600 |DTODE, 188133 1405 | Vi491100 BP53RB19012080M 26 | iP004600 | DIODE 1$8133 1406 | Vi491100 BP53RB19012080M 27 | iF004600 {DIODE 188133 Aor |VP133800 BLOZRNI-R62TS 28 | iF004600 | DIODE 158133 Py | VR645900, 2 p29 | iF004600 [DIODE 188133 Py2. | vF645900 2p 30 | iF004600 | DIODE 158133 PJ3._ | VK525600, P 31 | iF004600 |DIODE 188133 a 2SB544 D,E,F,G p32] iF004600 |DIODE Issi33 v 2549338 QR 33 | iFD04600 | DIODE 158133 A |® 20400 34 | iF004600 [D100 188133 a |e 2SB1565 E,F p35. | ve438100 |DIODE. ZeNR |MIZJ6.2¢ 6.2V az 2849338 Q.R D301. |¥G437900 |DIONE. ZENR |)1ZJ6.2A_6.2V a3 280400 401 | 1F008730 |LED(re) | SLR-34URCRHS aid | ip054430 288544 D,E,F,C ‘aoe | iFo04600 |DTONE, 1$8133 ais. | ip054430 288544 DELP. 1c1_[xw671400 |1¢ .ANB803S8 ais _| ip040040 280400 -iow Pais “low Pais 30 cDx-890 Schm Sch Ref. PART NO. Description Ref. PART NO. Description ur ]i¢287820 ]1R 2902878 A,B Pe nissi00 Tacs. ROLLING SH | QI8 | iC287820 |TR | 2SC2878 A,B ‘S#900 | ¥G392900 | SH, TACT Qu9 | iC287820 |2SC2878 A,B ‘SH9O] | ¥G392900 |SH-TACT 20 | iC287820 2802878 A,B ‘S#902| VG392900 | SH. TACT ‘SKHVAA 4 | (B01 | VS883400 2802394 E,F ‘S#903 | ¥G392900 | SW. TACT |SKHVAA & | R26 )HV454100 100 Van ‘SW904 | 6392900 R46 | Vi868300 0,682 Lew ‘SH905 | ¥G392900 R10 [1455100 ion 1/4 ‘#906 ¥6392900 RIL | HV455100 } 1009 aw ‘SW907 | VG392900 R137 | HV455100 } 1000 Van ‘S#908 | ¥G392900 RM2 | HV455100 100 van ‘#909 | VG392900 és |RIS1 | HV454100 10a Van S910} VG392900 | stoi |Vi319200 SODLDI | ‘911 | V392900 ‘422 v302900 Sa | so12| v392900 ‘$423 | VG392900 ‘SKEVAA 1 ‘$W913} ¥G392900 ‘430 V6392000 SKHVAA | so14 | ve392900 é*| T401 | XR300A00 (BG) ‘SW915 | ¥G392900 TPL |¥L448600 ‘SW916 | VG392900 | SA. re | vL148600 917 v392900 | 401 | VQ395300 | SBX1780-52, S918] VG392900 401 | VRO61600 ‘9-MI-133GK ‘S919 | VG392900 ‘R401 | VK084000 |B20K 2x2 ‘$920 | V6392900 XL |VJ677200 4, 19M, ‘SW921 | VG392900 XL2__ | VJ719800 16. 9344MEz, 98922) ¥G392900 W411 | VK341400 3P 180m /VB966900 IMSA-6024 ¥Q713100. ¥Q713000 FL, ¥Q948800 FL 5500 /PH-0124S-B 8506800 PUH6-25 /ED330066 3x6 FCRM3-BL| | | | | | t . - “Ww Fas Now Pare eer) 31 ‘CDX-890 @ EXPLODED VIEW @ MECHANICAL PARTS Be Ref. No.” PART NO. Description Remarks Markets 1-2-A] VRI95100 [P.C.B._ASS'Y ROLLING SW 1-2-8] ¥N034200 | CONNECTOR ASS’ Y AP 200m 41-2-C | ¥K341000 BINDING TIE 890443106 1-2-0] ¥Q856700 |ROLLING PANEL T BL 1-2-0] ¥Q856800 |ROLLING PANEL T TI 1-2-E| VO856900 | ROLLING PANEL L BL 1-2-8] ¥Q857000 |ROLLING PANEL L TI 1-2-F| VL706400 | GROUND PLATE 1-2-6] Vi.708600 |BUTTON, ROLLING BL 1-2-6] vU116800 | BUTTON, ROLLING IT 1-2-H] Vid91100 | FERRITE ORE BP53RB190120808 1-2-| Bi326066 |BIND HEAD TAPPING SCREW |2.6x5 ZAK2-BI. 41-2-J | ¥b294600 |BIND HEAD P-TTTE, SCREW 2x6 ——_FCRNB-BL 1-3. | ¥RI19100 |CONNECTOR, FLAT CABLE 27P 250mm 1-4 {1876600 [FRONT PANEL BL 1-4} 1876800 | FRONT PANEL Tr 1-5 {¥Q708800 | SUB PANEL BL 1-5 | 1941200 |SUB PANEL TL 1-6 | ¥1879100 | WiNDOW 1-7 | va7s0000 | BUTTON 10x25 BL 1-7 | v1990000 | BUTTON 10x25 TL 1-8 /VQ712800 | KNOB, VR BL 1-8 |¥T941300 |KNOB, VR Tr 1-9 | VT876700 | SPACER, PHS 1-10 |2P630290 |BIND HEAD P-TITE SCREN 3x6 PORMB-BL 1-11 |B1030046 |BIND HEAD TAPPING SCRER [3x4 ZMC2-Y 1-12 |va712400 | SUPPORT HP 1-183 |\Q712500 |SUPPORT RP 1-14 | ¥L810800 | SPRING P 2 |v7976600 |P.C.B._ASS'Y MAIN 5 | veg05800 [PICK UP MECHA, UNIT KSL-2101ABM 8 | ¥L238000 |POWER CORD ASS’ Y @ 8 |s680700 | POWER CORD ASS'Y ®) 9 |vwtss600 | CORD STOPPER No, 2104 11 | ¥R207400 }CONNECTOR ASS'Y sP 150mm 12 | ¥W987900 {CONNECTOR ASS'Y sP 160m 413 | VR111800 [CONNECTOR ASS"Y 6? 90am 14 | ¥RI11900 |CONNBCTOR ASS'Y 5? 100aa 20 | vusz0800 {CHASSIS 24 |V1878300 [REAR PANEL 23 | ¥g709200 |TOP COVER BL. 23 |vq709300 |T0P COVER TL 26 | vr878800 |LID BL 26 | VT878900 {LID 1 27 |vre79000 |HOLDER, LID BL 27 |vr913200 | HOLDER, LID Tr 28 | 1878600 BOTTOM COVER 29 |¥T878500 |FRAKE, MECH 30. |¥Q775900 |GROUND PLATE 32 |Vg780300 LEG D6OxHI6 33. /¥Q@51300 |CUSHION ‘TOP 35 |VA?72900 |SUPPORT, P.C.B. No. 2127 36 [v9861500 {CUSHION SHEET “Now Pars cDx.890 No.” PART NO. Description Remarks Markets 37 ]¥R605200 [TRAY MAT (0.5+0. 12mm + 37 | VUge5100 | TRAY MAT 0.340, 12mm 2 38 |VU592100 |SPACER, PLATE “1 60 | EK365090 | PW HEAD S-TITE SCREW }4x8-10 FORMB-BL| BL 60 | EXGOL150 |BW HEAD S-TITE SOREW 4x8-10 FMUB-BL | TI 61 | £K930010 |PW HEAD B-TITE SCREW 3x88 FCRN-BL| 63 | HN3OI010 [BIND HEAD BONDING TAP. SCREW] 3x8 FCRIB-BL| 64 | EX602710 BIND HEAD BONDING P-T. SOREW| 3x8 FCRWS-BL| 66 | 80030066 |FLAT HEAD SCREW 3x6 2M2-Y 67 | EK396010 |BIND HEAD S-TITE SCRER 4x8 FORMB-BL| 69 | £i330086 |BIND HEAD B-TITE SCREW 3x8 CRNS-BL 71 | £X602860 |BIND HEAD B-TITE. SCREW 3x8 FOB-CU 72 |¥K002600 |HEXAGONAL CAP NUT on 75 |¥U590000 |BINDING TIE CBIDOOIB: 76 | EX602660'| BIND” HEAD S-11TE- CREM 3x10 FCRNB-BL} 77 |\¥S558400 |HEXAGONAL CAP NUT 3 MPAN2-BL 78 | EXO00820 | HEXAGONAL, NUT om $1 MEZN2-BL} 81 |VK527900 [PW HEAD S-TITE SCREW 38-8 2C2-Y 82 | EV410036 | TOOTH LOCKED WASHER 3 wraiey AOCESSORIES 200 _|177989900 | REMOTE CONTROL. TRANSMITTER 200-1 | CX679050 | LID ‘74x34BLALPS '¥S381600 |PIN PLUG CORD 1.O0 BATTERY, NANGANESE SUES, AA, ROB ‘New Pars 34 A | 8 | c D 35 eDx-680 @ EXPLODED VIEW (CD Macha. U: * The stopper is not supplied with the tray as a spare part. When replacing the tray, keep the removed stopper and reuse it. ‘Should it be lost and a new one be necessary, order service part 4) Main Chassis (S) and remove the stopper only from it and use it as a spare part @ MECHANICAL PARTS (CD Macha. Unit) Le PART NO. Description Remarks Markets vOS05800 [GH MEOLNISHUNIT 7 /RSL-ZIONAB =] (CX675290 [TRAY (S) 3 CX675250 |GEAR COVER (S) 262554402 CX675210 [TRAY GEAR (S) 262553501 ‘AX619150 |CHUCKING PLATE (S) 262554601 1EX602890 |BW HEAD P-TITE SCREW 2.6x7 262629401 'BX602660 |CHICKING YOKE (S) 262553701 NX610570 |MAGNET ASS’ Y 145249321 (CX675240 [DAMPER (S) 262554102 CX675280 |CHUCKING PULLEY (S) 262554802 NX613060 |SUB CHASSIS ASS'Y (S) 26252272 ‘AX619140 |SPRING (S) 262553001 | ‘AX619180 |SCREW WITH RASHER 262573001 | AXG19160 |MAIN CHASSIS (S), OUISERT 262555206 ‘VH554700 [BW HEAD P-TTTE SCREW 2.6x16 331950151 CX675270 [DRIVE GEAR (S) 262554703 CX675260 |CONIROL CNM (S) [262554504 KX604180 [LEAF SWLTCH 157208611 1X608390 [CONNECTOR PIN 5P 156472111 | 1NX613050 |P¥B, LOADIND (S) 164052312 JX601470 [LOADING MOTOR X26251171 CX675200 |CENTER GEAR (S) 262553402 €X675220 [LOADING PULLEY (S) 262553602 CX672840 |BELT, LOADING MOTOR 365338701 EX602880 |SCREW 2.612.5 262527901 ‘Now Pans 36 38 cDx-890 Parts List for Carbon Resistors Value 1/4W Type Part No.|1/6W Type Part No.| Value 1/4 Type Part No.|1/6W Type Part No. Toa] ws 3100, Tras 3100 10 KA eas 7100 Tras 7100, isa 74 $180 # tka was 7110 res 7110 220 ras 9220 HRs 92D 2 Ka wos 7120 Fes 7120, 53.0 vs 8930. ies 9950 13:K0) eas 7190 eas 7130 |" 479 Hu35 3470 HF85 3470 15 kQ He45 7150 Has 7150 65.0 rs 3560, Fas 0560 1340 4s 7180 Fas 7180 10a Fas 4100 Fas 4100, 22 ko) eas 7220 Bras 7200, 15.0 54160, es 4160, 24 ka wes 7280 Fes 7240 20 res 4220, Fes 4220 27 Ko 198 7270, Fes 7270 27a Hs 4270, Fos 4270 30.k0 ees 7300 Fas 7300 | 33.2 HF45 4330 HFS 4330. 33 ko HF4s 7330 Fas 7330 32.0 wns 4870 ffes 4390 36. ko eas 7360 HFe6 7360 ara Fes 4470 ras 470 39 ko ees 7390, Fas 7390, 56.0 Fes 4560 Fes 4500, a7 ko ras 7470, Fes TATO 68.0 Fas 4880, Fes 4680 Sika Hes 7510, HFe5 7510 75.0) Fes 4750 was 4750 58 ka eas 7560 es 7580 ea. Fes 4820 FAs 4520, 62 ka Has 7620, has 7620 910 Fas 4910, Fas 4910 68 Ka eas 680 Fes 7650 100 0 Fas 6100 45 6100 82 ka ras 820 Fes 7820 110.0 Hao 8110 res 8170 91 ka res 7910 Fes 7910 1200 45 5120, fas 61720 [100 ko) | Fes 8100 as 8100 | 150-0. Fas 6180 wets 6150 [110k | ras 8110 Fas 8110 160 0 tans 6160 # 120 ka | Hew 8120 ras 6120 100.0 eas 6180 ws 6180 | 160.0 | was 8150) ras 8150 200.0 Tas 6200 ews 6200 [180.0 | ws 6180 Fes 8180 220.0 FHS 6220, news 6220 | 220k | 5 8220 Fes 8220, 270.0 Fas 6270 weas6070 | 270 ka. | _wras 6270 Fas 8270 330.0 wets 6930 | _Hras 6390 | 300-ka | hres 6900 Fas, 6300 300.0 Fes 6390 wees 6900” | 890 ka. [was 630 Fas 6330, «30.0 was 6430 ws 6430 | 390 ko [wos 8390 Fas 6300 470.0 res 6470 wees 6470 | 470 ka. | was 8470 ifes 6470 510.0 Fas 6510, ies 6510 | 560k | 05 8560 Fes 6560, 560.0 Fes 6560 wees 6560” | 680 ka. | 106 8680 vires 8680 680.0 Fes 6680 res 6680 | 620 ka. | fwos 8820 res 8820 320.0 Fas 6820 fas 6800 | 1.0 Mad | was 9100 Fes 9100 910-0 Fas 6910 Fas 5910 12Ma— | nos 9120 | 1.0 ko as 6100 Fas 6100, 15Ma_ | nis 9150. Tes 0750 12 Ko Fas 6120 eas 6120 [1.8 MQ | oe 0180 fas 0180 15k Fas 6160 ews 6160 | 2.2 Mo | wo» 0220 wes 9220 1K as 6180, fies 6180—[ 3.9 mo | ruos 0530 Fas 0850 2.0 ki 16 6200, res 6200 [89 Mo | 08 8990 # 2.2 keh eas 6220 ees 0220 1495 8470 se 0470 2 ki rs 6240, vires 0280 2.7 ie ras 6270 wes 6270 3.0 Ka as 6300 4s 6900 35k | wre 6990 [rs 090 cnt 3.8 KO vas 6960 Fes 6360 aw Type feaiee 3.9 KO Fes 6390 Fas 6300 10000 we GOO 47 ka HFas 6470 Hrs 6470, bE sons 5.1 ko Fes 6510 ees 6510 keoan Fes 6560 Fas 6560, cD) 6.8 KO as 6680 Fas 6680 82 ko ras 6820 ras 6820, 91 Ko res 6970 Fes 6910, 992 A | 8 c D cDx.890 fl @ EXPLODED VIEW (Drive Unit) 7 2 3 4 5 Ref. No.’ PART NO. Descript ion Remarks Markets 1 ]AN619110 SLED SHAFT (S) 252546401 2 |cx675290 | INSULATOR (S) 252553801 3 | aK07540 | SPECIAL. SoREW | 2x5 2541386 5 | axei9iz0 cor. speINc (S) 262546501 6 |AX619130 [CENTER RING, LO (S) 262547701 7 }Px6o0431 {LASER PICK UP SS-2108 8848127 8 |cx675190 |GRAR, A (S) 262546201 4 | 9 |aweio60o cHAsSis ASS", 1.7. 126251332 10 [nxe10610 |aooR GEAR ASS'Y 126251321 1 _} 613040 PRB, MOTOR 6 163967813, 12 | KN608720 JLEAP SHITCH 157208512 13 | Lx608400 | coNvEcrTOR |p 1564722 4 {#8020036 [Pv HEAD SOREW 2x3 conv _| 762125615 37 Piepery

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