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Sleeping beauty Sleep is our #1 anti aging weapon! Geoff Wright, an expert in chronobiology (the study of the body clock], says, “There are set times when our body clock dictates that various processes take place in hair and skin. From 8pm to 11pm is the time for hydration and stimulation, while 11pm to 3am is the time for nutrition and regeneration, and 3am to Sam is the time for resting. Seven or eight hours of sleep is ideal for most of us.” In addi- tion, quality sleep makes us live longer, im- proves memory, spurs creativity and sharp- ens attention. The list goes on. Where's my sleep mask? H20 to go I know you hear it all the time, but in addition to all it does for you internally, water keeps your skin, hair, nails and eyes more youthful. | did an experiment and began consistently drinking loads of water (64 07) a day. noticed that where my eyes were a little puffy in the moming, the puff was almost non-existent. Now my challenge is to be consistent. | don't, enjoy drinking plain water so | add sliced cu- cumber, orange or some mint leaves for flavor. Shall we take the 64 oz. challenge to- gether? Move your body People who are active have that youthful glow about them! Linda Taix, owner of Taix Workout Studio says, "Not only is exercise im- perative for overall good health, regular exer- cise is a beautifier too! Exercise maintains healthy blood vessels for good circulation throughout your body giving you a great complexion with rosy cheeks. Stress induces wrinkles. Exercise helps reduce stress and thereby decreases frown lines and other facial wrinkles. The best part is that regular exercise helps manage your your body a firm and a more youthful look. * Wait, let me get my running shoes on NOW! Shoulders back ladies Think about all the confident women you know. They stand up straight and tall. Each morning try standing erect with your back and shoulders against a wall for 60 seconds. This will activate your muscles and help remind you to stand tall all day long. Not only will this make you look ten pounds thinner in seconds, it will make you look five years younger as well. iL, 5 VI yeah lexeleyy I'm delighted you Arched. you Iikere Color expression Black is NOT your best color, especially as we age. As we get older our skin tends to become paler- and wearing black can create a harsh contrast that emphasizes wrinkles and calls attention to dark shadows under the chin and around the eyes. Wear colors that you consistently get compliments in. Colors you feel beautiful in. You'll look younger, healthier and more vibrant. If you're not sure what your best colors are, we can help! Our Color Rx Mobile App* and Transformational Style™ System* help you determine colors that will make you shine! Accessorize your sassiness A great pair of funky hoop earrings will un- leash the free spirit in you. Yes... even you classic ladies. What better way to express youthfulness than with some dangle? Forget stepping out-of-the-box, bum it! Nip at the waist If you're trying to cover your hips, arms or stomach underneath a shapeless blazer, you're actually making yourself look heavier. ‘Awell-cut jacket that nips in at the waist and is shorter in length accentuates your flatter- ing features and creates a smooth line down, your torso. For more tips to flatter your Body ilhouette, Transformational Style™ System* makes it simple. Get a fun handbag Gone are the days of needing a matching bag and shoes. While it is still important that the colors compliment each other, try a bright color and see how many WOW's you'll get. If you want to stick with a neutral color (my fa- vorite is pewter) tie a bright colored scarf to it for some zip! Pearly whites Nothing brings life to your face like a nice bright smile. Need | say more? Yes, whiten your teeth! The best results come from pro- fessional whitening, but if cost is a factor, ask your dentist to recommend an OTC system. Lips and locks Visit your favorite makeup artist and hair styl- ist once a year and ask for a completely fresh perspective. Styles, techniques and products are constantly changing. Keep up with them! Makeup and hair is a subtle (or not-so-subtle) way to update your look and look younger doing it! BONUS. ‘A Harvard study showed that people who smile are more attractive and youthful! Ina word, SMILE and share a little (or a lot) of God's love! It'll make you and those around you happier! *Check out our boutique page

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