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First of all I want to thank every doctor in our group as without every one

here I couldnt achieve and did this work .. every single word even every
single question that made me on the right way all the time ..

I will do my experience in an question and answer way and any further

question will be appreciated..

1-how was the start ?

Like many doctors here I heared about usmle and about how hard it is , so I
gathered some information.. all those doctors appreciated usmle much and
said that it is the future of medicine all over the world , these words made me
to accept challenge and go for this long journey.

2-study material ?

- I asked lots of doctors who took it and they guide me through these
groups that really contained a lot of files and experiences.. I read them
and there is a sentence that repeated much in many experiences and I
want to focus on EVERY ONE HAS HIS STUDYING STYLE and it is
completely right , so I designed my studying plan but I think my plan
will be suitable to every member because it only contains the ordinary
material without any extra books but variation will be only in timing
and how long u can go through it
- Kaplan books and videos - first aid pathoma some of Ta7 videos-
some of DR najuib and I will mention the way down

3-timing and what are the best and most suitable period to go through
usmle ?

- I did it during emtyaz and as we know here in Egypt its an empty

year ..and ayear is more than enough to do it and you will also have a
lot of breaks in between.. this year is applied only for my study plan ,
many study palns went through usmle in about six months but the way
I did my jop cant be done in less than year to achieve 260 +
- You must take along breath before u start and u must trust on ur self
and dont let people around u to be asource of disturbance ,go for ur
dream as it really worth it and now people who thought it is impossiple
and journey that is too long to go through regret much that they didnt
go with me ..

4- journey and my method of studying ?

- Start with Kaplan videos .. I listen to the video with opening the book in
front of me and add any explanations beside the paragraph I listened
to even in arabic

.. ..

- When they say high yield or frequently asked mark this paragraph and
write highy yield above it
- After u finish for example 20 pages , read them again once just
reading with understanding then go for FIRST AID and read the
same topics from it , in first aid u will find that 20 pages in Kaplan may
equal 1 or 2 pages or even 0 pages in first aid . study these pages very
well and add any explanation beside the paragraph in first aid this
way you wont find any difficulty in understanding the first aid will
be very easy and concise .
- You will find extra topics in Kaplan that are not mentioned in the first
aid .. these topics are really low yield but they are the points and topics
of 260 + .. I was very pleased when I saw these topics I marked and
added them to side papers in my exam .andi didnt see all of them in
question banks I solved

10 6

- Try to make any topic very simple with mnemonics or drawings and
any topic u dont like write it in a different way even beside the original
paragraph in first aid or by writing it in a paper and sticking it on the
original paragraph .
- I know its really very long and takes a lot of time but believe me at the
end u will recall every single word and every single topic u have
understood and u will build a basic science for the whole life
- This way took me 6 months to finish all videos all Kaplan reading all
first aid one time studying , and the surprise is after this hard time and
great effort u wont go for Kaplan again as u already have taken every
single word and ever principle u need , and also u did studied first aid
for one time.

5-special modifications ?
- For genetics : just listen 1 TA7 videos then 2 high yield videos
..dont use Kaplan videos
- For histology : I didnt even open or listened to it
- For cardiovascular and respiratory physiology : listen to TA7 after
Kaplan directly
- For reproductive physiology : didnt listen to Kaplan videos just studied
first aid
- For behavioral science and statistics : listen to TA7 after Kaplan directly
- For pathology : pathoma is Great and dont use any other videos
- For immunology : dr najuib videos from the first and dont use any
other videos..for dr najuib videos u listen and write down what he says
and what u understood and u may draw some pictures like him ..then
read Kaplan .. then first aid same way I talked about in each topic
- For microbiology : listen to dr najuib only in endo vs exotoxin and
bacterial structure ..the rest u can go for TA7 and dont try Kaplan
- For neuro science anatomy and physiology : 1 dr najuib anatomy
only I know it is very long and boring but will build agood basic for
questions and pictures
2 Ta7 for both anatomy and physiology .. and dont use Kaplan
neuroanatomy videos
- So other topics are studied as mentioned in point 4.

6 what r things that would save more time for me ?

- Special modifications point 5

- To make the speed of videos faster
- After I save time from both special modification and faster videos I
would use offline q bank subject wise after ever branch I finish so it will
take also 6 months also like same achievements in 6 months I did plus
solving a q bank which is a mandatory and very very very important

7- what is during and after hard 6 months ?

- Take a free day every week during the 6 months and take 5 days after
u finish the 6 months

8- what is after that ?

- Now u have first aid + some notes in it + some paper u wrote >>>
study them again all in 3 4 weeks preferred not more than 3 weeks
- After u finish start Kaplan q bank random dont be upset and dont
look to score at all all u have to do is to solve a block per day then
after u finish revise this block and while revesion write down any new
note andmark beside the site of the question in the first aid as when u
back for another revision u can remember that this part is asked ..
- Afte that : another first aid revesion for maximum 2 to 3 weeks
- Then go for UWorld q bank random ..timed .. 2 blocks with revesion in
the same day and also write down any mark beside the question site in
the firs aid. U will find ur scores are better than before but again and
again dont look to scores at all as the notes u take beside the marks in
first aid will be revised again ..mark pictures and go for them again and
again after u fifnsh
- Then revesion for1- 2 weeks then take UWSA 1 OR 2
- Another revesion for 1 week then take the other UWSA
- Another revesion for 1 week then NBME 15 PREFERED
- Another revesion then leave free 2 days before you go for th exam

9 pictures and figures :

First aid + uw + Kaplan q bank are more than enough

10 surprise :

- U may finish in about 10 months

- I didnt make any assessments before my exam because some things
happened to me and I was too busy ..but if I were u I would strongly
recommend to do every single word I mentioned above , and my score
is due to thorough studying and understanding in first six monthes plus
ever single note and mark from q banks but I didnt realize that it
would drive me to this great score without assessments
- My Kaplan score an uworld scores are : 60% and 70%

11 my exam :

I swear u will find ur self in a very easy exam after above measures .. really u
will find questions very direct ..and you will feel you saw these questions
many times before ..and u will finish before time ..

Finally thank u my dear brothers and sisters and iam ready to give u hand in
every topic u study even to explain it or try to upload some summaries ..we
may meet and explain if u want..iam ready for making u all to achieve it
..believe me its a matter of time and you will be very proud of ur self ..

Dr Tarek Iraki

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