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What is a Family?

What is the dictionary definition of family? Well, it says "a group

consisting of parents and children living together in a household. A group of
people related to one another by blood or marriage: friends and family can
provide support. The children of a person or couple: she has the sole
responsibility for a large family. A person or people related to one and so to
be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy; or a group of people united in
criminal activity (New Oxford American Dictionary)." Now that says a lot so I
ask a few people what they thought to consist of a family. Names are hidden
due to privacy reasons.

The first participant said, "Two or more people male or female Legally
or religiously bound to each other excluding slavery." We talked about a
single person adopting, and all forms of marriage and polygamy. Even to a
degree forceful relationship including parents deciding a spouse for their
children and all other forceful families except forms of slavery. She is a 41-
year-old married woman born raised and currently a resident of Utah.

The second participant said "A family is one or more people with
relationships and emotional or biological connections strong enough to make
them feel more connected than an association. Traditionally a family is a
biological or communal relationship that connects people" This man is a 42-
year-old male also married in a different household born and raised in Alaska
currently living in Utah.
The third participant said "A group of more than one person that
connect on an emotional or biological level that all when altogether consider
themselves a unit. Not a single being or organism to say but instead
connected beyond the level of knowing or liking one another to loving and
supporting one another through all aspects of life." This is a 16 year old
female born and raised in Utah also currently living in Utah.

And here is the definition I came up with after listening to these

respectful people and their opinions. Anyone you choose, Male or female
spouse, is considered family. Any children the one, two or more have or
adopted then become part of your family. Including a never married male or
female adopting a child or children or a male or female not bond to each
other in any way have a child, the child will be their responsibility.

Kelvin Haynes

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