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Ngn ng lp trnh thun hng i tng

70% Java, 10% C++, 5% Visual Basic,

15% mi

Trnh bin dch C# l mt trong nhng trnh

bin dch hiu qu nht trong dng sn
phm .NET.

2 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

c im ca ngn ng C#
Khong 80 t kha
H tr lp trnh cu trc, lp trnh hng i tng,
hng thnh phn (Component oriented)
C t kha khai bo dnh cho thuc tnh (property)
Cho php to su liu trc tip bn trong m ngun
(dng tool m ngun m NDoc pht sinh ra su liu)
H tr khi nim interface (tng t java)
C ch t ng dn rc (tng t java)
Truyn tham s kiu: in(), out, ref

3 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Cu trc chng trnh C#

4 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Hello World

using System;

class Hello
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World");

5 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Namespace cung cp cho cch t chc quan
h gia cc lp v cc kiu khc.
Namespace l cch m .NET trnh n vic
cc tn lp, tn bin, tn hm trng tn gia
cc lp.
namespace CustomerPhoneBookApp
using System;
public struct Subscriber
{ // Code for struct here... }
} 6 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
T kho using gip gim vic phi g
nhng namespace trc cc hm hnh vi
hoc thuc tnh
using Wrox.ProCSharp;
Ta c th gn b danh cho namespace
C php :
using alias = NamespaceName;

7 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

V d 1
01 /* Chng trnh c bn ca C#*/
03 class Hello
04 {
05 static void Main(string[] args)
06 {
07 System.Console.WriteLine(Hello C Sharp);
08 System.Console.ReadLine();
09 }
10 }
bin dch tng Class, c th s dng tp tin csc.exe trong ca
s Command Prompt vi khai bo nh sau:
D:\csc CSharp\ Hello.cs

8 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

V d 2
01 /* Chng trnh c bn ca C#*/
02 using System;
03 class Hello
04 {
05 static void Main(string[] args)
06 {
07 Console.WriteLine(Hello C Sharp);
08 Console.ReadLine();
09 }
10 }

bin dch tng Class, c th s dng tp tin csc.exe trong ca

s Command Prompt vi khai bo nh sau:
D:\csc CSharp\ Hello.cs
9 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
V d 3
01 /* Chng trnh c bn ca C#*/
02 using Con=System.Console;
03 class Hello
04 {
05 static void Main(string[] args)
06 {
07 Con.WriteLine(Hello C Sharp);
08 Con.ReadLine();
09 }
10 }

bin dch tng Class, c th s dng tp tin csc.exe trong ca

s Command Prompt vi khai bo nh sau:
D:\csc CSharp\ Hello.cs
10 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
public static void Main() {
int a = 1509; int b = 744; int c = a + b;
Console.Write("The sum of ");
Console.Write(" and ") ;
Console.Write(" equals ");
Console.WriteLine("The sum of " + a + " and " + b + "="+c) ;
Console.WriteLine(" {0} + {1} = {2}", a, b, c);

11 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Console.WriteLine("Standard Numeric Format Specifiers");

"(C) Currency: . . . . . . . . {0:C}\n" +
"(D) Decimal:. . . . . . . . . {0:D}\n" +
"(E) Scientific: . . . . . . . {1:E}\n" +
"(F) Fixed point:. . . . . . . {1:F}\n" +
"(G) General:. . . . . . . . . {0:G}\n" +
" (default):. . . . . . . . {0} (default = 'G')\n" +
"(N) Number: . . . . . . . . . {0:N}\n" +
"(P) Percent:. . . . . . . . . {1:P}\n" +
"(R) Round-trip: . . . . . . . {1:R}\n" +
"(X) Hexadecimal:. . . . . . . {0:X}\n",
-123, -123.45f);

12 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Console.WriteLine("Standard DateTime Format Specifiers");
"(d) Short date: . . . . . . . {0:d}\n" +
"(D) Long date:. . . . . . . . {0:D}\n" +
"(t) Short time: . . . . . . . {0:t}\n" +
"(T) Long time:. . . . . . . . {0:T}\n" +
"(f) Full date/short time: . . {0:f}\n" +
"(F) Full date/long time:. . . {0:F}\n" +
"(g) General date/short time:. {0:g}\n" +
"(G) General date/long time: . {0:G}\n" +
" (default):. . . . . . . . {0} (default = 'G')\n" +
"(M) Month:. . . . . . . . . . {0:M}\n" +
"(R) RFC1123:. . . . . . . . . {0:R}\n" +
"(s) Sortable: . . . . . . . . {0:s}\n" +
"(u) Universal sortable: . . . {0:u} (invariant)\n" +
"(U) Universal sortable: . . . {0:U}\n" +
"(Y) Year: . . . . . . . . . . {0:Y}\n",
13 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
public static string ReadLine ()



14 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Kiu d liu trong C#

15 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Kiu d liu nh sn
Kiu C# S byte Kiu .NET M t
byte 1 Byte S nguyn dng
khng du t 0-255
char 2 Char K t Unicode
bool 1 Boolean Gi tr logic true/ false
sbyte 1 Sbyte S nguyn c du
( t -128 n 127)
short 2 Int16 S nguyn c du gi
tr t -32768 n 32767
ushort 2 UInt16 S nguyn khng du
0 65.535
16 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Kiu d liu nh sn
Kiu C# S byte Kiu .NET M t
int 4 Int32 S nguyn c du
- 2.147.483.647 n
uint 4 Uint32 S nguyn khng du
0 4.294.967.295
float 4 Single Kiu du chm ng,
3,4E-38 n 3,4E+38,
vi 7 ch s c ngha..
double 8 Double Kiu du chm ng c
chnh xc gp i
1,7E-308 n 1,7E+308
vi 15,16 ch s c ngha.
17 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Kiu d liu nh sn
Kiu C# S byte Kiu .NET M t
decimal 8 Decimal C chnh xc n 28 con
dng trong tnh ton ti chnh
phi c hu t m hay M
theo sau gi tr
long 8 Int64 Kiu s nguyn c du
ulong 8 Uint64 S nguyn khng du
t 0 n 0xffffffffffffffff
18 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Kiu d liu nh sn

Console.WriteLine("sbyte:{0} to {1},sbyte.MinValue,sbyte.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("byte:{0} to {1}", byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("short:{0} to {1}", short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("ushort:{0} to {1}", ushort.MinValue,
Console.WriteLine("int:{0} to {1}", int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("long:{0} to {1}", long.MinValue, long.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("decimal:{0} to {1}", decimal.MinValue,

19 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Chuyn i kiu d liu
Chuyn i d liu l cho php mt biu
thc ca kiu d liu ny c xem xt
nh mt kiu d liu khc.
Chuyn i c th: n ngm nh
(implicit) hay tng minh (explicit),
v d,
int a = 123;
long b = a;
// t int sang long (implicit)
int c = (int) b;
// t long sang int (explicit)
20 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Enum(eration) kiu tp hp

enum Days {Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri};

Days d = Days.Mon;

switch (d) {
case Days.Tue:
case Days.Wed:

R hn cch dng hng truyn thng ca C

const int Sat = 1;

const int Fri = 6;

21 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Value type vs reference type

A ? 105
A 105

B ? 55
B 55

A ? 105

B ?

22 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


struct : value type (class : reference type)
Dng cho cc i tng nh nh
Point, Rectangle, Color,

public struct MyPoint {

public int x, y;
public MyPoint(int p1, int p2) {
x = p1;
y = p2;

23 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Box v Unbox
i qua li gia value type v reference
Box: value => reference (object).
Thng dng trong cc hm, cu trc d
liu s dng tham s l kiu object tng

int i = 123;
object o = i; // implicit boxing
object o = (object) i; // explicit boxing
int j = (int) o; // unboxing

24 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Box v Unbox

25 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Cc nhm ton t trong C#
Nhm ton t Ton t
Ton hc +-*/%
Logic & | ^ ! ~ && || true false
Ghp chui +
Tng, gim ++, --
Dch bit << >>
Quan h == != < > <= >=
Gn = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^=
<<= >>=
Ch s []
p kiu ()
Indirection v Address * -> [ ] &

26 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Th t u tin ca ton t
Nhm ton t Ton t
Primary {x} x.y f(x) a[x] x++ x--
Unary + - ! ~ ++x -x (T)x
Nhn * / %
Cng + -
Dch bit << >>
Quan h < > <= >= is
Bng == !=
Logic trn bit &
OR |
iu kin AND &&
iu kin OR ||
iu kin ?:
Assignment = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
27 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Kiu mng
1 mng l 1 tp cc im d liu (ca
cng kiu c s), c truy cp dng 1 s
ch mc
Cc mng trong C# pht sinh t lp c s
Mng c th cha bt c kiu no m C#
nh ngha, bao gm cc mng i tng,
cc giao din, hoc cc cu trc
Mng c th 1 chiu hay nhiu chiu, v
c khai bo bng du ngoc vung ([ ]
) t sau kiu d liu ca mng
int [] a; 28 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Kiu mng
Khai bo bin mng c hai cch nh sau
1) Khai bo v khi to mng
int[] yourarr=new int[ptu];
2) Khai bo sau khi to mng
int[] myarr;
myarr=new int[ptu];
Khai bo mng vi s phn t cho trc v
khi to gi tr cho cc phn t ca mng:
int[] me={1,2,3,4,5};
float[] arr = { 3.14f, 2.17f, 100 };
float[] arr = new float [3] { 3.14f, 2.17f, 100 };

29 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Kiu mng
arr.length: s phn t ca mng

Khai bo mng 2 chiu:

int [,] Mang2chieu;
Mang2chieu = new int[3,4]

Khai bo mng ca mng:

int [][] M=new int[2][];
M[0]=new int[4];
M[1]= new int[30];
30 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Kiu string
Kiu string l 1 kiu d liu tham chiu trong
System.String cung cp cc hm tin ch nh:
Concat(), CompareTo(), Copy(), Insert(),
ToUpper(), ToLower(), Length, Replace(),
Cc ton t == v != c nh ngha so
snh cc gi tr ca cc i tng chui, ch
khng phi l b nh m chng tham chiu
Ton t & l cch tc k thay cho Concat()
C th truy cp cc k t ring l ca 1 chui
dng ton t ch mc ([ ])

31 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Kiu pointer
Kiu pointer c khai bo vi du * ngay
sau loi d liu v trc tn bin cng vi
t kho unsafe.
Bin dch ng dng C# c s dng kiu d
liu pointer:
D:\csc pointer.cs /unsafe

32 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Kiu pointer
Khng ging nh hai kiu d liu value v
reference, kiu pointer khng chu s kim
sot ca garbage collector
Garbage collector khng dng cho kiu d
liu ny do chng khng bit d liu m
con tr tr n
V vy, pointer khng cho php tham
chiu n reference hay mt struct c
cha cc kiu references v kiu tham
chiu ca pointer thuc loi kiu khng
qun l (unmanaged-type).

33 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Tham s
Tham tr: tham s c gi tr khng thay i
trc v sau khi thc hin phng thc
Tham bin: tham s c gi tr thay i trc
v sau khi thc hin phng thc, c th i
sau cc t kha: ref, out, params
- ref: tham s i theo sau phi khi to trc
khi truyn vo phng thc
- out: tham s khng cn khi to trc khi
truyn vo phng thc
- params: tham s nhn i s m s lng
i s l bin, t kho ny thng s dng
tham s l mng.
34 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
T Kha ref

void MyMethod()
int num1 = 7, num2 = 9;
Swap(ref num1, ref num2);
// num1 = 9, num2 = 7
void Swap(ref int x, ref int y)
int temp = x; x = y; y = temp;
35 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Keyword out

void MyMethod()
{ uninitialise
int num1 = 7, num2;
Subtraction(num1, out num2);
// num1 = 7, num2 = 5
void Subtraction(int x, out int y)
y = x - 2;
// y must be assigned a value
36 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Keyword params

void MyMethod()
int sum = Addition(1, 2, 3); // sum = 6

int Addition(params int[] integers)
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < integers.Length; i++)
result += integers[i];
return result;
37 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Pht biu chn

Pht biu chn (selection statement) trong C#

bao gm cc pht biu (if, ifelse,
switchcase). Pht biu ifelse
if (expression)
Pht biu if
if (expression) statement2
if (expression)
} 38 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Pht biu switchcase
Pht biu switchcase l pht biu iu khin
nhiu chn la bng cch truyn iu khin n
pht biu case bn trong.

switch (expression)
case constant-expression:
} 39 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Pht biu lp
Pht biu vng lp trong C# bao gm do, for,
foreach, while.

Vng lp do
while (expression);

Vng lp while
while (expression)

40 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Vng lp for
for ([initializers]; [expression];

Vng lp foreach in
foreach (type identifier in expression)
Vng lp foreach lp li mt nhm pht biu cho
mi phn t trong mng hay tp i tng.
Pht biu dng duyt qua tt c cc phn t
trong mng hay tp i tng v thc thi mt tp
41 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Pht biu nhy
Pht biu nhy s c s dng khi
chng trnh mun chuyn i iu
Pht biu nhy: break, continue, default,
goto, return

42 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Tm tt
Statement Example

Local variable static void Main() {

declaration int a;
int b = 2, c = 3;
a = 1;
Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);
Local constant static void Main() {
declaration const float pi = 3.1415927f;
const int r = 25;
Console.WriteLine(pi * r * r);
Expression statement static void Main() {
int i; i = 123;
i++; // tng i ln 1
43 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Tm tt
Statement Example

if statement static void Main(string[] args) {

if (args.Length == 0) {
Console.WriteLine("No arguments");
} else { Console.WriteLine("One or more
arguments"); }
switch static void Main(string[] args) {
statement int n = args.Length;
switch (n) {
case 0: Console.WriteLine("No
case 1: Console.WriteLine("One
default: Console.WriteLine("{0}
arguments", n);
} 44 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Tm tt
Statement Example

while static void Main(string[] args) {

statement int i = 0;
while (i < args.Length) {
i++; }
do statement static void Main() {
string s;
do {
s = Console.ReadLine();
if (s != null) Console.WriteLine(s);
} while (s != null);
for statement static void Main(string[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
45 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Tm tt
Statement Example

foreach statement static void Main(string[] args) {

foreach (string s in args)
break statement static void Main() {
while (true) {
string s =
if (s == null) break;
continue static void Main(string[] args) {
statement for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
if (args[i].StartsWith("/")) continue;
46 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Tm tt
Statement Example

goto statement static void Main(string[] args) {

int i = 0;
goto check;
loop: Console.WriteLine(args[i++]);
check: if (i < args.Length) goto loop;

return static int Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

statement static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine(Add(1, 2));

checked static void Main() {

and unchecked int i = int.MaxValue;
statements checked { Console.WriteLine(i + 1);//
Exception }
unchecked { Console.WriteLine(i + 1);//
Overflow }
} 47 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Tm tt
Statement Example

lock statement class Account {

decimal balance;
public void Withdraw(decimal amount) {
lock (this) {
if (amount > balance)
throw new
Exception("Insufficient funds");
balance -= amount;
using statement static void Main() {
using (TextWriter w = File.CreateText("test.txt"))
w.WriteLine("Line one");
w.WriteLine("Line two");
w.WriteLine("Line three");
24/02/2009 } 48 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Tm tt
Statement Example

throw and try static double Divide(double x, double y) {

statements if (y == 0) throw new DivideByZeroException();
return x / y;
static void Main(string[] args) {
try {
if (args.Length != 2)
throw new Exception("Two numbers
double x = double.Parse(args[0]);
double y = double.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine(Divide(x, y));
} catch (Exception e) {

49 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

OOP in C#

50 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Khai bo lp
[Thuc tnh] [B t truy cp]
class <nh danh lp> [: Lp c
<Phn thn ca lp:
cc thuc tnh
phng thc >

51 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

V d
using System;
public class ThoiGian
public void ThoiGianHienHanh()
Console.WriteLine(Hien thi thoi gian hien hanh);
// Cc bin thnh vin
int Nam;
int Thang;
int Ngay;
int Gio;
int Phut;
int Giay;

52 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Tester
static void Main()
ThoiGian t = new ThoiGian();

53 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thuc tnh truy cp
Thuc tnh Gii hn truy vp
public Khng hn ch
private Ch trong lp (mc nh)
protected Trong lp v lp con(lp dn
internal Trong chng trnh
protected Trong chng trnh v trong
internal lp con

54 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Khi to gi tr cho thuc tnh
public class ThoiGian
public void ThoiGianHienHanh()
System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now;
System.Console.WriteLine(\n Hien tai: \t {0}/{1}/{2}
{3}:{4}:{5},now.Day, now.Month, now.Year,
now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second);
System.Console.WriteLine( Thoi Gian:\t {0}/{1}/{2}
Ngay, Thang, Nam, Gio, Phut, Giay);
public ThoiGian( System.DateTime dt)
Nam = dt.Year; Thang = dt.Month;Ngay = dt.Day;
Gio = dt.Hour;Phut = dt.Minute;
Giay = dt.Second;
55 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Khi to gi tr cho thuc tnh
public ThoiGian(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute)
Nam = Year;Thang = Month;Ngay = Date;
Gio = Hour;Phut = Minute;
private int Nam;
private int Thang;
private int Ngay;
private int Gio;
private int Phut;
private int Giay = 30 ; // bin c khi to.

56 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Khi to gi tr cho thuc tnh
public class Tester
static void Main()
System.DateTime currentTime =
ThoiGian t1 = new ThoiGian( currentTime );
ThoiGian t2 = new ThoiGian(2001,7,3,10,5);

57 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc khi to

Hm to mc nh: ging C++

Hm to c i s: tng t C++ nhng khng
c tham s mc nh
public class MyClass
public MyClass() // zero-parameter constructor
// construction code
public MyClass(int number) // another overload
// construction code

58 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc khi to sao chp

C# khng cung cp phng thc khi to sao

public ThoiGian( ThoiGian tg)
Nam = tg.Nam;
Thang = tg.Thang;
Ngay = tg.Ngay;
Gio = tg.Gio;
Phut = tg.Phut;
Giay = tg.Giay;

59 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc hy b
C# cung cp c ch thu dn (garbage
collection) v do vy khng cn phi khai
bo tng minh cc phng thc hy.
Phng thc Finalize s c gi bi c
ch thu dn khi i tng b hy.
Phng thc kt thc ch gii phng cc
ti nguyn m i tng nm gi, v
khng tham chiu n cc i tng khc

60 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc hy b
// Thc hin mt s cng vic

// Thc hin mt s cng vic

61 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Hm hy
class MyClass : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
// implementation

62 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Hm hy
Lp s thc thi giao din System.IDisposable, tc
l thc thi phng thc IDisposable.Dispose().

Khng bit trc c khi no mt Destructor

c gi.

C th ch ng gi thu dn rc bng cch gi

phng thc System.GC.Collect().

System.GC l mt lp c s .NET m t b thu

gom rc v phng thc Collect() dng gi b
thu gom rc.
63 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Con tr this
T kha this dng tham chiu n th
hin hin hnh ca mt i tng
public void SetYear( int Nam)
this.Nam = Nam;
Tham chiu this ny c xem l con tr
n n tt cc phng thc khng c
thuc tnh tnh trong mt lp

64 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thnh vin static
Thnh vin tnh c xem nh mt phn
ca lp.
C th truy cp n thnh vin tnh ca
mt lp thng qua tn lp
C# khng cho php truy cp n cc
phng thc tnh v cc bin thnh vin
tnh thng qua mt th hin.
Khng c friend
Phng thc tnh hot ng t nhiu ging
nh phng thc ton cc

65 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thnh vin static

66 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Thuc tnh (property)

Thuc tnh cho php to ra cc field read-only, write-only.

Thuc tnh cho php to ra cc field o vi bn ngoi

class Student {
protected DateTime _Birthday;

public int Age {

get {
return DateTime.Today().Year _Birthday.Year;

Console.Writeline(Age: {0}, chau.Age);

67 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thuc tnh (property) 24/02/2009

Cho php filter cc gi tr c ghi vo field m khng phi

dng c ch hm set_xxx nh C++.
Bn ngoi c th dng nh field (dng trong biu thc)

class Student {
protected DateTime _Birthday;
public int Birthday {
get {
return _Birthday;
set {
if ()
throw new
_Birthday = value;
chau.Birthday = new DateTime(2007,09,23);
Console.Writeline(Birthday: {0}, chau.Birthday);

68 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thuc tnh (property)
protected string foreName; //foreName l attribute ca mt lp
public string ForeName //ForeName l mt Property
return foreName;
if (value.Length > 20)
// code here to take error recovery action
// (eg. throw an exception)
foreName = value;

69 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thuc tnh (property)
Nu cu lnh Property ch c on lnh
get -> thuc tnh ch c (Read Only)
Nu cu lnh Property ch c on lnh set
-> thuc tnh ch ghi (Write Only)

70 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Thuc tnh c v ghi
Cho php gn (set) gi tr vo thuc tnh hay ly
(get) gi tr ra t thuc tnh.

public int liA

return LiA;
LiA = value; // value l t
71 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Thuc tnh ch c
Nu mun thuc tnh ch c, ch s dng
phng thc get

public int liA

return LiA;
72 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Hng i tng
public class BankAccount {
protected string ID;
protected string Owner; Fields
protected decimal _Balance;
public BankAccount(string ID, string Owner) {
this.ID = ID;
this.Owner = Owner;
this._Balance = 0;
public void Deposit(decimal Amount) {
public void Withdraw(decimal Amount) {
_Balance-=Amount; // what if Amount > Balance?
public decimal Balance {
get {
Thuc tnh ch c
return _Balance;
} Read-only property
73 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Hng i tng
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
BankAccount myAcct = new Account(
"100120023003", "Nguyen Van An");
Console.WriteLine("Balance: {0}", myAcct.Balance);


74 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Cho php to ra cc thuc tnh ging nh array (nhng cch
ci t bn trong khng nht thit dng array). Lu l ch
mc khng nht thit phi l integer.
C th c nhiu ch mc
vd: Marks[string SubjectID, string SemesterID]
class Student {
protected string StudentID;
protected Database MarkDB;
public double Marks[string SubjectID] {
get {
return MarkDB.GetMark(StudentID,SubjectID);
set {

Console.Writeline(Physic mark: {0},chau.Marks[physic]);
75 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Chng hm (overload)
Khng chp nhn hai phng thc ch
khc nhau v kiu tr v.
Khng chp nhn hai phng thc ch
khc nhau v c tnh ca mt thng s
ang c khai bo nh ref hay out.

76 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


77 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

S k tha
1 class ch c th k tha t 1 class c s
1 class c th k tha t nhiu Interface
T kha sealed c dng trong trng
hp khai bo class m khng cho php
class khc k tha.

78 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

n tha k
class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
// functions and data members here

79 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Window
// Hm khi dng ly hai s nguyn ch n v tr ca ca s trn console
public Window( int top, int left)
{ = top;
this.left = left;
public void DrawWindow() // m phng v ca s

Console.WriteLine(Drawing Window at {0}, {1}, top, left);
// C hai bin thnh vin private do hai bin ny s khng
thy bn trong lp dn xut.
private int top;
private int left;

80 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class ListBox: Window
// Khi dng c tham s
public ListBox(int top, int left,string theContents) : base(top, left)
//gi khi dng ca lp c s
mListBoxContents = theContents;
// To mt phin bn mi cho phng thc DrawWindow
// v trong lp dn xut mun thay i hnh vi thc hin
// bn trong phng thc ny
public new void DrawWindow()
Console.WriteLine( ListBox write: {0}, mListBoxContents);
// bin thnh vin private
private string mListBoxContents;

81 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Tester
public static void Main()
// to i tng cho lp c s
Window w = new Window(5, 10);
// to i tng cho lp dn xut
ListBox lb = new ListBox( 20, 10, Hello world!);

82 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

a hnh
to mt phng thc h tnh a hnh:
khai bo kha virtual trong phng
thc ca lp c s
nh ngha li cc hm virtual, hm
tng ng lp dn xut phi c t kha

83 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc Override
class MyBaseClass
public virtual string VirtualMethod()
return "This method is virtual and defined in
class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
public override string VirtualMethod()
return "This method is an override defined in

84 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc Override

Lp Window
public virtual void DrawWindow() // m phng v ca s

Console.WriteLine(Drawing Window at {0}, {1}, top, left);

Lp Listbox
public override void DrawWindow()
Console.WriteLine( ListBox write: {0}, mListBoxContents);

85 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Gi cc hm ca lp c s
C php : base.<methodname>()
class CustomerAccount
public virtual decimal CalculatePrice()
// implementation
class GoldAccount : CustomerAccount
public override decimal CalculatePrice()
return base.CalculatePrice() * 0.9M;

86 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

V d

Window[] winArray = new Window[3];

winArray[0] = new Window( 1, 2 );
winArray[1] = new ListBox( 3, 4, List box is array);
winArray[2] = new Button( 5, 6 );

for( int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)


87 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Lp c s tru tng
abstract class Building
public abstract decimal CalculateHeatingCost();
// abstract method
Mt lp abstract khng c th hin v mt phng
thc abstract khng c thc thi m phi c
overriden trong bt k lp tha hng khng abstract
Nu mt lp c phng thc abstract th n cng l
lp abstract
Mt phng thc abstract s t ng c khai bo

88 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Abstract class
public abstract class BankAccount {

public abstract bool IsSufficientFund(decimal Amount);
public abstract void AddInterest();

Khng th new mt abstract class

Ch c lp abstract mi c th cha abstract method

89 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Lp c lp (sealed class)
Mt lp c lp th khng cho php cc lp
dn xut t n
khai bo mt lp c lp dng t kha

90 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Lp Object
Phng thc Chc nng
Equal( ) So snh bng nhau gia hai i
GetHashCode( ) Cho php nhng i tng
cung cp ring nhng hm bm
cho s dng tp hp.
GetType( ) Cung cp kiu ca i tng
ToString( ) Cung cp chui th hin ca i
Finalize( ) Dn dp cc ti nguyn
MemberwiseClone( To mt bn sao t i tng.
91 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass(int val)
value = val;
public override string ToString()
return value.ToString();
private int value;

92 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Tester
static void Main()
int i = 5;
Console.WriteLine("The value of i is: {0}", i.ToString());
SomeClass s = new SomeClass(7);
Console.WriteLine("The value of s is {0}", s.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("The value of 5 is {0}", 5.ToString());

93 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Lp trong lp
class Nguoi
public class Date {
private int ngay;
private int thang;
public Date() { ngay = 1; thang = 1; }
public void Xuat() {Console.WriteLine(ngay + "/" + thang); }
private string ten;
private string ho;
private Date ns;
public Nguoi() { ten = "An"; ho = "Nguyen Van"; ns = new Date(); }
public void Xuat()
ns.Xuat();Console.WriteLine(ho + " " + ten);

94 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Lp trong lp
class Progarm

static void Main(string[] args)

Nguoi a=new Nguoi();
ConsoleApplication7.Nguoi.Date ns = new

95 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Fraction
public Fraction( int numerator, int denominator)
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denominator = denominator;
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.AppendFormat({0}/{1},numerator, denominator);
return s.ToString();
internal class FractionArtist
private int numerator;
private int denominator;

96 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

internal class FractionArtist
public void Draw( Fraction f)
Console.WriteLine(Drawing the numerator {0},
Console.WriteLine(Drawing the denominator {0},

97 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Tester
static void Main()
Fraction f1 = new Fraction( 3, 4);
Console.WriteLine(f1: {0}, f1.ToString());
Fraction.FractionArtist fa = new
fa.Draw( f1 );

98 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Overload Operator

public static Fraction operator + ( Fraction lhs, Fraction rhs)

firstFraction + secondFraction

Fraction.operator+(firstFraction, secondFraction)

np chng ton t (+) th nn cung cp mt phng thc

Add() cng lm cng chc nng l cng hai i tng

99 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Overload Operator
Overload == th phi overload !=
Overload > th phi overload <
Overload >= th phi overload <=
Phi cung cp cc phng thc thay th
cho ton t c np chng

100 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Overload Operator

Biu Tn phng thc thay

tng th
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
== Equals
> Compare

101 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Phng thc Equals

public override bool Equals( object o )

pubic override bool Equals( object o)

if ( !(o is Phanso) )
return false;
return this == (Phanso) o;

102 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Ton t chuyn i
int myInt = 5;
long myLong;
myLong = myInt; // ngm nh
myInt = (int) myLong; // tng minh

103 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Phanso
public Phanso(int ts, int ms)
this.ts = ts; = ms;
public Phanso(int wholeNumber)
ts = wholeNumber;
ms = 1;
public static implicit operator Phanso(int theInt)
return new Phanso(theInt);

104 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public static explicit operator int(Phanso thePhanso)
return thePhanso.ts /;
public static bool operator ==(Phanso lhs, Phanso rhs)
if (lhs.ts == rhs.ts && ==
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator !=(Phanso lhs, Phanso rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);

105 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public override bool Equals(object o)
if (!(o is Phanso))
return false;
return this == (Phanso)o;
public static Phanso operator +(Phanso lhs, Phanso rhs)
if ( ==
return new Phanso(lhs.ts + rhs.ts,;
int firstProduct = lhs.ts *;
int secondProduct = rhs.ts *;
return new Phanso(firstProduct + secondProduct, *;

106 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public override string ToString()
string s = ts.ToString() + "/" + ms.ToString();
return s;
private int ts;
private int ms;

107 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Tester
static void Main()
Phanso f1 = new Phanso(3, 4);
Console.WriteLine("f1:{0}", f1.ToString());
Phanso f2 = new Phanso(2, 4);
Console.WriteLine("f2:{0}", f2.ToString());
Phanso f3 = f1 + f2;
Console.WriteLine("f1 + f2 = f3:{0}", f3.ToString());
Phanso f4 = f3 + 5;
Console.WriteLine("f4 = f3 + 5:{0}", f4.ToString());
Phanso f6 = 5+ f3 ;
Console.WriteLine("f6 = 5 + f3:{0}", f6.ToString());
Phanso f5 = new Phanso(2, 4);
if (f5 == f2)
Console.WriteLine("f5:{0}==f2:{1}",f5.ToString(), f2.ToString());
108 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Interface(giao din)
Interface l rng buc, giao c m bo cho cc
lp hay cc cu trc s thc hin mt iu g .
Khi mt lp thc thi mt giao din, th lp ny
bo cho cc thnh phn client bit rng lp ny
c h tr cc phng thc, thuc tnh, s
kin v cc ch mc khai bo trong giao
Giao din chnh l phn c t (khng bao hm
phn ci t c th ni dung) ca 1 lp.
Mt lp i tng c th a ra cng lc nhiu
giao din cc chng trnh bn ngoi truy xut

109 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Interface(giao din)
Ging m khng ging abstract class! (kh phn
Interface ch c method hoc property, KHNG
c field (Abstract c th c tt c)
Tt c member ca interface KHNG c php
ci t, ch l khai bo (Abstract class c th c
mt s phng thc c ci t)
Tn cc interface nn bt u bng I
V d: ICollection, ISortable

110 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Interface(giao din)
C php nh ngha mt giao din:
[thuc tnh] [b t truy cp] interface <tn
giao din> [: danh sch c s]
<phn thn giao din>

111 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Interface(giao din)
Mt giao din th khng c Constructor
Mt giao din th khng cho php cha cc
phng thc np chng.
N cng khng cho php khai bo nhng
b t trn cc thnh phn trong khi nh
ngha mt giao din.
Cc thnh phn bn trong mt giao din
lun lun l public v khng th khai bo
virtual hay static.

112 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Interface(giao din)
Khi mt class khai bo l implement mt
interface, n phi implement tt c method hoc
thuc tnh ca interface
Nu hai interface c trng tn method hoc
property, trong class phi ch r (explicit
V d: IMovable v IEngine u c thuc tnh MaxSpeed

class ToyotaCar: Car, IMovable, IEngine {

public IMovable.MaxSpeed {

public IEngine.MaxSpeed {

113 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

V d

To mt giao din nhm m t nhng phng

thc v thuc tnh ca mt lp cn thit
lu tr
truy cp
t mt c s d liu hay cc thnh phn lu tr d liu
khc nh l mt tp tin

interface IStorable
void Read();
void Write(object);

114 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public class Document : IStorable
public void Read()
public void Write()

115 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Interface(giao din)

Thc thi nhiu giao din:

public class Document : IStorable, Icompressible
M rng giao din
interface ILoggedCompressible : ICompressible
void LogSavedBytes();
Kt hp cc giao din:
interface IStorableCompressible : IStoreable, ILoggedCompressible
void LogOriginalSize();

116 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Interface(giao din)
Ton t is
<biu thc> is <kiu d liu>
Ton t as
<biu thc> as <kiu d liu>

117 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Interface vs Abstract
Abstract: phn nh tt c c im (k c cu trc ni ti)
chung nht ca mt tp i tng no .

Interface: phn nh mt phn c im (bn ngoi) ca mt

loi i tng. Hai i tng v mt bn cht c th rt khc
nhau nhng vn c th c chung mt phn c im no
ging nhau.

V d: xe hi Toyota v hc sinh u c tnh cht chung l di

chuyn c

interface IMovable
public 3DPoint Position { get; set; }
public double MaxSpeed { get; set; }
public MoveTo(3DPoint newPosition);

118 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


Interface vs Abstract
Mt class ch c tha k t mt lp c s

Nhng c php implement (ci t, hin thc ha) nhiu

loi interface khc nhau.

public class ToyotaCar: Car, IMovable, IUsePower



public class Student: People, IMovable, IBreathable



119 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

X l li
Chng trnh no cng c kh nng gp
phi cc tnh hung khng mong mun
ngi dng nhp d liu khng hp l
a cng b y
file cn m b kha
i s cho hm khng hp l
X l nh th no?
Mt chng trnh khng quan trng c th dng li
Chng trnh iu khin khng lu? iu khin my
X l li truyn thng

X l li truyn thng thng l mi hm li

thng bo trng thi thnh cng/tht bi
qua mt m li
bin ton cc (chng hn errno)
gi tr tr v
int remove ( const char * filename );
tham s ph l tham chiu
double MyDivide(double numerator,
double denominator, int& status);
Exception ngoi l l c ch thng bo
v x l li gii quyt c cc vn k
Tch c phn x l li ra khi phn
thut ton chnh
cho php 1 hm thng bo v nhiu loi
ngoi l
Khng phi hm no cng phi x l li nu c mt
s hm gi thnh chui, ngoi l ch ln c x l
ti mt hm l
khng th b qua ngoi l, nu khng,
chng trnh s kt thc
Tm li, c ch ngoi l mm do hn
X l ngoi l
C# cho php x l nhng li v cc iu kin
khng bnh thng vi nhng ngoi l.
Ngoi l l mt i tng ng gi nhng thng
tin v s c ca mt chng trnh khng bnh
Khi mt chng trnh gp mt tnh hung ngoi
l to mt ngoi l. Khi mt ngoi l c to
ra, vic thc thi ca cc chc nng hin hnh s
b treo cho n khi no vic x l ngoi l tng
ng c tm thy
Mt trnh x l ngoi l l mt khi lnh chng
trnh c thit k x l cc ngoi l m chng
trnh pht sinh
123 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
X l ngoi l
nu mt ngoi l c bt v c x l:
chng trnh c th sa cha c vn
v tip tc thc hin hot ng
in ra nhng thng ip c ngha

124 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Pht biu throw
Pht biu throw dng pht ra tn hiu
ca s c bt thng trong khi chng
trnh thc thi vi c php:
throw [expression];
using System;
public class ThrowTest
public static void Main()
string s = null;
if (s == null)
throw(new ArgumentNullException());
Console.Write("The string s is null");
// not executed
public class Test
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(Enter Main....);
Test t = new Test();
Console.WriteLine(Exit Main...);
public void Func1()
Console.WriteLine(Enter Func1...);
Console.WriteLine(Exit Func1...);
public void Func2()
Console.WriteLine(Enter Func2...);
throw new System.Exception();
Console.WriteLine(Exit Func2...);
24/02/2009 128 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Enter Main....
Enter Func1...
Enter Func2...
Exception occurred: System.Exception: An exception of type
System.Exception was throw.
at Programming_CSharp.Test.Func2() in ... exception01.cs:line
at Programming_CSharp.Test.Func1() in ... exception01.cs:line
at Programming_CSharp.Test.Main() in ... exception01.cs:line 12

129 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Pht biu try catch
Trong C#, mt
trnh x l ngoi l
hay mt on
chng trnh x l
cc ngoi l c
gi l mt khi
catch v c to ra
vi t kha catch..
V d: cu lnh
throw c thc thi
bn trong khi try,
v mt khi catch
c s dng
cng b rng mt
public void Func2()
Console.WriteLine(Enter Func2...);
Console.WriteLine(Entering try block...);
throw new System.Exception();
Console.WriteLine(Exiting try block...);
Console.WriteLine(Exception caught and handled.);
Console.WriteLine(Exit Func2...);

131 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Enter Main...
Enter Func1...
Enter Func2...
Entering try block...
Exception caught and handled.
Exit Func2...
Exit Func1...
Exit Main...

132 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public void Func1()
Console.WriteLine(Enter Func1...);
Console.WriteLine(Entering try block...);
Console.WriteLine(Exiting try block...);
Console.WriteLine(Exception caught and handled.);
Console.WriteLine(Exit Func1...);

133 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


public void Func2()

Console.WriteLine(Enter Func2...);
throw new System.Exception();
Console.WriteLine(Exit Func2...);

Enter Main...
Enter Func1...
Entering try block...
Enter Func2...
Exception caught and handled.
Exit Func1...
Exit Main...

134 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


V d
class Test
static void Main(string[] args)
Test t = new Test();
public double DoDivide(double a, double b)
if ( b == 0)
throw new System.DivideByZeroException();
if ( a == 0)
throw new System.ArithmeticException();
return a/b;

135 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

public void TestFunc()
double a = 5;
double b = 0;
Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", a, b, DoDivide(a,b));
catch (System.DivideByZeroException)
Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!");
catch (System.ArithmeticException)
Console.WriteLine("ArithmeticException caught!");
Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught");
136 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
Cu lnh finally
on chng trnh bn trong khi finally c m bo
thc thi m khng quan tm n vic khi no th mt
ngoi l c pht sinh

137 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows

Cu lnh finally
1. Dng thc thi bc vo khi try.
2. Nu khng c li xut hin,
- tin hnh mt cch bnh thng
xuyn sut khi try, v khi n cui khi
try, dng thc thi s nhy n khi finally
( bc 5),
- nu mt li xut hin trong khi
try,thc thi s nhy n khi catch (
bc tip theo)
3. Trng thi li c x l trong khi catch
4. vo cui ca khi catch , vic thc thi
c chuyn mt cch t ng n khi
24/02/2009 138 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows
To ring ngoi l
phi c dn xut t

139 Lp Trnh mi trng Windows


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