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Jaimez, Marisa

Mr. Wisner

World History

Period: t/r 2


Stephen Hawking says we've got about

1,000 years to find a new place to live

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o theoretical
o climate change
o nukes
o robots

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

A. Stephen Hawking believes that we only have 1,000 years left on earth because of usual
suspects such as robots, climate change and nukes.
B. He also says that the best way of survival is moving to another planet and establishing
colonies there.
C. It could happen in 1,000 to 10,000 years.
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
My opinion on this event, is that I believe that hes right because something is gonna happen
one day but not quite sure. Plus humanity isnt going extinct.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).

We came pretty close in 1995 when Russia mistook a Norwegian research-rocket as an US

nuclear missile an almost launched all their nukes. It is the only time known to history that the
Russian president open his "nuclear-briefcase" with the intent to use it. As far as I've read this
incident brought us closer to an nuclear war than the Cuban missile-crises.
Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).
My event is related to Science and technology.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

I want to know if the world will end sooner than expected.

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