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We are all made equal whether you are a male or female. John locke said There is
nothing more evident, than that creature of the same species and rank Should also
be equal one amongst another without subordination or subjection. Women are not
treated equally as men they were looked down on and it was a long and hard fight for
them to get rights.
Women were were not allowed to go to school and had to stay at home to take
care of the children, they were known as the stay home moms. The women back then
had little to no rights compared to men. Men ran everything basically controlling women
and treating them like property. Women were sometimes mistreated because there
were no laws to protect them from men.
I believe that women should have rights and should do everything a man can do
as Mary Wollstonecraft said both sexes must act from the same principle;...woman
must be allowed to found their virtue on knowledge, which is sacredly possible unless
they be educated by the same pursuit as men. We men and women all live on the
same planet just like us white and black people live on the same planet and we have to
learn to be fair to one another. Mary said the only method of leading women to fulfill
their peculiar duties is to free them from all restraints by allowing them to participate in
the inherent rights of mankind, so we should all have the same writes.
The woman of this country fought a long and hard battle like the blacks did. The
society that we live in to day is a whole lot better than the society back then. Women are
just as important as men and they do great things like save lives on a daily bases or
fight for the freedom of our country.
In conclusion women back then were not viewed very well and are still viewed as
property in some countries. Throughout the years women have gained many writes like
voting, going to school, and working. Women have gained lots of rights but they are still
not as equal as men to some degree they are sometimes paid less than men which is
not right because they have to go home and feed a family just like any other person.

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