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Dear Gatsby,

I do not know if you remember me from way back but i sure

do remember you. I have missed you all throughout these years. I

do not know how to say this but I have wanted you ever since we

went separate ways. I am hoping i will run into you sometime. Tom

and I are not working and I know in my heart all I want is you. I

hope you do not think I am ridiculous because I am hopelessly

dreaming of our love that could be. I pray that Nick will somehow

bring us together. I think about what it would be like if we never separated. If we can not

be together I at least hope that you are happy, for me. What is your life like? How have

you been? I remember when we fell in love before you went to war. It broke my heart. I

am deeply sorry I did not wait for you but i got lonely. It is a regret that affects me

everyday. The only good thing that has come out of my marriage is my wonderful

daughter. You would love her and hope you can meet her one day. I always wonder how

you turned out. Are you wealthy? Tom does not treat me how I would like. I remember

you always telling me how wealthy and successful you were. I miss you dearly. My heart

longs for your arrival.

"They're such beautiful shirts," she sobbed, her voice muffled in the think folds. "It

makes me sad because I've never seen such such beautiful shirts before." (5.118-119)

(This displays that Daisy does not really love Gatsby for Gatsby, but she is seeking


Dear Tom,
My husband. It is hard to say this but my love is for another man. I can not keep

living like this, lost and afraid. Afraid to be myself and feel what

I truly feel. I know your love is not for me either so I can not be

all the blame for this fail marriage. I do not understand how you

can be so upset with me loving another man when you have

been loving another woman. You are arrogant and hypocritical.

I do not feel safe with you anymore. I am not lower than you in

anyway and am sick of feeling wrong for everything I do. I do not regret our marriage

because of our child but I do not know if I love you anymore. I know you love me still

you said, "And what's more, I love Daisy too. Once in awhile I go off on a spree and

make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time."

(7.251-252) Gatsby is in love with me and I am writing this to let you know something

you never had the courage to do for me but instead rub your affair in my face. I do not

know if you will even get this letter or if I will even send it out. I think I want to love

Gatsby because you fool around with another women, I am just so confused. I love our

house and our cars and our wealth but I hate Myrtle. Why must you love her. How could

you do this to me? It is just so hard I thought I wanted Gatsby but now maybe I still will

choose you.


Your Wife, Daisy

Dear Myrtle,
It is disgusting how you could love a man with a wife

and a child. I truly hate you and I promise you will pay for

this. Go back to your husband Tom will treat you poorly I

promise you that. I am not ready to let go of Tom and you

should go back with your husband. I know Tom hit you and if

you get him in trouble I will shut you up, I promise you that. I

know what happened you shouted, "Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!"

shouted Mrs. Wilson. "I'll say it whenever I want to! Daisy!

Dai " (pg 125-126) I know you are unhappy with your marriage and Tom and I are

definitely not perfect but that gives you no right to be a mistress in this relationship.

Leave before I make you leave and trust me you do not want that. How do you go on

knowing you are ruining a marriage. Just stay out of our lives because like I said I will

make you disappear so you are no longer a burden to me. I need my choice and I can

not make it with you in the way. If your marriage is bad do not go to my husband. Just

be lucky I am warning you but if you get in my way you better watch out. Do not even

think of going near Toms money that is mine. I will say this one more time...I will kill you.



Dear Nick,
My dearest cousin. I know that you know about Gatsby and I and I need a favor.

Is there anyway you could reunite us. I heard that you said, "Gatsby bought that house

so that Daisy would be just across the bay." (4.137-140) I hope that is true. I need to

know who to choose. I also want you to meet my beautiful daughter. Tom and Is

marriage constantly is in jeopardy. He is constantly reminding me of how he is with

another women. Maybe if I get with Jay this will no longer be an issue with us because it

will show him what he is missing. I feel sorry for my daughter, Pammy. I want to be

together with Tom for her. I would love to meet up with Gatsby and feel those old

feelings again. I know he longs for my return and I would love to see him again. Can

you please come and talk to me or Gatsby I need to know what to do. Thankyou.



Dear Jordan Baker,

I heard you and Nick are becoming romantic. I am happy for you and my

cousin. You are so beautiful I am glad you are with Nick. However, can I trust you to be

honest to him? I hope I can put my trust in you. Do not make me disappointed, or him

for that matter. Things are going great with Gatsby but do I really want to leave my
husband for that man? I am torn to leave him for

Gatsby or not. Tom is not faithful to me either.

Who should I be with? What do you think? I hope

you are doing well. Did you cheat at the Golf

tournament? Why would you do that? I know Nick is

really falling for you. I know you said to me

"Nevertheless you did throw me over," said

Jordan suddenly. "You threw me over on the

telephone. I don't give a damn about you now, but it was a new experience for me, and I

felt a little dizzy for a while." (9.129) I forgive you for saying that. I want to still be friends

Jordan. I need a friend. Please write me back.

Your Friend,


Dear George Wilson,

I do not know if you realize your wife is having an affair. She is being

unfaithful to you with my husband, Tom. I am sorry if you did not know but I feel you

should know. Now you better get your wife away before I get her away for good. I have

a daughter to worry about. You are in a marriage which you are not loved you

respected. My husband punched your wife and broke her nose. He is not good for her. I
know you care and love your wife and you are faithful to

her so get her away from Tom. I know you are not in

wealth and you are a hardworking mechanic while

Myrtle is going around with another man. Why do you

believe and trust in God so much? What is that doing

for you? I know you said to Myrtle that she "can't fool

God," that "God sees everything" (8.105). God is not

going to stop this, you need too.



Dear George,

How could you? How could you kill Gatsby. You call yourself a lover of God? I

know Gatsbys car was identified as the death car but how do you know it was

Gatsby? I know you killed yourself as well and you will never actually get the read this

but I need to just write this. Gatsby did not kill your wife. How could you just kill a guy?

My cousin Nick had to find both of your bodies. Gatsby was in the pool and you were in

the grass. The difference between you and Gatsby is that Gatsbys death was big it was

a corruption to the era of this time. "What'll we do with ourselves this afternoon?" cried
Daisy, "and the day after that, and the

next thirty years?" (pg 74-75) No one

will miss you. I hope you and your

wife rot together.



Dear Jay,

I know you are gone but I am writing to you

to help me cope with your death. I am sorry that I

did not love you enough to leave Tom. I am sorry

that you were not enough for me. I am devastated

over your death. I know George killed you

because he thinks you are responsible for his

wife's death. I feel sorrowful that I will never see

you again. We had a lot of good times Jay. Nick is

very up set he said, "They're a rotten crowd," I shouted across the lawn. "You're worth

the whole damn bunch put together." (8.44-45) Nick is the one who found Myrtle and

you. Did you suffer? Were you scared? I will forever think about you and you will always

be apart of me Jay.


Dear Nick,

How are you? I heard you found

Jay and Myrtle. That must have been

hard to see. I am sorry I know you

really liked Jay. I am very upset about

Gatsbys death. I lost Gatsby once

when he went off to war and now hes

death? How? How could he just be

gone forever? I wanted to leave Tom for Jay but I just could not. I do not know why but

no matter how hard I tried to convince myself I could not leave him. Nick I am scared

that I can not love Tom the way I love Gatsby. I know Jay was upset I did not pick him I

heard, He stayed there a week, walking the streets where their footsteps had clicked

together through the November night and revisiting the out-of-the-way places to which

they had driven in her white car. (8.28) I am sorry for your loss of friend.


Dear Tom,

I am sorry I did not tell you

myself about Gatsby. How would I? I

do not want any trouble. I want you I

chose you but I was to tell Jay myself. I

need to do that Tom. Please do not do

anything rash that could hurt Jay. I will

leave him for you. I do not appreciate

you talking to Jay. Lets run away together. We share a child together I would never

leave you. You have a mistress too even though she died you had one so do not act like

I am the one ruining one. I never really planned to leave you for Jay. I just needed to

see what life would be like if I was with him. You make me feel unloved. I know we will

grow old together and raise our beautiful daughter together. I love you Tom.


Maria Negron
Miss. Schmidt
English 11

Works Cited

"The Great Gatsby." The Great Gatsby: Daisy Buchanan | Character Analysis |
CliffsNotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2017.

Shmoop Editorial Team. "Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby." Shmoop. Shmoop
University, 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 9 Jan. 2017.

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