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Unfortunately, English has never been a strong subject for me.

From struggling on where

to begin my papers, to citations, to just simple motivation, Ive never viewed English as a subject

I would be successful in. Walking into Taches writing 104 class on the first day I was expecting

to write short stories or learn how to improve my grammar. Now, at the end of the semester Ive

learned that this class was much more than that. Despite the many difficulties I had stepping out

of my comfort zone in writing, I truly feel like Ive ended the course as an improved, more

creative, writer. Although I was oblivious of my growth at the beginning of the semester, I now

realize that as I move forward in school, english classes will be more challenging but I will be

better prepared because of this course. In writing 104 we were encouraged to write papers

much longer than Ive ever written before. Not that long ago in ELA 11 we were asked to write a

creative narrative with a minimum of three pages. Normally I would have looked at this

assignment as a challenge, but because this course has asked for papers up to double that

length, my english assignment was much more manageable for me than it would have been

before taking this class. Throughout this class Ive learned a lesson that will help me in and

outside of the classroom. That lesson is that its okay to ask for help. This class has

demonstrated to me a system for how to peer revise in a workshop which has helped me

improve my skills of communicating with my peers how to, not only improve my paper, but also

advise them about theirs. Aside from peer revisions, Ive had to ask for help from Tashe

because, since I work at a different pace than others in my class, Ive had to attend several

support meetings for help and also email Tashe when I needed clarification on an assignment. I

have come to realize that the more I ask for help (when necessary) , the better my final paper

resulted in.

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