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S78 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 40, Supplement 1, January 2017

$300 mg/g creatinine, and elevated se- significantly reduced combined micro- recommendations for the management
rum creatinine concentration, an ARB sig- vascular and macrovascular outcomes, of hypertension in pregnant women
nicantly reduced progression of kidney as well as death from cardiovascular with diabetes should be similar to those
disease compared with placebo (27). A causes and total mortality. The improved for all pregnant women. The American
meta-analysis conrmed that treatment outcomes could also have been due to College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo-
of patients with diabetic kidney disease lower achieved blood pressure in the gists (ACOG) has recommended that
with an ACE inhibitor or ARB reduces the perindoprilindapamide arm (15). Another women with mild gestational hyperten-
risk of progressing to end-stage renal dis- trial showed a decrease in morbidity and sion (SBP ,160 mmHg or DBP ,110
ease, though strong evidence of benet mortality in those receiving ACE inhibi- mmHg) do not need to be treated with
was limited to participants with baseline tor benazepril and calcium channel antihypertensive medications as there is
UACR $300 mg/g creatinine (28). Smaller blocker amlodipine versus benazepril no benet identied that clearly out-
trials also suggest reduction in composite and thiazide-like diuretic hydrochloro- weighs potential risks of therapy (40).
cardiovascular events and reduced pro- thiazide (36,37). If needed to achieve A 2014 Cochrane systematic review of
gression of advanced nephropathy blood pressure targets, amlodipine antihypertensive therapy for mild to
(2931). and indapamide or hydrochlorothia- moderate chronic hypertension that
However, the superiority of ACE in- zide or thiazide-like diuretic chlorthalidone included 49 trials and over 4,700
hibitors or ARBs over other antihyper- can be added. If estimated glomerular women did not nd any conclusive ev-
tensive agents for prevention of ltration rate is ,30 mL/min/1.73 m2, idence for or against blood pressure
cardiovascular outcomes has not been a loop diuretic should be prescribed. treatment to reduce the risk of pre-
consistently shown for all patients with Titration of and/or addition of further eclampsia for the mother or effects
diabetes (22,28,32,33). In particular, a recent blood pressure medications should be on perinatal outcomes such as preterm
meta-analysis suggests that thiazide- made in a timely fashion to overcome birth, small-for-gestational-age in-
type diuretics or dihydropyridine calcium clinical inertia in achieving blood pres- fants, or fetal death (41). For pregnant
channel blockers have cardiovascular sure targets. women who require antihypertensive
benet similar to that of ACE inhibitors Bedtime Dosing
therapy, SBP levels of 120160 mmHg
or ARBs (22). Therefore, among patients Growing evidence suggests that there is and DBP levels of 80105 mmHg are
without albuminuria for whom cardio- an association between absence of noc- suggested to optimize maternal health
vascular disease prevention is the pri- turnal blood pressure dipping and the without risking fetal harm. Lower tar-
mary goal of blood pressure control, a incidence of ASCVD. A randomized con- gets (SBP 110119 mmHg and DBP 65
thiazide-like diuretic or dihydropyridine trolled trial of 448 participants with 79 mmHg) may contribute to improved
calcium channel blocker may be consid- type 2 diabetes and hypertension dem- long-term maternal health; however,
ered instead of or in addition to an ACE onstrated reduced cardiovascular events they may be associated with impaired
and mortality with median follow-up of fetal growth. Pregnant women with
inhibitor or ARB.
There are no adequate head-to-head 5.4 years if at least one antihyperten- hypertension and evidence of end-organ
comparisons of ACE inhibitors and ARBs, sive medication was given at bedtime damage from cardiovascular and/or
(38). Consider administering one or renal disease may be considered for
but there is clinical trial support for each
more antihypertensive medications at lower blood pressure targets to avoid
of the following statements: In patients
bedtime (39). progression of these conditions during
with type 1 diabetes with hypertension
and any degree of albuminuria, ACE in- Other Considerations During pregnancy, treatment with
hibitors have been shown to reduce loss An important caveat is that most pa- ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and spironolac-
of glomerular ltration rate and delay tients with diabetes and hypertension tone are contraindicated as they may
the progression of nephropathy. In require multiple-drug therapy to reach cause fetal damage. Antihypertensive
patients with type 2 diabetes, hyper- blood pressure treatment goals (21). drugs known to be effective and safe
tension, and UACR 30299 mg/g cre- Identifying and addressing barriers to in pregnancy include methyldopa, labe-
atinine, ACE inhibitors and ARBs have medication adherence (such as cost talol, hydralazine, carvedilol, clonidine,
been shown to delay the progression to and side effects) should routinely be and long-acting nifedipine (40). Di-
UACR $300 mg/g creatinine. The use of done. If blood pressure remains uncon- uretics are not recommended for blood
both ACE inhibitors and ARBs in combina- trolled despite conrmed adherence pressure control in pregnancy but may
tion is not recommended given the lack of to optimal doses of at least three be used during late-stage pregnancy if
added ASCVD benet and increased rate antihypertensive agents of different needed for volume control (40,42).
of adverse eventsdnamely, hyperkale- classes, one of which should be a di- ACOG also recommends that postpar-
mia, syncope, and acute kidney injury uretic, clinicians should consider an tum patients with gestational hyperten-
(34,35). evaluation for secondary causes of sion, preeclampsia, and superimposed
Combination Drug Therapy hypertension. preeclampsia have their blood pres-
The blood pressure arm of the ADVANCE Pregnancy and Antihypertensive sures observed for 72 h in hospital and
trial demonstrated that routine admin- Medications for 710 days postpartum. Long-term
istration of a xed-dose combination Since there is a lack of randomized con- follow-up is recommended for these
of the ACE inhibitor perindopril and trolled trials of antihypertensive ther- women as they have increased lifetime
the thiazide-like diuretic indapamide apy in pregnant women with diabetes, cardiovascular risk (43).

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