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Term Definition

Hand washing

hand washing Proper procedures for cleaning the germs from the hands

lather A foam or froth formed when a detergent (soap) is agitated in water

tempered water Warm water; 100 -110 degrees


bottle-feed To feed an infant with a bottle

formula A milk mixture or substitute for feeding an infant

breast-feed To feed an infant directly from the mothers breast

breast milk Milk that has been suctioned from a mothers breast to be fed to an
infant in a bottle

room temperature 70 degrees Fahrenheit the temperature at which an infant likes milk


diapering To put on or change the diaper of an infant

don To put on as in clothing.

disposable Able to be discarded, thrown away

diaper rash A skin irritation of the diaper-covered area of an infant, usually caused
by exposure to feces and/or urinary ammonia

ointment A salve or unguent for application to the skin to help eliminate diaper

disinfecting solution A mixture of chlorox and water used to clean counters and other

changing table A flat surface on which to lay an infant to change diapers


naptime A period of time during which an infant sleeps, usually during the

stagger To schedule in order to begin and end at different times, as with infants

crib A small child's bedstead with high enclosed, usually slatted, sides

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