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As seen above there are piles of baby parts laying in blood.

these babies are aborted they are just thrown into a waste basket. These
children are just forgotten about. Some abortions occur as late as 24 weeks,
babies heart beats are heard at 5-6 weeks. They may not be able to live
without the support of their mother but they are showing characteristics of a
human being, mean they should acquire human rights. These babies are not
causing harm to the mother, purly they are doing what they were made to
do, live.
I want to draw your attention to the picture of the freezer and the bed.
These were things located in Dr. Kermit Gosnells abortion clinic known as the
House of Horror. Here he would have mothers give birth to their children
whom had a failed abortion and he would stab their necks with scissors, cut
their snail chord and then put them in the freezer. He had killed over 100
children. He was found guilty for the murder of all the except for baby #4.
People look at what he has done and they shame on him for his murders. He
performed abortions more violently than ditional abortions, but just like any
other abortionists those babies harmless and defenseless babies were
In the picture with the baby in the bucket is an example of what had
happened in China. Women there are not allowed to have more than one
child and are forced to have abortions. Women are forced to carry the child
for nine months and then give birth to them. After they are born the child is
put into a bucket of water to drown. Men are also valued more in places like
China and Japan so when a mother finds out shes having a girl she often
terminates the baby.

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