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Interview Results

1. As a biology teacher, what are your thoughts on

restrictions for teaching certain religious explanations
of the creation of the Earth?
- Religion should not be taught: no evidence
- Discussed in history class
2. Do you believe that the Theory of Evolution
should be required to teach across America?
- Yes it is a theory just like religion but it has facts.
Should be based on facts.
3. Do you believe teaching Christianity should be
banned from teaching across the U.S.?
- No. If students are interested.
- Dont shove it at them.
- Give them the knowledge if they want it as an
- Teach it less ancient and teach morals.
4. Many people argue there should require a
disclaimer before teaching Evolution that states it is
only a theory and you are to believe whatever you
want. What are your thoughts on this?
- Yes to make things clear for them and the
- Yes. This is evolution, but I want you to keep
doing what you do.
5. Personally, do you think religious explanations
coincide with theories of evolution or do you believe
in one or the other?
- Yes

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