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Karin Beshay

Ms. Callon


12 May 2017


Totalitarianism is total control over everyones lives, beliefs and thoughts. It targets to

persuade people to agree with whatever they agree with. Basically everything that might benefit

or entertain ones self is considered rebellion. People dont have a say in anything including their

own personal lives which makes them more similar to robots. It was also expressed In the novel

Big brother is watching you (Orwell 2). Fortunately Today we are informed more about

politics and know how important to be able to have freedom of expressions and freedom to

control our own lives. Brainwashing is an image of Totalitarianism and still exists in today's

society through media, language and policies used by government leaders

According to the article Donald Trumps latest Clinton insult falls into a strange but

telling Trump pattern by Aaron Blake, The author talked about strategies used by Trump which

is basically all about brainwashing methods to make people agree that he is more qualified for

presidency than Clinton. For example when people criticize him for anything bad that he has

done before, he does not do anything but bringing up the flaws or negative points against the

other candidate. Another method which focused on language he seems to be so confident and self

narcissistic in the way he talks. For instance when he said I have a winning temperament but

she has a bad temperament she is weak (Blake 2). Third method he used was targeting a specific

minority and treating them unequally. One evidence for this when he made comments about a
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judge of mexican descent. He tried to cover up his racism but still he couldnt cover it

completely from people. In general all these Information was transmitted to people through

media which everyone now is dependent on. At the end of the article, It showed that more people

were on Clintons side and agreed with her however Trump won. That emphasizes that media is

not always the right source and can have an impact on peoples views and choices.

That connects to the novel 1984 because It clarifies how a totalitarian regime looks like.

According to the novel, the author claimed War is peace/freedom is slavery/ Ignorance is

strength (Orwell 4). That was the slogan of the party. Some of the methods trump used made

connections with the methods used in the novel. In 1984 anyone that disagrees with the

government policies or tries to do something against their beliefs is considered rebellious which

means that any group that disagrees with government leaders policies are targeted and are In

danger. More commonly people who had incurred the displeasure of the party simply

disappointed and were never heard of again. (Orwell 44).

The partys confidence In what they are doing was manipulating people's minds

persuading them why they are right and even if It was not not enough to convince them they

dont have any other option but being on their side unless they dont and It will lead to them

being tortured or might face all kinds of miserable punishment. The essential act of the party is

to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete

honesty (Orwell 215). That quotes emphasizes the party policies in using language to grab

peoples attention and consume their thoughts with the partys beliefs.

Media was a strong and powerful method of brainwashing. It was the method used by

the country leaders to persuade and inform people about what they want them to know about.
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Another thing that connects to todays society was the telescreen that had to be turned on the

whole time so they can watch what everyone is doing to make sure no one is breaking any of

their statutes or Ideologies. In 1984 when Winston said That thing is really turned off? Yes

everything is turned off we are alone (Orwell 169). That emphasizes how turning it off was

something not commonly done and is considered rebellion. It was said by Winston when he met

with O Brien and he turned off the telescreen and all what he was trying to do is set a trap with

the help of the thought police.

Brainwashing was expressed In the novel many times. According to 1984, The author

talked about the party Who controls the past, ran the party slogan controls the future (Orwell

33) . Also after Winston and Julias hatred for the party and acts of rebellion through meeting

with O Brien to rebel against the party, their love and sex. In addition to the fact that Winston

was writing a diary about his hatred towards the regime was enough to put him to death if he was

caught and he knew it. They ended up loving the party tremendously and it shows a big irony.

There was nothing left in them except sorrow for what they had done and love of big brother. It

was touching to see how they loved him, they begged to be shot quickly so that they could die

while their minds were still clean( Orwell 259) and another quote that emphasizes the result of

brainwashing In the novel But it was all right, everything was alright, the struggle was finished,

He had won the victory over himself. He loved big brother (Orwell 300).

In my opinion we should stop using this regime because it works as a barrier for the

country to be more developed and get ahead in different aspects. Everyone should have the

freedom to express their opinions and thoughts about anything. It gives us understanding how

accepting one another is important and creating a fear atmosphere would not benefit anyone but
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will stop countries from getting better. Totalitarianism is everywhere and the people have the

ability to control it and be ready to test what they are hearing and test their beliefs to analyze If

they are making the right choices or If there are any other factors affecting their views.
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Works Cited

Blake, Aaron. Donald Trumps Latest Clinton Insult Falls into a Strange but Telling Trump

Pattern. The Washington Post, WP Company, 25 Aug. 2016,


Orwell, George. 1984. New York, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.

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