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Name: Pham Thi Phuong Thao FTU ID 1411140085 Class ID 82

Assignment: Participation: Opportunity Recognition (15 points)

Note, please fill in this document and print it as-is. Please maintain the formatting (single space, Times New Roman, 11
point font).
Please find and report on 3 trends that open up opportunity for entrepreneurial endeavors and include detailed
information about what is happening (data, statistics, sources, etc). For each opportunity, it is expected that you explain it
for at least 5 sentences and include citations.
Trend 1: Micro-personalization
Well witness the acceleration of the trend to the world of you. One size solutions that dont fit-all, but fit you. Think,
for example, about advances in genomic medicine that allow for engineering of medical treatments for particular genetic
profiles a trend that is closer to reality as a result of the ongoing reduction in cost of genomic sequencing. Retail stores
will speed up their adoption of location and in-store technology that will deliver a highly personalized shopping
experience. Personal concierge service will become all the rage as the elite-service concepts of the airline industry
become mainstream in health care and other industries. In 2017, smart companies will realize its all about you, and
discover significant business opportunity in doing so
This paragraph wraps up just tiny part of a cake. Other than cancer, vaxcinne treatment; people will also being followed
with km away from cyberspace and smart face scanner. Some triggers protection and some in hand will lost privacy
easilier. The scale of benefit demands bombard scope of brain to cope. Hopefully, you might have triple power.
Trend 2: environment & peace
Gadgets get dumb: In 2017, low-tech innovation will gain increasing attention as the marvel of smart things begins to
wear off. People are beginning to realize that many smart things are really dumb things because of bad design. Theyll
begin to rebel or lose interest in many aspects of the Internet of Things, and all the complexities that comes from making
devices connect, work, sync and generally, behave. In addition, the trend will be driven by a desire to come up with
simple solutions to the complex problems of the third world, where simplicity, low cost, and un-connectedness are the
driving factors for design. This means that we can expect innovations with water, small scale energy production, and other
areas, which will flow back into the Western world. Combine both of these issues, and maybe the era of hi-tech gadgetry
will begin to slow or be supplanted by simple, dumb things.
Developed capital get to the bottom to figure its way to lowest cost & profit minimization. Balance of SMEs and Asia
economies lead globe to win-win collaboration with big-guy firms to higher shift of long-term production function.
Politics is a comedy when ego strikes that only dumb silence of USA will count.
Trend 3: social responsibility
The expectation gap: This is a huge issue for 2017, obviously, but people arent really thinking about what to do with it.
Quite simply, people have developed expectations that wont be met. The gap has always been there, but it is evident that
it is growing! For examples, consider the perception that people have with respect to the payout that their pension plans
will provide them in their retirement years, and the likely payout that they will actually receive. People expect a cleaner
environment, and yet seem to continue to insist on driving large, gas guzzling SUVs and high performance cars. People
want smaller big government but dont want to see any of their sacred government spending programs to be touched.
They want top-notch healthcare, but dont want to have to pay for it. They expect to be able to live large, but dont think
that they will be impacted by the resultant lifestyle dieseases of diabetes, hypertension and more. The expectation gap will
become more profound throughout 2017 as the political juggernaut of 2016 continues to play out in the US, the UK and
Forget to pay due bills like water-mounring resources will incrude to debt interest of time to recover motherland. The
demand function shift upward while limited allocation of means stay the same result in higher cost (diabetes) incurred.
Green china is envedeors of future entrepreneurship, businessman is socialist as well.

Works Cited:
Name: Pham Thi Phuong Thao FTU ID 1411140085 Class ID 82
Assignment: Participation: Opportunity Recognition (15 points)

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