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Document >>> Insite2.0_3Q_2012.

ppt powerpoint (I am attaching it so it is all in one


>>> slide number 9

Open Issues:
465 Design Non-Conformances
means serious defects...

>>> slide number 7

2Q Review showed a massive decline in performance in February.
Investigation found that was a measurement error. A new robot was brought
online in Beijing in Feb and was skewing our numbers.
We can now see our performance is gradually getting worse as new devices are
added, which matches the reports we are getting from users.

>>> slide number 8

Not-so-Good News
We have been experiencing a large number of issues on the device-facing
side of the application. This means that even though users can get
into the Questra app, they cannot use remote service features of the
application. We have mechanisms to detect this issue, but not to do trending on it.

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