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jadhuri (GE Healthcare) Subject: FW: tasklist discussed Estimate/Expected time of Task Owner completion (weeks) Progress | Agent DVP update Start date 2/2/2012 Script files -, Genfile.p|, Madhuri 0.5 (2-3) TestFiles updates Madhuri 0.1(1) ‘Agent Datasources 12.4 to 12.6 | Madhuri (0.8 (4 days) Services /deamon process - 9.2.5 14.5 t0 148 Madhuri 1(5 days) Updates to test plan to remove windows specific content Madhuri 1(5 days) Doc Review and MWS release __| Madhuri 1(5 days) Build \Veirfy Build strategy Al/bipti ‘Address code review comments | Al/Dipti 23 days total (Ends March Sth) Best, Madhuri From: Trivedi, Madhuri (GE Healthcare) Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 2:03 PM Te Cc: Trivedi, Madhuri (GE Healthcare) Subject: RE: tasklist discussed Hi Recap of the discussion/decision: ate, Dipti (GE Healthcare); Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare) * Originally we have updated test plan DVP document to include commands for Linux(one approach which we had when this modification task was started upon discussion with Alan.) ‘Address ramp up tracker items later after finishing HeliOS test plan items in the sheet. ‘As there will be only one DVP document for Linux/windows; on Linux machine tester will enter backslash for folder path i.e. to access proper qsacontig_test file. ‘+ We haven't executed section 12 tests during feasibility round of testing. So run the tests and then once exact steps are determined update the test plan document accordingly. + Perl script will change backslash for Linux to windows. And all dls) to so(s). | would suggest please add your comments it any. Best, Madhuri

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