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Introduction to VBA Workshop Outline

Programming with z ArcObjects/VBA overview (9:15-9:45)
ArcObjects z
Customizing ArcMap interface (9:45 10:30)
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) environment (10:30-11:00)
z Morning break (11:00-11:15)
GeoTREE Center z VBA pprogramming
g g concepts
p ((11:15-12:15))
z Lunch (12:15-12:45)
University of Northern Iowa z ArcObjects overview (12:45-1:30)
Geography z Using ArcObjects
z Using ArcObjects 1: Map Display (1:45 2:45)
July 18, 2007 z Afternoon Break (2:45 3:00)
z Using ArcObjects II: Selecting, Geoprocessing (3:00 4:00)

z Developing ArcGIS functionality and
understanding ArcObjects is complicated
z This workshop is a basic introduction to help you
develop ArcGIS customizations
ArcObjects/VBA Overview

ArcObjects/VBA Overview ArcObjects

z ArcGIS provides a large amount of z Set of components or building blocks on which the
scaleable ArcGIS framework is built
z Developed by ESRI using C++ as classes
z However users often want to harness that z Basically everything you see and interact with in any
y in different ways
y than is p
possible ArcGIS application is an ArcObject
out of the box z Maps
z Layers
z Develop customizations to carry out work-flow z Points
tasks z Tables
z Develop customized spatial modeling operations z Fields
z Rasters
z Combine multiple steps into a single customized
z Buttons


Map Button ArcObjects

Layer z There are a huge number of ArcObjects
z Accessible through various
Point programming/development enviroments
z Focus todayy on VBA
z Almost impossible to get to know all ArcObjects
z A strong background using the applications
(ArcMap, ArcCatalog, etc.) important
z Learn how to navigate to get to proper ArcObject


Visual Basic for Applications Other Development

(VBA) Environments
z Visual Basic
z VBA is a development environment that is z C#
provided with ArcGIS (also with Microsoft z C++
Word Excel,
Word, Excel Powerpoint,
Powerpoint etc.)
etc ) with which you z Delphi
can access ArcObjects
z others
z It is a simplified version of Visual Basic
z For customizing applications

Scripting vs. development

environment (ArcObjects)
Start VBA Interface z Scripting for geoprocessing in ArcGIS
z Python, VBScript, etc.
z Scripting calls on ArcObjects to do processing
z Scripting
p g calls upon
p one main ArcObject
z Geoprocessing ArcObject
z Development environments (VBA, VB, C# etc.)
z Allow access to all ArcObjects
z Developing customized interfaces
z Distributable customizations


Scripting vs. Arcobjects

z Scripting with Python z ArcObjects with VBA
z Clip feature class with z Clip feature class with
another feature class another feature class
z Add clipped layer to map
z Symbolize the new layer Customizing ArcMap Interface
z Create a map layout with
the new layer
z Print the map

Customizing ArcMap Interface

z You can control the look and feel of the
ArcMap interface
z Add/remove existing controls A full ArcMap Interface
z Create new controls
z Can associate VBA code to newly created tools,
buttons and menu items

Control Types in ArcMap

z Toolbars
z Buttons, tools

Tool Button
A minimalist ArcMap Interface z Buttons make something happen immediately
z Tools work
ork by
b clicking on the control and then clicking in the map
z Menus
z Menu items (really are just buttons)
z Combo boxes (e.g. Map scale)
z Provide user dropdown choice
z Editbox (rarely used)
z To enter and report information


Customization Demonstration and

Exercise VBA Development Environment

VBA Development Projects Code Module Procedure

Visual Basic Editor

z Accessed through ArcMap or ArcCatalog
z Tools for developing code and user interfaces
z i.e. modules for code and forms for user
Object Box
z A sophisticated program in itself that takes Procedure Box

time to learn
z Lots of functionality and tools to help you
more efficiently write code

Forms VBA Environment

User can design custom interfaces using
z You can store customized controls and codes
the form designer
in either an .mxd project, in the Normal.mxt or
in one of your own template.
z If you save these customizations in the
Normal.mxt they will be available every time
Check box
you open ArcMap (only on your computer).
z Today we are only going to work saving
customizations into a specific .mxd.


VBA Development Environment

Demonstration and Exercise VBA Programming Concepts

Comments Intellisense
z For your sake and others it is important to put z VBA has functionality to finish code for you
comments in your code z While typing a variable, method, procedure,
z Comment enough so when you return to the etc., clicking Ctrl+Spacebar will finish code
code later it will make it much easier for you z A example
An l ffor a variable
i bl namedd
to understand strStateName
z Comments begin with and are shown in red z Type strSt and click Cntrl+Spacebar and VBA will
Get the number of layers that are in the map finish strStateName for you
intLayerCnt = pMap.LayerCount z Very useful to guard against typos

Variables Data types

z Variables are used to store values z Numbers
z It is encouraged practice to declare z Integer whole numbers from -32768-32767
variables z Long large whole numbers
z Dim intMyNumber as Integer z Double all numbers ((very
y large
g or with decimals))
z This tells the program what kind of data type z Strings text
the variable is and provides clarity z Boolean true or false
z One programming convention has the z Dates hold dates
variable name prefaced by an abbreviation z Variant a generic data type that can hold
for what the data type is any data type


Basic data types and

abbreviations Setting variables
z Integer int z You set the variables in an assignment
z intTemp = 32
z Long lng
z lngLength = 45000 Ex. 1
z Double dbl Dim lngX
g as Long g
z dblArea = 1254.56
lngX = 120000
z String str
z strStreet = Clay Street
Ex. 2
z Boolean bln Dim dblAnnualTax as Double
z blnCancel = True Dim dblParcelValue as Double
z Date dat dblParcelValue = 100000
z Variant - var
dblAnnualTax = 0.05 * dblParcelValue

Conditional logic Looping

z It is common to have to account for different z A program often needs to loop through a collection
conditions in programming of objects
z First way to do it is with a For.Next
z Use conditional logic
For intNum = 1 to 10
z M t common is
Most i If Then
Th msgBox The number is & intNum
If intTempF <= 32 then Next I
msgBox It might snow ArcMap Example
Else For i = 0 to pMap.LayerCount - 1
msgBox The layer name is & pMap.Layer(i).Name
msgBox It might rain
Next i
End if

Looping Procedures
z Second way to do it is with a Do.Until or z Procedures hold blocks of code that carry out
Do While intCnt < 50
specific functions
msgBox intCnt z We have seen event procedures
intCnt = intCnt + 1 z E MyButton_Click
E.g. M B tt Cli k
ArcMap Example z Two types
Do Until pRow Is Nothing z Sub procedures
dblArea = pRow.Value(2)
z Functions
Set pRow = pCursor.NextRow


Sub procedures Call sub example

z Can be a control event procedure or a stand-alone Public Sub ShowName()
procedure that is called from somewhere else Dim strName as string
z Should be named logically Call GetName(strName)
z E.g.
g ReturnMapRasters
p msgBox The name is & strName
z When you create a control in ArcMap or Form then End Sub
each sub procedure linked with an event is
automatically named Public Sub GetName(strName as string)
z ZoomOut_Click (ArcMap button)
strName = InputBox(Enter Name, Name)
z cmdGetMapName_Click (form command button)
End Sub

Functions Function example

z Functions take input, process the input, and Public Sub ReportTax()
return output
dblPropVal = 80000
z Many built-in functions in VBA dblTotalTax = CalculateTax(dblPropVal)
z IInt(2.6)
t(2 6) returns
t 2 msgBox The tax due is & dblTotalTax
z Len(Long) returns 4 (i.e. length of string) End Sub
z Functions have a single output that can be
string or numeric Public Function CalculateTax(dblPropVal) as Double
z You can define your own functions CalculateTax = 0.075 * dblPropVal
End Function

Objects Properties
z Mentioned ArcObjects before z Properites are characteristics of an object
z There are other objects z Can set properties in form designer window
z Forms and all controls are objects
z Other objects such as Collections and Arrays
z Each of these objects has properties, events
and methods
z Property is a characteristic or attribute
z Events are user actions that happen to an object
z Methods are things an object can do


Properties Events
z Can also set form and command properties z Forms and controls have a number of
through code potential events they react to
z Use the syntax z cmdLayerName.Click
z cmdLayerName.Caption
dL N C ti = Fi
Firstt Layer
Name z txtLayerName Change
z cmdLayerName.Enabled = False z frmLayerName.Initialize
z txtLayerName.Text =
z frmLayerName.Width = 200

Methods Other Tips

z Things that an object can do z To get help put your cursor on a method or
z frmLayerName.Hide property and click F1
z cmdLayerName.Move 25, 50
z cboLayerName AddItem Iowa
cboLayerName.AddItem Iowa Counties
z Other VBA objects have methods
z E.g. Collection objects are lists to which can hold
different variables
z rasterColl.Add pRaster
z intRasterCnt = rasterColl.Count

Object Oriented Programming

z OOP is centered around objects
z OOP programs have objects that hold data,
have properties, respond to methods, and
raise events
Overview of ArcObjects z E.g. a professors program to calculate
z A student object might hold name, midterm grade,
z A SemGrade method might calculate semester


Object Oriented Programming ArcObjects

z Two tiers of OOP z Set of components or building blocks on which the
scaleable ArcGIS framework is built
z Low-level is creating and using objects (properties z ArcObjects come from classes designed by ESRI
and methods) from existing classes (client) programmers
z Upper-tier
Upper tier of creating the classes themselves z Basically everything you see and interact within any
(server) and writing code for properties and ArcGIS application is an ArcObject
z Maps
z Layers
z We will mainly look at the client side today z Points
z i.e. We are going to make use of existing objects z Tables
(VBA and ArcObjects) z Fields
z Rasters

Map Button Programming Interfaces

Layer z In order to work with ArcObjects you need to learn
how to access objects with interfaces
Point z An interface is a logical grouping of properties and
methods for a class
z Interfaces start with the letter I and variables are
prefaced with p
Dim pMap as IMap
z Can have multiple interfaces on a single class
Polygon z All ArcObjects classes have interfaces

Hypothetical Dog Class

Example Dog class example (cont.)
z To declare and use and IDog object from the
Breed: String
dog class
Bark Dim pDog as IDog
Set pDog = New Dog
pDog.Breed = Poodle
msgBox The dog is a & pDog.Breed
z A single interface (IDog) on a dog class which
has a single property (Breed) and method (Bark)


ArcObjects example Multiple Interfaces

z As mentioned before, can be multiple
Name: String
interfaces on the same class
z In order to access properties and methods
from multiple interfaces you might set up two
variables that are equal to the same object
z This is called a QueryInterface or QI
z The Map class has an interface named IMap and
z Following is a hypothetical example
through that interface you can get/set name of z Will see ArcMap related examples as we go on
the map and you can add a layer.

Hypothetical Dog Class

Example (Two interfaces) Dog class example (cont.)
z To declare and use and IDog object from the
dog class
Breed: String Species: String Dim pDog as IDog
Dim pAnimal as IAnimal
Age: Integer
I t
Age: Integer Set pDog = Ne
New Dog
Eat Eat
Set pAnimal = pDog QueryInterface
pDog.Breed = Poodle
z Two interfaces with different properties and pAnimal.Age = 10
methods on the Dog object msgBox The dog is a pDog.Breed & and she is
pAnimal.Age & years old.
z The IAnimal is an interface on different classes

Object Model Diagrams OMDs

z There are many (thousands) of ArcObjects z Designed with Unified Modeling Language
classes z Very detailed
z In order to get to a given object you might z Have to learn how to read like a roadmap
have to navigate
g through
g many y others z Can be complicated and daunting
z MxDocument - Map Layer
z Learn how to read and only get to what you
z There are a set of diagrams (pdf files) which need
provide a graphical representation of these
objects, interfaces, methods, properties, and z OMDs organized by categories (i.e.
relationships Geometry, Geodatabase, ArcCatalog, Spatial
z Object Model Diagrams


z There is a key on every OMD explaining
classes and relationships

Symbols OMDs online

Get/Put (read/write) z Go to
Get (read) m
z Panel on right of window click on ArcObjects
P t ((write)
Put it )
Library Reference at bottom
z Choose the category you think that you think your
Put by reference (use Set ..) ArcObject might be found and click on it
z Click on the .Object Model Diagram and it will
Method open up the OMD

Class Types Class Types Symbology

z There are different kinds of classes
z Abstract classes no objects created from these
z Classes (regular) made or gotten from other
z Coclasses can create objects from coclasses
z E.g. our Dog class earlier could create a new Dog
z Can also get objects of coclasses from other objects
that return them
E.g. a new Map object is returned from another class with
the .FocusMap method


Class Relationships Association and inheritance

z Associations Map

z Instantiation one class has a method that IMap

creates new object from another class Layer(s) associated

z I h it
Inheritance a class
l uses as an iinterface
t f
* with Map
from a more general class ILayer Name

z Composition objects in one class (whole FeatureLayer(s)

class) control lifetime of another class (part use interfaces of Layer
class) FeatureLayer

Code Examples Instantiation (create)

z Association FeatureClass
Dim pMap as IMap IFeatureClass Search

Dim pLayer as ILayer A FeatureCursor object

p p set here is created from a
Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(0)
FeatureClass object
z Inheritance
Dim pFeatureLayer as ILayer using the Search
Set pFeatureLayer = New FeatureLayer IFeatureCursor method
pLayer.Name = Iowa Counties

Composition (create) Miscellaneous OMD stuff

MxDocument A balloon like this indicates you need to go
IMxDocument FocusMap: IMap to another OMD
An MxDocument can
This syntax indicates the
have multiple maps.
maps If Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer
Layer property requires a
you delete the variable of type Long and
MxDocument then the returns an ILayer object

IMap Maps are deleted


Code Example Two special objects

z Instantiation z To use VBA for ArcMap a map document
pFeatureClass would be set in here must be already be open
Dim pFeatureCursor as IFeatureCursor z Two objects are already in use at this point
Set pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass
Search(Nothing True) z A li ti object
Application bj t
z Called Application
z MxDocument object
z Called ThisDocument

MxDocument ArcObjects and VBA Help

z With an .mxd open saved as ThisDoc.mxd z In the VBA editor to get Visual Basic Help go
to Help Microsoft Visual Basic Help

z To get help for ArcObjects click F1 on and

interface in the code module windows
MsgBox ThisDocument.Title z E.g. put your mouse on IMap and click F1

Example ArcObjects Help Method help

Tells which OMD


Code example

Using ArcObjects: Map

Display, Layers, Feature
Classes, and Tables

Get layer from Map

Practical Examples Get Map
Dim pMxDoc as IMxDocument
z Get the MxDocument and the active map or Dim pMap as IMap
data frame Dim pLayer as ILayer
z The following code is probably going to be get the map
used in most programs you write Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Dim pMxDoc as IMxDocument Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
Dim pMap as IMap MxDocument get the first layer in the map
get the map IMxDocument FocusMap: IMap Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(0)
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument msgBox pLayer.Name
Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap Map

IMap Layer (in Index:Long): ILayer

Create and add a new feature layer

Find and move a layer .
Dim pSFWSFact as IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pFeatWS as IFeatureWorkspace
. Dim pFeatureClass as IFeatureClass
Dim pFeatureLayer as IFeatureLayer
get layer count, use that to get bottom layer, set the workspace
move that layer to the top Set pSFWSFact as new ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
Set pFeatWS = pSFWSFact.OpenFromFile(
D:\VBAWshop , 0)
intLayerCnt = pMap
open feature class
Set pMoveLayer = pMap.Layer(intLayerCnt 1) Set pFeatureClass = pFeatWS.Open(IowaRivers.shp)
create layer, set its feature class, set name, and add to map
pMap.MoveLayer pMoveLayer, 0
Set pFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer
Set pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pFeatureClass
pFeatureLayer.Name = Iowa Rivers
pMap.AddLayer pFeatureLayer
IMap MoveLayer (in Layer:ILayer, in Index:Long)


Create and add a new feature

layer Zoom to Extent of Layer

IWorkspaceFactory OpenFromFile (in FileName: String,

In hWnd: OLE_Handle): IWorkspace
Dim pExtent as IEnvelope
get the layer and its extent
Workspace Set ppZoomLayery =p pMap.Layer(0)
p y ( )
IFeatureWorkspace OpenFeatureClass (in String): Set pExtent = pZoomLayer.AreaOfInterest
zoom to the extent and refresh the view
pMxDoc.ActiveView.Extent = pExtent
IFeatureLayer FeatureClass: IFeatureClass


Zoom to layer extent

Tables and feature classes

ILayer AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope

Table Row

ITable IRow
IEnvelope Composed
IEnvelope XMin: Double
FeatureClass Feature

MxDocument IFeatureClass IFeature

IMxDocument ActiveView: IActiveView


Extent (in: IEnvelope)


Tables Open Table (.dbf)

z Open from an IWorkspace object Dim pSFWSFact As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pTableWS As IFeatureWorkspace
z Use an AccessWorkspaceFactory to open a Dim pOpenTable As ITable
personal geodatabase table Dim intRowCnt As Integer

z Use a ShapefileWorkspaceFactory to open a .dbf

dbf set the workspace
Set pSFWSFact = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
table Set pTableWS = pSFWSFact.OpenFromFile("D:\temp\julytrash\VBAwshop", 0)
z ExcelWorkspaceFactory to open an .xls table 'open the table
z others??? Set pOpenTable = pTableWS.OpenTable(IowaCounty_Population.dbf")

'get the number of rows and report

intRowCnt = pOpenTable.RowCount(Nothing)
MsgBox intRowCnt


Open Table (Personal

Geodatabase table)
Dim pAccessFact As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pTableWS As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pOpenTable As ITable Using ArcObjects II:
Dim intRowCnt As Integer
Cursors, Selection Sets,
set the workspace
Set pAccessFact = New AccessWorkspaceFactory
Set pTableWS = pAccessFact.OpenFromFile("D:\VBAWshop\Iowa.mdb", 0)
'open the table
Set pOpenTable = pTableWS.OpenTable("IowaCountyPopulation")

'get the
intRowCnt = pOpenTable.RowCount(Nothing)
MsgBox intRowCnt

Table cursor example

Dim pCursor as ICursor
z Cursors are used to retrieve a set of records Dim pQF as IQueryFilter
Dim pRow as IRow
z You can step through a cursor row by row in Dim intFldPos as integer
a forward direction get the field position of the County name field
intFldPos = pOpenTable.FindField(
z Th
These are nott the
th selected
l t d records
d you might
i ht 'set up the cursor using a query filter
see through an attribute query Set pQF = New QueryFilter
pQF.WhereClause = "[TOT_POP] > 100000"
z Very useful for getting and setting values in Set pCursor = pOpenTable.Search(pQF, True)
Set pRow = pCursor.NextRow
records row by row loop through and list counties with Pop > 100000
Do Until pRow Is Nothing
MsgBox pRow.Value(intFldPos)
Set pRow = pCursor.NextRow

Selection Set
Tables and feature classes 'select the counties that have a population > 100000
Dim pCountyFLayer As IFeatureLayer
Dim pCountyQF As IQueryFilter
Row Dim pCountyFSel As IFeatureSelection
Value 'get the layer and its feature class
NextRow IRow
ICursor Set pCountyFLayer = pMap.Layer(0)

'set up the query filter

Set pCountyQF = New QueryFilter
Table QueryFilter
pCountyQF.WhereClause = "Tot_Pop > 100000"

'set feature selection to the layer and refresh the map
ITable IQueryFilter Set pCountyFSel = pCountyFLayer QI
pCountyFSel.SelectFeatures pCountyQF, esriSelectionResultNew, False


Tables and feature classes

Spatial Processing

FeatureSelection FeatureLayer
z There is no central location for accessing
spatial processing objects
SelectFeatures FeatureClass
IFeatureSelection IFeatureLayer z IBasicGeoprocessor
z Cli Di
Clip, Dissolve,
l IIntersect,
t t MMerge, U
i etc.
z ITopologicalOperator
z Buffer, Clip, Cut, Simplify, etc.
QueryFilter z ITopologicalOperator2
z ConstructBuffers, ClipToDomain

Buffer Example
'This sub should buffer the first feature layer in map with graphics
Dim pTopoOperator As ITopologicalOperator
Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
Dim pFeature As IFeature
Dim pElement As IElement
Dim pGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer
'set the graphics container
Set pGraphicsContainer = pMap
'get the layer and feature class
'set up feature cursor, loop through and buffer each feature, add graphic to map
Set pFeatureCursor = pBufferFC.Search(Nothing, True)
Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
Set pTopoOperator = pFeature.Shape
Set pElement = New PolygonElement
pElement.Geometry = pTopoOperator.Buffer(2500)
pGraphicsContainer.AddElement pElement, 0
Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
'refresh the view


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