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Early Life:
Plato was born on 428/427 or 424/423 BC (its undetermined) in Athens, Greece. It was
strange for him to be named plato because he was not named after a grandfather or
father. Platos father, Ariston, was a descendant of a few kings of Athens, so his family
was fairly wealthy. His father was also very selfless, so he made sure Plato had a very
nice education. Plato was a very smart child, anyway, though. He was most likely taught
in gymnastics, grammar, music, and philosophy.
Plato was thought to have travelled to Italy, Sicily, Egypt, and Cyrene. While he was
gone, he founded one of the largest organized schools known in Western Civilization. It
was later shut down in 84 BCE by Lucius Cornelius Sulla. After that, it was opened
again, but closed again because it was claimed there was too much christianity. After he
got home, he left to travel again. He was going to visit Syracuse while he was under
the rule of Dionysus. Dionysuss brother-in-law was there and became a disciple, but
Dionysus found out and tried to put Plato to death. It did not work, though. Plato was
sold into slavery, rather than death.

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